Feng Shui apprentice ten years debut is the Celestial Master

Chapter 398 The Demon Dragon Who Was Casually Played By Fang Ce

Chapter 398 The Demon Dragon Who Was Casually Played By Fang Ce

"Well...it should be about the same."

Fang Ce smiled and nodded.

"You kid... I don't know how to describe you now..."

Tianshi Wuzun smiled helplessly. At the beginning, in order to deal with the snake and break the seal, all the strong people in Taigan tried their best to prepare, but they were still not sure.But now Fang Ce can restrain all the big monsters with his own power...

"Actually, senior, you and Fairy, if you can be as lucky as this junior, you will have more chances and more opportunities to grow up. It must be possible to do it."

"Boy, don't be so obedient to me. The girl may have this possibility, but I dare not think about it."

Tianshi Wuzun shook his head, it was almost impossible for one person to fight against a great monster, let alone suppress all the big monsters like Fang Ce?His precious daughter, Xin Yu who has the ability of true knowledge, may have this hope...

"Okay, let's talk, you suddenly came to me, but what can you ask for?"

Tianshi Wuzun spoke again, he believed that it was impossible for Fang Ce to talk to him privately for no reason.

"Well...the junior does have some things that he wants to discuss with the senior..."

Fang Ce nodded deliberately.

"Let's talk directly, is it necessary to be so polite about your relationship with me?"

Tianshi Wuzun is funny.

"Well, the junior said it directly, the junior is going to help the senior revive you. In addition... there must be a competitor for the Kingdom of God and Taigan."

"This!? Help me resurrect!?"

Tianshi Wuzun was taken aback for a moment.


Time passed, and the one-month deadline for starting the war had arrived.

At this moment, the frontier city of Li Kingdom is already waiting in full force. The Demon Dragon, Nine Calamities, and Nine Calamities all have solemn faces. Emperor Li and a group of generals led a total of nine desolate ancient battle formations and waited nervously.

Not a moment.

Outside the city, the allied forces of the Kingdom of God and Taigan approached the border city of the Kingdom of Li in mighty force, and there were ten ancient battle formations arriving in order.However, although the number of the Huanggu battle formations of the coalition forces of the two countries seems to be one more than that of the Li country, in essence, this force cannot be compared at all!

Because the nine desolate ancient battle formations on Li country's side were all cultivated for more than 900 years!I don't know how many people of the Li Kingdom were sacrificed and the huge army of evil creatures from the Nine Plagues was promoted.

As for Taigan and the Kingdom of God, they are all uneven, with an average cultivation base of less than 500 years in the ancient battle formations. The gap can be imagined.It can be said that if a protracted battle is fought head-on with the strength of the ancient battle formation alone, it will definitely be defeated in the end.

"Hmph! Let me and Emperor Li lead the army to block the way, and see how they break through!"

Jiu Huo snorted coldly in disdain, and directly blocked the only passage outside the city in the desolate battle formation with Emperor Li.

Demon Dragon and Nine Disasters also came outside to the low sky, looking at the high sky, waiting for Fang Ce and Hua Snake's real opponents.

At this moment, an unparalleled power shrouded it!

"Demon Dragon, are you ready to die?"

A calm voice sounded.

I saw Hua Snake leading Fang Ce, Jiuying Liangxue, Xie Yuan, Taoists of Good and Evil, Tianyan Martial Saint, Wurui Beast, and thousands of winged people, coming in a majestic and majestic manner.

"What's going on!? People who can fly!? Desolate Ancient Battle Formation!?"

"And they are all 900 years old!?"

All the magic dragons shrank their pupils.

But it can be seen that the army of thousands of wings is an ancient battle formation led by You Dai!
Originally, this Yiren army was only at the beginning of a hundred years of cultivation. The reason why it reached 900 years of cultivation was that Fang Ce spent a third of his spirit fruit stock to build it!

After all, as Tianyu's only ace army at present, it can't be justified if it doesn't have any weight, and it will also damage Tianyu's reputation.

"Hmph, Demon Dragon, you want to fight against this deity just because of you crooked melons and split dates?"

Hua Snake looked at the dragons with a superior tone.

"Snake! What kind of a thing are you! Didn't you just rely on your beauty to cling to a powerful man!! I really think you have something to do!"

The magic dragon was furious at once, it could not stand it any longer because of the transformation snake's nose and face.After all, it would be fine if Hua Snake was really stronger than him, but it wasn't. It was just that she seduced a strong man by relying on her beauty. How could she have the face to show off her power in front of him.

"You! Court death! Attack! This deity will kill you jumping clowns today! Demon dragon, you are waiting to be skinned and cramped by this deity, and then hung on the sky, as a spoil of war!"

