Feng Shui apprentice ten years debut is the Celestial Master

Chapter 500 Everyone Confused and Troubled by Fang Ce's Action

Chapter 500 Everyone Confused and Troubled by Fang Ce's Action
"Hmm... it's a bit weird. We have searched the area extensively, but it seems that there is no trace of the evil dye here, and everything is normal. Could it be that the evil dye monster in this place has left?"

Doubts in vain.

"It seems right, because it is too normal, so it looks weird... Did it go to other nearby places? If this is the case, the other members will be in danger, let's go, let's go to the surrounding area quickly!"

Sang Jue said in a low voice.

"Yes, my lord!"

Bai Jin responded, and the two quickly searched in a wider area.

However, the two soon met other members, and found that there were no traces of evil around them!

Sang Jue felt even more strange in his heart, and then explored other areas, only to find that there seemed to be no evil dyes in this area!
some time passed.

Almost all members have gathered outside the city gate.

"My lord, the evil dyes around the city seem to have disappeared, only a few common evil dyes that have not yet possessed have been encountered, and they have all been wiped out."

Bai Jin reported to Sang Jue what happened to everyone.

"What's going on here? Why did it suddenly disappear? Could it be that some expert came here to exorcise evil spirits?"

Sang couldn't help being surprised.

At this time, Fang Ce and the three daughters of Huo Fenghuang also slowly returned.

"Several, what's the situation over there?"

Bai Jin immediately stepped forward to inquire.

"Oh, I just cleaned up an ordinary evil dye, and then found nothing. How is it now?"

Fang Ce responded, looking at everyone.

"Fortunately, there was a little bit of trouble, but overall, the operation seems to be very smooth. But I'm not sure about this yet, and Lord Sang Jue has to decide."

Bai Jin responded with a strange expression. Now that they have hardly contributed much, the surrounding evil problems have disappeared.It's just that this situation is too weird, and he doesn't know how to respond accurately.

"Oh, as long as it goes well, as long as it goes well."

Fang Ce nodded.

Jiang Ling on the side also had a strange look on her face. After all, she could roughly imagine what was going on seeing the expressions of everyone.

"Xiaobai, is everyone here?"

San Jue's voice sounded.


Respond in vain.

"Okay, let's go back to the city."

Sang Jue directly led the crowd back to the courtyard in the city.

"Everyone, this operation is going well so far. You can rest freely first. The old man still has some things to discuss with Bai Jin."

Sang Jue ordered.


The members responded one after another.

"Husband, it seems that you have caused a lot of trouble to that old guy."

Huo Fenghuang had a funny smile on his face.

"No, after all, the problem has been solved."

Fang Ce responded, but he also felt a little strange in his heart. After all, it made people busy and confused, and it was always a bit weird.

After a while, Bai Jin came out of the main room, and then walked quickly to the gate of the courtyard.

"Fellow Daoist, what's the situation now?"

Fang Ce stepped forward to ask.

"Oh... nothing. The main reason is that this operation went smoothly unexpectedly. I am now ordered to go to the Exorcism Hall to confirm the information. Generally speaking, there should be no problem, but there are some doubts. You don't have to worry about these things. , I will settle it with the adults."

Bai Jin cupped his fists.

"Well, I really need a fellow Taoist."

Fang Ce returned the courtesy.

"You're welcome. I'm leaving first, please."

Bai Jin turned around and left.

"Husband, if there is nothing wrong, I can guide my concubine's Feng Shui Bureau."

Fire Phoenix said.

"Uh... well..."


Soon after, the Temple of Exorcism.

"What did you say? All the evils outside the city have disappeared? None of the information collected by the Temple of Exorcism is accurate?"

Exorcist stared at Bai Jin with wide eyes.

"No! Master Exorcist, we are not saying that the information on the Exorcism Palace is inaccurate, but that something may have happened. I hope that the Exorcism Palace will investigate and confirm it as soon as possible."

Bai Jin quickly waved his hand in response.

"The previous information was all about the latest developments of the evil within a month, how could it be inaccurate?"

"Sir Sang Jue and I also believe that the Exorcism Palace will not be mistaken, but there is indeed an unexpected situation now. It would be fine if those evil-stained monsters really disappeared, but I am afraid that if there are any special variables, it will be troublesome at that time .So please, Master Exorcism Department, arrange manpower to deal with it as soon as possible."

Bai Jin said solemnly.

"Well... well, I will arrange manpower in a while, and I will reply to you as soon as possible."

The Exorcist responded with a frown.

"Well, thank you sir! If there is nothing else, I will go back and report first, please."



Three days later, the Department of Exorcism came to visit Sang Jue in person.

