Feng Shui apprentice ten years debut is the Celestial Master

Chapter 386 Obtaining the source water and rushing to build a sky city strategy

Chapter 386 Obtaining the source water and rushing to build a sky city strategy

In the newly built hall, King Yiren summoned his ministers.

"Everyone, although our Yiren tribe has established a firm foothold and officially established a country, the tribesmen in the Tianfeng Mountain Range have basically been summoned back. But... there are still many tribesmen living outside. In today's Shenhu Kingdom, Kingdom of God! A slave! A servant!"

Winged King's eyes were full of anger, and he said sonorously, as if waking up everyone present.

Hearing this, Hu Zhongyi of the Haoyang Clan couldn't help being a little excited, and their blood boiled!

"Now that Star City has stabilized, the next step is to rescue those tribesmen who are living outside and being bullied, and counterattack Shenhu Kingdom and Lishen Kingdom! Rescue our tribe! Take back our territory!"

The Winged King spoke again in a deep voice.

"Rescue our people! Take back our territory!"

"Rescue our people! Take back our territory!"

"Rescue our people! Take back our territory!"

The Hu Zhongyi people of the Haoyang Clan shouted one after another.

The Winged King stretched out his hands to signal everyone to calm down, and then said: "My current plan is to personally lead the four ancient battle formations and tens of thousands of troops to attack the Shenhu Kingdom.

However, Star City, as the place where our Yiren Kingdom will be revived, cannot be left alone.Therefore, I decided to hand over everything here to Dai'er and Guo-in-law, and you should assist and cooperate well. "

As he spoke, he looked at Fang Ce and You Dai, especially Fang Ce.

This is what he negotiated with Fang Ce during this period of time, please ask Fang Ce to guard here and protect the winged human race.And he launched an attack on the Shenhu Kingdom, taking back the city and saving the people along the way.After solving the Shenhu Kingdom, turn around and deal with the Lishen Kingdom!
And in the past six months, with the return of the clansmen, there are already [-] Yiren clans who have cultivated for more than [-] years, enough to form five ancient battle formations.The Yiren King personally led the four expeditions, and Her Royal Highness the Princess led one to guard the Star City.And Fang Ce is the last shield of Star City...

At this time, everyone looked at Fang Ce, and their eyes basically meant to obey.However, there are also a few who are not convinced and unwilling, but no one dares to say anything.

For example, some of them, Anu Bipo, were unconvinced. Why should they obey a foreigner?But now they can only be unconvinced in their hearts and dare not show it at all.Because the domineering father-in-law, Yiren Wang, has no brains to support this foreign son-in-law, and they can't do anything...

In the past six months, with the return of the Yiren tribe, there will naturally be all kinds of birds in the forest.Many people don't know how the Yiren King suddenly rose. They only know that Fang Ce is Her Royal Highness's savior. Naturally, they will not accept it easily, and even envy Fang Ce's status in the Yiren tribe.

During this period, many people tried their best to deal with the tactics, including but not limited to crowding out, making things difficult, sneak attacking, planting and other dirty methods, anyway, they used everything to the extreme.It's a pity that King Yiren didn't care about these guys, he just stood on Fang Ce's side without thinking, and even said domineeringly, "What the son-in-law is right is right, and what is wrong is also right!"If you don't agree, come to me! '

As soon as these words came out, it was already completely clearing up the meaning of protecting the calf, who would dare to provoke Fang Ce.After Yiren Wang cultivated into the ancient battle formation, he never restrained his breath.Because when he successfully cultivated the Desolate Ancient Battle Formation, the ability to restrain his breath disappeared and seemed to be replaced.

Therefore, the aura that led to his ten thousand years of cultivation covered almost the entire Star City all the year round.This not only made the people in awe, but also made them feel at ease.In this way, who dares to be slightly dissatisfied?Before you want to continue to make trouble, you have to weigh your own ability after sensing this breath...

It can be said that basically when Fang Ce encounters problems, he doesn't need to do anything himself, and everything will be solved by King Yiren, His Highness the Princess, and the clan elders who followed him from the beginning.