Hua Snake was immediately annoyed, saying that Fang Ce was her man, she naturally didn't take it seriously.But to say in public that she is relying on beauty to cling to Fang Ce is another matter, directly trampling her majesty and dignity as the supreme god!How can this be tolerated! ?

One command.

On the ground, King Fu Zun led the army to attack first.

You Dai also led the Yiren Huanggu Battle Formation directly to the border city of Li Country!After all, they have the ability to fly and are not hindered by terrain at all!Moreover, it has the advantage of high altitude, and its combat effectiveness is obviously much stronger!
This is also the reason why the Demon Dragons were shocked when they saw Youdai's Yiren in the ancient battle.

"Go ahead! I want to see how capable you are!"

A gloomy growl sounded.

But seeing that the Nine Disasters had spewed out a terrifying black flood, it directly blasted towards You Dai's Yiren Desolate Battle Formation.

"Dog skin snake, your opponent is the deity!"

Another growl.

Immediately, a dazzling golden glow flickered!
I saw a terrifying white ape with a body of hundreds of feet crashing to the ground, and a horrible punch directly hit the huge body that was five or six feet high and tens of feet long.


Nine Disasters couldn't help spurting out a big mouthful of blood: "You evil ape!!!"

Seeing this, the Nine Disasters also made a move, and immediately a large piece of monstrous flames unleashed, and quickly blasted towards the evil ape!
"Nine disasters, your opponent is the deity."

A cold voice sounded.

I saw the figure of Jiuying Liangxue standing in front of the Nine Calamities, and quickly transformed into the original form of the Nine-Headed Flood Dragon!

With another cold cry, Hua Snake led the Taoists of Good and Evil, the Martial Sage of Tianyan, and Wurui Beast, and directly entered the border city of Li Country!
"Bad snake! How dare you!!!"

The demon dragon was furious, and its body swelled rapidly, turning into a terrifying black dragon hundreds of feet long, with five realms of evil energy surging out of its body, intending to block the attack of the snakes with its own power!

Right now!

A terrifying sword intent came in an instant!


A groan!
The huge body of the magic dragon was directly blasted back a hundred feet!
"Fang policy!?"

The magic dragon was frightened and furious, knowing that it was Fang Ce who made the move.

"Great Lord Demon Dragon, are you safe?"

A leisurely voice sounded.

I saw Fang Ce casually sitting cross-legged on the big cat empress, smiling at the dragon.

"Five realms of holy and evil spirits!?"

The magic dragon's pupils shrank, but he discovered that the holy and evil spirits on Fang Ce's body had reached the fifth realm!For him, this is simply a fatal restraint!

There was a shocking explosion!Terrorist forces are raging!I saw that Hua Snake, Nine Calamities, Nine Infants, Evil Ape, and Nine Calamities were fighting with all their strength, and the fierce battle was like destroying the world!
At this time, the big cat queen couldn't help swallowing secretly. For her, this was a fight between gods and gods!Snakes, Evil Apes, and Nine Woes, if any one of them went to their Eastern Continent, it would be an irresistible disaster!
She suddenly remembered that the guy on her now has the power to suppress these terrifying existences in front of her!If those guys like Snake Transformation, Evil Ape, and Nine Woes are really gods, then this guy on her body can only be described as a god king!

"By the way, where is the evil emperor? Why can't he be seen?"

Fang Ce smiled again. He had already scanned the surroundings with his spiritual sense, but he didn't find any trace of this guy.Originally, he planned to let the big cat female emperor contain the evil emperor.Because the speed of the big cat female emperor is not slower than that of the evil emperor!
"I don't know, maybe I have already arrived in your divine country, maybe not sure."

The dragon sneered.

"Is that so, after we destroy your Li country, go back and deal with him."

Fang Ce smiled, waved his sword finger casually, and suddenly a terrifying sword energy was released!This is just pure sword intent, he doesn't even bother to use the sword energy now, because with the blessing of the five realms of holy and evil energy, for the magic dragon, it is already Tianke!


Startled, the magic dragon opened its mouth wide, and spewed out a column of terrifying ice energy! !
Rumble boom!

I saw that the magic dragon's full attack was completely unable to resist Fang Ce's random sword qi, and all the ice energy was disintegrated, and he was directly blasted back!

For the other existences, the magic dragon's extremely powerful attack has no advantage at all in front of Fang Ce!

At this moment, the Big Cat Empress couldn't help but shudder, how terrifying is the strength of this guy on her body! ?Until now, she couldn't see the bottom line!
Naturally, Fang Ce was not interested in paying attention to what the big cat empress was thinking, and continued to unleash sword energy one after another.It directly forced the magic dragon to keep resisting and retreating!

