Feng Shui apprentice ten years debut is the Celestial Master

Chapter 393 The Little Snake Lady Who Is Excited in Speed ​​Racing

Chapter 393 The Little Snake Lady Who Is Excited in Speed ​​Racing

"Master Jiuying can rest assured. As for Master Xieyuan... Xiaosheng will talk to him about the situation and see how he reacts. He has made a lot of contributions, and we still have to give him a chance. In the future, if there is really no way to Tian Yu guarantees his character, so let's consider persuading him to quit."

Fang Ce murmured back.

Hearing the words, Jiaolong and the others immediately breathed a sigh of relief, because they heard the words 'had made great contributions'.

"Oh? Jiuying, you can be so relieved? Xie Yuan, you have concerns? Could it be that you and Jiuying also hooked up?"

Hua Snake immediately looked at Fang Ce as if looking at crumbs.


Fang Ce couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth.

The people around were stunned, with strange expressions on their faces.

You Dai's beautiful eyes widen: Husband...husband still has?
"What? By default, right?"

Hua Snake confirmed the speculation in his heart.

"Respected Lord Hua Snake, it's not good for you to slander your beloved and destroy his innocence. The relationship between Xiaosheng and Jiuying is innocent, but nothing has happened."

Fang Ce had no choice but to spread his hands. He really didn't have any relationship with Jiuying, and he had something to do with Liang Xue, and Jiuying?


Hua Snake snorted softly, apparently not believing it, and looked at Xin Yu with her eyes: "Since you have no other opinions, then this deity will not talk nonsense with you. Xiao Yu, come and talk to this deity, what is your opinion on this day?" Do you have any ideas for domain development?"

"Hmm...Master Hui Hua Snake, I have some plans and ideas. From my humble point of view, Tianyu should first gather some skilled craftsmen and talents in all aspects of construction to improve various facilities..."

Xin Yu spoke slowly.

Fang Ce yawned, but looked tired from listening, patted the big cat empress, and signaled to go for a walk.

Hua Snake couldn't help but glanced at Fang Ce who was leaving, curled his lips, a little displeased.

Seeing this, Jiaolong and Tiger King quietly followed Fang Ce and left.

Come outside.

"My lord, my lord, my lord!"

Jiaolong and the others shouted one after another.

"Huh? So it's all of you, what's the matter?"

Fang Ce looked at Jiaolong and the others in doubt.

"That... Lord Envoy, we should be able to live in this Heaven Realm, right?"

Banjiao apologized with a smile, he was sure that in the future, this Heaven Territory would definitely be a place where all living beings would flock to it, even a million dollars might not be able to get a place here!
"Ha, of course. Several of you are veterans and heroes, so there is still a chance. However, if you violate the rules because of your misconduct, I'm afraid it will not be easy for you to stay here."

Fang Ce smiled.

"Haha! As long as there is a chance! As long as there is a chance! Please rest assured, my lord envoy!"

The Ban Jiaos who received an affirmative answer were completely relieved.

"That... Lord Envoy, how can you ensure that you will not misbehave? This standard..."

But the Tiger King couldn't help but hesitated, he knew that his self-control ability was a bit weak, so he might not be able to guarantee any kind of character...

"Ah... this question... I suggest that you go to Li Junxuan for advice. If he says that your conduct is okay, then there is really no problem."

Fang Ce responded with a smile.

"Ah? Looking for that one-sided guy..."

Tiger King's complexion turned sour.

"Well, it's better now that you know this one. That's it."

Fang Ce waved his hand, and signaled the big cat empress below him to go for a ride in the distance.

Ban Jiao and the others couldn't help but look at each other.

"How? What do you think?"

Tiger King couldn't help but speak.

"What else? To be on the safe side, I can only go to that guy for advice."

Jiaolong responded, he doesn't want to lose the team now, he will definitely miss a great opportunity!

Soon after, Xin Yu discussed with Hua Snake about the development plan of Tianyu.

Release the assessment news to Shenguo and Taigan first, and recruit the first batch of skilled craftsmen with good conduct, about 1000 people.

King Fu Zun was shocked when he received the news, he first came to Tianyu to see the snake, after walking for a while, he immediately thought of staying in Tianyu, if he is not the king of Taigan now, I'm afraid he really won't gone……

As the news of Tianyu spread, it quickly caused a sensation in the entire Kingdom of God and Taigan, and almost everyone yearned for it.

Even Wu Ruishou couldn't help running to take a look at the situation.If the five auspicious beasts wanted to settle in Tianyu, it would be easy.After all, when it comes to character, almost no one doubts the five auspicious beasts.And the strength of the five auspicious beasts also belonged to the top tier.Under such conditions, Tianyu has no reason to reject the door.