Among the seven returned leaders, basically only Bo Lan Yafei, who was dealt with by Fang Ce himself, did not make any small moves.After all, this guy has deeply experienced the horror of Fang Ce's strength. He is sure that even King Yiren is not Fang Ce's opponent!
I also firmly believe that the sudden rise of the Winged Human Race is definitely related to Fang Ce.So, how could he foolishly provoke Fang Ce.Basically just squatting aside and watching lively jokes...

"Well, it seems that everyone has no objections."

The Winged King nodded in satisfaction.

Anubipo and the others all cursed secretly, who dares to have an opinion?

"Guo-in-law, you and Dai'er will take care of this place."

Winged King spoke to Fang Ce again.

"The Yiren King can rest assured to save his people. With the intelligent and intelligent Princess here, there will be no problems."

Fang Ce smiled and clasped his fists.

You Dai couldn't help but blushed, with a look of embarrassment.

Afterwards, Winged King discussed the details of the strategic deployment with everyone for a long time.

The next day, King Yiren led his army to go out under the watchful eyes of everyone.

"Well... I hope the Winged King can stabilize the situation as soon as possible..."

Fang Ce stood at the entrance of the main hall, looking at the sky in the distance. It has been a long time since they came to the Eastern Continent.Now I don't know how the state of the Kingdom of God is, and whether the little lady of Transformation Snake has made any troubles for him.

Fortunately, there was a connection between him and Jiuying Liang Xue. If there was anything, Liang Xue would definitely call him.

You Dai heard the words but couldn't help but her heart tightened, she clenched her pink fist, the master's emotion was not a good omen for her...

At night, the room has a big bed.

"Master, as long as you get the source water, you will leave the Winged Human Race, right..."

Nestled in Fang Ce's arms, You Dai spoke quietly.

"Uh... almost, but don't worry, I will ensure that the winged people are completely stable and there will be no more problems before I leave. After I get the source land of the Shenhu Kingdom, it is almost time to go back. I left already It's been too long, and I'm somewhat worried that something will happen in the Middle-earth Continent."

Fang policy responded.

"Aren't there three gods guarding there? Do you... have anything to worry about?"

"This... I'm a little confused. The situation in Middle-earth is also a bit complicated. It's not as beautiful as you imagined..."

Fang Ce felt a little helpless, the Three Gods were just his fabricated names.If the little lady Hua Snake loses her temper, she doesn't care about her status as a god...

"Is that so...Master...when the time comes...you can take Dai'er away too..."

You Dai's voice sounded softly again.

Fang Ce couldn't help being stunned: "This...takes...takes you away? Your Royal Highness, this is..."

"Master, please... take Dai'er and leave together... Dai'er knows that the master doesn't like slaves, but Dai'er doesn't ask for anything, just stay by the master's side as a slave. Master, please agree Slaves..."

You Dai couldn't help sobbing.

"This? Your Royal Highness, what are you talking about? How can there be anything you don't like? You are already an incomparably noble Princess, so why belittle yourself? Let alone being a servant... This is too much." ...It's too unnecessary..."

Fang Ce couldn't help being a little ridiculous, what's the point of this, if you don't want to be a good noble princess, why don't you insist on staying by his side as a maid?He has really become a favorite, and thousands of girls are crazy about him?I don't see fairies, snake girls, etc. being impressed by his charm...

"Master... Do you think I can leave you now? You left, and I stay here alone. How can I face the eyes of my father and all the clansmen?"

You Dai's voice became a little choked up.

Fang Ce was taken aback, and soon came to his senses, that's right, these days, he and You Dai have been married as a loving couple, if you just leave You Dai here alone.Wouldn't Her Royal Highness be treated as an abandoned woman by everyone?

At that time, even if no one dares to say anything due to You Dai's identity, it will be difficult to hide the words in the eyes of so many people...

"I know that I wanted the master to help our winged human race restore the country... I took advantage of the master... I also know myself, I won't push my feet, when the master leaves in the future, just take me to leave together, I won't make any difference what request..."

You Dai's eyes are already moist.

"Forget it, if you want to leave with me, follow me. At that time, whenever you want to come back, you can come back."

Fang Ce sighed softly. To him, this was not an embarrassing request. If he refused to agree, it would be a little unreasonable.

