Feng Shui apprentice ten years debut is the Celestial Master

Chapter 388 Xiaosheng is the person Venerable Ban once wanted to challenge

Chapter 388 Xiaosheng is the person Venerable Ban once wanted to challenge
"Let's go! Go to that city to explore! There must be a big secret hidden here!"

The beautiful and mighty big cat empress moved gracefully, and quickly flew towards Star City. She was a little apprehensive at first, but not much now, after all, the Winged King was suppressed helplessly by her and Lishen Kingdom just now.This Star City where the Yiren King is not here, what worries do you have!
Now, in her opinion, there is probably some secret hidden here, which caused this land to fly over to help support the Winged King.Taking advantage of this opportunity, she must find out as soon as possible!
Ban Du and You Hong glanced at each other, then quickly followed.They had the same thoughts as the empress of the Shenhu Kingdom. No matter what they thought, with their strength, it would not be a big problem to retreat in any situation they encountered.

Seeing this, the divination crowd naturally followed suit.

Soon, the empresses of Shenhu Kingdom and the others had come to the sky above Star City.

At this time, all the Yiren were scared by the powerful aura of the Empress, and they retreated and hid.

Seeing this, several members of Chaobu immediately showed complacency.

The big cat queen is even more determined, there is no threat here!Then... Next, she wants to find out the secrets here!Moreover, if she can take this place as her own, it will definitely be a geomantic treasure!Such a large continent that can move quickly at high altitude!No matter the role or the face of the card, she is worthy of her status as an empress! !
Ban Du and You Hong also had twinkling eyes, and they had their own ideas about the city in the sky.

Just when the big cat female emperor, Ban Du and others came to the center of the city with their own thoughts.

"Three distinguished guests, welcome to Sky City. Ban Zun, long time no see, are you okay?"

Suddenly, a leisurely and lazy voice sounded.

"Huh!? It's you!!! Master Wushuang!?"

Ban Du suddenly opened his eyes wide, staring at the very center, the Dilong sculpture!

"Huh!? It's him!? Really here!?"

You Hong and Chao Bu also stared in astonishment.

On the sculpture of Dilong, a lazy figure was casually lying sideways on top of the huge Dilong's head!If it's not Fang Ce, who is it?
"Huh? Do you know each other? What is this guy?"

The beautiful big cat empress looked at Fang Ce suspiciously, and then at Ban Du and the others.In her perception, this guy who popped up suddenly and didn't know the so-called one just looked like an ant among ants, but he seemed to have some identity?Knowing about the God of Power?
"Do it! The three of us joined forces to take down this guy! He has the Nine Divine Artifacts on him! Don't let him have the opportunity to summon the Nine Divine Beasts!!"

Ban Du's face darkened, but he quickly rushed towards Fang Ce!In his mind, as long as Fang Ce is not allowed to summon the Nine Divine Beasts, isn't it just a matter of choice?And even if it is summoned, the three of them join forces, and it won't be a big problem to win it!

And the reason why he was so eager to make a move was because he had already spotted the winged man Wang Dajun on the other side!He wants to take Fang Ce down before the Winged King meets Fang Ce!Otherwise, if the two meet, I'm afraid it will be difficult to deal with!
You Hong also understood instantly, and hurriedly followed!
"What!? Nine Artifacts!?"

The big cat female emperor's eyes widened, and her mighty figure quickly rushed towards Fang Ce!Nine Artifacts!This is a legendary treasure!The moment she heard it, she was already so excited! !

At this moment, the Yiren King has also arrived outside the Star City, and the scene of the empress of Shenhu Kingdom and Ban Du joining forces to attack Fang Ce has fallen into his eyes!His complexion suddenly changed: "Not good!! Fang Ce! Be careful!!"

He was very anxious, but it was a pity that he was too far away to help him!
However, immediately after that, a scene that shocked him appeared!

I saw the moment when the big cat empress and the three approached Fang Ce.


Fang Ce stood up lightly, stretched his waist, and suddenly a huge and vast aura surged out of him!Holy and evil spirits emerge!Horror sword intent erupts!
"What!? This is!?"

The three of them in the class suddenly looked shocked, but the three of them had no time to react at this moment!
Boom boom boom!
The awe-inspiring sword intent raged out!


I saw that the three of Ban Du were all invincible, they were all blown upside down, and each spurted a mouthful of blood!

"How is it possible!? You are also a second-level heavenly tribulation!? Ten thousand years of cultivation!? And... five realms of holy and evil coexist!? Just who the hell are you!!!"

Ban Du was shocked and shocked!He didn't expect Fang Ce to hide it so deeply!He has known him for several years, and he didn't realize that the other party is hiding such strength! ! !