During the period of assessing and recruiting craftsmen, Xin Yu continued to toss the scientific and technological tasks assigned to her by Fang Ce...

About a month passed.

Outside the west gate of Tianyu Star City.

"Hahaha! Fairy, is this car really out?"

Fang Ce looked with surprise at the four-wheeled black iron box with a graceful curve like flowing water in front of him, and it was a car.Of course, this is only a car on the surface, but in essence it is a special product of the world of cultivating immortals.

"Well, it took me a lot of effort."

Xin Yu nodded lightly.

"A lot of time?"

Fang Ce couldn't help but look weird. It's amazing to be able to reproduce this car almost perfectly in such a short time.Of course, at present, it is only a perfect replica of the appearance, and the internal function remains to be studied.However, he believes that the fairy will not let him down!
"What is this thing for? Car? Can it move?"

Hua Snake was puzzled, she had seen carriages before, but they were all carriages and were pulled by horses.This iron lump-like carriage in front of me?I didn't see any horses leading either.

She couldn't help looking at the big cat queen beside her, could she let this guy pull the cart?

Facing the strange eyes of the snake, the big cat empress couldn't help showing doubts, why does this god lady have nothing to do with her?

"Of course the manned one can move."

Fang Ce smiled.

"Give you the reins and let you pull ahead?"

Snake way.

"Uh...Master Hua Snake is really getting better at joking. Let's go, let's go to the car and see."

Fang Ce shook his head amusedly, then stepped forward to open the car door, and sat in the driver's seat first.

"Master Hua Snake, do you want to get in the car and have a look?"

Xin Yu opened the rear door.

"The deity should sit at the front."

Hua Snake sat down beside Fang Ce.

"This... lowliness is still in the front, so that I can explain how to drive this car..."

Xin Yu couldn't help being a little dumbfounded.

"This place is not small, just squeeze up and squeeze."

The snake is a little impatient.

"Uh...well, pardon the humbleness."

Xin Yu couldn't help but cautiously came to the front seat, and sat between Fang Ce and Hua Snake.At the moment, the three of them sat in a row, which seemed a bit crowded.

The Big Cat Empress was watching eagerly from the outside, and she also wanted to enter this weird car to be curious, but obviously she couldn't enter in her current form.And she would not dare to change back into human form easily.Leaving aside whether Fang Ce will have any objections, the god-turned-snake is also something she fears.

At this moment, the door of the car has been closed by the snake, obviously not intending to reserve a share of the cat queen...

"Fairy, how does this car start?"

Fang Ce held the steering wheel and looked curiously at the platform, only to see a series of patterns...

Although there was a knob that seemed to adjust the scale, he couldn't understand what it was for at all...

"Adjust the start of the car here."

Xin Yuyu raised her hand, turned the knob lightly, and made a light ticking sound.Then nothing happened.

"Huh? And then? No response, is there something wrong? Or is something wrong?"

Fang Ce was puzzled.

The snake is also watching curiously.

"No, this is the activation formation, and then you need to input a little spiritual power into this formation, and the formation will be activated immediately, and the car will start to move."

Xin Yuyu pointed to a small formation at the bottom.

"Oh? Here?"

Fang Ce stretched out his fingers in surprise to input a bit of spiritual power into the formation, and immediately the formation lit up.Then the car started to move slowly.

"Oh! It's moving! It's moving!"

Fang Ce couldn't help being surprised.

"Huh? This car is a spiritual weapon? Why is it so weird and complicated?"

The snake was curious and puzzled.

"Hmm... it's a rather special spiritual weapon, invented by the God Envoy."

Xin Yu responded.

"Uh...no...not really..."

"This guy invented it? No wonder it doesn't look like a decent thing. Are you too idle? Toss this thing for this guy?"

Before Fang Ce could deny it, Hua Snake was the first to disdain it.

"Uh... well..."

Fang Ce couldn't help but shook his head amusedly. It seems that in the future, this little lady will have to show the power of technology.

"After tossing for a long time, what do you think it is? Feelings are such a half-hearted spiritual weapon? What's the use? With this speed, not to mention horses, cows will shake their heads when they see it."

Hua Snake looked disappointed again.

Now the speed of this car is equivalent to the speed of an ordinary person running with all his strength, so it is naturally extremely disgusted by our supreme snake-sama.

"Uh... Indeed, Fairy's speed is really slow..."

Fang Ce is also a little embarrassed. If he only has this speed, he has to improve.According to his expectation, the speed of the car activated by this spirit stone is at least much faster than that of a normal car.

