Feng Shui apprentice ten years debut is the Celestial Master

Chapter 390 Production and Electromagnetic Explanation of Level 7 Guiding Thunder Cannon

Chapter 390 Production and Electromagnetic Interpretation of the Seventh-Order Spirit-Guiding Thunder Cannon
"Okay, my father-in-law, I will take my leave now, and we will meet later."

Fang Ce said kingly to Yi Ren, and then flew directly to the sky city in the sky with his arms around You Dai.

Xin Yu, Shang Wu, and the ten thousand winged young men and women followed suit one after another.

The big cat queen is also reluctant to keep up...

"Come back and have a look..."

Winged King watched from afar.

At this moment, high in the sky.


In Fang Ce's arms, You Dai couldn't help but speak in a daze.

"Oh, it's just a title, and it doesn't cost money."

Fang Ce shook his head and smiled.

You Dai's eyes immediately became moist when she heard the words, she gently pressed against Fang Ce's arms, and whispered softly: "Thank you, master..."

For the master, maybe it doesn't matter and doesn't mind giving her a title.However, for her, this meaning is extraordinary, and even more priceless, it is simply difficult to obtain.

After all, just releasing the identity of the wife of a peerless powerhouse has different values.For example, would Shenhu Kingdom and Lishen Congress be afraid of her identity as a princess of the Yiren Race?The answer is no.However, if the identity of the master's wife is such a peerless powerhouse, no one can afford to provoke her?

After everyone boarded the Sky City, Fang Ce directly moved the Sky City to the west, officially returning to the Middle-Earth Continent.

At this time, outside the Star City Palace.

Ten thousand winged human teenagers and young men and women lined up neatly.

"You can be regarded as the first batch of residents in the true sense of the city in the sky. There are no rules here at present, you can live here as you like. However, after arriving in Middle-earth, after the supreme god, Lord Transformation Snake, moves in, there will inevitably be different people. There are few rules, and I hope to strictly abide by them.

Don't tell me I didn't remind you, although Master Hua Snake is still easy-going, but if you offend her, the consequences will be very serious, you should bear in mind. "

Fang Ce said.

"Yes! I would like to follow the teachings of my son-in-law!"

All the winged people responded one after another, and at the same time, they couldn't help being curious, what kind of existence is the god transformed into a snake?I didn't expect that they would come into contact with the god's snake, and it seemed that they would live in the same city...

"Husband...husband...that god who turns into a snake wants to live here?"

You Dai couldn't help but opened her mouth in surprise, but she felt a little uneasy in her heart, after all, gods sound like existences that are unapproachable to ordinary people, which inevitably makes people feel fearful and restrained.

"That's for sure. In fact, the main reason we came to Middle-earth this time is to come here to trade the source soil to repair the Nine Divine Artifacts under the orders of Mr. Hua Snake. And the Nine Divine Artifacts Emperor Dragon Cauldron is to create the sky. the key to the city."

Fang policy responded.

"So... so that's the case... but what kind of existence is this god-turned-snake-sama? Husband... Husband, you have such an almost invincible strength, that you still condescend to be used by her?"

You Dai looked surprised, she really didn't dare to imagine what kind of powerful existence it would take for a peerless powerhouse like Master to use it...

"Uh... this... you just need to know that Mr. Hua Snake is the supreme existence."


You Dai replied blankly, why does this reply seem a bit weird?It seems that there is some ulterior meaning...

Shang Wu at the side has a strange expression. From what she has seen and heard, the relationship between Fang Ce and Hua Snake is ambiguous, and it is not because of strength that she is inferior to Hua Snake...

"Okay, there's nothing else, let's disperse separately. Just wait and return to Middle-earth with peace of mind."

As soon as Fang Ce turned over, he casually lay down on the back of the big cat queen: "Xiao Juejue, I'll sleep here for a while, you can do whatever you want."

Hearing the words, the big cat female emperor glanced sideways and flew directly to the center of the city.

The three daughters of Xin Yu glanced at each other, then turned and entered the palace.

The [-]-winged young men and women also dispersed separately, chatting and looking for a place to live.

In the center of the city.

The big cat female emperor arrived with Fang Ce, and even flew to the top of the Dilong sculpture and lay down on the ground, she thought to herself: Sunshine you bastard.

"Huh? Tabby cat, your butt is itchy, right?"

Fang Ce noticed something strange in an instant, and when he opened his eyes, he saw a big sun greeting his face.

"Didn't you say, let me do whatever I want?"

The big cat empress curled her lips, got up and flew to another place, she only dared to make a slight protest like this, but she didn't dare to really fight Fang Ce to the end.

Fang Ce shook his head and smiled, not bothering to argue with the big cat.

Half a month later, in the huge palace.

"I'm going to enter the fog soon, but everything has been arranged?"

Fang Ce looked at the three daughters of Xin Yu.

"Yeah, my husband. I have already told my clansmen not to wander around in the foggy area."

