Chapter 387 The city of the sky is built into a hundred thousand earth and soars into the sky
Half a month later, Star City.

One-winged warriors flew in hastily, their faces full of anxiety.However, when he came to the center of the city, he was blocked.

"Stop! Your Royal Highness has an order. The son-in-law is adjusting Feng Shui, and the idlers should stay away!"

Several Yiren guards stood in front of them.

"My lord!? Just right! I have something urgent! We encountered a joint attack from the Shenhu Kingdom and the Lishen Kingdom in Bo City, and at least a million soldiers besieged the city! The situation is in dire straits, and the king sent me back to seek help from my lord!! "

The Winged Warrior said quickly.


Several wingman guards couldn't help but look back and look forward and downward.

The Winged Warrior also looked at it.

I saw that there was a tall and metallic Dilong sculpture in the center of the city at this time!The right paw of the sculpture is facing the sky, holding a large cauldron that exudes a powerful aura, but it is a divine weapon Emperor Dragon Cauldron!

At this time, Fang Ce was standing in front of the Dilong sculpture, surrounded by a crowd of winged people watching from a distance.

A light drink sounded!
Suddenly, a terrifying aura surged out from Fang Ce's body!Everyone's heart trembled and their bodies froze!I just feel endless coercion!
"Husband!? It really has been cultivated for ten thousand years!?"

You Dai suddenly revealed a look of shock.

All the Yi people in the city were shocked, they never thought that this usually inconspicuous son-in-law would also be a strong man with ten thousand years of cultivation!And the power of this breath seems to be even higher than their king!

Fang Ce pinched the formula with both hands, and slowly rose into the air.As if drawn by his aura, there was a thick orange-yellow light on the Emperor Dragon Cauldron!Where it was in contact with the Dilong sculpture, streaks of light quickly spread out!

Soon, the entire Dilong sculpture was covered with patterns of light!


Fang Ce's gaze was fixed, and a ray of light shot out from each of his hands, which quickly landed on the pair of pupils inlaid with black and white precious jade in the sculpture of Dilong!


The vast momentum spreads!It spread and covered the entire Star City, and then there was another wave of momentum flowing back!

Immediately, Fengming, Dragons, and Beasts roared! !

On the sculpture of Emperor Dragon, a shadow of Emperor Dragon's soul emerged!
On the Xuanwu sculpture in the north, the shadow of Xuanwu's soul emerges!

On the Qinglong sculpture in the east, the ghost of Qinglong emerges!

On the sculpture of the southeast Xunfeng, the shadow of Xunfeng's soul emerges!

In the northwest, west, southwest, south, and northeast directions are several shining sculptures of yaks, tigers, giant snakes, monkeys, and cranes.The aura of these sculptures is extremely weak, obviously not daring to compete with the sculptures of the Nine Gods and Beasts.

"It's done!"

Xin Yu couldn't help but her eyes lit up, she knew that Fang Ce could control the town objects with second-class geomantic omen.

"Is it done? How do you feel that the feng shui formation set by the nine artifacts doesn't seem to have changed much from before?"

You Dai was puzzled, except that she could feel the great coercion of the Emperor Dragon sculpture in front of her, her own strength didn't seem to be affected at all, which was similar to the previous Feng Shui formation.

Shang Wu was also puzzled.

"Of course, because the levels of town objects are not equal, just like the length and length of a wooden barrel, the water cannot reach it, so they are all eighth-level Feng Shui formations, and the impact on us has not changed.

However, the function of these nine artifacts is not mainly to improve the level of Feng Shui formation, but to other things. "

Xin Yu responded.



You Dai's voice resounded, and Fang Ce's voice followed suit!

At this moment, Fang Ce hit the Emperor Dragon Cauldron with a random formula!

In an instant, an inexplicable aura spread!
Immediately afterwards, boom!Rumble!Rumble rumble!

I saw continuous vibrations coming from the ground!But the strange thing is that the floor that everyone felt trembling seemed to become stronger!

Before everyone came back to their senses, they felt as if they were slowly flying into the sky!Do not!To be precise, the whole land is slowly flying to the sky!

This feeling is getting more and more obvious and clearer!Because everyone can already see that the clouds on the sky are getting lower and lower!
Many of the Wingmen flying in the air are obviously getting closer to the ground, but they can all be sure that they have not lowered their altitude, it can only be that the ground is rising!
"Oh my god! Is this earth going to fly!?"

"What happened here!?"

All the winged people were shocked and astonished.

At this moment, with the Star City as the center, the surrounding area covering an area of ​​[-] hectares around the mountains has been severed from the earth!This vast expanse of land rapidly rises to high altitudes!
In an instant, an endless and terrifying pit was left on the ground!
And as the [-] hectares of land lifted into the sky, the land was shrouded in boundless shadows as if covering the sky and blocking out the sun!

Go back to Star City.

"It has sky city, finally completed..."