Molong couldn't help breaking out in cold sweat, and he couldn't see that Fang Ce didn't attack with all his strength, it felt like he was playing tricks on him!If it was the past, if anyone dared to underestimate him like this, he would be furious, but now there is only deep fear in his heart!He could tell that Fang Ce's strength was far superior to his!

He even suspected that it would only take a moment for Fang Ce to kill him!Although he didn't know where this premonition came from, he just had this strong feeling!It seems to be because the aura that Fang Ce radiates casually now is very different from before, but he couldn't figure out what the difference was for a while.

After being repelled repeatedly for a while, the magic dragon could no longer suppress the fear in his heart, and turned around quickly and fled away!This is a move that the proud him would never do!In other words, a move that has never been done before!Because in these countless years, no existence has ever caused him such fear!And the strategy in front of him is obviously done!


The big cat queen was taken aback.

"Huh? Just ran away? Big cat, keep up."

Fang Ce smiled and said, he originally thought that Demon Dragon would be exhausted by his tossing, so he had to choose to escape.It was a bit of a surprise that I didn't expect to run away so quickly.

When the big cat female emperor heard the words, she didn't dare to say anything more, even if she chased after her, she followed closely behind the dragon.Because that's what Fang Ce meant.

Regarding the fleeing of the magic dragon, Nine Disasters and Nine Disasters didn't care about it, because they were beaten so hard that they couldn't pay attention...

On Fang Ce's side, at this moment, he is following the magic dragon all the way to the west.

Molong noticed Fang Ce behind him, so he panicked and ran away with all his strength.He has an inexplicably strong sense of crisis in his heart, warning him that he must stay away from Fang Ce!

After fleeing all the way, they gradually came to the western edge of Li Country, outside was a vast and endless sea!

The magic dragon didn't hesitate much, it just entered the sea area and continued to run away with all its strength.He is now thinking, as long as he can get rid of Fang Ce, it doesn't matter if he escapes into the sea fog with unknown dangers!
Fang Ce also saw what the dragon was thinking, but still let the big cat empress chase after him in a leisurely manner.

With the speed of the big cat female emperor, if he uses all his strength, it will be a breeze for him to catch up with the magic dragon.

In terms of strength, the big cat female emperor cannot be compared with the magic dragon, but in terms of speed, the advantage is still not small.

Gradually, the two sides chased after each other, and an island appeared in front of the sea.

"It's almost there, let's go here."

Fang Ce looked at the island and smiled, then patted the big cat empress under him.

The big cat empress understood, and immediately used all her strength, and her speed soared instantly!Soon, he caught up with the magic dragon!


The magic dragon was shocked, when he came to the top of the island, he was blocked by the big cat queen.

"Great Lord Demon Dragon, let's call it a day."

Fang Ce smiled.

"You... you... what do you want to do!?"

The magic dragon was suddenly terrified and inexplicable!

"It's nothing, I just want to use your strong body. Ha... ah..."

Fang Ce yawned lightly, feeling a little sleepy, and immediately fixed his eyes, and a terrifying sword intent erupted from his body!
"You!? Not good! You stop!!"

The demon dragon was terrified, and saw that the terrifying sword intent was already pouring in front of him!

Rumble boom!


There was a shrill cry!

The magic dragon has no time to resist, his immortal body has already been broken by Fang Ce!Died in an instant, crashing onto the island!
Seeing this, the Big Cat Empress couldn't help swallowing.

"Go down."

Fang Ce snorted softly.

"Uh oh!"

The big cat empress responded quickly, and brought Fang Ce to the island.

Fang Ce jumped down from the big cat female emperor, came to the huge body of the dragon, looked at it slightly, and then turned his hand, and a golden jar appeared in his hand.


Fang Ce made a soft sound, but performed the sealing technique!

In an instant, the soul of the magic dragon was absorbed from his huge body!

"What are you trying to do!? Stop it!!!"

The sound of the dragon's fear sounded.

Fang Ce ignored it at all, and quickly sealed his soul completely.

"Well... this powerful soul may be useful in the future..."

Fang Ce murmured, and put away the golden jar casually.

The Big Cat Empress, who was watching from the side, felt her scalp tingle even more at this moment. It was fine to kill the other party, but to take the other party's soul!It seems that this guy is just using her as a mount, which is considered a great kindness...

The big cat queen is still thinking wildly.

Fang Ce flipped it casually, and saw a red long sword appeared in his hand. He smiled and said, "Senior, you can start now. Today is the day you will be fully resurrected."

(End of this chapter)

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