Chapter 397 The Domineering Snake Lady Wants to Destroy Li Country
"This... Lord Hua Snake means to let us control the Tianyu to go out to find other continents. Master Hua Snake, you still stay in the kingdom of God to guard like last time?"

Xin Yu was surprised, she felt that this situation should be impossible.The beauty who turned into a snake is extremely domineering and has a good face. Now that she is in this world, how could she be willing to let her out?

However, if this is not the case, it seems that there is no other possibility.

"Why does the deity stay in the Kingdom of God to guard?"

The snake pouted.

"Uh... that means to let God Envoy stay here to guard?"

Xin Yu looked at Fang Ce suspiciously.

"He also wants to go out with the deity."

"Then... what should we do here in the Kingdom of God? Now the top existences of the Demon Dragon of the Li Kingdom are still eyeing, in case something unexpected happens..."

"Hmph, Li Country? Demon Dragon? Just destroy it."

The snake looked disdainful.

"Went out?"

Xin Yu was startled.

"It's been so many years, and this so-called peaceful recuperation should come to an end, and the Kingdom of God should usher in real peace and stability. Do you think that with the current strength of our Kingdom of God, it's not enough to wipe out the Li Kingdom and the Demon Dragon? guy?"

Hua Snake opened his mouth indifferently, and glanced sideways at Fang Ce again.

"This... shouldn't be a problem... It's just that the two sides have been peaceful for a long time now, and we suddenly started a war again, it seems a bit..."

Xin Yu couldn't help hesitating, she knew that Fang Ce's self-confidence was rooted in Fang Ce, and with Fang Ce's current strength, it was indeed not a big problem to destroy Li Guo.However, when the flames of war start, innocent people will inevitably be affected. After all, this is not a street fight...

"Humph, Xiaoyu, you are good at everything, but this is what makes this deity very displeased. Your extra compassion and kindness will only be a burden. Don't you know how to raise tigers to cause trouble? If Li Guo and Molong are all Taigan's kind of docile kittens, the deity naturally doesn't mind letting them live.

It's a pity that they are not, how can we get rid of them once and for all?Now even the deity's travel is restricted by them, can this deity bear it?That's the end of the peace agreement. Give Molong and those guys a month to prepare, let alone bullying others. "

Hua Snake said in a very domineering tone.

"This... well..."

Xin Yu sighed softly, speaking of this, she really couldn't stop the snake, let alone, she couldn't stop it either.Now Hua Snake and her are just discussing how to deal with the Li country, not whether to deal with the Li country.Hua Snake has already made a decision in her heart, and it is beyond her control at all.

"Hmm... Is there going to be a war? It's pretty good, I haven't watched the show for a long time. Then you have to work hard."

Fang Ce stretched and yawned.

"Watching a play? Are you watching a fart play? Believe it or not, this deity will beat you to death!"

The snake's beautiful eyes widened immediately, if this guy was watching a show from the sidelines, would he still need to beat him?

Xin Yu was also taken aback.

"Uh... My beloved Master Hua Snake, Xiaosheng thinks that our Divine Kingdom is strong enough to deal with the Li Kingdom. There is no need, Xiaosheng will not meddle in other people's business."

Fang Ce responded helplessly. The reason why he didn't plan to make a move was not because he didn't want to attack Li Guo and Molong.It can be said that even if the ancient god of the Great Desolation is still there, he doesn't pay attention to the current Li Kingdom and the Demon Dragon.It's not that he is arrogant, but that he has stepped into the realm now, and he looks at everything differently.

Now the big monsters like Molong, to him now, are no different from guys like Jiaolong.It's just like the mentality of the beauty who turned into a snake before and regarded Taigan as a docile kitten.It's not that I can't look down on it, but because of the difference in location, the way of looking at it is different.

And the reason why he didn't plan to make a move was because he thought of the Yiren Kingdom before, and the defeat of the Yiren Kingdom made him more vigilant.He didn't want Little Snake Lady and God Council to repeat the same mistakes because they depended too much on him. After all, there might be some reason why he had to leave.

Today's Little Snake Lady and the entire Kingdom of God have a tendency to over-rely on him...

"Oh? Are you sure?"

At this moment, Hua Snake couldn't help squinting his eyes slightly, his face was extremely gloomy, obviously angry.

"Uh...Master Hua Snake, I'll give you a chance to exercise, okay?"

Fang Ce replied that he was a little worried that the little lady misunderstood his thoughts and made him mess up.If so, it is also a headache.

You Dai on the side couldn't help but reveal her thoughts, and faintly saw Fang Ce's thoughts, after all, she was the princess of Yiren Kingdom.And in the past ten years in Tianyu, she has also understood the situation here very well, knowing that the cheap husband, the envoy, is the absolute strongest existence here, and the core power of the entire kingdom of God and Taigan!Just like the ancestor king of the Yiren Kingdom back then!

