Feng Shui apprentice ten years debut is the Celestial Master

Chapter 385 The Completely Completed Star City

Chapter 385 The Completely Completed Star City
"Not in a hurry to do it? Why?"

The Winged King was puzzled.

The rest of the people also looked puzzled.

"Since that beautiful big white cat has chosen the strategy of besieging the city and cutting off food, it will definitely send troops to strictly monitor our actions in Star City. A sneak attack at night may have little effect, and it will be discovered soon."

Fang Ce responded with a smile.

"Hmm...it does make sense, then, son-in-law, do you think it's better for us to do it?"

Winged King nodded. In fact, it was not impossible for him to think of this. The key point was that he was a little anxious.

"Since the food is enough to support her for two or three months, why not let her survive for a month or two."

"This? One or two months? So long? Why?"

The Winged King was even more astonished.

The rest also looked at each other in dismay.

"The big white cat wants to wait for work with leisure, why can't we wait for work with leisure? After a month or two, the other party will be exhausted outside. He must be more tired than us, and his vigilance will be much more relaxed. At that time, if we are caught by surprise, the effect will be better? and……

Another point is that a large number of soldiers from the Shenhu Kingdom are squatting outside, so they don't have to consume food and grass?Give them some more time, and bring more food here to stock up.At that time, we will also have a good harvest.Isn't the destroyed food coming back now? "

Fang Ce responded with a smile.

"This!? Good idea! Then do it!"

Winged King's eyes lit up immediately.

"Yeah, why didn't I think of that?"

You Dai also showed a happy and excited smile.

Hao Yangmen Hu and the others couldn't help but nodded thoughtfully.

At this moment, outside the mountains, in the Shenhu Kingdom army camp.

"My lord, is this going to besiege the city and cut off food?"

Qiu Li was puzzled.

"Well, the terrain here is indeed weird. A strong attack is too unfavorable to us. Why not do it if we can solve it in an easier way?"

The empress of the Shenhu Kingdom nodded her head lightly. If it wasn't for the fact that King Yiren has cultivated for ten thousand years now, she would definitely take this star city by force.But now that the situation has changed, she has to settle for the next best thing.After all, if the losses here are too heavy, if the Lishen Kingdom suddenly launches an attack, it will be detrimental to the entire Shenhu Kingdom!
"This... The problem is, the Yiren tribe can fly, in case they abandon the city now..."

Qiu Li showed a look of hesitation. This method of besieging the city and cutting off food is not bad for other races. After all, it will block the main traffic arteries on the ground, and it will be over.But for the winged humans who can fly, how can this be so easy to intercept?
"Hmph, isn't that better? After leaving this place, where else can these guys go? Dare to confront this emperor head-on? When the time comes, occupy this place first, and it won't be too late to figure out what's going on."

The empress said softly, originally she was thinking of taking the source water, but after seeing the Yiren Wang Wannian's cultivation, she changed her mind, and now she wants to curb the revival of the Yiren race!The source of water is no longer the main purpose. It is good to force these guys back to the Tianfeng Mountain Range. Anyway, it is right to prevent the Winged Human Race from recovering!
"Yeah, I got it……"

Qiuli nodded. In fact, she didn't know what the Empress was planning, but since the Empress obviously had thoughts, she was right to nod...

As a result, a stalemate situation unfolded.

The Shenhu Kingdom led one hundred thousand elites to squat outside the Star City, while the Yiren continued to develop in the Star City.Of course, the two sides have not always lived in peace, because the wise and wise Empress will send troops from time to time to investigate whether Star City has sent troops to search for food or re-plow the land to grow food.

Once discovered, the empress immediately sent troops to attack and stop it.This caused ordinary Yiren people in Star City to complain endlessly.Because these ordinary people don't know the coping strategies of King Yiren and Fang Ce.I just received the news that Star City has enough food, so everyone can rest assured.

However, with the army of the Tiger Kingdom outside looking at them covetously, how can these ordinary people be completely at ease?If it hadn't been confirmed that Yiren Wang Wannian's cultivation was able to repel the empress of the Shenhu Kingdom, they would probably have to sneak away...

Except for the stalemate between Star City and the empress of Shenhu Kingdom, it is far away on the other side.A few guys in Bandu are still squatting and watching.Now they are getting more and more confused about the situation.Are Fang Ce and the others in Star City?

If so, why didn't he take action to repel the empress of Shenhu Kingdom?If not, what is going on with the Feng Shui formation in Star City?Of course, what they are most worried about is that Fang Ce is hiding in the dark and is still plotting against them for the kingdom of power...

If they knew, Fang Ce at this moment had already forgotten their Lishen Kingdom aside, and he didn't know what he would think...

A month passed, late at night.

Outside the mountains, the empress still led the army of the Shenhu Kingdom to garrison.Because the Yimen in Star City hadn't moved for a long time, the vigilance here had been somewhat relaxed.The mighty Empress was even more certain that King Yiren dared not come out to confront her.