You Dai was taken aback for a moment, then nodded excitedly: "Thank... thank you, thank you master..."

"Okay, you don't need to call me master all the time. For you now, it's not necessary."

Fang Ce shook his head helplessly.

"Well, thank you, Master...Father...has given me the source water for safekeeping..."

You Dai replied lightly.

Fang Ce was taken aback when he heard this, and then couldn't help but smile bitterly, good guy, Yuanshui is already in the hands of this little girl.If he hadn't agreed just now, I'm afraid this girl wouldn't have told him the news so quickly, right?


"Oh, just get it. Wait for the Yiren Kingdom to stabilize completely, and then leave it to me."

"If the master wants it now, I can give it to you now. I can still trust the master..."

"Can you give it to me now?"


"Well... that's fine, I'm about to start preparing to build the Sky City."

Fang Ce nodded silently. He was going to start building the Sky City while the Yiren King was out fighting.When the Yiren King stabilizes the Yiren Kingdom, he can leave directly without wasting time.

And now this Star City has been built according to the fairy's plan, what is lacking is the creation of special geomantic terrain.Tomorrow he can discuss this matter with the fairy.

"Castle in the Sky……"

You Dai made a soft sound, but took out a treasure box casually.

When the treasure box was opened, it was a piece of jade that glowed blue like ice and seemed to contain vitality.

"Well, thank you very much, Your Royal Highness."

Fang Ce immediately put away the treasure box happily.

You Dai was stunned for a moment, looked at the empty palm, and finally didn't say anything, just fell asleep peacefully on Fang Ce's chest...

The next day, Fang Ce got up early and took Xin Yu to a remote place outside Star City to restore the Xuanwu Pillar with source water.The shadow of Xuanwu is a gigantic spirit creature made up of turtles and snakes, twenty feet long, fifteen feet wide, and six feet high.

"Fairy, I can just use the four nine artifacts on hand and ordinary materials to create an eighth-level special feng shui formation, will that be enough?"

Fang Ce smiled.

"If you're in a hurry to get the Sky City right now, it's certainly possible. However, I suggest that the base used to fix the Nine Divine Artifacts should be made of cold iron. It will be more stable."

Xin Yu was a little dumbfounded. In her opinion, Fang Ce's move was entirely out of curiosity and playfulness.

"Hiss... cold iron..."

Fang's strategy hesitated.

"Master, although cold iron is considered a valuable material, it is not too difficult to collect. Later, I can ask the clansmen to help you collect it, Master."

You Dai on the side spoke.

"Okay! Then there will be Her Royal Highness Princess Lao. As for the rest of the materials, they are easy to obtain."

Fang Ce nodded with a smile. The materials used to create the eighth-class Feng Shui formation are basically common things, such as iron, fir wood, blood wood, volcanic flint, conch stone, purple clay stone, etc., and then the blood essence of some thousand-year-old spiritual creatures.

Millennium spiritual objects may not be easy to obtain for ordinary people.But for Fang Ce, isn't that easy?However, he didn't need to bother, because he already had some reserves on hand.It was collected when I was in Middle-earth Continent for emergency use, and it just happens to be used now.

Of course, he still has more advanced blood essence on hand, including the blood essence of the five auspicious beasts.It's just that he is just making do with the city of the sky now.After all, sooner or later, the Nine Artifacts must be completed.So there is no need to waste resources.Moreover, the materials that match the Qilin's blood essence are very rare, and it is basically impossible to get them in a short time, so there is no need...

"By the way, if I want to use these nine artifacts to set up a feng shui formation, I probably can't control it now. Then you have to do it yourself. Fang Ce, you should be fine."

Xin Yu spoke again.

"That must be fine."

Fang Ce responded immediately, no matter what he had to do, he had to get out the Fengshui formation arranged by the Nine Divine Artifacts.


Xin Yu nodded.

Afterwards, when they returned to Star City, they began to arrange for the Yiren people to help collect the necessary materials.

On the other side, the Yiren King had already launched a counterattack against the Shenhu Kingdom, easily capturing dozens of cities one after another.Each city has rescued thousands to tens of thousands of tribesmen.

