Feng Shui apprentice ten years debut is the Celestial Master

Chapter 394 The little lady who was threatened by Fang Ce to be driven out of Tianyu

Chapter 394 The little lady who was threatened by Fang Ce to be driven out of Tianyu
"This... this car still has protective measures?"

Fang Ce blinked in astonishment.

"Well, I also placed the Spirit Guiding Golden Formation of the Lishen Kingdom in the car. It is used in case of danger. The strength of this car can barely withstand the power of Jiuxiao Zhenhuo. I didn't expect it to be in this situation. use..."

Xin Yu responded.

"Oh... As expected of a fairy, she has thoughtful considerations. How much does this protective formation consume spirit stones?"

"Because it is the improved Guiding Golden Array, a small piece of spirit stone can activate twelve protections. Each time it lasts for an hour."

"It's not bad, it consumes a bit too much, but it's worth it as a means of saving your life."

Fang Ce nodded, he opened the car door casually, patted the peerless beauty sitting in his arms, and signaled her to get out of the car.


The snake was immediately unhappy.

"Why, why don't you go down to the trailer and keep stuffing it here?"

Fang Ce was upset.


Hua Snake was stunned for a moment, and got out of the car first.

Fang Ce also got out of the car, and then came to the back, and pulled the car out of the mountain wall it had sunk into.

Thanks to the strong enough guiding spirit array arranged by Xin Yu, the golden car is not scratched at all...

Just when Fang Ce was about to sit in the driver's seat and drive back.But the little girl Hua Snake sat in first, and closed the car door without hesitation, leaving a sentence: "You go to the back."

Fang Ce couldn't help opening his eyes wide: "Little girl, do you still want to drive?"

"What? Is there a problem?"

The snake raised its eyebrows.

"Do you know that your current dangerous technology will kill people at any time?"

Fang Ce was upset.

"There's no one here, hit you?"

"You... Forget it, anyway, don't drive into the city for me, otherwise, if something happens, you will be the first person to be kicked out of Tianyu."

Fang Ce shook his head helplessly, opened the rear door, and got in the car.He felt that it was absolutely necessary to remind this little girl, otherwise if she went crazy and really drove this car into Star City, something would definitely happen.

"you dare!?"

The snake turned his eyes wide open.

"Master Hua Snake, as the supreme god, shouldn't you lead by example? If you mess up like this, who will obey you in the future?"


Hua Snake pouted, but didn't return to Fang Ce, and started driving again.

"Fang Ce, what name are you going to call this car? It will be easy to distinguish in the future."

Xin Yu opened his mouth.

"This...fairy, you can decide. What's the point of a name?"

Fang Ce responded casually.

"Then... is it called a Psychic Vehicle?"

"Okay, Lingshi is quite suitable for a car powered by spirit stones."

Fang Ce nodded.

At this time, when the car drove out of the woods, two figures quickly flew in front, a snow silver double-winged tiger and a pair of beautiful women.

"Huh? Big Cat Empress and Dai'er, what's the matter?"

Fang Ce was puzzled.

At this time, the snake beauty who had not yet started to drive the horsepower to the peak also slowed down in time, and finally stopped.

"Master Hua Snake, there are brakes underneath, you can try it later."

Xin Yu reminded at the right time.


The snake looked down.

"Greetings to the supreme Lord Hua Snake, I have met my husband."

You Dai came to the side of the car and saluted curiously, she was also very curious about this strange 'spiritual weapon'.

"what's up?"

Fang Ce opened the car window.

Xin Yu was also beside Hua Snake and opened the car window for it.

"Master Hua Snake, Husband. It's like this. Her Majesty has sent news that a thousand skilled craftsmen have completed the assessment and are waiting for us to accept. I wonder what Master Hua Snake and Husband mean?"

You Dai replied.

"Oh, that's the shit? You just take someone down and pick it up."

The snake waved impatiently.


You Dai responded by turning around and leaving.

"Inferior races are inferior races, what a nuisance."

Hua Snake couldn't help but grumbled again, obviously there was still resentment in his heart, and he just wanted to recruit powerful races to this sky domain.

"Master Hua Snake, please forgive me. Although the winged people have natural advantages, they are generally inferior to the inferior races you mentioned in terms of craftsmanship. If you want to build a better world, you have to rely on There are many inferior people."

Fang Ce wasn't funny. He was quite sure of this after the long journey of the Eastern Continent's Winged Human Race.Originally, he was also very worried about whether ordinary people would be too weak in front of these winged humans.Now it seems that there is still some balance.

