Feng Shui apprentice ten years debut is the Celestial Master

Chapter 395 The completion of the Tianyu aircraft and the arrival of beautiful women

Chapter 395 The completion of the Tianyu aircraft and the arrival of beautiful women
"Is this... two types of aircraft?"

Xin Yu observed suspiciously and curiously, and had vaguely guessed some principles.

"Well, this is a reference to the gliding method of flying birds. The front propeller stirs the airflow to form a propulsion force to make the aircraft fly. In addition, the propeller can also be used in water as the propulsion force of the boat. In this way, there is no need for the boatman to paddle .”

Fang Ce said.

Xin Yu nodded, showing a pensive look, she could already predict that the engine 'invented' by Fang Ce would play a huge role in many fields in the future!

"And this, this one is quite special. The thing on it is called a rotor, which is similar to the principle of a propeller, but this is... It is driven by this huge rotor to fly. It takes off vertically. Controlling the tilt of the rotor can flexibly adjust the direction of flight.

Generally speaking, this kind of aircraft is more flexible, but the flying speed is slower.In addition, this production difficulty will be higher.The main thing is that the specific operation method of the rotor is not very clear to me.Fairy, you need to think about it. "

Fang Ce introduced the dragonfly-like aircraft, which is actually a helicopter.

"It's okay, these problems are not big. You just need to know how it works."

Xin Yu nodded in thought.

"Haha, as expected of a fairy."

"You guy...how did you come up with these weird things? Are you really too full to do nothing?"

The snake couldn't help but look weird. For an existence of her level, these things are basically difficult to have a big impact.I didn't pay much attention to it, or think about the impact these things can bring.

"Oh... that's not because under the light of your glory, Mr. Hua Snake, Xiaosheng's inspiration is flowing like a spring."

Fang Ce responded with a smile.

Hua Snake curled his lips when he heard the words, with a look of disgust on his face.

Then several people discussed the development plan again, and decided to let Xin Yu start the research and development of two types of aircraft, and for convenience, directly named the two types of aircraft as airplane and helicopter according to Fang Ce's words...

And the arrival of a thousand skilled craftsmen can also be used just in time.

In addition, Tianyu has also started the recruitment of the second batch of personnel, this time to recruit [-] soldiers with good moral character.

About three months passed.

Outside the west gate of Star City.

Fang Ce, Xin Yu, Hua Snake, Taoist Good and Evil, You Dai, Sun Taimei and others arrive.

At this moment, in front of everyone's eyes are two aircrafts, one large and one small.

One is a small bird-wing aircraft with a wingspan of [-] feet, a fuselage height of [-] feet, and a fuselage length of just over [-] foot.

The other is a rotary-wing helicopter with a fuselage height of nine feet, width of five feet, and length of one foot eight.

During this period of time, when Xin Yu summoned craftsmen to manufacture two aircrafts, Taoists Good and Evil happened to see them, and immediately aroused their interest, and also joined the research of this new thing...

"How do you play with these two things?"

Without further ado, the curious little snake girl got on the bird-wing propeller plane first.

Fang Ce was speechless when he saw this, but he didn't bother to stop it. Things like airplane test flights are probably more dangerous.This little lady is powerful, let her do the experiment...

"Oh, this is almost the same as driving a psychic car. It is flying in the air, and there will be some discrepancies in the control. Well... this is still in the experimental stage, and how to control it has to be practiced. This is the activation formation, and this is the second. Tier speed formation..."

Xin Yu came to the side and explained in detail.

"Fairy, why do you compare these two aircrafts? This propeller aircraft seems a bit crude, and the weight seems..."

Fang Ce looked at the two aircraft with a strange expression.This propeller plane is simply the most primitive and rudimentary, barely able to be piloted by one person.And that helicopter seems to have everything, and the space is not small, it should be able to easily accommodate four or five people on board.

And there is another problem. The production of these two types of aircraft, the helicopter is still quite difficult. He really didn't expect the fairy to give priority to getting the helicopter out.I was still very surprised.

To be honest, if he didn't know that the fairy has true knowledge, he would not be sure how many years it would take to make this helicopter. After all, the technical problems involved in the helicopter are many and complicated, and he himself knows the principle of the bamboo dragonfly.But if you really think that making a helicopter is as simple as making a bamboo dragonfly, then you are too naive...

"Oh... because after careful consideration, I feel that these two types of aircraft, the helicopter is more suitable for the current needs of Tianyu. Therefore, the focus of research is on this helicopter, and this bird-wing aircraft is just a first-version model. I will make it to see the effect. .”

