Feng Shui apprentice ten years debut is the Celestial Master

Chapter 391 The Tsundere Turned into a Snake Excited by Fang Ce's Return

Chapter 391 The Tsundere Turned into a Snake Excited by Fang Ce's Return
"Uh... this... haha... this is what I saw in the ancient books before, not what I thought of. It's still the fairy who is so powerful, so I can understand it so quickly. I spent a lot of time thinking about it. Does the fairy have a way now? Get this thing out?"

Fang Cegan smiled and said, although in this world, even if he insisted that he thought of it himself, no one would be able to expose him, but his skin is still a little thinner after all.

"Oh... It's an ancient book again... The direction is there. I'm not sure if I can get it out. I have to try."

Xin Yu nodded, she naturally didn't believe the ancient books that Fang Ce said, if there were such ancient books, how could she not know.Moreover, Fang Ce can explain these contents so clearly, how could he forget which ancient book he read it in?

"It's okay, I believe that you will be able to do it, fairy."

Fang Ce smiled.

"Hmph, since you are the troublesome thing for me, if you want me to get these things out, you have to cooperate obediently and obey my orders during this period of time, and you have to help with the details of the drawings."

Xin Yu snorted softly.

"Yes, yes! Of course, I will definitely cooperate with the fairy with all my strength."

Fang Ce quickly responded.

"Well, I'll think about it now. After entering the fog, the schedule is guaranteed to be worry-free, so let's start these researches."

Xin Yu nodded.

You Dai and the three girls on the side are a little confused. They haven't understood what Fang Ce said before. After all, they don't have the ability of true knowledge. It is naturally difficult to slow down when they are exposed to this kind of unfamiliar knowledge for the first time.

Not long after, the Castle in the Sky officially entered the foggy area.

Fang Ce and Xin Yu also started research on engines and cars.

Through the ability of true knowledge, Xin Yu constantly adjusts the formation, trying to control the random use of the power of the spirit stone.Fang Ce drew the blueprints, described the structural details of the electromagnetic motor and the car one by one, and explained them to Xin Yu in detail.

About seven days passed.

"It's done, it's this formation."

There is a large copper plate in front of Xin Yu, the copper plate is engraved with complicated patterns, and a small piece of spirit stone is inlaid in the middle.

At this moment, I saw strands of thunder lingering on the spirit stone, flowing out continuously.


Fang Ce was immediately surprised.

"Well, the next step is how to use the lightning power stimulated by this formation to the engine you mentioned."

"It's simple. As long as you can freely mobilize the power of this spirit stone, the rest of the problems are no problem for the fairy. Hahahaha!"

Fang Ce couldn't help laughing out loud.

"There is still a long way to go to manufacture the kind of car you mentioned. Just some details will take a lot of time to deal with."

"It's okay, it's okay. With the fairy's ability, it's just a matter of time, so don't worry."

Fang Ce didn't care at all.

Xin Yu couldn't help shaking her head helplessly.

Two days later, the city of the sky flew out of the foggy area and continued to return to Middle-earth.The people who saw the light of day again couldn't help coming out to breathe the fresh air.

Xin Yu is still working on the manufacture of the car.

At this moment, come outside the palace.

When Fang Ce was about to ride the big white cat female emperor to go out for activities, he saw a silver-haired shawl, wearing a silver-white soft gauze skirt, plump and proud, and a glamorous and glamorous beauty appeared in front of him.

This is not the big cat queen, who is it.At this moment, one could see her cold and proud face on the side, but she was a little shy.During this period of time, she saw that Xin Yu, who was inferior to her in terms of temperament and appearance, was able to manipulate this ridiculously strong guy in front of her at will, and she finally couldn't help it.Why?She is no worse than others in anything, so why is her treatment so much worse!This time she is going all out, she must let this guy in front of her bow down under her pomegranate skirt!
"you you……"

Fang Ce was a little stunned at the moment.

The big cat empress couldn't help but raise her delicate chin a little arrogantly, hmph, she's so small, she really can't match the beauty of this empress, right?It's not too late to please this Empress.

"You have become like this, how can I ride? Still not going back?"

Fang Ce's next words directly stunned the Big Cat Empress, and then her eyes widened.

"You... what did you say?"

The big cat empress had an incredulous look on her face, wondering if she had heard it wrong.

"Okay, okay, quickly change me back to a big white cat."

Fang Ce waved his hand impatiently.