Fang Ce flew high into the sky together with Star City, feeling the oncoming wind, and felt comfortable all over...

After the city of the sky flew to a thousand kilometers, the height above the clouds, it stopped.

Fang Ce could feel that the Emperor Dragon Cauldron had already been under considerable pressure, and it was not easy to rise again.It has to be said that this Emperor Dragon Cauldron is really powerful, not only capable of flying [-] hectares of land into the sky.It can also provide considerable shelter, making the land firm and firm, and blocking the impact of high-altitude winds on the creatures inside.

"Heaven... the city in the sky... is really the city in the sky..."

At this moment, You Dai couldn't help swallowing, with a shocked expression on her face, although she didn't understand what was going on, she still fully understood what Fang Ce said before...

"Guo...Guoguo...Master Guo! Although the little one doesn't understand what the situation is now! But I have to report urgent information to you!!!"

The Winged Warrior who rushed back earlier spoke in shock.

"Huh? Emergency information? Are you?"

Fang Ce looked at the Winged Warrior in doubt.

"The little ones are the soldiers who fought with the king! Now the Bo city where the king is located is under the joint attack of the Shenhu Kingdom and the Lishen Kingdom, and countless enemy troops are besieging the city! Tens of thousands of us are trapped in the city." !
In order to protect the people in the city, the king and several generals are leading the ancient battle formation to resist with all their strength!

However, there are too many enemies!Coming from all directions, the king and the three generals never had to stop, sooner or later they would not be able to hold on.The situation is in dire straits, so I have been sent back to seek help from you, my son-in-law! ! "

"What!? Shenhu Kingdom and Lishen Kingdom have joined forces again!? Father King!!"

You Dai suddenly looked shocked.

"Is it Bo City? Everyone sit in the city and don't fly around. We will rush to support immediately."

Fang Ce looked to the west indifferently.

Everyone in You Dai was stunned, and then they felt that the entire Star City and the surrounding mountains were moving towards the west quickly!

A group of Winged Men quickly came to their senses and landed in Star City one after another.

A thousand kilometers to the west, a fierce battle broke out!
Amidst the sound of shouting and killing, and the sound of explosions.

No matter in the sky or on the ground, there are countless figures of variegated winged men, double-winged tigers, and ordinary soldiers, encircling the huge city tightly and attacking constantly!

This is Bo City!

Before, the Yiren King repelled the Shenhu Kingdom repeatedly, conquered the city and seized territory along the way, and rescued hundreds of thousands of clansmen, most of them followed in this Bo city.A few days ago, at the moment when King Yiren was about to continue to attack Shenhu Kingdom.

But it was attacked by a mighty army!It's Shenhu Kingdom and Lishen Kingdom joining forces with all their strength!With the power of the two great powers and the countless troops, they were directly trapped in this Bo city!

Although King Yiren and the three generals were able to break through the siege abruptly by relying on the ancient battle formation, their clansmen could not leave.Moreover, even if they break out of the encirclement, they will probably be hunted down endlessly with all their strength.

The Yiren King alone can get rid of the enemy with all his strength, but the speed of the entire ancient battle formation can't do it!The opponent's posture is obviously to annihilate the vital forces of the Winged Human Race in one fell swoop, and make the entire Winged Human Race be devastated!
"Winged King! Surrender obediently! You will definitely lose in this battle! As long as you give up resistance, surrender obediently, and hand over the ancient battle formation, we can leave your Yiren a way out!"

You Hong said in a deep voice, this ancient battle formation is too powerful, even if they consume such a large force, it will be difficult to deal with it!If they can't be persuaded to surrender, the two countries won the victory, and they will inevitably suffer heavy losses!
"Go to your Spring and Autumn Dream!"

The Winged Man King roared angrily, and still cast the sky thunder with all his strength to block the enemy in front!How could he surrender?This time, if the Winged Human Clan descends, they are doomed to be slaves forever!What's more, he has his son-in-law Fang Ce behind him!It may not be able to resist the alliance between Shenhu Kingdom and Lishen Kingdom!

"Hmph! Then you winged humans are ready to exterminate the clan!"

You Hong snorted coldly, and used all his strength to fight against Ban Du and the empress of Shenhu Kingdom to restrain Yiren King.

"The Winged Human Race, the Winged Human Race, what a waste of advantage. How dare you show your sharpness so much when you are fledgling?"

The empress of the Shenhu Kingdom made a taunt, and continuously attacked the ancient battle formation of the Yiren King from the side at an extremely fast speed.Although it is not easy for her to break through the formation, it is not a big problem for her to join hands with the two who are also ten thousand years old to slowly consume this ancient battle formation.It's just a matter of time!

Just when the battle situation became more and more fierce, and the hearts of the Yiren King people became more and more heavy.

The atmosphere was inexplicably strange, a large area of ​​light was quickly covered in an instant, a large shadow shrouded in, and the feeling of covering the sky and the sun enveloped everyone's hearts in an instant!
"what happened!?"