At this time, Hua Snake pursed her lips and did not respond to Fang Ce. If this was the case, she could accept it in her heart.Otherwise, she really doesn't know, as long as Fang Ce and Xin Yu are tied by her side, what's the point of those inferior races calling up.

Fang Ce smiled, and didn't say anything more, naturally seeing that the little girl was acquiescing.

At this moment, in the square outside the main hall of the Imperial Palace in Kowloon City, thousands of people gathered in an orderly manner.

These people are the thousands of craftsmen selected by Shenguo and Taigan through layers of assessments.

"Hiss... is that the Tianyu? Is it really a continent flying in the sky? What kind of ingenious craftsmanship is this made?"

A young craftsman looks up at a large piece of land in the sky.

"Hmph, is that something that can be done by supernatural craftsmanship? It is a masterpiece that can only be achieved by supreme supernatural powers. It is said that the supreme deity, Mr. Snake, collected the world's spiritual things and forged it with his own supreme ability. Really I don't know if I will have the opportunity to look at the holy face of this supreme god when I arrive in Tianyu."

A big man beside him was also looking up at the sky with a determined look.If I let him know about the supreme gods in his mouth, I don't know how I would feel if I was full of disdain and dislike for them just now...

"Looking at the holy face of the gods? I don't dare to think about it. I think it's a miracle that I can pass the exam this time. Everyone who took the exam with me before feels better than me. Really, This time, it was only a matter of reluctance to pass the level. How dare you expect to see that supreme existence?"

The young man looked secretly rejoicing.

"Not to mention, the assessment of this Tianyu is really incomprehensible. A fellow who came to the assessment with me, his craftsmanship is almost supernatural, and it doesn't affect his performance in the slightest if he goes to spend a lot of time every day. I didn't expect this time Unexpectedly, he lost the election, thinking that he was playing off this time.

But he's pretty sure he's playing normally this time, maybe even a little out of the ordinary.I really can't figure out how I lost the election, and I'm still annoyed. "

"Is that so? It seems that the assessment of Tianyu is really different?"

The young craftsman nodded in surprise.

In fact, these craftsmen went through layers of assessments, and finally came to Kowloon City for the screening assessment, which was essentially a moral assessment.The craft test is just a cover.Because after the previous screening, these craftsmen who can come to Kowloon City have already reached the standard.

Under Xin Yu's arrangement, these craftsmen were on the surface to conduct a final craft competition. In fact, when they entered Kowloon City, everyone's words and deeds had already been secretly observed, recorded, and even tested.This is the real assessment content!

Everyone waited for a few moments.

"Look! Someone from Tianyu has come down!!"

"Hiss!? Are those the rumored winged men!? They really are winged men!"

"As expected of a resident of Tianyu, it really is different!"

The craftsmen were in a commotion.

Waiting for a group of winged men to land in front of the hall.

"Meet the God Envoy's wife!!"

A group of examiners and guards saluted the leader, a beautiful girl with blond hair and wings.

"Madame God Envoy!?"

"Meet the God Envoy's wife!!"

The craftsmen were a little surprised, but they all knelt down and saluted.

"You're welcome, get up."

You Dai spoke indifferently.

"Thank you Madam God!!"

All the people got up one after another.

"From now on, you will also be a member of our Tianyu. I am ordered by the supreme Snake Lord to come to pick you up, Youdai the Winged Man."

You Dai's eyes slowly swept across the craftsmen.

"Thank you, madam! Thank you, my lords!"

A group of craftsmen saluted respectfully again, although many of these people were amazed by You Dai's stunning beauty, none of them dared to be disrespectful.What's more, these have already been screened layer by layer, with good conduct.

"Okay, my clansmen will lead you to Tianyu in a while. Don't be nervous on the way, just relax."

After You Dai finished speaking, she ordered a famous clan member behind her to step forward, pick up a craftsman and fly to Tianyu.

The man embraces the man, and the woman embraces the woman.Because there are still a small number of women among these craftsmen, You Dai naturally brought some female clansmen.

At this time, on the west side of Tianyu Star City, Tianyu's first psionic car is still driving wildly, and the driver is naturally our proud snake-turning beauty.

For this new gadget, her novelty has not passed, and she will naturally not be able to stop for a while.What's more, drag racing is addictive...

Fang Ce didn't want to care too much about this wild horse-like little lady, as long as she didn't harm the innocent.He is now even more troubled by the traffic problem in this Tianyu. To go up and down the Tianyu, he must have the ability to fly, and most people basically cannot do it...