"Master Sang Jue, the evil dye lurking around Yao City has indeed disappeared, are you sure you didn't clean it up?"

The Exorcist hesitated.

"It really disappeared? Well, you can arrange for another three days of human inspection."

Sang refused to respond.

"Okay, my lord."

Seeing that Sangjue had no other orders, the Exorcist Division left.

"My lord, in this situation, could it be that it happened that an expert took action and solved the problem of the surrounding evil contamination during this period of time?"

Bai Jin was surprised.

"I can't rule out this possibility, but the old man is mainly worried about other situations. I'm afraid that there will be an organizer in the evil outside, and it will be troublesome..."

Sang Jue frowned.


Bai Jin couldn't help but shudder in his heart.

"Okay, don't think too much about it, just wait for the information from the Exorcism Hall in three days."



Three days later, the exorcist department brought information again, and naturally reconfirmed that the surrounding evils had disappeared.

"Has it really disappeared..."

Sang Jue frowned and thought deeply.

Bai Jin is also full of doubts and curiosity.

"Forget it, let the Exorcism Palace here continue to investigate carefully, just in case. The old man will report this matter separately to avoid any accidents. It is time to rush to the next place, and we can't delay here for too long."

Sang Jue said.

"Yes, my lord."

Respond in vain.

Soon after, Bai Jin summoned a group of members, informed them that they were going to the next city, and asked how many of them would go with them.Because some members are convened locally, they may not leave together.

As for Fang Ce, of course he readily accompanied him.

After the team was reorganized, everyone set off for the next city that day, Dragon City.

On the road.

"Several, I didn't expect you to follow me. I remember that you seem to have just arrived in Yaocheng, right?"

Bai Jin asked with a smile.

"Yes, our main purpose is to clean up the evil pollution in the world. Since the evil pollution around Yao City has been eliminated, there is no need to stay for a long time. And Taoist friends and Master Sang Jue are responsible for cleaning up the evil pollution everywhere. Xiaosheng thought that this It's just right for us."

Fang Ce cupped his fists and said.

"Haha! Sure enough, you are like-minded people! It is really a blessing for the people of the world to have chivalrous people like you."

Bai Jin laughed heartily.

"Fellow Daoist Bai praised the prize. In fact, I waited for myself, and it's not a big deal."

Fang Ce laughed.

"Fellow Daoist is humble."

Bai Jin shook his head and smiled, but then sighed softly: "It's a pity that these evil monsters are endless, and I don't know what the source is, so there is no way to eradicate them."


Fang Ce also sighed lightly. Naturally, he didn't know much about Xie Ran, so he wondered if there would be an answer in the mysterious giant tower?
At nightfall, everyone had already arrived at Zoulong City.

After Sang Jue found a place to live, he asked Bai Jin to go to the local exorcism hall to hand over, understand the situation, and call people.

In order to obtain information as soon as possible, Fang Ce took the three daughters of Fire Phoenix and Bai Jin to the Exorcism Hall.

"Fellow Daoist, in fact, you don't need to come here and toss about these things. I can handle them by myself. After all, I am familiar with the way."

Bai Jin laughed.

"It's okay, we don't know anything well, so I want to know it in advance, and prepare as soon as possible so that we can better deal with those evil things."

Fang Ce responded with a smile.

"Well, I really care."

Bai Jin nodded.

After a while, when he came to the Exorcism Palace in Zoulong City, Bai Jin quickly handed over to the Exorcist Division, obtained the Xieran intelligence map, and even helped Fang Ce to ask for a copy.After asking the Department of Exorcism to help announce the call for members, they left with Fang Ce and the others.

"Fellow Daoist Bai, are you familiar with exorcising evil halls everywhere?"

Policy inquiry.

"Well, I followed Master Sang Jue to eliminate evils and scourges all year round in Dongyi Prefecture. Naturally, I am familiar with the exorcism halls in various places. However, in general, it is all for the sake of Master Sang Jue."

"So that's the case, Fellow Daoist Bai really cares about the world."

Fang Ce nodded.

"It's not that noble. I still need to earn money to help the clansmen and make a living for the family. This exorcism operation pays a lot, and it is also a job I can accept, so I have done it now."

Bai Jin shook his head and smiled.

"Bringing money to the clan... That's also an act of righteousness. Where is Daoyou Bai's family? Do you usually go back?"

Fang Ce asked casually.

"My family is a bit far from here. It's in Hexian City on the western edge of Dongyi Prefecture. Usually, I can't go back. Only when I follow Lord Sang Jue to Hexian City to exorcise evil spirits can I have the opportunity to return to my family and go home. Check it out."

Bai Jin replied.

"That's really not easy..."

