Feng Shui apprentice ten years debut is the Celestial Master

Chapter 389 The Big Cat Empress Who Ended Miserably, Wronged, Weeping

Chapter 389 The Big Cat Empress Who Ended Miserably, Wronged, Weeping
"No... no no... the gods sent you to give me a chance! Give me a chance!! You guys really know that you are wrong! I beg you to give me a chance!!"

Ban Du knelt down and begged for mercy in the void.

"Ha, okay. It's kind of friendship if you think about getting acquainted. As long as you in the Lishen Kingdom hand over all the spirit-guiding thunder cannons and their production methods, spirit stones, and all kinds of cold iron, and release them All the slaves of the winged people. Lishen Kingdom and my subordinates, the account with the Kingdom of God will be considered a write-off."

Fang Ce smiled and said, although he can destroy the Kingdom of God, but this is meaningless to him, and it will waste a lot of time and energy.It's better to let the other party obediently offer resources or something, which saves time, effort and high returns.

Because if he really chooses to destroy the Lishen Kingdom directly, the Lishen Kingdom will definitely struggle desperately. Then in the war, a lot of resources will be wasted and wasted, and even those Winged Humans who are still enslaved will suffer.Overall, not a good choice.

"This... yes! Yes! After the little one returns, he will immediately proceed to complete the orders of the envoy lord!!!"

Ban Du didn't dare to hesitate at all, and immediately nodded in response. If he didn't do it, he would be wiped out directly, so he didn't dare to think about it.In front of the other party, the ancestor king was all ashes in the blink of an eye, so why would he hesitate! ?
All the members of Chaobu dared not say a word.

"Okay, but remember your promise, don't break the contract again."

Fang Ce nodded.

"Definitely! Definitely! My Lord God Envoy, please rest assured! This time, our Lishen Kingdom will never breach the contract!"

Ban Du hurriedly responded in panic.

"This... this Lord God Envoy! Our Shenhu Kingdom is also willing to hand over all the cold iron and release all the Yiren people! I hope that our Shenhu Kingdom will be spared!"

A trembling and pleasant voice sounded, but it was the Big Cat Empress who spoke.

"Huh? The big cat queen... she is very sensible..."

Fang Ce looked at the two-winged tigress empress with snowy silver hair standing up.

"It should be! It should be!"

The Empress suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

"However... I have no friendship with your Shenhu Kingdom. You have committed crimes for no reason. This account cannot be settled so easily."

Fang Ce smiled again.

The Big Cat Empress suddenly opened her eyes wide.

At the same time, Qiu Li and the people from the Shenhu Kingdom who came together also showed surprises.

"God...Master God's Envoy...Then what do you mean...our Shenhu Kingdom doesn't have such things as spirit-guiding thunder cannons, but there are quite a lot of cold iron..."

The big cat queen spoke in a trembling voice.


Fang Ce came to the Big Cat Empress leisurely, and casually put his hand on the Big Cat Empress' head, and gently smoothed her beautiful snow-silver hair that stood up in fear, feeling very comfortable in the hand.

"God... Lord God Envoy!?"

The big cat empress froze, with embarrassment in her eyes.

"What a beautiful big white cat, the more you look at it, the more pleasing to the eye..."

Fang Ce gave a soft compliment to himself.

"My lord envoy?"

The big cat female emperor suddenly felt uncomfortable. Could it be that the powerful existence in front of him has taken a fancy to... her?
The people around were all stunned, a little weird in their hearts, but they didn't dare to show anything on their faces.

"By the way, I heard that your Shenhu country has a source of soil, right?"

Fang Ce spoke again.

"Yuan... Yuantu... is... yes..."

The Big Cat Empress felt a thump in her heart, secretly exclaiming that something is wrong!
"Hand over the source soil, and...you big white cat..."

As Fang Ce said, he turned over and put his hands on the pillow, crossed his legs, and lay comfortably on the back of the big cat queen.

"Master God Envoy!? What are you doing!?"

The big cat female emperor was stunned, and wanted to resist, but she didn't dare.

"Hmm...it really suits me, I will be my next mount from now on."

Fang Ce rubbed his back comfortably.

"What!? Mount!?"

The big cat female emperor's eyes widened immediately, but she showed a look of shame and anger, thinking of her majestic female emperor, this guy actually wanted her as a mount! ?Isn't this treating her like a beast?It's so deceiving!

At first, I thought that this guy fell in love with her... No, he really fell in love with her... But, it wasn't the kind of fancy she thought.Although she wasn't happy to look at her like that, at least it wasn't that much, and now she didn't treat her as a human being at all!

"My Lady Empress!"

Qiuli and the people from the God and Tiger Kingdom all showed anger, letting their empress be a mount, this is really a humiliation for Chi Guoguo!
"Why? Not happy? Then I have no choice but to destroy your Shenhu Kingdom, so that the people of your Shenhu Kingdom can also taste what it's like to be a slave."

