Feng Shui apprentice ten years debut is the Celestial Master

Chapter 400 Miss Yang Obsessed with Tier 5 Psionic Off-Road Vehicles

Chapter 400 Miss Yang, obsessed with fifth-order psionic off-road vehicles
"Hey, Master Hua Snake, you are going too far. What do you mean by being smart? You really treat Xiaosheng like a servant, don't you?"

Fang Ce suddenly looked angry.

"Stop talking nonsense, just do what you're told to do. Otherwise, you'll be here all day long like a dead dog, what a shame."

The beautiful eyes of the snake stared.

"Master Hua Snake, what kind of nonsense are you doing? You want to arrange things for me. That's not the case. What do you think, this kind of thing shouldn't be done by Xiaosheng, right? This kind of trivial matter shouldn't be arranged for newcomers Do you want to exercise? I have finished everything, do those subordinates need some value?"

Fang Ce couldn't help being annoyed, this little lady deliberately tormented him, didn't she?
"Well... it sounds like it makes sense..."

Turn into a snake and lightly touch the head of the gnat.

"What does it mean that it seems to make sense? This should be the reason!"

"Well, who do you think is more appropriate to arrange?"

The snake asked.

"It's fine to arrange it casually. Master Hua Snake, you can call whoever you think is suitable."

Fang Ce waved his hand angrily, indicating that it is better not to torment him.

"Hmm... the right candidate? Yes, I have thought of a general with a good impression."

The snake's eyes brightened.


Fang Shiji was surprised, how could there be a general who impressed this little lady?He couldn't help being a little curious.After all, apart from Jiaolong and Banjiao, who are capable demon kings, there are very few people who can fall into the eyes of this little lady.

"What's that guy's name...it seems to be...Yang...Yang Xuefei? I remember that name."

Hua Snake pondered.

Miss Yang?
Fang Ce was taken aback for a moment, since when did this little lady meet Miss Yang?Didn't expect to leave a good impression on this little lady?

The Tiger Kings on one side couldn't help being a little stunned, because they all knew that Yang Xuefei and Fang Ce had a friendship, but they didn't expect such a coincidence that Master Hua Snake would even take a fancy to him?

"Well... this general is quite good, serious and responsible, but his strength is a bit weak. I don't know if there will be any risks in exploring the southern continent. It would be a pity if there is any accident..."

The snake couldn't help hesitating.


Fang Ce couldn't help but open his mouth at this moment. It would be nice to change the snake beauty into another person, such as Jiaolong or something.

After all, Miss Yang hasn't crossed the catastrophe yet, so this level of strength is indeed a bit worrying.If others are okay, this one, he is really worried.Although it is his idea to let his subordinates exercise freely, he is just an ordinary person after all, and he inevitably has selfish intentions.

"Oh, General Yang Xuefei, this subordinate also knows it. He is indeed a good candidate. Weakness is a bit weak. If Mr. Hua Snake is worried about his safety, this subordinate has a suggestion."

Xin Yu spoke first.

"Huh? What proposal?"

The snake was puzzled.

Fang Ce was also taken aback, secretly thinking that there is a fairy coming out, so he shouldn't have to worry about it.

"Subordinates suggest, how about letting the god envoy accompany you as a way to lead the newcomers in Tianyu?"

Xin Yu winked secretly at Fang Ce, as if to signal to help Fang Ce out of the siege.

Fang Ce was stunned for a moment.

"Oh? That's a good proposal, but is this guy willing?"

Hua Snake frowned and looked at Fang Ce.

"Master Divine Envoy, cultivating talents for Tianyu is also a way to strengthen Tianyu's strength. You can help a little, and you don't need to work hard. General Yang Xuefei is responsible for inquiring information and so on. You are responsible for taking care of his safety."

Xin Yu blinked at Fang Ce again, as if desperately hinting.

When Fang Ce saw this, the corners of his mouth twitched. Why did he feel that these two women seemed to be working together to deal with him?Isn't it okay to find trouble for him when he goes around?

"My lord envoy?"

At this moment, Xin Yu showed a pitiful pleading look.

The corner of Fang Ce's mouth twitched, and he waved his hand: "That's all, let's go experience this new continent first."

After thinking about it, he felt that it would be more reassuring to personally take care of Miss Yang's safety.Otherwise, if something happened to this girl in his heaven, it would be difficult for him to explain to his old friend in the future.Although he had the idea of ​​changing the little lady who turned into a snake, but if he did so, the impact would not be very good.

At that time, everyone has to think, since they are all low-level soldiers in Tianyu, others can take risks, but Miss Yang can't take risks?This inevitably aroused criticism for both Tianyu's rules and Miss Yang herself.

