Feng Shui apprentice ten years debut is the Celestial Master

Chapter 399 Go to the sea to explore and successfully discover the southern continent

Chapter 399 Go to the sea to explore and successfully discover the southern continent
As dusk came gradually, fierce battles continued in the border towns of Li Country.

However, this battle is a one-sided situation. Nine Disasters and Nine Disasters rely on their tenacious vitality and the strong defensive ability of the ancient battle formation to hold on.

As night fell, Nine Disasters, who could no longer see the hope of victory, finally couldn't hold on, and begged for mercy first: "Snake! I surrender! Spare me!!"

"I surrender too!"

Nine Calamities couldn't help but speak.

"Surrender? Hahahaha, it's a pity that this deity does not need your surrender! Let this deity suffer to death!"

Hua Snake smiled coquettishly, but summoned a series of terrifying water snakes with all his strength to continuously bombard Nine Disasters.

"Snake you!!?"

The Nine Disasters and the Nine Disasters were all frightened and angry. I didn't expect that the snakes would be so powerful and relentless, and they insisted on driving them to a dead end!

The reason why Hua Snake does not accept the surrender of Nine Calamities and Nine Calamities is because it is unnecessary!After all, as long as the magic dragon, the nine disasters, and the nine disasters are eliminated, there will be no more enemies. Isn't it more at ease to be done once and for all?Why stay and make her more on guard?
"Ha, since they have already surrendered, let's stop this battle."

A calm voice sounded.

Immediately, a terrifying coercion descended, instantly enveloping the hearts of everyone present!

Everyone was shocked and couldn't help but stop fighting.

"Fang Ce!? What are you doing!?"

Hua Snake looked up, and immediately saw Fang Ce sitting casually on the big cat queen.

Moreover, behind Fang Ce, there is a huge figure, but it is a magic dragon!

At this time, everyone also looked at Fang Ce and Molong who had returned, with puzzled expressions on their faces.

However, when Xin Yu saw the magic dragon, she was stunned for an instant, because of her true knowledge ability, she immediately recognized that the magic dragon was her father, Tianshi Wuzun!This situation is actually similar to that of Jiuying Liangxue!

At this moment, the big cat queen's complexion is extremely bad, because she has seen the most frightening thing in her life not long ago, that is, this guy on her has practiced the sorcery of depriving other people's bodies at will!This means that as long as this guy wants to, he can replace anyone at any time!Including her, the Empress of the Tiger Kingdom!
The worst thing now is that she still knows this secret!If she could, she would rather not know about such things.Because the more secrets you know, the more risks you have to take!She is very worried now, whether one day, this guy will replace her because he doesn't trust her...

"The supreme Lord Hua Snake, Lord Demon Dragon has already conceded defeat and surrendered to Tianyu. Nine Disasters and Nine Disasters also surrendered, which means that the entire Li Kingdom has surrendered, so why bother to continue?"

Fang Ce smiled.

"What!? The dragon surrendered?"

The snake was taken aback for a moment, and looked at the dragon with a raised eyebrow in surprise.She originally thought that with the arrogant character of the magic dragon, she should be stubborn to the end, and it was basically impossible to bend her knees and surrender.

"Yes... the deity is so convinced that he is defeated. From now on, he is willing to lead the entire country of Li to surrender to Tianyu, and offer sacrifices every year."

Heavenly Master Wu Zun spoke.

"Hmph, is it necessary? Isn't the deity more at ease if you kill you directly?"

Hua Snake sneered, still insisting on the idea of ​​once and for all.

"Ahem, my beloved Master Hua Snake, please save face. Xiaosheng has already agreed to the request of Lord Demon Dragon. As long as they surrender, they will be spared."

Fang Ce coughed lightly, he had already discussed with the Celestial Master Wu Zun before.Use the body of the magic dragon to resurrect Tianshi Wuzun, and then let Tianshi Wuzun directly replace the magic dragon to rule the country.

He wants Tianshi Wuzun to lead the Li Kingdom to develop well, and put pressure on the Kingdom of God and Taiqian.Let the two sides compete with each other, so as to develop better.

Because he knows that once there is no competitor, it is basically not a good thing for any giant force, and it is difficult to avoid slack and corruption.

And if the Celestial Master Wu Zun replaces the Demon Dragon, with his powerful strength, playing chess behind his back, manipulating and balancing the competition between the two forces, it is undoubtedly the best situation.

The ability and character of Tianshi Wuzun are also the best candidates in Fang Ce's heart.

"You guys! These guys, do you think you can trust them?"

Hua Snake frowned and questioned, no matter how she looked at it, she felt that it would be most reassuring to kill the demon dragons.

"Dear Lord Hua Snake, please don't worry. I assure you that the Li Congress will be loyal to Tianyu in the future. In addition, Xiaosheng will send people to inspect in Li's country. If there is any change, we will know immediately."

