Chapter 396 Ten Years of Development
"Hiss!? That's a mount with ten thousand years of cultivation!? No way!?"

"This coercion and power may really be ten thousand years of cultivation... How is it possible, who is that young master!?"

"To be able to subdue a ten-thousand-year-cultivated monster... that is the most terrifying existence..."

Many soldiers who were close to the front couldn't help being shocked and commotion, and their eyes fell on the big cat queen and Fang Ce on her back.

The Big Cat Empress did not have the ability to cultivate the ability to restrain her breath, because she was the strongest Empress Supreme in the Shenhu Kingdom, so there was no need to restrain her breath at all.

At this time, the soldiers were shocked, but the big cat queen looked very bad, she was not a monster...

"Greetings to God Envoy! Lady God Envoy! Fairy!"

The surrounding guards saluted first.

"What!? Master God Envoy!?"

"Greetings to God Envoy! Lady God Envoy! Fairy!"

The soldiers were shocked again, and they also knelt down to salute.

"Get up, you don't have to be polite. We are in charge of escorting you to Tianyu."

Xin Yu opened her mouth, saying that the words of exempting from courtesy should have been said by Fang Ce, but because of her status, she acted a bit presumptuously.

However, with Fang Ce's current appearance, it is obvious that he is too lazy to take care of things.You Dai also regarded Xin Yu as the leader, so she had no choice but to come forward.

These soldiers heard that Fang Ce and the other three were really here to meet them, and they were even more excited in their hearts: "Thank you, Mr. Fairy! Thank you, Mr. God Envoy! Mrs. God Envoy!"

"Huh? Miss Yang?"

Fang Ce sat up suddenly, but found Yang Xuefei who was a little far away, and Yang Xuefei was also looking at him at the moment.

However, seeing that Fang Ce found out, Yang Xuefei couldn't help but quickly lowered her head.

At this time, everyone's eyes couldn't help but fall on Yang Xuefei, they didn't expect that among them there was an acquaintance of the envoy! ?
Fang Ce got up and landed on the ground, walking towards Yang Xuefei.

Xin Yu's three daughters also followed.

"Hahaha, Miss Yang, long time no see, are you okay?"

Fang Ce smiled and clasped his fists.

"God...God made Sir polite..."

Yang Xuefei cupped her fists respectfully in response.

"Ha, Miss Yang, why do you need to be so out of touch with me?"

Fang Ce shook his head and smiled, the girl was still reserved.

"My lord made a joke, the humble is now the soldiers who came to answer the imperial edict, and it cannot be surpassed."

Yang Xuefei clasped her fists again seriously.

"Uh... It seems that I am not here anymore."

"Don't dare! My lord, don't misunderstand me! There is no other meaning to being humble!"

Yang Xuefei panicked and shook her head quickly.

"Hahahaha! This is very good, let's go, I will take you up."

Fang Ce laughed out loud, but he really liked this girl's temperament.And he found that this girl has not crossed the catastrophe yet.But think about it, for him now, crossing the robbery is nothing.However, it is still not easy for the corresponding level.

"This...thank you for your's just that I'm humbled by the soldiers who are now here in response to the imperial edict, so I'm afraid it's not right..."

Yang Xuefei bowed her head and responded.

Hearing this, Fang Ce couldn't help being a little surprised, but he quickly realized that this girl didn't want people to think that she relied on her relationship, but on her own strength.Very self-reliant...

"That's right! Back then, it was an honor to have such a life-and-death comrade-in-arms like Miss Yang."

Fang Ce gave a compliment, then smiled and clasped his hands together.

Comrades who go through life and death?
The big cat queen beside her couldn't help being stunned. In her opinion, the girl in front of her was at the level of an ant, and she could kill it at will.With such an existence, how can he go through life and death with Fang Ce, a guy with perverted and incomparable strength?how can that be?The two are far from the same level, okay!

"No, Lord God Envoy was just joking. It was Lord God Envoy who gave up his life to save him back then. He was so humble and ashamed..."

Yang Xuefei shook her head hastily.

"Okay, okay, let's go to Tianyu first."

Fang Ce smiled and waved his hands.


Yang Xuefei clasped her fists in response.

At this time, all the soldiers were astonished, each guessing about Yang Xuefei's identity.Not to mention anything else, to be received so cordially by the God Envoy.That is already doomed to rise to the top.It's just that they didn't expect that Yang Xuefei, with such a relationship, would actually participate in the assessment like them, and be selected step by step, so they couldn't help but respect her.

