Chapter 501

"Do you remember everything? If there is no objection, let's start to act."

Sang Jue scanned the members.

Everyone nodded.

After a while.

Southeast location, in a remote forest.

"What's going on? There is no trace of evil here?"

Sang Jue looked surprised.

"My lord... I didn't find out..."

Bai Jin had a strange expression on his face.

Sang Jue: "Isn't this too bizarre?"

It's fine to do it once, but it's really unreasonable to do it twice!

"My lord! There seems to be traces of battle in front! Look what it is!? It seems to be a corpse?"

Bai Jin suddenly looked at the front in surprise.

Sang Jue looked quickly, and saw a deformed skinless calf in front of him who didn't know whether it was a human or a monster!There is blood all over the place!
"Go! Go and have a look! Be careful!"

Sang Jue hurriedly took Bai Jin to find out.

come near.

Bai Jin: "It's the remains of the evil dye monster! It seems that some experts have already dealt with the evil dye near here! Looking at this feature, according to the information of the Exorcism Hall, it should be the master of the ten-way Fengshui bureau that existed here before. A thousand-year-old evil-stained monster!"

"Where is this... so sacred!?"

Sang Jue looked around, trying to find out a clue.

Bai Jin also looked around, and carefully explored the surroundings.

In fact, the corpse of Xie Ran was part of Fang Ce's intentional stay. The main purpose was to inform everyone that the Xie Ran had already been cleaned up, so there was no need to worry too much.

Bai Jin: "My lord, there are no more traces left around here..."

"Well, let's take a look at other nearby locations."

San Jue nodded.

The two went to another place, and then the two found that this place was the same as before, and basically there was no trace of evil in all places!

"Is there any other exorcism organization taking action?"

Sang Jue looked surprised. When he thought about it, being able to remove all the evil stains in the vicinity in a short period of time was definitely not something that one or two people could do.If this is the case, the strength is already terrifying to frightening!
Bai Jin: "My lord, what are we now?"

"Go back and meet everyone first to see if this is the case."


Another time has passed.

Fang Ce, the others and all the members have already gathered and reported the situation.

"It's really the same..."

Sang Jue looked puzzled, but this time he was relieved, because he knew that someone else got rid of the evil, not something worse.

The three daughters of Jiang Ling stared at Fang Ce.

"Cough cough."

Fang Ce couldn't help coughing dryly in a little embarrassment.

"Ahem, it seems that nothing is going on around here, let's go back."

Sang Jue said.

Everyone nodded with strange expressions and went back to the city together.

Go back to the living room.

Bai Jin: "My lord, how should we deal with the current situation?"

"Let the Exorcism Palace investigate for another three days to see if there are any clues. It's best to find out that...organization?"

Sang Jue frowned slightly, knowing that someone had dealt with the evil, although he was relieved a lot, but he was still a little worried when he couldn't fully understand the truth and who did it.

"Yes, my lord!"

Bai Jin took his orders and left.

Three days passed, Sang Jue still didn't get any results, so he had to give up and go to the next city.

However, when it came to the next city, the same situation happened again!

"What's going on!? Could it be that the organization is on the same route as us!? But who are these people? Here in Dongyi, only the old man is in charge of this matter, and there is no other arrangement from above!"

Sang Jue looked surprised.

"My lord, what should we do next? It won't be that the evils in all places have been dealt with in advance, right? If so, it seems to be a good thing. It seems that we have become idle and there is no need..."

Bai Jin had a strange look on his face. After all, they were paid and worked according to their merits. Now that this work has been done by others, it feels as if they just take money and do nothing, so they feel a little uneasy...

"The old man has already reported these situations to the higher authorities, but the upper authorities seem to have no clue at the moment... This is really strange. Could it be that they came from another state?"

Bai Jin: "Other states? It doesn't make sense. Our states have their own affairs. Even if we really cross the border to help, we should inform the state shepherd, right?"