Of course, it's only because of their similar status. She still knows very well that the strength of the ancestor king of the Yiren Kingdom is simply not comparable to this cheap husband, let alone this cheap husband. of……

"Fang Ce, don't be like this..."

At this time, Xin Yu couldn't help but speak anxiously, if Fang Ce really didn't intend to make a move, and Hua Snake got angry again and insisted on starting a war, the situation would only get worse.Only when Fang Ce takes action can the war be ended quickly and the disaster minimized.

"Uh...forget it, let's do this, that guy, Demon Dragon, I'll take care of it myself. The rest, I'll give you some practice."

Fang Ce shrugged helplessly. He thought about it. If he didn't make a move, the strength of the two sides would indeed be more tragic.That's all there is to it, he can't solve all of them directly, so how can the Little Snake Lady and the Kingdom of God still have a sense of crisis and oppression?
"Hmph, you ecstatic guy, be careful that one day the boat capsizes in the gutter."

Hua Snake curled her lips. In her opinion, the current Fang Ce is obviously arrogant and pretending because of his strength.

"Uh... what the snake beauty taught me."

Fang Ce couldn't help but smile wryly, and didn't bother to defend himself.

Hua Snake twitched his mouth again, and didn't feel the sincerity in Fang Ce's words at all...

Afterwards, Tianyu sent a message, notifying Taigan that he was going to crusade against the Li country!
Half a month later, Li country border town.

"My God!? What's that!?"

"It's not good! It's an enemy attack! An enemy attack!!"

Amidst the exclamation and shock, the soldiers on the city wall were in a mess for an instant.

At this moment, I saw a huge piece of land approaching slowly with an unparalleled sense of oppression in the sky outside the city!In addition, there are tens of thousands of soldiers on the ground coming together with Xiao Zhanqi!

At the moment when the generals of the Li Kingdom were panicking, the Tianyu, Shenguo, and Taigan troops stopped three miles outside the city.

Immediately, under the suspicious gazes of the soldiers of the Li Kingdom, a wingman general flew out of the high-altitude sky and quickly flew down to the low-altitude sky.

"Listen, Li Guo, the supreme Lord Hua Snake has ordered that the previous peace agreement is hereby voided, Tianyu will fully attack Li Guo in a month's time! Get ready!"

The winged general said solemnly!
With a sound, all the soldiers of Li Guo were in an uproar!In addition to being amazed by the aggressiveness of the other party, I was also a little annoyed by the arrogance of the other party!
After all, this is no less than a person suddenly running in front of you and telling you, son of a bitch, I am going to beat you, and I will give you half a day to warm up and get ready.This attitude simply does not take Li Guo seriously!

At this moment, in Tianyu Star City, inside the palace.

"Fang Venerable, I never imagined that we have such...such a miraculous place! From now on, I don't want to be guarding any frontiers! I also want to live in this heaven!"

Evil Ape stared excitedly at Fang Ce who was casually lying on the big cat empress.

"Haha, Lord Xie Yuan, it's natural that you want to live here. However, there are more rules here, so you may not be able to live as freely as you are at the border."

Fang Ce responded with a smile.

"It's not easy, can't the deity live at both ends?"

"That's right, but let's wait until Li Guo's problem is resolved."

Fang Ce smiled and nodded.

"Li country? With Venerable Fang's current strength, isn't it easy for us to eradicate Li country?"

"Ha, I dare not guarantee this."

Fang Ce shook his head and smiled, he only planned to deal with the dragon.

At the moment, on the throne, the beauty who turned into a snake was leisurely sipping tea, her beautiful eyes glanced at Fang Ce from time to time.

On the other side of the main hall, Xin Yu, Tianshi Wu Zun, and Xin Lan are reminiscing about old works.

Qilin Wurui Beast, people from Tianji Pavilion, King Fu Zun, Wusheng Tianyan and others were also chatting in twos and threes.

Jiuying Liangxue sat alone at the side, drinking quietly. Now she has fully adapted to this identity, except that she will appear close to Fang Ce and Xin Yu in private.He is almost indifferent to anyone.

At this time, Fang Ce's eyes fell on the Heavenly Master Wu Zun who was still in a spiritual state, and he couldn't help thinking.

After a few moments.

"The Snake is here!!!"

The deep voice came with the surging aura!

"Demon Dragon? That guy wants to take the initiative to seek death? How dare he come to Tianyu?"

The evil ape immediately dismissed it.

"It should be that he wants to come to negotiate. The deity will meet him when he goes out."

The snake sneered, and the figure moved and flew out quickly.

"Master Laboring Snake is here."