Fang Ce replied.

"Yes, yes, yes! We promise to be loyal to Tian Yu! To Mr. Hua Snake! We will be loyal!"

However, Nine Disasters quickly echoed it, causing the beauty who turned into a snake to curl her lips in disdain.

"Fang Ce! Are you sure? Later, we will leave to explore overseas continents. At that time, there will be no one guarding here. What happened, are you responsible?"

The snake sneered.

"Yes, Xiaosheng will bear all the consequences."

Fang Ce smiled and nodded.

"You... good! You said it!"

Hua Snake responded angrily, and stopped arguing with Fang Ce. She had already talked about this point, and she had nothing to say.

"Thank you, Master Hua Snake, for saving face."

Fang Ce smiled and clasped his fists.


The snake snorted lightly.

Seeing this, the Big Cat Empress couldn't help showing envy and jealousy.

With the surrender of the Li Kingdom, the war that started from Fang came to an end.

After Li Guo surrendered, Fang Ce and everyone naturally couldn't help interrogating him.They learned from the Nine Disasters and the Nine Disasters that the Ancient God of the Wilderness had found a way to pass through the mist, and took the evil emperor and the snake girl Jiaxie to explore overseas continents in order to seek development.

"This Great Desolate Ancient God is actually still alive!? How is this possible!?"

Qilin couldn't help but look shocked.

"Could it be that the original method couldn't destroy the immortal soul of the Great Desolate Ancient God?"

Xuan Gui frowned.

"Hmph, can the immortal soul be destroyed just as you say?"

Hua Snake snorted coldly in disdain, it seems that she guessed right before.

"No, the immortal soul of the Great Desolate Ancient God was really broken. The current existence is probably another kind of ability. After all, if the immortal soul hadn't been broken, he could have counterattacked back then. Now even face to face They dare not reveal it. Moreover, according to the meaning of the Nine Calamities and the Nine Calamities, the current Great Desolation Ancient God cannot display any strength. This is obviously not a characteristic of an immortal soul."

Xin Yu said softly.

"Another ability?"

Qilin was surprised.

"The younger generation doesn't know what the specific ability is. We can only be sure that the immortal soul of the Great Desolate Ancient God was indeed broken."

Xin Yu responded.

At this moment, Hua Snake frowned slightly, but didn't say much.Because of Xin Yu's reasoning, she couldn't refute it either.

Everyone in Qilin frowned and thought about it. They knew that Xin Yu had true knowledge, so they naturally believed in his judgment.

"As expected of the Ancient God of the Great Desolation, since he has also found a way to pass through the fog..."

Fang Ce was thoughtful, he was not surprised that the ancient god of the wilderness still existed, and at the same time he didn't take it to heart.When he reached ten thousand years of cultivation, the ancient gods of the Great Desolation did not dare to face him directly, let alone now?He can be sure that the ancient gods of the Great Desolation today are extremely afraid of him and dare not confront him at all.

"Okay, let's not talk about the Great Desolation Ancient God, just a guy who hides his head and shows his tail. Let's talk about our overseas exploration."

Hua Snake curled her lips, she had never really seen what the Great Desolate Ancient God could do, and she didn't know how powerful it was.But she only needs to know one thing, that guy is not Fang Ce's opponent...

"Explore the sea area..."

Xin Yu frowned, a little worried, because she couldn't rest assured knowing that the ancient god of the Great Desolation still exists.After all, the terrible catastrophe and despair brought about by the Great Desolation Ancient God still left people with lingering fears.

"Oh, let's explore outside the southern sea first."

Fang Ce smiled.

"Southern sea area? Why?"

The snake was puzzled.

"Because someone has already helped us explore in the western sea area, so it will be easier for us to explore in the southern sea area."

Fang policy responded.

"Huh? Has someone helped us explore the western waters?"

The snake could not help but be taken aback.

Everyone in Qilin was also puzzled.

"Could it be... You mean those guys from the Great Desolate Ancient God?"

The snake immediately asked hesitantly.

"Well, if there is a result, that guy should pass the news to Lord Demon Dragon. We will naturally know it directly by then."

Fang Ce smiled and nodded.

"This...you trust the dragon so much?"

The snake frowned even more.

"If you don't fight, you don't know each other."

Fang Ce responded with a smile.

"Okay, it's up to you, anyway, you are responsible for the consequences."

The snake pouted.

Xin Yu pursed her lips and said nothing in the end. She didn't tell her about Fang Ce and his father.It should be that Fang Ce didn't want her to know that he has mastered the taboo technique of depriving the bodies of other living beings...

"By the way, Nine Calamities and Nine Calamities, let's take them away when the time comes, and let them guard the gate of Tianyu."

