Chapter 499
"Of course it's a husband and wife relationship. These two are my husband's younger sisters."

Huo Fenghuang hugged Fang Ce's arm affectionately, and looked at the big cat empress and Jiang Ling again.

Fang Ce: "..."

Big Cat Empress: "..."

Jiang Ling: "..."

"Husband and wife... sister..."

The Exorcist Division frowned and looked at the three of Fang Ce: "Where is the deep mountain where you lived in seclusion before? Is it someone near here?"

"No, we live in a mountain range near Huan Town. Previously, Huan Town encountered evil pollution, and our tribe was also affected, so we had to come out."

Fang Ce sighed lightly.

"Huan Town...Xieran, I have heard about it. But...without identity certificates and unknown origins, the Exorcism Palace still cannot accept you at will."


Fang Ce was in a difficult situation immediately, this identity certificate would not be obtained in a short time, and the Feng Shui master was even stricter.

"Master Exorcist, these are my acquaintances, can you be more accommodating."

A voice sounded.

Fang Ce and the others were taken aback, only to see a stern-faced man in green clothes coming.

"Bai Jin, do you recognize these people?"

The Exorcist Division frowned slightly, with an expression of disbelief.

"Yes, during this period of time, Dongyi's evil activities are too frequent, Lord Sang Jue needs some people, especially Feng Shui masters."

Bai Jin looked at Fang Ce and the others.

"This... well, since Master Sang Jue needs it, I naturally want to give it face."

The Exorcist nodded.

"Thank you."

Fang Ce smiled at Bai Jin.


Respond in vain.

Then the Department of Exorcism registered Fang Ce and others in the name book of the Exorcism Palace and gave them tokens.

"Guys, Master Sang Jue is in need of manpower to clean up the evil nearby. I wonder if you can come to help?"

Bai Jin clasped his fists and said.

"Hmm... yes, I'm here to deal with Xie Ran, I don't know what rules the lord has, I'm afraid I might offend you."

Fang Ce hesitated to respond. To be honest, he originally only wanted to get information about the scope of Xie Ran's activities here, and then solve it by himself.But now that the person in front of him is helping him, it is naturally difficult for him to refuse.

"Master Sang Jue is very talkative and doesn't have too many rules. You don't have to worry about it."

Respond in vain.

"That's good, please lead the way."

Fang Ce nodded.

"Well, a few are welcome."

Bai Jin responded, and left with Fang Ce and the others.

Then came to a wide courtyard.

Come to the main room hall.

I saw an old man in purple sitting on the main seat.

"My lord, these are new Feng Shui masters, and they all have mastered the power of tiger swallowing."

Bai Jin said rudely to the old man.

"I've seen adults."

Fang Ce and Jiang Ling also saluted.

The Fire Phoenix and the Big Cat Empress just hugged each other slightly. With their strength and temperament, this is considered a big face...

"Oh? They all have mastered the power of tiger swallowing? They all look young, but their talents are not bad. Where did you work before, or which local power?"

Sang was very curious.

"No, Mr. Hui, we used to live in remote mountains. Because the evil stains affected our survival and residence, we decided to come out to deal with these evil things."

Fang policy responded.

"So that's how it is... Well, in two days, the old man will organize to clean up the nearby evils. You can live in this yard now. This yard is not small, and now there are more than ten members. You can communicate and get to know each other first. "

"Well, thank you sir."

"Xiaobai, you have arranged for these new members."

Sang Jue gave instructions to Bai Jin.

"Yes, my lord."

Bai Jin responded, and looked at Fang Ce and the others: "Guys, please."

"Well, it's work."

Fang Ce smiled and nodded.

Then Bai Jin took Fang Ce and the others to a corner of the yard.

"Now there are not many vacant rooms in the courtyard. The location of these rooms may be a bit off. I have wronged a few of you. I hope you can forgive me."

Bai Jin clasped his fists and said.

"It's okay, we're used to living in a small place, so it's not a problem. I just want to know, how will the action be arranged in two days' time?"

Policy inquiry.

"Oh, I don't know about this now. Master Sang Jue will arrange it when the time comes. A few of you can learn about the intelligence information of the nearby evils first, and you can know it. My latest information map from the Exorcism Palace will first Let some of you understand. I will come to the Exorcism Hall later to ask for more copies."

Bai Jin casually dug out a map information.

"Oh? Thank you fellow daoist!"

Fang Ce's eyes lit up, and he immediately took the information. Isn't this what he wants now?It was really effortless.

"You are welcome, it seems that you are really eager to exorcise evil spirits."

Bai Jin couldn't help showing a smile.