Then Xin Yu arranged for [-] soldiers to board the helicopter one by one and send them directly to Tianyu.Each helicopter can squeeze [-] soldiers, and one hundred is [-].Going back and forth four times in this way, the ten thousand soldiers can be connected to Tianyu.

Although there are still [-] Yiren clansmen in today's domain, it is just enough to support these [-] soldiers.The problem is, now these wingmen also have duties in Tianyu.It is also inconvenient to deliberately take such a lot of trouble to convene.

But now with these one hundred helicopters, only one hundred pilots are enough.Naturally, it saves a lot of trouble.

At this moment, these soldiers who took the helicopter to Tianyu couldn't help marveling at the richness of Tianyu.To be able to manufacture such a large-scale flying spirit weapon, and it is an unprecedented style...

"Well... the number of helicopters seems to be a little less."

Fang Ce looked at the hundreds of helicopters busy up and down, and couldn't help touching his chin.Although at first glance, these one hundred helicopters are powerful enough.But compared to the entire Tianyu, it is still far from enough to see.

The population of Tianyu is not large now, and the population will gradually increase in the future.These one hundred helicopters are definitely not enough.

"Well, we have already started the production of the second-order helicopter. It is estimated that we will produce a hundred, and then we will see if we need to prepare the third-order helicopter. The production of these helicopters still consumes a lot of spirit stones."

Xin Yu responded.

"How much did it cost to make these helicopters?"

Fang Ce couldn't help but wonder.

"The current scale of one hundred helicopters costs a total of 300 yuan of spirit stones. If it is a second-tier helicopter, it will cost 600 yuan. For a third-tier helicopter, it will cost 900 yuan. So, for higher-tier helicopters in the future, we will consider the situation."

"300 yuan spirit stones... How many spirit stones do we have now?"

Fang Ce nodded. After all, the annual income of Spirit Stones in the Kingdom of God seems to be more than 200?However, he remembered that he had searched a lot from the Divine Kingdom in the Eastern Continent before...

"There are still more than 9000 spirit stones in Tianyu, which is close to 10 yuan."

Xin Yu replied.


Fang Ce fell silent for a moment. Regarding this, he could only secretly say that the fairy is a good daughter-in-law who is diligent and thrifty...

After more than 1 soldiers were accepted into Tianyu, they quickly started training.

After that, Tianyu formulated a new development plan.This plan is to distribute recommendation orders to [-] relatively prestigious families in the Kingdom of God and Taigan.

This recommendation order is to allow the owning family to have a quota for recommending talents to Kowloon City to enter Tianyu every year.

Those who are recommended can directly enter Tianyu as long as they pass the assessment of Kowloon City.

These families naturally responded one after another. Who doesn't know where Tianyu is today?That is a sacred place that can directly determine the survival of the Kingdom of God and Taigan!As long as you can enter, it is a great opportunity!

How could these people not take advantage of this opportunity to have a direct relationship with Tianyu?
All of a sudden, the [-] selected lucky families became popular all over the place, and a large number of talents scrambled to please the [-] families in order to get a chance to be recommended...

In addition to the recruitment of talents, Tianyu also began to collect cold iron from all over the world, especially the 300-year-old cold iron and the thousand-year-old cold iron, and even spent a lot of money to buy them.

In addition to cold iron, there is also the corresponding Huoyang iron, which is also purchased in large quantities.This was suggested by Xin Yu, because she thought that it might be used a lot in the future.


Time flies, and ten years pass in the blink of an eye.

After ten years of rest and recuperation, the vitality of the Kingdom of God and Taiqian has recovered a lot, and prosperity has been restored in many places, especially the gathering places of three thousand famous families.

As for Tianyu, it has also developed rapidly in the past ten years. The palace where the snake lives has been renovated. The entire palace is made of various precious materials. It is like a fairy palace, and it is extremely noble.

The dwellings of the residents of Star City are far more luxurious and expensive than those of the common people on the ground.After all, apart from the special nature of Tianyu itself, those who can enter Tianyu are basically top talents from all over the world, so how can they live in a different place?

In the past ten years, Tianyu has only recruited more than 1 people.In other words, out of the 1000 recommended talents each year, only [-] passed the assessment.It shows how harsh the conditions for entering Tianyu are.


Of these resources, 200 million catties of century-old cold iron were made into 91 fifth-order spirit-guiding thunder cannons, and with the previous 33, there were 120.

The 20 catties of 300-year-old cold iron were all used to make the sixth-order spirit-guiding thunder cannon. A total of three were made, and the previous one was added to make four.

As for the thousand-year-old cold iron, it is still idle, because the quantity is too small, and it is far from enough to manufacture the seventh-order spirit-guiding thunder cannon.