Fang Ce couldn't help sighing.

"Haha! It's okay, but I'm quite envious of a few fellow Taoists who can go out together as a family."

"Ha, fellow Daoist Bai's family is also in the clan, isn't it? In fact, it's better this way, at least you can rest assured. Xiaosheng also wants his wife and two younger sisters to stay at home and take them out to wander around. He is inevitably worried about what will happen to him. Risk. But I just can't persuade it."

Fang Ce reluctantly responded.

Huo Fenghuang at the side couldn't help but blushed slightly.

Jiang Ling and the Big Cat Empress had weird expressions on their faces, secretly saying that Fang Ce lied without even changing their expressions.

"That's right, I'm really worried about bringing my family out to wander around. But relatively speaking, the wife and younger sister of fellow daoist are both fine, at least their own strength is guaranteed. My wife is not good, let alone there is a kid who has no hair." Chang Qi. I can’t see you outside all the year round, so I’m always a little worried.”

In vain.

"It's okay, Fellow Daoist Bai, if you care about the family like you, the family will definitely take care of your family."

"Well, thanks for the comfort."

Bai Jin smiled.

The two chatted and chatted, and soon returned to their residence.

"Okay, fellow daoists, I have to report back to Lord Sang Jue, so I'm sorry. The night is getting dark, you should rest earlier."

Bai Jin clasped his fists and said.

"Well, don't delay Fellow Daoist Bai."

Fang Ce clenched his fists in response.

Then go back to the room.

Fang Ce took out the information map of the evil dyeing here, and looked it over carefully.

"Husband, are you in a hurry to do it so soon?"

Huo Fenghuang said with a strange expression.

"Well, solve it early, maybe you can rush to the next place earlier."

"Are you really looking for chance?"

"Of course, when did Xiaosheng lie to you?"

"Really? But I heard from that guy who turned into a snake, you are very good at fooling people. She was deceived by you many times back then, and she suffered a lot."

"Eh? Is there such a thing? Miss Fire Phoenix, do you think Mr. Hua Snake seems to be at a disadvantage now?"

"Hmph, who knows. She may not suffer, but you definitely have a profit."


Fang Ce remained silent and ignored it.

After one night, Bai Jin has already begun to recruit new members, while Sang Jue is seriously making arrangements.

Fang Ce has grasped all the information and started to plan night operations...

At dusk, at the door.

"Fellow Daoist, it is quite dangerous to go to the evil dye near Dragon City this time, and we need to call a lot of Feng Shui masters. You have mastered the power of tiger swallowing, and this time you may be placed in a more dangerous position. be careful."

Bai Jin said seriously.

"Well, thank you fellow daoist for letting me know. The so-called stronger the power, the greater the responsibility. Xiaosheng has long been mentally prepared."

Fang Ce nodded.

"The main thing is as I said before, be careful of sneak attacks. After all, your cultivation base is a bit low, and some evil monsters have cultivation bases of hundreds of years. When you get to their active area, the risk is not small."

"Well, I see."

"Okay, it's almost time to rest, so I won't bother you much. The official action will be at least a few days away, and you still have time to prepare well, so excuse me."

Bai Jin cupped his fists.

"Thank you very much for your concern, Fellow Daoist, please."

Fang Ce responded with a smile.

After Bai Jin left.

"This uncle is really a good man. It's just that he doesn't know how powerful you are, Brother Fang."

Jiang Ling couldn't help covering her mouth and snickering. After all, seeing Big Brother Fang, who had mastered the [-]th Route Feng Shui Bureau for ten thousand years, being taken care of by Bai Jin and told to be careful, she felt inexplicably weird and indescribably funny.

"Yes, people are so concerned. But on the day of the operation, they found that there was nothing outside. Maybe it will be troubled for a long time. What a waste of worry."

Huo Fenghuang shrugged her shoulders, her tone was quite joking, she felt that Fang Ce was playing tricks.

"Say something messy, go back to your room and rest."

Fang Ce was not funny.

"Oh... will the husband go out tonight?"

"What do you say?"


Five days later.

The members had already been summoned, and Sang Jue confirmed that the arrangements were in place, and asked everyone to come to the courtyard to meet up.

"Okay, everything is ready. I will take action today to clear the nearby evils. The risk is not small this time. The mission is arranged like this. You must remember it!"

Sang Jue arranged it in detail.

All the members listened attentively.

Huo Fenghuang and the big cat empress showed lack of interest, as if influenced by the two women, Jiang Ling looked a little heartless at the moment.After all, we all know that Fang Ce has cleaned up the nearby evils. This time, we have more time than last time. I'm afraid there will be none left...

(End of this chapter)

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