Xin Yu responded.

"So that's the case, the fairy is thoughtful."

Fang Ce nodded. He naturally understood that relatively speaking, a flexible and convenient helicopter is indeed more suitable for the current Tianyu.However, propeller aircraft has relatively large restrictions on both the take-off place and the landing place.And the way of flying is relatively stiff.The only advantage is that it is faster.

"Xiao Yu, can I just start it now?"

The Little Snake Lady spoke again.

"Well... almost, but when Master Hua Snake returns to land, it is recommended to activate the protective formation. Because the control of this plane is more difficult than the spiritual vehicle, I am worried that it will be difficult to control when it lands, causing Crash."

Xin Yu said.

"Well, that's all?"


"Then I will drive, and the helicopter, none of you are allowed to move, wait for the deity to come back."

The Little Snake Lady said domineeringly, after all, the propeller bird-wing aircraft she is controlling has gradually started to make a lot of noise.

Regarding the domineering behavior of this little lady, Fang Ce has no major complaints except that he is amused and angry, because he knows that the control of the helicopter is more difficult.Anyway, he doesn't know how to play, so it's good to let this playful little lady toss out experience first...

After running about tens of feet away, the plane flew up under the curious eyes of everyone, and then quickly flew into the sky.


Fang Ce couldn't help smiling.

"It's really flying like this, and the speed has reached 600 years of cultivation..."

The Taoists of Good and Evil looked contemplative, the flying speed of low-level spirit weapons was uneven, the slow speed of a hundred years of cultivation, the fast speed of two to three hundred years, and the better ones could reach more than five or six hundred years of cultivation.But this refining direction is not easy to control...

"Fairy, what's the consumption of this plane?"

Fang Ce asked again.

"This is the same as an ordinary spiritual vehicle, a small piece of spirit stone can last for a hundred years."

Xin Yu responded.


Fang Ce's eyes widened involuntarily, a little incredulous.

"Because this is the most rudimentary production, the weight of the whole aircraft is only two hundred catties, and the consumption is relatively small. If it is of the same scale as the Psionic Vehicle, it can only be used for ten years. If it is a hundred years, it will need ten small pieces Lingshi, that is, a whole piece of Lingshi. This helicopter uses a whole piece of Lingshi."

Xin Yu responded, while looking at the helicopter beside her.

"I see."

Fang Ce nodded.

At this time, Hua Snake was still flying the small plane at high altitude, and it was getting farther and farther away, gradually flying out of everyone's sight.

Fang Ce shook his head and continued to chat with Xin Yu.

And not far behind, a group of craftsmen looked surprised. These craftsmen participated in the production of the aircraft arranged by Xin Yu.None of them thought that what they were going to create was a flying 'spirit weapon', it was unbelievable...

If it takes a long time, maybe the supreme beauty who turns into a snake has had enough of playing, or remembers that there is another toy waiting for her to play with, and she has already appeared in everyone's field of vision again by flying a plane.

The plane flew back quickly, then gradually slowed down and lowered its altitude, and lit up with a golden light.


Fang Ce smiled, knowing that this little girl was about to land.

Soon, the plane gradually flew down to the ground, but it just slid on the ground for less than a moment, and it turned over, thumping, tumbling, and finally stopped not far in front of it, stirring up a burst of dust.


Fang Ce couldn't help being stunned, it was really turned over, and thanks to the protective measures, it would not be damaged.As for the life safety of the little lady, it's not in his consideration...

"It seems that the landing angle is not adjusted properly."

Xin Yu said softly.

"Cough cough cough..."

Hua Snake pushed away the plane that was pressing on him, and patted the dust on his body: "Xiao Yu, you haven't done a good job! Go back and perfect it! Hmph!"

"Yes, Lord Transformation Snake!"

Xin Yu responded quickly.

Fang Ce was just being funny, he could see that this little girl was just making an excuse for making a fool of herself in public, and it was natural for the fairy to expose it in person.

"It's not bad, it's more fun than that psychic car. Xiaoyu will turn around and perfect it, and this flying machine will belong to the deity."

Hua Snake tidied up her appearance, walked back very gracefully, and looked at the helicopter beside her.

"Okay, the supreme snake-sama."

Xin Yu responded.

"Master Hua Snake, are you going to show off your skills again?"

Fang Ce smiled.

Hearing the words, Hua Snake glanced at Fang Ce, curled his lips and ignored it, and walked straight to the helicopter.

"Master Hua Snake, the supreme one, this helicopter has a lot of space, please allow Xiaosheng and Fairy to stand aside and admire the might of God."