Fang Ce responded leisurely.

The big cat female emperor who was about to rage and revolt suddenly froze again: "You...you...you let me be a mount, then there is no one in our Shenhu Kingdom..."

"Don't worry, I can guarantee that your Shenhu Kingdom will not be disturbed after returning the land and people of the Yiren tribe."


The big cat female emperor is caught in a battle between heaven and man, let her become a mount... This is more uncomfortable than killing her!But...if you don't agree...her country...

"My lord empress can't do it!"

Qiuli couldn't help but speak anxiously.

"Don't worry, it's only a hundred years. If you get tired of staying here, I'll let you back."

Fang Ce spoke again. He thought about it, and if he really wanted to hold the big white cat as a mount for the rest of his life, he would be a bit of a bully.

"One hundred... one hundred years... good... good... I promise you!"

The big cat empress closed her eyes wanting to cry without tears, gritted her teeth and replied.For her, a hundred years is not short or long, and she endured it and got through it...

She thought that she might be forcibly possessed by the other party because of her stunning appearance, but she really didn't expect that she would be treated like a beast on a mount because of her double-winged tiger form. What kind of humiliation is this...

"By the way, big white cat, what's your name?"

Policy inquiry.

"Qui... Kuijue..."

"Oh, Kuijue...well, I'll call you Xiaojue from now on."

Fang Ce nodded.

The big cat empress suddenly froze again.

"Female... Lady Empress..."

Everyone in Qiuli was ashamed...

After a while, Ban Du and the others had left.

The big cat female emperor handed over the Shenhu Kingdom to Qiuli, and asked him to go back to deal with the subsequent matters.

"The country... the son-in-law..."

Yiren Wang brought his clansmen to the front with a dazed expression. They were beaten to death before, but now everything has been solved all at once?It really made him feel at a loss...

"Oh, King Yiren, the matter should be over, and the Yiren Kingdom can recover with peace of mind from now on."

Fang Ce has already got off the back of the Big Cat Empress.

At this time, the big cat empress lowered her head tightly, as if she had no face to face people at all.Especially in front of the hostile winged humans...

I didn't expect that a dignified empress would be reduced to such a state...

You Dai on the side also looked at the Big Cat Empress with a strange expression.

"Oh... oh oh! Yes... yes!"

Winged King nodded quickly.

"Come on, let's go back to the city and rest first."

Fang Ce smiled and led everyone back to Star City.

Come to the hall.

"Guo...Guo son-in-law, what's going on with this Star City...why..."

The Winged King had a look of surprise and suspicion.

"Oh, it's nothing. It's just a special Feng Shui formation."

Fang Ce responded with a smile.

"oh oh……"

The Winged King nodded.

"By the way, King Yiren, the affairs of the Yiren Kingdom should have almost subsided. The affairs of both the Lishen Kingdom and the Shenhu Kingdom have been dealt with, and Xiaosheng should also leave."

Fang Ce said.


The Yiren King's face froze. Will his cheap son-in-law still want to leave after all...

"Wing King, Xiaosheng really can't stay here forever, please forgive me."

"Well... I understand... I understand... Then Dai'er..."

King Yiren couldn't help looking at You Dai, looking forward to whether his precious daughter can keep Fang Ce, he now understands that Yiren Kingdom is really nothing to his cheap son-in-law.Not to mention the Yiren Kingdom, I am afraid that the entire Eastern Continent will not be taken seriously by it!

"Father... my daughter... will also leave with my husband..."

You Dai pursed her lips and said.

"This... well..."

The Winged King's face froze, and he sighed lightly, he still can't be too greedy...

The big cat queen, who tried her best to hide behind Fang Ce, glanced at You Dai at this time, her eyes couldn't help revealing a hint of jealousy and resentment, why did this girl get this guy's favor?She asked herself that her beauty and temperament were not inferior to this girl, so why was she treated as a mount! ?


The big cat queen suddenly remembered that the guy in front of her seemed to have never seen her true face. If she showed her true face, wouldn't it be... no!no!

She shook her head hastily, how could she have such unbearable thoughts as a dignified empress!She won't use her body to please anyone!This is a trample on her dignity!

A month has passed.

Lishen Kingdom has already handed over all the spirit-guiding thunder cannons and production methods, as well as spirit stones and cold iron.

Among them, there is one sixth-order spirit guide cannon, 33 fifth-order spirit guide cannons, more than 100 fourth-order spirit guide cannons, and several third-order spirit guide cannons.

More than 4000 catties of millennium cold iron, more than 300 catties of 6000-year-old cold iron, more than [-] catties of century-old cold iron, and more than one million catties of ordinary cold iron.

Lingshi is more than [-] yuan!
And the Shenhu Kingdom also handed over the source soil, a large amount of cold iron, and spirit stones.