Originally, these materials were mainly used for refining spirit weapons.Being tossed about by Tianyu now has also caused the value of spirit weapons to increase a lot...

In the past ten years, Tianyu's spiritual stones have not increased but decreased, because the annual income is not much, but the expenditure is quite a lot.

Fang Ce had no choice but to praise Xin Yu again for being a good daughter-in-law who is diligent and thrifty.Otherwise, if the spirit stones were really consumed wantonly, the spirit stones worth close to 10 yuan might not last long.

And Tianyu's spiritual stones in the past ten years were mainly spent on the production of helicopters.Today, Tianyu has 300 first-, second-, and third-tier helicopters each. These three-tier helicopters correspond to the speed of 600-year, 900-year, and [-]-year-old cultivators respectively.

After 900 years of cultivation, the speed of cultivators is quite terrifying. After all, there are not many cultivators who can reach 900 years of cultivation, and they can still fly!
And the helicopters of the three ranks, why are they all one hundred and one.It's because the first one of each level is the exclusive toy of our supreme beauty, the snake...

In addition, in addition to helicopters, some propeller planes have also been manufactured, and propeller planes are very powerful, directly manufactured to the fifth-order level.However, there is only one per tier.Because these are also the exclusive toys of our supreme Snake Beauty...

Of course, in addition to being the exclusive toys of the Snake Beauty, these planes are also test items.It's not entirely used to please the beauty of the snake.

And the speed of the fifth-order propeller plane can be described as terrifying, it has already reached the speed of 3000 years of cultivation! How many cultivators have 3000 years of cultivation?At present, there are only a dozen or so.For ordinary cultivators, this speed is indeed terrifying.

The spirit weapons that can reach this speed are basically the best spirit weapons among the best.

At this moment, in the splendid palace.

The crowd was summoned.

The majestic beauty of the Snake is sitting on the main seat, which is in stark contrast to Fang Ce, who is lazily lying on the big cat empress and dozing off.

"Master Hua Snake, I don't know why you summoned us here?"

Xin Yu clenched his fists and saluted.

Hua Snake glanced at Fang Ce sideways, and then said in a low voice: "The development of the Tianyu is almost the same now, but the nine artifacts have not been repaired, and the second-class Fengshui array has not been arranged. It is really detrimental to the majesty of the Tianyu."

"Hmm... Master Hua Snake wants us to try to completely restore the Nine Divine Artifacts? It's just that the materials required for the Nine Divine Artifacts are extremely rare. It was a blessing to be able to find three pieces in the Eastern Continent before. The remaining materials are currently available. No leads yet."

Xin Yu responded.

At this time, Fang Ce couldn't help but open his eyes slightly. He may not be interested in other things now, but when it comes to the Nine Divine Artifacts, it's different.But now that there are no clues about the materials for repairing the Nine Divine Artifacts, what is this little girl going to do?
"There are indeed no clues, but there are no clues at all."

Hua Snake gave Fang Ce another sideways look, and said in a low voice.

"Huh? This subordinate is ignorant, please tell Master Hua Snake."

Xin Yu was puzzled.

"Since three pieces of restoration materials can be found in the Eastern Continent, does that mean that they can also be found in other continents?"

The snake said in a low voice.

"This... other continents... Mr. Hua Snake means that he intends to try to find out whether there are traces of other continents?"

Xin Yu hesitated.

"Yes, since we have mastered the method of traveling through the fog, why can't we find other continents like the way the Eastern Continent found our Middle-Earth Continent. Moreover, since the Eastern Continent calls our side the Middle-Earth Continent, it is basically It means there are other continents around us."

Snake way.

"Well... that's the truth. There are other continents mentioned in the Eastern Continent's classics, but I don't know much about them, and I didn't spend too much ink, just mentioning them in one stroke..."

"Since this is the case, it would be even better. Let's explore other continents directly. Be sure to restore the Nine Artifacts to the deity."

"Master Hua Snake's idea is okay, but the main problem now is that the sea area is full of various risks. If you want to explore, you basically have to build warships like the Eastern Continent, and you need a lot of combat power and strong people with ten thousand years of cultivation. Sit down..."

Xin Yu frowned slightly, she still remembered the danger she encountered in the Eastern Continent before.And the surrounding sea area is so vast, maybe there will be greater risks lurking.Otherwise, she would have already tried to find it.

"Hmph, why bother? Our Tianyu directly drives over, isn't it the end of the matter?"

The haughty and disdainful voice of Hua Snake sounded again.

(End of this chapter)

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