"Oh, this is the slowest speed now."

Xin Yu opened his mouth, and Yuzhi lightly turned the knob again. After a tick sound, a trace of spiritual power was input into the second formation, making the activation light up.

The speed of the car suddenly increased.

"This speed is equivalent to that of an ordinary cultivator."

Xin Yu opened his mouth.

"Haha! Can you really adjust the speed? Let me try!"

Fang Ce burst out laughing, and turned the knob again to activate the third formation, and the speed suddenly became much faster.

Seeing this, the transforming snake at the side couldn't help but become curious again, staring at it all the time.

Afterwards, Fang Ce went up a gear again, raising the speed of the car to the speed of a century-old cultivation base!

Although this speed is still insignificant to those of their level of cultivation, it is far faster than the speed of a carriage, reaching four hundred miles an hour!It can be said that it is faster than a single horse running at full strength!The feeling of driving is quite enjoyable.

"Hahahaha! Good! Good! As expected of a fairy! This ability and craftsmanship really don't disappoint!"

Fang Ce laughed out loud, driving the car recklessly, turning left and right and drifting.

The snake on the side has already blinked its beautiful eyes at this moment, and I feel very surprised and interesting.

"Let the deity play too!"

The little lady couldn't help it in an instant, and rushed to Fang Ce's side to grab the driving.

"Hey!? Master Snake! You are driving dangerously!!"

Fang Ce couldn't help being stunned, and even more annoyed.He couldn't stop him at all, and this little lady had already sat on her body, directly replacing the driver...

"Oh... is this spiritual tool controlled like this?"

The snake turned the steering wheel curiously.

"Master Hua Snake, didn't you say that Xiaosheng is not a decent thing? Why did you snatch it from Xiaosheng?"

Fang Ce is funny.

"Hmph, none of your business."

Hua Snake looked like he didn't care about Fang Ce at all, and drove the car with great interest.

"You little lady..."

"Can this speed be increased?"

At this moment, the snake turned the knob in a decent manner, and a small formation was activated.The speed of the car really soared again.

Fang Ce was speechless.

"That's still not fast enough."

The snake has increased the speed by another gear.

"Master Hua Snake, because of the material problem, the current speed of this car can only reach 300 years at most."

Xin Yu said softly.

"Oh... it's only been 300 years of cultivation, so let's use [-] years of cultivation."

As Hua Snake said, he had already turned the knob to the limit, and all the formations were activated, and the speed reached the fastest, the speed of a 300-year-old cultivator!


Under the control of the snake, the car raced extremely fast.

"Hmm... It's passable to be able to reach this speed. Fairy, can the speed of this car be increased? Also, how much spirit stone will it cost to drive once?"

Fang Policy could not help asking.

"If the current car is the premise, the speed cannot be increased. Because the main material of this car is pure iron, the speed it can withstand can only reach the 300-year cultivation level here.

If it is changed to refined iron material, theoretically, it should be able to reach the highest speed of 600 years of cultivation.Fine steel with better material, 900 years of repair, right?Even better materials are those above cold iron. Naturally, the speed can be greatly improved. As for how much it can be mentioned, it is still unclear.

This is the case in theory, but the actual situation is uncertain.When changing the material, the array also needs to be adjusted.This also takes some time. "

Xin Yu responded.

"Good! Good! It's fine if it can be improved! We don't lack materials! By the way, what is the spirit stone consumption of this car now?"

Fang Ce was delighted and asked curiously.

"Oh, the consumption of spirit stones is not that big. As far as the consumption of this car is concerned, a small piece of spirit stone is enough to last for a hundred years."

Xin Yu responded.

"What!? A small piece of spirit stone can be used for a hundred years!?"

Fang Ce couldn't help opening his eyes wide.

"Well, because it is only transformed into the lightning power that runs the engine, the consumption of spirit stones is very small. I have to say, your idea is indeed a very good idea."

Xin Yu nodded.

"Hiss...the efficiency is so high!? Hey!? Wait! Master Hua Snake! It's about to hit! It's about to hit! Slow down! Slow down!"

Before Fang Ce had time to marvel, he could already see a forest approaching quickly in front of him.

"Huh!? This car doesn't seem flexible enough?"

The snake's pair of jade hands quickly turned the steering wheel, but it didn't seem to have much effect, the forest was already in sight! !

At this time, Xin Yu's jade finger quickly stretched out, and tapped lightly on a formation on the platform.Immediately!The whole car was lit up with a golden light!
Immediately, bang!boom!boom!

Big trees were smashed!
One last bang!

The golden car crashed directly into a mountain wall...

(End of this chapter)

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