Both sides in the battle were startled, and when they looked up, they all showed shocked expressions!
I saw high in the sky, a huge continent quickly covered the sky!It actually directly plunged everyone into darkness!
"This, this, this, this!!! Is the sky about to fall!?"

"How is this going!?"

"This... this earth... if it is suppressed, everyone will be finished!!"

Everyone was horrified and frightened in an instant, only feeling the incomparable sense of oppression from the high-altitude continent, which made them breathless!
"Not good! Withdraw first!!!"

Everyone in Ban Du's complexion changed drastically, and Dang even ordered everyone to scatter and flee!

"Run! Run!!"

Everyone fled in panic.

The Yiren King also ordered all the clansmen in the city to flee in shock, fearing that if they were too slow, they would all be crushed to death!With his strength, he is sure of self-protection, but those who have cultivated below 3000 years, in the face of such monstrous power, I am afraid that all of them will have to be turned into flesh! !No, maybe it was directly crushed to nothing left!

However, after everyone fled in panic for a while, they found that the huge land in the sky did not continue to press down, but stayed at an altitude of tens of kilometers!
"What's going on!? Where did this sky continent come from!? Why did this... this..."

When he came to the fringe area, You Hong, who had completely escaped the coverage of the high-altitude continent, had a look of bewilderment and became incoherent.

He knew about the powerful earth-type magic that could move mountains and fill seas.But the battle in front of him is obviously far from moving mountains and filling seas!

"Go! Fly up and have a look!!"

The empress of Shenhu Kingdom said in a deep voice.


Everyone in Ban Du nodded. Although they were shocked and suspicious, they were still incomparably curious about these visions.

Immediately, all those with the ability to fly flew towards the Sky Continent one after another.Even the Winged King and others who had gone far away led the four ancient battle formations to fly to the high-altitude continent after arranging for the clansmen to go to the direction of Star City...

In a moment, three top powerhouses, the Empress of Shenhu Kingdom, You Hong, and Ban Du, came to the high-altitude continent first.

"Huh? Why is there a sense of familiarity?"

When she saw the mountains in front of her eyes, the female emperor of Shenhu Kingdom suddenly felt familiar, but she was 'sure' that she had never been to this place before!

"Hiss...this terrain...why does it seem like I've seen it before?"

Ban Du was also a little puzzled, but couldn't remember for a while.

"It's really weird...go! Go inside!"

You Hong also frowned and opened his mouth, he didn't care so much, and quickly flew to the high-altitude continent.

At this time, the members of Chaobu also had strange expressions on their faces, as if they had seen this place before...

On the other side, Yiren Wang also led his men to the high-altitude continent.

"What's going on!? This... this... why does this terrain seem to be similar to that near our Star City!?"

Hao Yangmenhu had a look of astonishment on his face. He has been in charge of statistics on the size and size of the Yiren tribe. He often went to observe the terrain around Xingcheng before, so he is naturally very familiar with it.

"Star... Star City!? How is this possible!?"

The Winged King also had a look of astonishment and bewilderment, he can be sure that the terrain in front of him is exactly the same as that around the Star City!
Many of the other Yiren also recognized the terrain and were in shock!
"Go! Look inside!"

Yiren Wang let out a deep drink, and immediately led the crowd to go inside. At this moment, he only felt his heart beating!A strong premonition told him that this place is definitely Star City! ! !But what the hell is going on! ?His good son-in-law Fang Ce! ?

the other side.

The three female emperors of the Shenhu Kingdom had already arrived outside the mountain first, and then quickly flew over.You can see a majestic city in the mountains!
"City... city!? Damn! There is a city here!? Who lives here!?"

Ban Du's eyes widened.

"The city... there are people living here..."

You Hong was stunned.

"Star... Star City!? Damn!! How is this possible!? This is Star City!!!"

The empress of Shenhu Kingdom couldn't help but exclaimed with her eyes wide open.Isn't the city in front of me the Star City? ?And the surrounding environment is also the surrounding environment of Star City!It's exactly the same!No wonder she felt familiar!I feel like I've been here! !But what the hell is going on! ?
"Huh? Star City? Empress of Shenhu Kingdom, have you been to this place?"

Ban Du couldn't help being surprised. He didn't think of the Star City where the Yi Human Race was located before, because he, You Hong and others were all looking at the city from a distance before, and they had never been close to the Star City.

"What!? Star City!? You said this is Star City!? The Star City where the Winged Human Race was located before!? How is this possible!!"

You Hong opened his eyes wide, with a look of astonishment on his face, but he reacted first.

"It's really... it's Star City... look! There are winged humans in action!!!"

A shocked voice sounded, and I saw the big hand of Chaobu pointing out that some winged people had already flown out of the city in front, and they seemed to be looking around curiously!

(End of this chapter)

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