"Isn't it my duty to eliminate harm for the people?"

Fang Ce also smiled.

"Haha! Good! I don't know if there is anything else you need? Bai will definitely do his best."

Bai Jin clasped his fists quite solemnly, and seemed to agree with Fang Ce's words.

"Not yet, thank you, Daoist friend, for your kindness."

At this time, Fang Ce couldn't help but feel a lot of affection for Bai Jin. Originally, Bai Jin was helping him out of purpose, but he only regarded it as a transaction, but now his feelings are very different.

"Okay, then Bai will go and discuss the rest of the trivial matters first. Please."

He left in vain.


Fang Ce responded with a smile.

"This man is quite warm-hearted."

Jiang Ling blinked.

At this time, Fang Ce's attention had already fallen on the map in his hand.

"Husband, come out to experience, why are you so troublesome? Is there any point in cleaning up these evil defilements?"

Huo Fenghuang frowned puzzled, in her opinion, this was purely looking for trouble and wasting time.

"Oh, because you accumulate virtue and do good deeds, you will accumulate merit and virtue, and it will be easier to encounter opportunities at that time."

Fang Ce responded casually.

"real or fake?"

Huo Fenghuang couldn't help being suspicious, she scoffed at human beings, after all, the so-called good deeds of human beings are mostly extended from the interests of their own ethnic group, and they probably cannot stand scrutiny.But now what Fang Ce said, she had to take it seriously.

"Well, you don't have to worry about it, big beauty. Just leave everything to Xiaosheng, and wait for Xiaosheng to get a chance. Naturally, I won't treat you badly."

"How can I do that, why don't you give me a chance, and I won't treat you badly, my husband!"

Huo Fenghuang's beautiful eyes widened immediately, and she could tell which one was more beneficial if she got a chance to give favors to others, or if someone else got a chance to give her favors.

"Hahaha, beauty, you can't figure out the way here, you just believe in Xiaosheng."

Fang Ce couldn't help being amused, how could he fail to see what this little girl was thinking.

"Oh, don't say it if you don't want to."

Huo Fenghuang pouted, a little unhappy, but she didn't want to say anything more, after all, she wouldn't talk about this kind of thing even if she knew about it.

Fang Ce didn't pay much attention to Huo Fenghuang, and went directly into the house to concentrate on research.

The three daughters of Huofenghuang also entered the house, and Jiang Ling began to tidy up the room.

into the night.

"I'm going out to clean up the evil, you stay here, Miss Huofenghuang, please protect Ling'er."

Fang Ce called a few girls to give instructions.

"Huh? Didn't you say two days later? Are you going out tonight?"

The three daughters of Huo Fenghuang were all stunned.

"Exclusive merit."

Fang Ce smiled.

"I want to go too."

Fire Phoenix responded immediately.

"Big beauty, Xiaosheng won't lie to you, it's boring for you, and you won't get any benefits."

Fang Ce was helpless.

"Hmph, how stingy!"

"That's it, Xiaosheng will solve it as soon as possible."

Fang Ce smiled, knowing that Huo Fenghuang agreed, and then left quickly.

"Is it really useful to accumulate merit?"

The big cat empress frowned, looking suspicious, but in fact, she also wanted to follow and take a peek.

"It must be useful, otherwise how did this guy come up through cultivation. Besides, doesn't he have a master who respects good and evil Taoism? It is said that he specializes in practicing the way of good and evil, so he must have a different opinion on this."

Huo Fenghuang clasped his hands together, looking a little annoyed.

"That's right, Taoists of good and evil..."

The big cat queen has been with Fang Ce for so long, so she naturally knows about it, but she basically has no contact with the good and evil Taoists, and she hasn't even spoken a few words for so long, she just feels very mysterious.

"Brother Fang's master? A good and evil Taoist?"

Jiang Ling was also curious immediately.

Huo Fenghuang glanced at Jiang Ling: "Don't be curious now, you will know later."

"Yeah! Sister Fire Phoenix!"

Jiang Ling nodded quickly, feeling even more determined at this moment, to be able to go back to the hermitage with Fang Ce!

On Fang Ce's side, when he came outside the city, he quickly headed for the haunted place on the intelligence map.He has already fully grasped the information. Although there are many evil people making troubles around here, their cultivation base is basically not high. Whether he has mastered the Feng Shui Bureau or not, he will directly kill them.So the only thing that will waste time is to look for the specific whereabouts of these evil defilements.

In one night, as long as Fang Ce finds Xie Ran, he will kill it instantly, and then collect the soul, without much delay.By the time of daylight, basically everything has been cleaned up, and there are still a few parts that have not been found.