"Oh? So you're willing to work? I can't invite Xiaoyu, but Xiaoyu can please? What's the reason for this?"

Hua Snake suddenly looked puzzled and joking.

"No, Master Hua Snake was joking, but Xiaosheng just thinks what the fairy said makes sense."

Fang Ce couldn't help being a little embarrassed.

"Hmph, I don't care. Anyway, next time, you have to listen to the deity."

Hua Snake hugged her hands, as if she didn't accept the explanation.

"Master Hua Snake, you...forget it, only Miss Yang is the only one to inquire about information, and this manpower is obviously not enough. The fairy should also be with me, right?"

Fang Ce didn't bother to pay attention to Hua Snake, a troublesome little lady, and looked at Xin Yu.Because Xin Yu possesses the ability of true knowledge, can't it be done simply and easily to inquire about information?

"No. I'm sorry, my lord envoy, I still have a lot of research work on hand, and I can't spare time."

Xin Yu shook her head lightly.

"Let Shang Wu go out with you to find information."

The snake turned into a soft voice.


The corner of Fang Ce's mouth twitched again, the two women really had an agreement to deal with him together?Now it seems that this should not be an illusion!But, when did these two ladies really come together?Why are they able to torment him with such like-mindedness?Why?This really puzzled him.

Fang Ce's guess is indeed correct, this is a drama negotiated by Xin Yu and Hua Snake, and he deliberately finds something for Fang Ce to do.

And this proposal was put forward by Xin Yu, the purpose is to let Fang Ce have more ties with the world, so that he will not really become a hands-off shopkeeper and have nothing to worry about.Because Fang Ce has stepped into a state of selflessness and ruthlessness, Xin Yu is worried about what will happen.

For Hua Snake, it is naturally even more impossible to allow what Xin Yu is worried about to happen.The current Fang Ce is her most precious 'property', how can any mistake be allowed?Moreover, seeing Fang Ce lying in front of her eyes like a dead dog every day made her quite angry.Therefore, she hit it off with Xin Yu immediately...

Not long after, Tianyu had come to the high-altitude clouds on the coast of the southern continent.

Immediately, several figures flew out from the sky, and slowly fell towards the shore of the southern continent.They saw Fang Ce, Yang Xuefei, and Shang Wu who were riding the Great Cat Empress.

Come to shore.

Yang Xuefei got off the big cat empress with a dazed and helpless look on her face.She didn't react at all, so she was arranged to inquire about information, and she was still with Brother Fang...

At this time, for the convenience of inquiring information, she was wearing a light blue long dress, revealing her slender figure.


At this moment, Fang Ce also fell to the ground, his eyes fell on the big cat empress, he rubbed his chin, looked at it and pondered.

The big cat empress suddenly showed a cautious and evasive look, what is this guy trying to do by staring at her like this?

"Big cat, your aura is too obvious, and your shape is too flamboyant, which is easy to attract attention. If you have nothing to do, just hide in the distance around us, and wait for orders at any time."

Fang Ce said.

"Oh well……"

The Big Cat Empress was startled, then responded and flew away quickly.She couldn't help thinking to herself, finally she doesn't have to be ridden by this guy every day.If she hadn't taken her country into consideration, she would have wanted to sneak away a long time ago.

Seeing the big cat empress flying away, Fang Ce turned to look at Yang Xuefei and remained silent.

"God... Lord God... what are we going to do now?"

Yang Xuefei's usually cool and pretty face flushed slightly, and she couldn't help but hesitate to ask.Brother Fang has been staring at her like this, what is he going to do?
"Miss Yang, you decide for yourself. Finding information is a matter between you and Shangwu girl, and it belongs to your experience. I am a caregiver, so I can make any decisions. Ha..."

Fang Ce yawned lightly.

"Oh... sorry, my lord envoy!"

Yang Xuefei felt even more embarrassed.

"You're welcome, there's no need for God's Envoy to shout outside now, it's too eye-catching."

Fang Ce shook his head helplessly, this girl is really too reserved.

In fact, Yang Xuefei could only be so reserved in front of Fang Ce, otherwise, she would remain calm even in front of her father.

"Oh, then... I still call you Brother Fang?"

Yang Xuefei hesitated again.

"It's optional."

Fang Ce waved his hand.

"Well... Since we are looking for information, then... let's go to the southern continent to see if there are humans living here?"

Yang Xuefei hesitated.

"It's fine for you to decide, don't ask me."

Fang Ce couldn't help being amused, he now really regards this as Miss Yang's experience, giving her a chance to grow up, and doesn't care about anything unless necessary.