You Dai responded obediently.

"Fairy, are those spirit stone lamps arranged?"

"Well, everything has been arranged. It is arranged in the main area of ​​the palace, and it will not affect our daily activities."

Xin Yu nodded.

"I have also arranged for the residences of the winged people."

Shang Wu spoke.

"Ah That's good."

Fang Ce nodded.

"After entering the daze, is there nothing to do?"

You Dai asked nervously.

"No, there's no need to be nervous. Just stay together and chat everyday."

Fang Ce smiled and shrugged.

"If we have nothing to do, we can just read books and study some cultivation. Don't learn from Fang Ce, he is different from us."

Xin Yu spoke softly.


You Dai blinked her eyes, thinking about it, her cheap husband is simply invincible in the world, and now she seems to have nothing to do except to be idle all day long.

"Hey, Fairy, what you said. I practice every day, okay?"

Fang Ce was a little unhappy immediately.

"Really, it's very good. However, I suggest that you can slow down your cultivation now and find more fun in the world."

Xin Yu nodded.


Fang Ce was taken aback for a moment, feeling that Xin Yu seemed to have something in his words?
"It's nothing, I mean you are strong enough, don't cultivate into a fool."

Xin Yu said.

"What are you talking about, can you become a fool... Forget it, fairy, how well do you master the spirit-guiding thunder cannons of the Lishen Kingdom?"

Policy inquiry.

The spirit-guiding thunder cannons confiscated from Lishen Kingdom have all been arranged in Star City, and the 110 second-order fourth-order spirit-guiding mine cannons are directly used as city walls to surround Star City, which can be described as extremely extravagant.

Thirty-three fifth-order spirit-guiding thunder cannons are placed around the palace, which is also used as a siege...

And the last sixth-order spirit guiding thunder cannon was placed outside the palace.

As for the production method of Guiling Thunder Cannon, an excerpt was given to Yi Ren Wang, and the original manuscript was naturally handed over to Xin Yu for research.

Although Xin Yu's true knowledge ability has already mastered the guiding spirit thunder cannon, some details will inevitably be neglected.

"I already understand it. If you want to make it, you only need to find the manpower and tools, and we can make it at any time. In addition, I have already completed the seventh-order spirit guide cannon that Lishen Kingdom is still researching."

Xin Yu responded.

"What!? A seventh-order spirit guiding thunder cannon?"

Fang Ce was stunned for a moment.

"Well, it's a manuscript under research. During this period of time, I have perfected the content. It can be produced directly."

Xin Yu nodded lightly.

"This... It seems that this time, the Power God Kingdom is really quite sensible, and they didn't hide anything? Then the power of this seventh-order spirit guide cannon?"

Fang Ce asked in surprise.

You Dai and Shang Wu on the side also showed curiosity, they naturally also knew the power of these spirit-guiding thunder cannons of Lishen Kingdom.

"With the power of the seventh-order spirit-guiding thunder cannon, in theory, only two shots can solve an existence with a ten-thousand-year cultivation base."

Xin Yu responded.


"Oh my god!? Two rounds to kill an existence with ten thousand years of cultivation!?"

Shang Wu gasped, while You Dai was shocked.

"Two shots to solve the existence of a ten thousand year cultivation base?"

Fang Ce couldn't help but be a little shocked. The strength of the ordinary ten thousand years of cultivation is not enough for him today.However, with this weapon alone, it can be solved in two hits, which is enough to surprise him.

After all, how could it be easy to find a cultivator with his strength?And what about this weapon?As long as there are materials, it can be mass-produced!That's much less restrictive!

"Well, it's quite powerful. But it's not easy to make, and it's not that simple to get it out. Because making this seventh-order spirit-guiding thunder cannon requires 12 catties of thousand-year-old cold iron. And now we start from Lishen The thousand-year-old cold iron seized by the country is only a little over four thousand catties."

Xin Yu responded.

"Oh... That's still far away... That's right, after so many years of tinkering with the Lishen Kingdom, there is only a sixth-order spirit-guiding thunder cannon, and this seventh-order spirit-guiding thunder cannon must be even more difficult..."

Fang Ce nodded.

"Well, with the materials we have now, we can only make Tier [-] and Tier [-] Lightning Cannons. We can make two of Tier [-], but there are quite a few Tier [-] ones. However, when we return to Middle-earth Continent Let’s toss about it. After all, craftsmen also need training, and there are not enough props.”

"It's okay, don't worry, we don't need it now."

Fang Ce nodded.

"Well, during this period of time, I will study carefully and try to come up with the most efficient production program."

Xin Yu spoke again.

"That's fine, anyway, there's nothing to do during this period of time, the fairy can concentrate on research. Wait..."

Fang Ce suddenly thought of some extremely critical things that he had ignored before.

"Huh? Is there anything else?"

Xin Yu was puzzled.