"Hmm... Master Zhou Mu can't figure out something, I'm afraid I'm going to ask King Xia for help..."

"If King Xia comes forward to investigate, there should be a result soon, right? It's just what we do next?"

"Let's proceed as usual. Even if someone has already dealt with the problem of evil contamination, we have to confirm it. The state shepherd will inform the old man of any results."


Bai Jin nodded.

Cities in the back passed by, and the situation remained the same, and Sang Jue and the others couldn't help but gradually became numb and speechless.

During this period of time, Bai Jin and Fang Ce have become more and more familiar, and they will chat with Fang Ce when they have nothing to do.

Time passed gradually, and after passing through dozens of cities, everyone came to Hexian City.

on the street.

Sang Jue led the team forward.

"Brother Bai, I finally returned to my hometown."

Fang Ce smiled.

"Haha, after my lord settles everyone down, I'll bring the Kui brothers to sit at home."

Bai Jin looked cheerful.

Fang Ce: "Okay, okay."

After a while, everyone came to the gate of the large courtyard, where they lived in Hexian City.

At this time, there was a person waiting at the door.

Seeing Sang Jue's arrival, the man immediately stepped forward and saluted, "I've seen you, my lord! There are instructions from above, please take a look at me, my lord."

After all, a letter has been delivered.


Surprised, Sang Jue took the letter and opened it to read it.

Fang Ce and the others couldn't help being puzzled and curious.

a while.

"Okay, the old man has already found out, you can leave first. After the old man has made arrangements here, he will go."

Sang Jue put away the envelope.

"The humble job has resigned."

The man left quickly.

Sang Jue immediately signaled everyone to enter the courtyard, and told Bai Jin to settle down before going to him.

some time passed.

Fang Ce saw that Bai Jin sent Sang Jue away from the yard.

"Brother Bai, what happened?"

Fang Ce couldn't help being puzzled, he naturally didn't want to gossip about Sang Jue's affairs, the main reason is that Sang Jue needs to preside over the matter of eliminating evil contamination here.

"Oh, the superior has summoned the adults for something, and they will probably be away for two or three days."

"So suddenly? Is it serious?"

"how to say……"

Bai Jin glanced around and said in a low voice: "I don't know if it's serious or not. It's just that we have come all the way, and the evil has been solved by the mysterious organization in advance. The identity of this mysterious organization has attracted the attention of the higher authorities."

"So it's for this..."

Fang Tactic was stunned.

The three daughters of Fire Phoenix all looked at Fang Ce with strange expressions.

"It's good for you to know about the matter of adults. Don't talk about it casually. Although it should not be a big deal, it is a matter of government affairs after all."

"Well, I understand. The adults have left, and the action to clean up the evil contamination here will also be delayed."

"It won't be too much delay, my lord is going to deal with his affairs, and we have to make preparations here. When the lord comes back, we can act directly. All these have been explained to me. However, it may be in vain busy."

Bai Jin showed a look that you understand.

"Haha, it's good to have an arrangement."

Fang Ce smiled embarrassingly, but he was thinking in his heart that he had dealt with all those evil monsters, would it cause too much commotion, this issue had to be dealt with properly.

"Okay, let's hand over to the Exorcism Palace first."


Fang Ce responded, and they left the yard.

After obtaining the evil dye information map in the exorcism hall.

"Brother Kui, I'll take you to my house tomorrow for a sit-down. It's okay to talk about exorcising evil spirits."

Bai Jin smiled.


Fang Ce smiled and nodded.

Back at his residence, Fang Ce checked the information map of Xie Ran as usual, and prepared to take action at night.

"Husband, are you still tossing around tonight? Are you not afraid of being exposed?"

"It's okay. There is almost no possibility of exposure. Even if it is exposed, nothing will happen. It's still a matter of chance."

"That's what you say, but you have wasted so much time, it seems that you have gained nothing."

Huo Fenghuang naturally knows Yi Fang Ce's strength, so she doesn't have to worry about exposing these problems at all, but she has been watching Fang Ce's "tossing around", and she is really speechless.