"Damn!? Holy and evil coexist!? What the hell is this guy!!"

The Big Cat Empress was also shocked, thinking that this guy in front of her was just an ant, but she didn't expect her strength to be so terrifying!And it's so mysterious and weird!He actually possessed the holy energy and evil energy of the five realms at the same time!Simply unheard of! !
Over the years, Fang Ce has cultivated his holy energy to the fifth level without knowing it, but he has no chance to make a move.

All the people looked shocked and disbelieving while they were making predictions. They didn't expect that the guy they had always looked down upon turned out to be the supreme existence they had to look up to! ?
"It's... unexpectedly... so easily repelling the joint efforts of the empress of Shenhu Kingdom and the two of Lishen Kingdom...my cheap son-in-law..."

The Winged King in the distance couldn't help being stunned. He knew that Fang Ce's strength must be very strong, but he didn't expect it to be so strong!
And You Dai, who was hiding in Star City, looked at Fang Ce with a bewildered expression on her face, her master is indeed extremely powerful...

"Uh... ah..."

At this moment, Fang Ce slightly twisted his neck, and looked at Ban Du with a smile: "Xiaosheng is the person Ban Zun once wanted to challenge."

"What? Someone I once...wanted to challenge? Could it be!?"

Ban Du was taken aback for a moment, and then he couldn't help opening his eyes wide, with a look of surprise on his face: "You...you...you are the divine envoy of the Kingdom of God...the strongest in Middle-earth...human beings!?"

This was the only person he wanted to challenge in Middle-earth!


Fang Ce stood up with a smile, and patted the dust on his body lightly: "Let me introduce myself again, Fang Ce is the messenger of the lower and even the highest god, Lord Transformation Snake."


Ban Du let out a strange muffled sound, and felt a mouthful of old blood in his heart almost couldn't help spitting out. He couldn't help but asked in a trembling voice: "Which... that lady who was with you before... Could it be..."

"That's right, your lady is the supreme god, Mrs. Hua Snake."

Fang Ce responded with a smile.


Ban Du couldn't bear it anymore, a mouthful of old blood was spurted out!His complexion became extremely embarrassing!It turned out that the moment they set foot on the Middle-earth Continent, they had already fallen into the control of the master over there!Along the way, he still complacently thought that he had controlled everything!
Thinking about their various performances along the way, they thought they were unfathomable, but now it seems that they were all treated as clowns by the other party... The most deadly thing is that they were also used by the other party to successfully reach the Eastern Continent!Arrived in the Kingdom of God!In other words, from beginning to end, they are at the mercy of each other!
"Middle...Middle-earth Continent...the most...the strongest of mankind...an angel...a god...a god who turns into a snake..."

At this moment, the divination seemed to have had a stroke, shaking his head tremblingly, thinking of all the things before, he really wanted to find a crack in the ground to get in!Their feelings have always been teased without knowing it, and they are even complacent...

"What the hell! Playing tricks here! Ban Du! Empress of the Tiger Kingdom! Block this old man! This old man goes all out! I still can't believe I can't deal with this guy!!"

A low drink sounded!
I saw the terrifying aura erupting from You Hong's body!In an instant, six crystal blocks like flame runes appeared in front of him!

The original talisman of the sixth level technique!
Fang Ce already knew what the original talisman was, and it could be said to be the prototype of the talisman!The talisman is an imitation invented because the original talisman is too difficult to master!In terms of power, the talisman can't be compared with the original talisman at all!

Because the power of each piece of the original talisman can be perfectly integrated, it can make the most basic magic technique such as fire technique exert the power of sky fire or even Jiuxiao real fire!
However, the disadvantage is that the original talisman can only be stored in the body in the form of special spiritual power, and the number is very limited.

"Patriarch! Don't be impulsive!"

Ban Du couldn't help being shocked. He had personally experienced the horror of one of the gods in Middle-earth, and he didn't dare to underestimate Fang Ce, the envoy of God.What's more, he has been teased all the way from Middle-earth to the present without knowing it!It can be seen that the opponent's strength and methods are terrifying!It's a pity that it's too late for him to stop now.

On the other side, the empress of the Shenhu Kingdom is also full of momentum, and she is completely ready to fight with all her strength!In her opinion, it was entirely because she was too careless and underestimated the other party just now, so she got it right.Now that we are ready, the three of us can join forces and fight together!
When Yiren Wang, You Dai and the others saw this, they couldn't help showing expressions of worry.

However, at this time.


A dull sigh.