"Fairy, you have the power of true knowledge, and you can easily grasp everything. I want to ask you, can you create a... a special vehicle that can be driven by a person sitting in it without a horse... "

Fang Ce hesitated to ask.

"No need for horses, a vehicle directly driven by people? Are you talking about spiritual weapons?"

Xin Yu was puzzled.

"No, no, it's not a spiritual weapon. The vehicle I'm talking about is purely energy-consuming. The kind that almost anyone can drive. The energy consumed, such as Lingshi."

Fang Ce gestured with his hands.

"Not a spirit weapon? A vehicle that consumes spirit stones?"

Xin Yu was even more puzzled.

You Dai and Shang Wu at the side looked at each other with puzzled expressions.

"Well... Let's put it this way, this vehicle has a power source, which can be called an engine or something. This engine can consume the power of Lingshi to generate power and make the vehicle move."

Fang Ce explained.

"Engine? Can consume the power of Lingshi? Formation?"

Xin Yu frowned, still puzzled.

"Formation...well, you can put it that way...as long as you can extract the power from the spirit stone and use it."

"What you said... I still don't quite understand... Isn't the Spirit Guiding Thunder Cannon directly consuming the power of the spirit stone? This seems to be..."

"Yes, that's what it means, but the kind of consumption I'm talking about is not a one-time consumption like the spirit guide cannon. The extracted power is too great, and the vehicle can be blown to ashes for you. I was wondering, Fairy, can you use this principle to improve the use of formations."

"Well... you still tell me, what is the specific principle of your means of transportation? You say it like this, it's very vague, and I can't find the specific direction."

"This one……"

Fang Ce frowned suddenly, he thought for a while, his eyes lit up: "Yes! Fairy, do you have any iron or copper pieces on hand?"


Xin Yu shook her head, nothing happened, how could she carry these things with her?

"Husband, how many copper cups are here, do you see?"

You Dai couldn't help pointing to the table.

"Oh, yes, thanks."

Fang Ce immediately took the two copper cups, and then used his hands to turn them into two thick copper wires.

Under the curious eyes of the three girls, no, there is also the curious eyes of a 'big white cat' beside it.

I saw that Fang Ce placed two copper wires in parallel with one end facing himself and the other end facing Xin Yu.

"Fairy, put your fingers on the end of the copper wire."

Fang Ce opened his mouth.

"Huh? Like this?"

Xin Yu dubiously touched the ends of the two copper wires with her slender fingers.

"Okay, I will cast a weak lightning technique to discharge the fairy at you in a while, and you are ready."

Fang Ce spoke again, and at the same time, the fingers of both hands landed on the other end of the two copper wires.


Xin Yu nodded curiously.


With a sound of Fang Ce's fall, the power of lightning shot out from his two fingers, and it poured into the copper wire in an instant.


A squeal.

Xin Yu felt numbness in both fingers, and couldn't help shrinking back.

At the same time, the two parallel copper wires met together strangely.

"Uh...sorry, a little too much force."

Fang's strategy is embarrassing.

"It's okay...you are?"

Xin Yu was puzzled.

"Did the fairy see the phenomenon just now?"

Policy inquiry.

"You mean these two copper wires? Just now, a strange force seemed to have been generated and they were pulled together?"

Xin Yu was puzzled.

Shang Wu, You Dai, and the Great Cat Empress are also puzzled.

"Well, then let's do another experiment. This time, the fairy, you and I will discharge each other, my left hand and your right hand. The power is like this after 30 years of cultivation."

Fang Ce separated the two copper wires in parallel.


Xin Yu is still puzzled to do so.

"Ready? Three, two, one, discharge."

Fang Ce landed with a sound, and at the same time with Xin Yu, he unleashed the power of thunder and lightning.

In an instant, the two copper wires were quickly repelled and rolled off the table.

"Huh? What's going on here? Seems interesting?"

You Dai was puzzled and curious.

"How? Fairy, what can you see?"

Fang Ce picked up the two copper wires and put them on the table.

"Huh? Interesting..."

Xin Yu picked up two copper wires and began to observe them curiously.

"This is called the principle of electromagnetism. A special force can be generated by passing an electric current. For convenience, we call it magnetic force."

Fang Ce smiled.

"Oh, it should have the same power as a magnet, right?"

Xin Yu was puzzled.

"Well, it's the same. I just want to ask, fairy, can you turn the power of the spirit stone into an electric current in a controlled manner according to the principle of the guiding spirit thunder cannon? Then, we can use a special method to convert this electromagnetic The force is converted into power, a shaft that can turn. This is the engine I was talking about before."

Fang Ce made a gesture and asked.The power contained in this spirit stone is very powerful. If it can be used according to what he said, it will definitely be able to develop into a technological civilization of cultivating immortals!
"Well... I basically understand what you mean, very interesting idea. But... how did you come up with these strange things? It's just a matter of discovering the principle of electromagnetism... What kind of engine can you think of? , means of transportation or something..."

Xin Yu suddenly looked strange.

(End of this chapter)

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