The next day, back in the yard, Fang Zhiwei negotiated with nearby members to create a normal situation.At night, they all go out to hunt evil dyes.

Soon, two days passed.

In the courtyard, all exorcists were summoned.

"Today we are going to clear the nearby evil monsters. I think everyone has already understood the surrounding situation. The old man arranges the task here, you must remember it well, so that there will be no trouble."

Sang Jue stood in front and said seriously.

Bai Jin also stood aside with a serious face.


All the exorcists responded one after another.

The three fire phoenix women looked at Fang Ce with weird expressions. After all, Fang Ce had already gone out to clean up the evil stains first, and he didn't know how much would be left, and now he is ready to act...

Fang Ce's face was normal, and he didn't pay much attention. Although he had been concentrating on cleaning up the evils these two days, he learned a lot of information during the day.Na Sangjue is the master of Dongyi's Thirteenth Road Fengshui Bureau, who is responsible for clearing away evil and pollution everywhere, and has a good reputation.

And this also means that, after clearing up the plague of evil in Yao City, Sang Jue will take them to the next place to clear away the evil.This is very convenient for him.After all, with Sang Jue here, it is easy to obtain evil information from exorcism divisions everywhere!

In addition, besides Sang Jue, Fang Ce also knew a lot about Bai Jin.This person is Sang Jue's martial arts guard, and he has a lot of experience in the Feng Shui Bureau, but he is only within the Jiulu.The strength is remarkable for the people here, but in terms of prestige, it is extremely high.

Most of the members here have basically received in vain favors, and everyone's evaluation of them is extremely generous, and Sang is also very appreciative of them.And I heard that Bai Jin also takes great care of his family. The resources he has accumulated over the years are basically sent back to the family to help the people in the family.Overall, a nice guy.

Therefore, Fang Ce has a very good impression of Bai Jin.

"Okay, the arrangement is roughly like this, but remember?"

Sang Jue sounded.

"Yes! Your lord!"

Everyone responded.

"Let's go then!"

Sang Jue then led the crowd out of the city.

Shortly after.

When they came outside the city, Sang Jue asked everyone to act according to the plan.

Fang Ce and the three daughters of Huofenghuang were arranged to hunt evil monsters in the southeast, in a small forest.According to the information on the original map, the strength of the evil dye here is the weakest, which shows that it is taking care of the newcomers.

Regarding this, Fang Ce and the others naturally did not take it seriously. After all, regardless of the strength of the few people, it is hard to say whether there is any evil in the vicinity...

At the moment when Fang Ce and the others were about to go to the arrangement place to put on a show.

"Fellow daoists, this should be the first time for you to participate in this exorcism operation. Please be careful. Although you are all Feng Shui masters, your strength is not bad. However, some evil-stained monsters are very cunning and will attack secretly. It’s too late to use the Feng Shui bureau.”

Bai Jin came in front of several people.

"Well! Thank you fellow daoist for your concern! We will definitely act carefully, and fellow daoist must be careful too!"

Fang Ce responded solemnly, although he knew that there would be no threat, but his attitude was another matter.

"Okay! See you later!"

Bai Jin cupped his fists and saluted and left. In his opinion, Fang Ce and the others were all Feng Shui masters, and they were familiar with each other. The location they were assigned to was not particularly dangerous, so there should be no need to worry too much.Still, I couldn't help but remind myself.After all, in the past, newcomers sometimes had accidents because they underestimated the enemy carelessly.

"This uncle is really a good old man."

Jiang Ling couldn't help laughing.

"Let's go and complete our mission."

Fang Ce smiled and led the way first.

"Husband, you have been tossing around for a few nights, but did you have a chance?"

Huo Fenghuang followed quickly, and took Fang Ce's arm affectionately.

This scene immediately attracted the envious eyes of some nearby members, who secretly scolded the two of them for work, or for love?

"Opportunity... soon... soon..."

Fang Ce vaguely responded that the souls of evil-dyed monsters he had collected in the past few nights were not of high quality, and he probably didn't light up many star positions, and he threw them all into a bottle to raise Gu.What about chance?
"If there is, there will be, if there is no, there will be no, what is fast? Chance, can you talk about speed?"

Huo Fenghuang was speechless for a moment.

"Haha, beauty, don't ask so many questions. I will tell you when I have a chance."

Fang Ce is funny.

A period of time passed, and all the exorcists were carefully looking for evil monsters everywhere.

In the dark forest.

"Sir, what's wrong?"

Bai Jin looked at Sang Jue who stopped and frowned.

" you think this place seems a bit weird..."

(End of this chapter)

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