"Oh, let's decide..."

Yang Xuefei breathed a sigh of relief, then opened the storage bag, and a tall thing was summoned.What I saw was a golden car with huge wheels, one foot long and one person tall, with a domineering and wild appearance.It looks like an off-road vehicle.

Naturally, this is also a psychic car developed by Xin Yu based on Fang Ce's 'idea', its function is to facilitate driving on any terrain.

And this is a fifth-order psychic off-road vehicle, which has reached the speed of a 500-year-old cultivator!It is made of century-old cold iron, and without any protection, it can directly resist the bombardment of ordinary sky fire!The consumption of this car is also relatively high, and it needs five small pieces of spirit stones for a hundred years.

Looking at the car in front of her, Yang Xuefei couldn't help showing a hint of obsession and love. For example, she has driven all the psychic cars and helicopters in Tianyu, because this is a skill that Tianyu soldiers must master.As a general, her requirements are naturally much higher.

And when she came into contact with these special 'spiritual weapons' for the first time, she fell in love with them, because they were so easy to use.And she was even more curious about these special 'spiritual weapons' invented by Fang Ce.Because this is quite different from her knowledge of refining weapons, she still hasn't figured out the refining principles of these spiritual tools, and she can't even tell the grades of them.

These special 'spirits' gave her the feeling of ordinary items, but the abilities they could display were obviously not inferior to any spirits.

Just like the fifth-order psychic off-road vehicle in front of me, at first glance, it looks like an ordinary lump of iron, but its speed has already reached the level that only the fastest middle-grade spirit weapon can achieve.Moreover, it can carry many people at once, which is much more convenient than the middle-grade spirit weapon.

Of course, spirit weapons are all capable of flying. In this regard, this psychic off-road vehicle is incomparable.But this psychic off-road vehicle also has the advantage of high safety. Sitting in this fifth-order psychic off-road vehicle and turning on the protection, it can withstand the bombardment of the Dao realm spell, the fire and the sky!The price is a little bit of Lingshi, but compared with the safety of life, what is a little bit of Lingshi?
And what about middle-grade spirit weapons?Not to mention the fastest man-carrying spiritual weapon, even the strongest middle-grade protective spiritual weapon can't resist the power of the sky, let alone keep the cultivator in it.

"Brother Fang, Shang... Sister Shang Wu, let's get in the car. Let's drive inside to find out."

Yang Xuefei withdrew her obsessive eyes on the big psychic off-road vehicle in front of her, and said softly.She really hoped that the fifth-order psychic off-road vehicle in front of her was hers, but unfortunately it wasn't, it was just a temporary tool for her mission needs.

At present, all the psychic vehicles, helicopters, and planes on Tianyu are owned by Tianyu only, and there is no tendency to sell them, so no one can own these special "spiritual weapons", of course, except for the beauty of the snake.

According to Yang Xuefei's estimation, even if Tianyu really plans to sell these special 'spiritual weapons' in the future.The fifth-order psychic off-road vehicle in front of him is definitely worth a lot.There are no more than hundreds of spirit stones, I'm afraid they won't be able to get down...

"OK, all right."

At this moment Fang Ce and Shang Wu nodded.

Then the three of them boarded the fifth-order psionic off-road vehicle.

Yang Xuefei is the driver, and Shang Wu is in the passenger seat.And Fang Ce... just lay down lazily on the back seat...

Soon, Yang Xuefei drove the fifth-order psychic off-road vehicle to explore the depths of the southern continent.She didn't drive very fast, only at the speed of 500 years of cultivation.Because we have to explore the environment along the way.

The shock absorption and sound insulation effects of this fifth-order psionic off-road vehicle are also very good. Even on rugged mountain roads, it looks very stable and clean.But let Fang Ce sigh and enjoy it, it's just a little worse than the big cat queen's back.But after all, it is the car of the empress who has been cultivated for ten thousand years, so don't ask too much...

All the way over the mountains and ridges, about a hundred miles to the south, out of the mountains and forests, came to a plain.

"So far, no human traces have been found, and I don't know how big this southern continent is..."

Yang Xuefei was driving a fifth-order psychic off-road vehicle, her eyebrows were slightly frowned, and she kept looking at the surrounding environment.

"Huh? We are being targeted. It seems to be human beings, with 800 years of cultivation."

Shang Wu spoke lightly.

"Have you found human traces?"

Yang Xuefei was suddenly surprised.

But Fang Ce was still lying comfortably, and didn't care about it at all.

Soon, Yang Xuefei also saw a figure approaching cautiously and quickly from the front mirror of the car!

(End of this chapter)

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