"you you you……"

The big cat female emperor suddenly trembled all over, and the dignity and confidence she thought she had recovered were instantly shattered to the ground. Why...why...

In an instant, her face was ashen and slowly transformed into the appearance of a silver-white two-winged tiger.

"Well...it's much more pleasing to the eye this way."

Fang Ce stroked the furry head of the Great Cat Empress, turned over and lay on her back in satisfaction, and motioned for her to take off.

The big cat empress suddenly had no expression on her face, as if she had lost her soul, she flew stiffly, why...why was she not moved by her beauty...

This question is all over her mind, obviously the young girl of the Mingyi Human Race, and that ordinary woman who is just a bit pretty, can hook this guy on her back!Why is she so good and so ineffective?

Could it be... this guy has bad taste! ?right!It must be so!This guy definitely has bad taste, and his eyes are not very good!
The big cat female emperor nodded fiercely secretly, no matter what, she couldn't believe that she was inferior to those two women, it could only be a problem with this guy on her back!
As time passed, Fang Ce and the others finally returned to the Middle-Earth Continent, and then continued to the Nine Dragon City of the Kingdom of God.

Inside Kowloon City, inside the Imperial Palace.

Wearing an emperor's crown, charming eyebrows, pink jade skin, wearing a dragon robe, the elegant and majestic beauty is concentrating on approving the memorial.

This beautiful emperor is none other than Diao Wang.

And on the side, there is a woman with a tasseled cloud bun, a fair and beautiful face, wearing a water blue gauze skirt, with a graceful figure and a cool temperament like a water fairy.It is the snake beauty.

"Have you not found a way to pass through the fog?"

The cold look on the snake's face.

"Not yet...Miss Shui Ling'er, don't worry too much. With the strength of the envoy, nothing will happen. Maybe it's because the territory of Lishen Kingdom is huge and the terrain is complicated. It will take a lot of time to set up a Fengshui formation..."

Diao Wang replied cautiously, and he couldn't help being a little worried on his pretty face. After all, Fang Ce and the others have indeed been away for a long time...

"Hmph! Don't tell me these things are useless! Hurry up and send me more people!"

The Transforming Snake snorted coldly.

"Yes! Yes! I will send more people immediately, and I must find a way to pass through the fog!"

Diao Wang was startled, and quickly responded. Since Fang Ce left, she found that Master Hua Snake was in a bad mood. Especially in the past six months, she felt that Master Hua Snake might explode at any time. Calm down the irritability in my heart...

Just now.

"Report! Report! Your Majesty! It's not good! It's not good! There's something going on outside! There's something going on! There's a... piece in the sky..."

The guards came trembling and panicking.

"There's a piece of what! I'm so impatient, I don't want to live anymore!?"

Diao Wang was furious immediately, she was already in a bad mood and was so annoyed to death, this damned guard ran in so recklessly!
The face of the transforming snake on the side also became colder in an instant, and the air was filled with cold killing intent!
"No! Your Majesty, forgive me! Your Majesty, forgive me!"

The guard suddenly became excited, and his tone quickly became smoother: "There is a continent in the sky outside that is slowly pressing down! It's a big continent! If it falls down visually, it will be enough to give the entire Kowloon City to... to..."

At this point, the guard hadn't finished speaking.

"court death!"

Hua Snake's complexion darkened, and she flew out of the room in an instant. She was already in a bad mood, but now someone dares to cause trouble and cause trouble! ?

"Enemy attack!?"

Diao Wang was startled and flew out in a hurry.

Come outside.

All the masters stationed in Kowloon City, Taoists of Good and Evil, Jiaolong, Banjiao, Daoist Mingdao, Taimei Sun, Xiongwang, Tigerwang, etc. have already flown out one after another, all looking solemnly at the sky.

"Oh my god! Master! What's going on!? The technique moves mountains and fills the sea!?"

Taimei Sun stared at the sky in shock.

"It's not like... This situation is very strange..."

Taoist Good and Evil frowned, this was the first time he had seen such a situation.

"Huh!? Could this be!?"

The snake that came outside couldn't help opening its eyes wide, and then its heart beat wildly. With a movement of its figure, it quickly flew to the high-altitude continent, looking impatient.

She was sealed back then by the Saint Celestial Immortal Masters. At that time, the Emperor Dragon Cauldron created a huge hole in the Nine Dragon Mountain, trapped her water force, and then sealed the exit with a huge flying land. In the end, she was completely sealed!
Now that such a scene appeared in front of her eyes again, she naturally recognized at a glance that this was most likely the ability of the Dilongding cauldron!And who is the person who owns the Emperor Dragon Cauldron now, no need to think too much about it!
At this moment, everyone in Kowloon City saw the snake flying towards the high-altitude continent, and immediately followed.