I saw Fang Ce's figure melted into the sky and the earth in an instant under the eyes of everyone!Even the breath disappeared without a trace, as if it had never existed in the world!

The empress of Shenhu Kingdom couldn't help opening her eyes wide.

"what happened!?"

You Hong showed a look of shock, this time, he directly lost the lock of the opponent's qi machine!Now the power he wants to display in his hands naturally loses the target of attack!

Everyone in Ban Du also looked surprised.

"This is!?"

Xin Yu's eyes were shocked, and her heart couldn't help tightening, she vaguely saw something!
Just for a moment.

A terrifying chill spread in the void!It was a horrific chill!
"Not good! Something is going to happen!!"

Ban Du was even more shocked. He had never seen such a battle before, but he had a premonition that all of them were going to die!
"Hide... the guy who hides his head and shows his tail... come out for me!!"

You Hong sternly let out a stern voice to cover up the inexplicable fear in his heart.However, as soon as he finished speaking, he froze all over!The whole person is like being frozen!There is no more movement!
"Huh!? Patriarch! Why... how..."

Ban Du noticed something was wrong, so he wanted to ask, but before he finished speaking, a scene that shocked everyone present appeared!

I saw sharp sword marks appearing on the frozen You Hong's body in an instant, and then, wow!The whole person is torn apart!Blood splashes!

At the same time, not far behind You Hong, an indifferent figure appeared, it was Fang Ce! !

Everyone present couldn't help but shrink their pupils, and gasped!They didn't see how Fang Ce made his move at all, and they didn't even know what happened!Fang Ce directly wiped out You Hong, who had cultivated for ten thousand years, so easily! ?

"I really don't have any interest in making a move."

A calm voice sounded.

Fang Ce turned around and looked at everyone casually.

Immediately, everyone couldn't help tensing up all over, with expressions of astonishment and disbelief on their faces!Facing Fang Ce at this moment, they actually have a sense of fear and powerlessness that they use their tiny power as an enemy of the whole world!

"This... this is a state of selflessness and ruthlessness, compatible with heaven and earth!"

Xin Yu couldn't help but his complexion changed drastically, and he looked worried.She has already seen that Fang Ce is turning herself into the avenue of heaven and earth, relying entirely on the invincible artistic conception stored in a ray of sword intent!Wanting to defeat the current Fang Ce is no less than destroying the entire world!But is this possible! ?

Destroying the world, destroying the world, as the saying goes, destroying the world is nothing more than destroying the environment on which living beings live. It is not the same concept as truly destroying the world!
Therefore, it is no exaggeration to say that Fang Ce is completely invincible now, after all, it is already this world itself!Who can compete with the whole world! ?

But this has become what she is most worried about, because the world is not benevolent, and all things are treated as dogs...

Xin Yu knew that when Fang Ce stepped into this artistic conception, he had to lose himself and the concept of emotion!Like the entire Great Dao of Heaven and Earth, treat all things as equals, not be happy with all things, not sad with all things, not angry with all things... Only in this way can you become one with the world!
And the consequences of doing so may cause Fang Ce to really lose himself and the emotions that a living being should have!In the end, it completely turned into a part of the heaven and earth and disappeared from the human world!
"God...Master God's Messenger...forgive...forgive...I'm defeated!"

At this time, Ban Du's trembling voice could not help but sound, he was already weak all over, and he couldn't produce any resistance at all!He felt that facing Fang Ce now was countless times more stressful than when he was facing the god Jiuying!This made him have to wonder whether the strength of the envoy in front of him was still higher than that of the gods! !

"Oh... Venerable Ban, why are you so polite?"

A casual and lazy voice sounded.

I saw that Fang Ce returned to normal in an instant, and the terrifying breath of heaven and earth disappeared without a trace...

Seeing this, Xin Yu couldn't help secretly heaving a sigh of relief, but she was still a little worried...

"No...no...it's the envoy who is being polite...these...before...are all small faults, small ones shouldn't be, and...please forgive us once..."

Ban Du was still trembling and begging for mercy, how dare he relax in the slightest because of Fang Ce's abstinence?

Not only Ban Du, but also the big cat queen on one side is still stiff, and the beautiful and soft hair on her body is standing on end in fear...

The Winged King in the distance couldn't help swallowing, this... is this really his son-in-law... this strength is too terrifying...

At this time, everyone still dared not take a breath.

"Forgive you guys... But remember... you breached the contract earlier, and I haven't asked you to settle it yet? Adding the current sum... um..."

Fang Ce looked at Ban Du thoughtfully, although he still had an easy-going smile on his face, it made Ban Du tremble all the time...

(End of this chapter)

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