Fang Ce smiled.

And the five auspicious beasts also followed out of the palace.

Outside Star City, low in the sky.

The dragon's huge body was stranded, his eyes looked at the scene in front of him, and he couldn't help showing shock. He really didn't expect Fang Ce and the others to create such a miraculous place!

"Hmph, Demon Dragon, what a daring dog, dare to trespass on this deity's heaven."

The snake's cold snort sounded, and then the figure had come to the sky above the star city, in front of the magic dragon.

"Turn into a snake!"

The shock in the eyes of the magic dragon quickly subsided, and then he said in a deep voice: "Why did you tear up the agreement for no reason!! What do you mean!"

"What do you mean? This deity means to hit you, don't understand? If you want to come to ask for mercy, then you can avoid it. Go back and wash your neck and wait for death."

The snake sneered disdainfully.

"You!? Turn into a snake!!!"

The magic dragon was enraged immediately, if it was in the past, how could this cheap snake dare to speak loudly when he saw him!
"What? If you want to go to war now, the deity is willing to accompany you at any time."

Hua Snake opened his mouth calmly, feeling extremely happy in his heart, this feeling of dominating everything is really great.Especially the pleasure of stepping on the feet of an opponent who was once aloof.

"You! This deity wants to see your man! Tell him to come and talk to this deity!"

The devil dragon said with a gloomy expression, he naturally knew that the snake's reliance was Fang Ce, otherwise how would he dare to yell at him?The purpose of his coming here, apart from negotiating, is to find out what level Fang Ce's strength has reached now, so that the cheap snake in front of him can be so arrogant and domineering!
"Hmph, he also has to listen to his deity. If you want to talk to him, you don't have to waste your time, Demon Dragon."

Hua Snake was even more proud. If it was the same as before, she would be ashamed if the dragon said so.But now, she can only be proud, after all, Fang Ce's strength has reached the extreme.With such a powerful partner, how could she not be happy?
"Venerable Fang! Venerable Fang! I have something to discuss with you!!"

But the magic dragon didn't bother to pay attention to the cheap snake in front of him, and called Fang Ce himself directly.

Seeing this, Hua Snake couldn't help raising her eyebrows slightly, she was a little displeased immediately, and was ready to do it directly.Anyway, with Fang Ce behind her, what can this magic dragon do to her?
"Ha, your Excellency, please go back. The meaning of Mr. Hua Snake is the meaning of Tianyu. I don't make decisions."

Fang Ce's leisurely voice came suddenly.

The magic dragon's expression sank.

And Hua Snake's little face immediately showed a smug smile.

"good very good!"

With a cold cry, the magic dragon quickly turned around and left.

"Hmph, something that is overconfident, and still puts on airs with this deity? After a month, let's see if you can still be conceited."

The snake curled its lips, then turned back to the palace.

Go back to the palace.

Hua Snake glanced at Fang Ce, who was still sluggish, before calmly returning to the throne and continuing to drink tea.

At this time, in the border city of Li State.

"Demon Dragon, how's the talk going?"

Nine Woes frowned.

"It doesn't matter if you don't mention it! That cheap snake has seduced a powerful man, and he has become so powerful!"

The dragon said angrily.

"Sure enough, it's that damned snake! Where's her man? Have you seen him? What's the situation now? Why did he suddenly declare war?"

Nine Disasters asked in a deep voice, his main concern was still Fang Ce, because Fang Ce was the real threat to them!
"I didn't see it, he just said that he only listened to that cheap snake to decide what he meant!"

"This... damn it! The war will start in a month later, what shall we do? The Ancient Gods of the Great Desolation and the others haven't come back yet!"

Nine Disasters and Nine Faces suddenly became extremely gloomy.

"Let's fight! Now the strength of our country Li is not weak! I don't believe it! Just a human and a cheap snake can push this deity to a desperate situation!?"

The dragon responded in a deep voice, as proud as he was, still a little unconvinced in his heart, or unwilling to accept the reality that he was no match for a human being!

"I really can't figure it out! Why would such a powerful existence be willing to be used by that cheap snake!? Why would she?"

At this moment, Nine Calamities spoke with a look of unwillingness and jealousy.

"Hmph, isn't it normal for an inferior race like humans to be unable to resist the temptation of beauty? If you are as beautiful as a cheap snake, maybe you can make that guy work for you."

The magic dragon immediately disdained to speak.

"Hmph! This deity doesn't bother!"

Nine Calamities snorted coldly.


Time gradually passed.

In the sky, outside the palace.

There were only two figures, Fang Ce and Tianshi Wuzun.

"Fang Ce, are you confident enough to get rid of Li Guo and Demon Dragon?"

Heavenly Master Martial Lord looked at the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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