Everyone flew to a height of nearly three hundred miles, and then boarded the high-altitude continent.

"Hiss... this is really a continent!? And this situation seems to be inhabited by living creatures!?"

Everyone in Jiaolong looked at the lush mountains in front of them with a look of astonishment.

"This... is this place a paradise?"

Taimei Sun blinked her beautiful eyes.

But the snake didn't stay long, and flew straight into it, only to feel the little heart beating faster.

Seeing this, everyone followed with curious faces.

Soon, a city appeared in front of everyone, it was Star City!
And in the central area of ​​Star City, there were still figures flying neatly in the low sky, as if they were waiting for someone to come.

"Wow!? There is a city here!? And many bird people live here!?"

Sun Taimei couldn't help but look incredible.

Diao Wang also had a surprised expression on his face, and he was still a little wary, because this place is so mysterious and weird!As the king of a country, she can't be as big-hearted as Sun Taimei.

However, the transforming snake at this time still didn't have much hesitation, and quickly flew to the Star City, and soon came to the center.

"Hi! My dear lady, I haven't seen you for a long time, and I miss you very much."

A joyful and mocking voice sounded.

On the top of the Dilong sculpture, Fang Ce casually lay on his side on the back of the Big Cat Empress.

Xin Yu's three daughters were waiting at the side.

"My lady?"

You Dai couldn't help being startled, her heart tightened inexplicably, she could hear the happiness of the cheap husband, seeing this stunning beauty who came suddenly!This is completely natural happiness from the heart!
The big cat empress was also stunned, she could see that the woman in front of her was a beauty who was just as good as her, and even a little bit stronger than her!

At this time, all the Yi people were also stunned, this is also the wife of the son-in-law of the country! ?The son-in-law of the country has never mentioned it to them!Isn't this the competitor of Her Highness the Princess! ?And it looks like it is a very strong competitor!
"You...you...you bloody bitch!!"

A sound of excitement and anger!
I saw that the snake transformed into a prototype directly under the shocked eyes of everyone!
Smooth and flying hair, slender ears like dragon fins, beautiful double eyebrows, a small tuft of red hair like flames and water in the middle of the eyebrows, and the mysterious, unique and mysterious ink water patterns on the tip of the eyebrows perfectly embellished that look. Pairs of clear and flawless blue eyes reflecting charming brilliance.

The double wings of water blue, the slender snake tail covered with crystal scales, the body of water blue fluff clings like clothes, together with the 'real' water snake waist, it fully shows the wonderful figure of a body that is astonishing.

An extremely beautiful creature was displayed in the eyes of everyone like this, and everyone couldn't help but feel a little lost for a while.

Even Fang Ce couldn't come back to his senses, of course he couldn't, but more importantly, he didn't expect this little girl to stop acting?
However, the shock of everyone lasted for a short moment, and was replaced by greater shock.

Seeing this beautiful creature that suddenly appeared, its brows stood on end in an instant, its beautiful jade face showed anger, and it charged towards Fang Ce with a mighty momentum!

The Big Cat Empress was shocked, she was so powerful!How divine is this witch! ?


Fang Ce, who hadn't recovered from his senses, was thrown onto the Dilong sculpture, and was soon entangled tightly by the slender snake tail.

"Hello!? My lady!? You've revealed your secrets!"

Fang Ce couldn't help but wake up quickly, but it seemed that this was meaningless.

"You damn dog! You still know how to come back!? Why don't you just die outside!"

At this time, Hua Snake didn't pay any attention to what Fang Ce said, opened his small mouth, exposed two small fangs, and bit Fang Ce's shoulder hard.

"Aww!! Master Hua Snake! Be merciful!"

Fang Ce couldn't help crying out in pain.

Everyone around was stunned.

"Sir Transformation Snake!? God Transformation Snake!?"

The Big Cat Empress opened her eyes wide.

"This...this...this...lady...is a god transformed into a snake!?"

You Dai's beautiful eyes are also wide open, with a look of shock and disbelief on her face, is the scene in front of her inappropriate a scene of domestic violence that only happens when she is extremely intimate! ?The key is!The wife of her cheap husband is a god who turns into a snake! ?This is simply the appearance of a little lady who is obviously spoiled!

(End of this chapter)

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