As for the resources of the Shenhu Kingdom, Fang Ce only took the source soil, spirit stones and cold iron, and a large number of spirit-guiding thunder cannons below the third level of the Lishen Kingdom, all of which were thrown to the Yiren Kingdom for the redevelopment of the Yiren Kingdom. .

In addition, all the Yiren slaves of the Lishen Kingdom and the Shenhu Kingdom have been released and returned, leaving a total of only about 300 million Yiren...

After obtaining the source soil, Fang Ce first asked Xin Yu to help repair the giant turtle shield, and arranged it in the feng shui formation of the sky city.

Soon after, King Yiren and a group of subjects bid farewell to Fang Ce in the newly established royal city of Yiren Kingdom.

Outside the gate of the palace.

"My son-in-law, I finally have to say goodbye."

The Winged King had a look of reluctance on his face.

"Haha, father-in-law, there is no need to be like this. If there is time, my son-in-law will come back to visit."

Fang Ce smiled and clasped his fists. Naturally, he said these polite words. If there is nothing else, it is almost impossible for him to come here.Even if you come to the Eastern Continent to play, it should be difficult to find this winged king. After all, he is just acting on occasion, and it is not real...

"Dai'er, son-in-law Lao will take care of you."

The Winged King spoke again, looking kindly at You Dai who was embracing Fang Ce's arms.

"Father, please rest assured..."

You Dai forced a happy smile, and couldn't help tightening Fang Ce's arms slightly, how could she really be favored by the master, and now it's just an escape space for begging...

"Haha, father-in-law, don't worry, my son-in-law will take good care of Dai'er."

Fang Ce laughed.

"Dai'er, that piece of source water on your body..."

The Winged King spoke again.

You Dai's complexion froze immediately.

Fang Ce was also taken aback, isn't it, this cheap father-in-law wants to get back the source water?This has already been used by him.And he came to this winged human race for so many reasons, isn't it just for the source of water?

"It's just your dowry, don't say that your father treats you poorly."

The Winged King continued in a low voice.

You Dai and Fang Ce were taken aback again.


You Dai immediately choked up her voice, her eyes turned red and moist.

"Okay, okay, there's nothing to cry about, what's going on. By the way, son-in-law, there are [-] outstanding seedlings from our winged human race outside. They are Dai'er's dowry, and they will be yours from now on."

The Yiren Wang's big hand pointed out to a group of young men and women of the Yiren race who were neatly arranged outside.

Fang Ce was taken aback for another moment. He originally thought that these were also farewells for him, but he didn't expect it to be a dowry...

The two daughters of Xin Yu who were on the side were also stunned.

"Father! No! No!"

You Dai was shocked instantly and waved her hands in panic, she is not really married to the master!How can you bring these dowry! ?By then, everything will be revealed! ?Moreover, what if the master doesn't take her away because of this! ?

"Why not? You are the only good daughter of the father and the only princess of the Yiren Kingdom. Let you marry with nothing. Is it to express our Yiren Kingdom's dissatisfaction with the country's son-in-law? Or to express our Yiren Kingdom Shabby?"

The Winged King couldn't help but stare.

"It's not... Father King..."

"Uh...that...my father-in-law, it's fine if you think about it. If it's for the sake of appearance, it seems a little bad to let your people leave their hometown and dowry..."

Fang Ce couldn't help opening his mouth, and sighed in his heart, these vulgar customs are really bad, this Yiren Kingdom's citizen Fang got rid of the fate of being a slave, and now he is arranged by the Yiren King to marry him?
"Yeah! Father, Dai'er means exactly what my husband said!"

You Dai hastily agreed.

"No, no. Son-in-law, you don't have to misunderstand, these juniors followed you and Dai'er voluntarily. I just announced such a news at that time, and a large number of people flocked to sign up.

They are all selected from these people, the best part.Among them, there are a thousand people who have cultivated for more than a hundred years.

Please rest assured, they are not for my face, nor for Dai'er's face.It was for the Yiren Kingdom, and for the choices they made themselves.If you don't believe me, the son-in-law can ask himself. "

The Winged King responded with a smile.


Fang Ce was stunned for a moment, this cheap father-in-law didn't seem to be cheating, and there was no need to cheat on this matter.So what is he going to do now...

"No...Father...even if it is voluntary...this is..."

At this time, You Dai couldn't help crying, although she was also very touched by the attention her father paid to her and the support of these tribesmen, but the current situation, for her, can only have a counterproductive effect!
"Well, okay, my son-in-law understands. Thank you, father-in-law and everyone."

Fang Ce, on the other hand, wrapped his arms around him, and firmly hugged the already anxious little girl beside him into his arms.

You Dai was taken aback for a moment, and felt an inexplicable warmth and stability in her heart, she couldn't help but raised her eyes in a daze: "Master...husband...jun?"

(End of this chapter)

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