"By the way... the aircraft..."

Fang Ce's eyes lit up, all the psychic vehicles came out, and it would not be a problem to have a psychic plane or a psychic helicopter.


Xin Yu heard Fang Ce's voice in front, and turned around in doubt.

"Well, Fairy, I want you to use the principle of this psychic vehicle to make some flying vehicles later, so that it will be convenient for the residents in the Tianyu to go to and from the Tianyu in the future. It just so happens that those craftsmen have also been recruited, so it shouldn't take you too much time."

Fang Ce opened his mouth.

"Use this principle to make aircraft? Some people don't understand..."

Xin Yu frowned slightly.

"It's okay, the principle is very simple. I'll draw the blueprint for you to see later, and you will understand."

Fang Ce smiled.


Xin Yu nodded, and couldn't help but feel a little curious. She was thinking about using better materials to make a faster psychic car.And she also has another idea, that is, whether it is possible to combine the Guiding Thunder Cannon with the Psychic Vehicle to become a powerful weapon.This will also strengthen the country's strength.

What she didn't know was that, in fact, this was Fang Ce's idea of ​​getting this psychic car in the first place!It is to create that mobile and powerful war machine!Of course, the purpose of both of them is only to strengthen the national strength, not for the purpose of aggression.After all, any peace that does not have enough force at hand is just empty talk!
Now that Fang Ce mentioned that flying tools can be made in the same way, Xin Yu is naturally more curious.Now she is very aware of how powerful and convenient this psychic vehicle is for using spirit stones.

"Aircraft? Do you want to tinker with this flashy thing again? Wouldn't it be good to just make more flying spirit weapons?"

The snake opened her mouth at will, although she was disgusted in her small mouth, but her body was honest, this psychic car was already racing extremely happily under her hands...

"Master Huihua Snake, this is different. If it is really like what the envoy said, the flying machine is made with the method of this spiritual vehicle. It is definitely more practical than our ordinary flying spirit weapon."

Xin Yu responded.

At this moment, the little lady who turns into a snake is concentrating on speeding the car, as if she listened to what you said.

"Because our ordinary flying spirit weapon is not easy to manufacture. The material requirements are relatively high. And it needs a cultivator with a certain level of cultivation to refine it. In addition, without this talent, the amount of materials needed to refine the spirit weapon is even greater. few.

With our current resource reserves, we may only be able to refine thousands of flying spirit weapons. "

Xin Yu continued.

"Oh... there are not as many Winged Men in Tianyu now..."

The snake replied casually.

"Yes, but if the Lord God Envoy's proposal can be completed, the aircraft manufactured in the form of a spiritual vehicle can be produced stably. Moreover, the manufacturing difficulty is much lower than that of a flying spiritual device. Basically, as long as the tools are available, Ordinary craftsmen can do it without much cultivation.

In addition, this kind of aircraft should also be relatively easy to expand the carrying capacity, and it should be relatively easy to add more powerful defense measures. "

Xin Yu said again.

"So powerful? So, wouldn't your previous flying spirit weapons become waste?"

Hua Snake asked casually.

"That's not the case. Because the flying machine manufactured in this way by the envoy must have considerable requirements on the consumption of spirit stones. The original flying spirit weapon is different. Once the refining is successful, as long as it is not damaged, it can basically be used forever. If it continues to be used, it is possible to pass it on for dozens of generations...

And spiritual weapons such as spiritual vehicles will directly consume the energy of spirit stones to the end.Like this psychic car, it only has a [-]-year lifespan. After [-] years, if you want to continue using it, you need to replenish the spirit stones.

It can only be said that in terms of short-term benefits, a tool like a psychic vehicle is far more practical than making a spiritual weapon.Especially in the category of low-level spiritual weapons, after all, there are not many low-level spiritual weapons that can not be damaged within a hundred years, basically a single sky fire can destroy a low-level spiritual weapon..."

Xin Yu replied.


The snake nodded, and continued to drive the car...

After a while.

You Dai has already led the clansmen to bring all [-] skilled craftsmen to Tianyu Star City, and arranged accommodation, waiting for Xin Yu's dispatch.

Fang Ce and the others also returned to the Star City Palace.

"Fairy, look at this."

Fang Ce first drew two blueprints and showed them to Xin Yu.

The little lady Hua Snake naturally came over curiously, and now, in her opinion, these are likely to be fun toys again...

At this time, in the blueprints, one is a bird-like aircraft, and the other is a dragonfly-like aircraft.

(End of this chapter)

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