Afterwards, King Yiren confronted the empress of the Shenhu Kingdom again, and the unbelieving Empress of the Shenhu Kingdom was naturally defeated easily again, and had to lead the army to flee.Dare not touch the edge of the Winged King again.

As a result, the morale of the Yiren King's army was even higher. All the way, they attacked the city and pulled out the strongholds, and took back the land that originally belonged to the Yiren Kingdom and is now occupied by the Shenhu Kingdom.

As for the Lishen Kingdom, Winged King hasn't touched it yet, because he doesn't plan to confront the two countries at the same time.

However, King Yiren didn't plan to meet Lishen Kingdom so early, but Lishen Kingdom couldn't sit still. Seeing that King Yiren was so aggressive and Shenhu Kingdom was in a big defeat, Ban Du and the others didn't care about their strategy. Where is it now, whether it is hiding in the dark and preparing to plot against them for the Kingdom of God, or leading an army to meet the Winged King in person.

As a result, Ban Du and the others were naturally defeated, and they were all shocked.How could they possibly compete with the Winged King who possessed the ancient battle array?

Lishen Kingdom, within the border city.

"What's going on!? How could this Winged King have such a powerful strength!?"

Ban Du was shocked, at this moment his face was pale, but he was seriously injured.

"It's the ancient battle formation...it must be the powerful battle formation in these rumors!"

You Hong's face was extremely gloomy.

"The Ancient Battle Formation!? How is this possible!? How could the Winged Human Race have mastered the Ancient Battle Formation!? This is simply impossible!"

Ban Du had an unbelievable expression on his face. Whether it was in the records or in his long-term contact, he had never heard that the Yiren had mastered the ancient battle formation. How could it be possible to appear suddenly?
"Maybe it was brought by the distinguished guests you brought back..."

You Hong gritted his teeth a little bit, with the meaning of 'you bastards, lure wolves into the house'.


Ban Du's face froze immediately, and his face became grim. After all, thinking about it, the possibility is not small. It has been so many years since the Eastern Continent has heard of any country that has mastered the ancient battle formation, and now it suddenly appeared. It would be too much of a coincidence.

Moreover, considering that Fang Ce and the others have also mastered such a heaven-defying ability as feng shui formation, it is not impossible to be able to fight in the ancient battle formation.Thinking of this, he couldn't help feeling a little regretful, he shouldn't have underestimated Fang Ce!
"Forget it, now is not the time to pursue these matters. We must kill them as soon as possible before the Yiren Kingdom recovers completely! Otherwise, disaster will strike the Lishen Kingdom!"

You Hong said in a deep voice.

"This... the problem is how do we stop those winged humans now? Those ancient battle formations, any one of them, is not easy to break!"

Ban Du couldn't help frowning.

"It is naturally difficult to rely on our strength alone. But, what if we join forces with the Shenhu Kingdom again?"

"Huh? Join forces with Shenhu Kingdom?"

"Hmph, the biggest problem of the Winged Human Race today is the lack of population. And in those ancient battles, the biggest threat is none other than the thousand-strong army of the Winged Human King. As long as we can join hands with the Shenhu Kingdom.

At that time, you, me, and the empress of the Shenhu Kingdom, the three second-tier Heavenly Tribulations, will be enough to contain the Yiren King.All that remains is to exhaust them with the huge forces of the two countries!No matter how powerful their ancient battle formation is, it is only composed of ordinary wingmen.

Endurance is limited after all, how long can it last with almost 5000 troops alone?As long as we keep attacking with an absolute number of troops, can they continue to fight for ten days or eight days?Moreover, if my guess is correct, the empress of Shenhu Kingdom must also be waiting for our signal to join forces. "

You Hong narrowed his eyes slightly.

When Ban Du heard this, his eyes flickered. Indeed, the current Winged Human Race is obviously insufficient in both manpower and material resources.If the two countries join forces to attack with all their strength, they will indeed have a great chance of taking down Fang Rising's Winged King!
And they must also defeat the current King of Winged People. After all, the Winged Kingdom was destroyed by them. Once the Winged Kingdom rises again, can they not settle accounts with them?

(End of this chapter)

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