Fang Ce spoke again, he couldn't rest assured about these two guys.It's better to take it away, lest when the ancient god of the Great Desolation really came back, the situation would get out of control.

"I'm not interested in exploring the sea area, so I won't get involved."

Qilin spoke.

"Okay, then there are a few seniors here."

Fang Ce smiled and cupped his fists. He knew that the Qilin Wurui Beast was still worried about the 'Demon Dragon' and wanted to stay here to guard it.

"Do the rest of you have any comments?"

Snake eyes looked at Xin Yu.

Xin Yu just shook his head lightly.

Afterwards, everyone discussed some preparation matters a little bit, and the meeting broke up.

Come outside the palace.

Fang Ce casually took out a crystal-like crimson long sword, which was the sword of Tianshi Wuzun, the Skyfire Sword.

This sword is a high-grade spiritual tool, that is, a treasure of Taoism. It is mainly made of the skeleton of a thousand-year-old fire dragon bird and 300 catties of [-]-year-old fire-yang iron.With the power of this spiritual weapon alone, it can defeat most cultivators with less than a thousand years of cultivation.

This spiritual weapon is meaningless to the current status of Tianshi Wuzun, so it was handed over to him.

"Arrange aunt as an inspector to Senior's side later, so that Senior won't feel lonely..."

Fang Ce shook his head and put away his long sword.

Another month has passed.

After everything was stable and ready, Tianyu went south to explore overseas under Fang Ce's order.

Now the members of this heaven domain include Fang Ce, Hua Snake, Nine Infants, Evil Ape, Nine Disasters, Nine Disasters, Taoists of Good and Evil, Big Cat Empress, Xin Yu, Taimei Sun, Jiaolong, Banjiao and others.With such a luxurious lineup, basically no matter where you go, you can easily sweep all directions...

In addition, the two guys, Nine Calamities and Nine Calamities, were regarded as gatekeepers and arranged in the south of Tianyu, and they were not allowed to enter Star City.

Although these two guys were unhappy, they didn't dare to have any opinions.After all, in Tianyu now, not to mention Fang Ce, the evil ape can still restrain them.Not to mention, there are Hua Snake and Nine Babies.Therefore, even if the two of them want to resist, they are destined to be unable to make waves...

Another month has passed.

Tianyu has successfully passed through the fog on the sea and reached the other side of the fog in the south!I have to say that Tianyu's high-altitude energy is really convenient and safe.There is basically no danger in this high altitude.Of course, there is no danger that can threaten the current Tianyu...

Another half month passed, and just as the beauty of the snake was extremely bored and was flying around the Tianyu in the sixth-order aircraft newly developed by Xin Yu, a vast and boundless continent appeared in front of the Tianyu!

"Southern Continent!?"

The snake's eyes lit up, and Dang even returned to Star City in a sixth-order plane.

"Oh? There really is a Southern Continent here?"

Fang Ce couldn't help showing a hint of joy.

"Hmm... I don't know if I can find the materials to repair the Nine Artifacts."

Xin Yu also showed joy and a trace of expectation.

"Oh, the Southern Continent? When the time comes, the deity will take the time to go over there to see if there are any novelties."

Evil Ape showed a hint of curiosity.

"Let's talk about it at that time. When we arrive in the Southern Continent, Tianyu will not show up too early, so as not to cause confusion and disrupt the plan."

The Snake spoke softly.

"Oh? Master Hua Snake already has a specific plan so soon? You just discovered the Southern Continent."

Fang Ce smiled and rubbed his back comfortably on the furry back of the big cat empress below him, looking like he was waiting to enjoy it.

"Hmph, do you think the deity is you? Prepare for a rainy day, don't you understand?"

The snake disdains.

"Ha, Master Hua Snake is wise."

Fang Ce is funny, and he naturally knows how to plan for a rainy day, but now he is too lazy to bother.As long as it's not something crucial, it's enough to leave it to the little lady Hua Snake to solve it.

Regarding Fang Ce's flattering words, the beauty who turned into a snake just curled her lips, and then said again: "When I arrive in the Southern Continent, I plan to arrange some people to go there to scout for information."

"Oh, it should be."

Fang Ce nodded.

"The candidate... is you, Fang Ce."

The snake's eyes lightly fell on Fang Ce.

"Oh...the candidate is Xiaosheng..."

Fang Ce responded casually, and immediately realized that something was wrong, he couldn't help but sat up, with a look of astonishment on his face: "What? What did you just say, Mr. Hua Snake? Ask Xiaosheng to inquire about information?"

He was still thinking, if there is nothing to do, just don't care about it.Now that he came up, this little lady will arrange some trivial matters for him?
"Of course, you're strong enough, and you're pretty smart. Isn't it the most appropriate to go and get some information?"

The beauty of the snake should be taken for granted.

(End of this chapter)

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