After all, after the last contest, the Empress can see that the strength of the current Winged King is indeed a bit weaker.Leaving the terrain, she must not be her opponent. Taking the initiative to challenge, isn't it courting death?

At this time, most of the soldiers of the Shenhu Kingdom army had fallen asleep.

Before everyone could react, a terrifying aura came quickly, and then boomed! !Thunder exploded!A large piece of thunder fell directly on the army of the Shenhu Kingdom. In a short moment, the night was as bright as day!
"Huh!? Courting death!!!"

There was a sound of anger!
The Empress was alarmed in an instant, and instantly guessed that it was the Winged King who led the army in a sneak attack!She immediately flew out furiously, and quickly transformed into the form of a tiger with two wings!
All the soldiers of Shenhu Kingdom were also alarmed one after another, and hurriedly entered the fighting state.

Another large expanse of terrifying thunder fell!Amidst the howling, countless soldiers from the Shenhu Kingdom were bombarded and killed!

At this time, the Empress had already seen the attacker clearly, and as she expected, it was the Yiren King who led the army to sneak attack!However, what surprised her was that the opponent's thousands of winged human warriors formed three strange ball formations that she had never seen before!
The first formation is centered on King Yiren, and the other two formations are centered on You Dai and Hao Yang Liangguang.

This Hao Yang Liangguang also has the talent to master the ancient battle formation, and now he masters the fire attribute ancient land hero formation.Before, there was not enough troops, so he didn't let him master it. Now that the Yiren tribe has enough troops, they obtained this formation from Fang Ce at the request of the Yiren King.

"Winged King! You are courting death!!!"

At this time, how can the empress of Shenhu Kingdom have the mood to care about the strangeness of so many battles in front of her, have you seen them before, the extremely fast figure shuttled out in an instant, leaving behind beautiful afterimages like streamers, and quickly rushed towards the ancient battle formation The Winged King at the core!

When she thought about it, the Winged King ran out of the mountains, how could he still be her opponent?Why don't you take this opportunity to take down this lifeless Winged King?

However, when the empress of Shenhu Kingdom killed King Yiren in an instant, and the moment her terrifying claws attacked with ice, she suddenly felt a powerful force counteracting her attack, and when her attack landed on King Yiren At the moment, there is almost no power left!

"How is this going!?"

The empress's big cat eyes immediately revealed a look of shock, but before she could think about it, she had already sensed a terrifying power burst out from the winged king!
"not good!!"

The empress was horrified, but it was too late to react now!

The empress spat out a mouthful of blood, and was directly blasted away by a terrifying thunderbolt!
The Winged King counterattacked in an instant with an extremely fast Jiyuan Jue, and did not give the Empress of Shenhu Kingdom any chance to react!
"Damn! Withdraw! Withdraw immediately! Withdraw!"

The empress made a decisive decision and quickly ordered the withdrawal of troops.Because at this moment she has been seriously injured!And the situation is obviously not right, all this is still in a state of confusion, if one fails, her entire army may be wiped out here, so naturally she dare not take the risk.

The big cat female emperor who has been cultivated for ten thousand years is powerful, and her escape speed can be described as extremely fast, and she escaped without a trace.And those ordinary Shenhu soldiers, especially those who can't fly, are not so lucky.

The ancient battle formations controlled by the three winged kings are all capable of flying, and they can't win if they run, and they can't be blocked.Suddenly, there was a continuous sound of fear and wailing!These Shenhu warriors have never encountered such a terrifying enemy, and they can't shake a pawn of the opponent with almost all their strength!How can I fight this?
All of a sudden, the [-] elites of the Shenhu Kingdom were defeated like a mountain, and they were killed and ran around with their heads in their hands.In fact, if it weren't for Yiren Wang, who has been cultivated for thousands of years, they might still be able to resist for a while.But with the Winged King here, how could these small soldiers and generals be able to stop the attack?
At this time, on a mountain far away in the northwest.

"What's going on!? Night attack!? Under the leadership of that woman, the [-] elites of the Shenhu Kingdom can't defeat the troops of the Yiren Clan!? How is this possible!?"

Ban Du and the others looked shocked and astonished. In the middle of the night, they were already resting and hadn't realized what was going on. It seemed that there was already a one-sided battle over there.And in this night, they couldn't see the situation in the distance well.

"Isn't it? The Yiren tribe defeated the Shenhu Kingdom!? Now the Yiren tribe's strength can defeat the Shenhu Kingdom!? And isn't the empress of the Shenhu Kingdom stronger than the Yiren King? Why did you lose all of a sudden?" gone?"

Chao Bu couldn't help but speak in shock.

"Perhaps it was accidentally attacked..."

Ban Du's complexion fluctuated.

"This... This situation seems a bit unfavorable... Lord Valkyrie, should we make a move..."

"Don't act rashly! The situation over there is still unclear, and it is taboo to act in such a situation!"

You Hong said in a deep voice.