Fang Ce walked to the front first, opened the hatch, and said with a smile, "Please."

Hua Snake took a look at Xin Yu, didn't say much, and boarded the helicopter first.In her mind, it would be good to have Xin Yu to guide her later.After all, although the previous plane was fun, it was really not easy to operate.

Fang Ce and Xin Yu also boarded the helicopter and closed the hatch.

"Xiao Yu, how do you operate this one? It seems a little different from the previous one?"

Hua Snake looked at the obviously different joystick in front of him.

"Yes, Master Hua Snake, this helicopter is more flexible, and it will be much more complicated to operate..."

Xin Yu explained carefully.

"oh oh……"

Under Xin Yu's explanation, Hua Snake slowly turned on the helicopter and flew into the air.

"Hahaha! As expected of a fairy, it will be much more convenient for ordinary people to go up and down this heaven."

Fang Ce looked out of the window at the ground that was gradually moving away, feeling joyful in his heart.At this moment, he was thinking about producing dozens or even hundreds of helicopters, which are basically sufficient as a means of transportation for the residents of Tianyu to go up and down.

"This helicopter is almost meaningless, not as good as the small plane in front."

At this moment, Hua Snake frowned slightly.

Fang Ce smiled, he knew that the control of the helicopter was difficult, and the speed was not as fast as the propeller plane, so it must not be so enjoyable.Now the flying speed of this helicopter is driven to the highest by the Little Snake Lady, but it is only about the same speed as the Psychic Car.

Compared with the previous propeller aircraft, this speed is much worse, and it is more flexible and convenient to move, but it requires technology...

After playing with the helicopter for a few moments, under the guidance of Xin Yu, the beauty of the snake landed smoothly and returned to the ground.Afterwards, the beauty who turned into a snake got on the propeller plane and flew into the sky again...

Fang Ce shook his head helplessly, and looked at Xin Yu: "Fairy, can we start the production of this helicopter now?"


Xin Yu nodded lightly.

"Okay, by the way, we need to train a special driver."

Fang Ce smiled and nodded.

Another three months have passed.

inside the palace.

"Greetings to Lord Hua Snake, news from Her Majesty the Queen that the selection of [-] soldiers from Tianyu has been completed and is waiting to be received."

Shang Le came to Hua Snake and saluted respectfully.

"Oh, this kind of trivial matter, you can deal with it."

The snake waved his hand casually.

"Uh... yes..."

Shang Le responded, and looked at Fang Ce, Xin Yu, and You Dai beside him, with some pleading for help in his eyes.Naturally, she couldn't connect 1 people one by one.

"Ha, just in time. Our Tianyu helicopter brigade is barely finished, and it just happened to be used."

Fang Ce smiled.


Kowloon City, outside the Imperial Palace.

I saw 1000 generals and soldiers lined up neatly and neatly. Every [-] people is an army, and there is a general in front.Among them, the general of the third army has a familiar heroic figure.

It was a female general with a high ponytail tied with a red ribbon, bright eyes and bright teeth, a cold and solemn face, skin as white as snow, and wearing a pair of silver armor, but her slender figure could not be concealed by her armor, which made her even more heroic thrive.

This female general is Yang Xuefei, she is more mature and steady than before.

At this moment, she is the same as the other soldiers on the field, with a serious face and no smile, waiting for Tianyu's acceptance.

A moment later, there was already movement in the sky.

Everyone couldn't help but looked up, and suddenly showed surprise.

"What a big spirit weapon!"

"This is Tianyu's flying spirit weapon!?"

In the air, huge helicopters with fuselages two feet long and one foot wide landed quickly with the sound of high-speed turbulent airflow. There were a hundred of them!

Looking at these strange and orderly large flying machines that look like gold and iron monsters, even these well-trained and psychologically superior soldiers can't help but feel amazed.

"Are these flying spirit weapons sent by Tianyu to meet us...Tianyu...Brother Fang..."

Yang Xuefei looked up with a slightly complicated look in her eyes, but it was only a short time before she had returned to her cold and serious look.

Soon, a hundred helicopters landed neatly under the surprised and shocked eyes of all the soldiers.

As three more figures descended slowly, to be precise, there should be four.I saw a handsome and elegant son, a beautiful and mighty snow-silver winged tiger, a fairy-like beauty in Taoist robes, and a stunning beauty with blond hair and wings in a white gauze dress.

"It's Brother Fang..."

Yang Xuefei was startled for a moment, her eyes fell on Fang Ce who was lazily lying on the snow tiger with two wings.

(End of this chapter)

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