"Yes! Patriarch! It's a small negligence!"

Zhao Bu's heart shuddered.

As the faces of Ban Du and the others tried their best to look and observe, the sky had gradually turned pale.

The battle outside the mountains of Xingcheng has ended. The Winged Human Race has won a complete victory with almost no damage, defeating the [-] elites led by the empress of the Shenhu Kingdom!
All of a sudden, the sky-shattering cheers sounded and spread far away.

The cheers that came from afar made everyone in Ban Du's eyes twitch, and they all had some bad premonitions in their hearts!Then several people glanced at each other and left quickly.Because the empress of the Shenhu Kingdom retreated, they stayed here and were unable to observe any information for the time being.

At this point, return to the Star City meeting hall.

"Hahahaha! Hahahahahaha!"

I saw Yiren Wang leading the crowd to laugh and return.

You Dai's stunningly beautiful face was overflowing with excitement.

Hao Yangmenhu and others, and even all the Yiren were equally excited at the moment.

Because this battle means that their Winged Human Race has completely defeated the Shenhu Kingdom!The Wing Terrans have really stood up!How can you not be excited?How can you not be excited?I'm afraid they will be so happy that they won't sleep a wink for three days and three nights!

There was a cry of excitement.

You Dai, who saw Fang Ce, threw herself into Fang Ce's arms, expressing her excitement and enthusiasm.

Fang Ce couldn't help being stunned, but helplessly hugged the sweet girl in his arms gently.

The Winged King and the others were delighted to see it.

Fortunately, after a period of time, the excited Winged King and everyone calmed down a little.

"How was the result of this battle?"

The Winged King asked expectantly.

"Back... back to the king, in this battle, only dozens of us suffered some injuries, and the number of enemy troops killed... tens of thousands! There should be 3 prisoners! There should be thirty... About 30 hu, enough for us to eat for a year!!"

Hao Yangmenhu said excitedly and tremblingly.

"Good! Good! Good! Hahahahaha!"

Winged King repeatedly applauded, and couldn't help laughing again.

The rest of the people also laughed.

You Dai's soft and warm body just hugged Fang Ce's arms...

All day long, everyone in Star City cheered and celebrated.

Of course, the Yiren King will not forget to send people back to the Tianfeng Mountain Range to publicize and gather the tribe.And it's still necessary to hurry back and spread the good news!This time, there is no need to brag at all, there are zero casualties in Star City, repelling the 30 elites led by the Empress of Shenhu Kingdom...

After this battle, the empress of the Shenhu Kingdom remained silent, as if she was recovering from her injuries.Moreover, although Shenhu Kingdom's vitality was not seriously injured this time, it was still a big loss, and it did not dare to act rashly.

Of course, the power of the Shenhu Kingdom is definitely far more than a simple [-] elites. The problem is that there are not only the two forces of the Shenhu Kingdom and the Winged Human Race, but also the power of the God Kingdom!How dare the empress of Shenhu Kingdom act rashly?
Soon, half a year passed.

One after another, a famous wingman came out of the Tianfeng Mountains and defected to Star City, directly bringing the population of Star City to 28!However, this is almost all the winged people hiding in the Tianfeng Mountain Range.Because in the back, it is almost impossible to find traces of the Winged Human Race in the mountains.

Moreover, even the six most rebellious Anubipo leaders of the Winged Human Race led the tribe back.Then there are naturally very few Yiren who can still hide in the Tianfeng Mountain Range. Basically, they hide too far away and have not received any news...

And the return of the six Anu Bipo was also forced to return, because they couldn't stand the people under their command and went to Xingcheng quietly one by one.After the news of the 30 elites of the Goddess Tiger Kingdom's empress in Star City's defeat came back, the Yimen in the entire Tianfeng Mountain Range went crazy.

The Star City Yiren King defeated the 30 elites of the Shenhu Kingdom Empress. Anyone who wasn't out of their minds wouldn't understand what this meant.This means that the Wing Human Race has completely regained its foothold and has the capital to compete with the two great empires!

How can these winged people who hide and hide, eat their last meal and may not have their next meal, and have been aggrieved for so many years, how can they not return like an arrow?Who wouldn't want to live a good life again with a straight chest?

The leaders like Anu Bipo couldn't stop them even if they wanted to.And they can't question the news if they want to question it.

Because when Xingcheng was besieged by the empress of the Shenhu Kingdom and ran out of food, they had already received the news, and even made sarcasm and ridicule in front of the tribes under their command that the Yiren King was overconfident, and secretly boasted about his vicious vision , Accurate grasp of the situation.It means that only following them is a wise decision...

Unexpectedly, one month later, the Yiren King was able to "counterattack" and smashed the 30 army of the Empress of the Tiger Kingdom in one fell swoop.All of a sudden, their faces were red and swollen, so how dare they say anything suspicious...

At this time, the Star City is already a bustling scene.There are palaces, downtowns, and private schools!Because in the past six months, the entire city has been built!

(End of this chapter)

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