"Beauty, you don't have to worry about these things, as long as you can gain something. I have my own discretion in my affairs."

"Hmph, it's up to you."

Huo Fenghuang curled her lips, since Fang Ce insisted on this, she didn't bother to say more.Anyway, during this period of time, she has made rapid progress under Fang Ce's guidance, and she has indeed gained a lot.

At nightfall, Fang Ce went out to clean up the evil as usual.He didn't bother to care about what would happen after Sang Jue came back.Anyway, it was to clean up the evil, and Sang Jue didn't pay much attention to him.How can never think of him.

the next day.

"Brother Kui, let's go and take you to my house for a while."

Bai Jin smiled.

"it is good."

Fang Ce readily agreed. After all, during this period of time together, he already had a good impression of Bai Jin and considered him a good friend.

Afterwards, several people came to a slightly remote and old place in the west of the city.

"Brother Kui, the family side is still a bit rough, so don't be offended."

Bai Jin was a little embarrassed.

"It's nothing. With people like Brother Bai, your family must be able to develop soon."

Fang Ce responded with a smile.

Several people walked out a few steps.

"It's Uncle Bai Jin! Uncle Bai Jin is back!"

"Uncle Bai Jin!"

A cheer sounded out.

I saw several children rushing towards Bai Jin quickly.

"Bai Jin is back!?"

"It's really in vain!"

Then in the streets and alleys, men and women of all kinds poured out and surrounded them one after another.

"Wow... so welcome..."

Jiang Ling couldn't help being stunned.

Fang Ce couldn't help but smile.

"Bai can count on waiting until you come back. How many harvests have you brought back this time? My house is ruined in many places."

"Bai Jin, Xiaofeng has reached the age of cultivation, I want to send him to the nearby Martial Master Liao to practice, but it will cost a lot of money. It would be great if you could teach Xiaofeng personally..."

A group of people chattered around Bai Jin, and immediately isolated Fang Ce and the others, looking very lively.

However, Jiang Ling couldn't help being a little stunned when he heard everyone's words: "Ah... why does this feel like a debt collection..."

"Little girl, what are you talking about?"

Fang Ce couldn't help knocking on Jiang Ling's forehead lightly.

"oh oh!"

Jiang Ling quickly shut up, knowing that she had lost her composure.

At this moment, Fang Ce also had a strange look on his face, feeling that the behavior of Bai Jin and these tribesmen was really inappropriate.However, because he didn't know the other party's situation, he couldn't express his position indiscriminately.

"What a bunch of rude ants, my husband, can I do it?"

A displeased voice sounded, but Huo Fenghuang spoke.


Fang Ce was taken aback, and glanced at Huo Fenghuang, a little puzzled, even if Bai Jin's clansmen were rude, it had nothing to do with this little girl, right?When did this little girl care so much about Bai Jin?It seems that Bai Jin doesn't catch a cold at ordinary times, does he?

However, amidst his doubts, he discovered the real reason for Huo Fenghuang's displeasure, which was because there were quite a few white youths all around who were sizing up Huo Fenghuang's three daughters wantonly!
At this time, the big cat empress beside her also had a bad complexion.

"Ahem, you don't need to be familiar with these people."

Fang Ce coughed lightly, and for Bai Jin's sake, as long as these guys didn't do anything excessive, he didn't want to worry so much.

When Huo Fenghuang heard this, he couldn't help curling his lips. If it wasn't for Fang Ce's side, these rude guys would have been wiped out long ago!
"Okay! Okay! I've written down everything about everyone! I will arrange everything for you later! Today, I brought a few friends back, let's make room first, let's make room."

Bai Jin shouted, but he had to deal with it for a long time before the clansmen became quieter.He pushed aside the clansmen and came to Fang Ce and the others: "Sorry, I made you laugh."


Fang Ce smiled and shook his head.

"Everyone, these are my friends. Let me greet you first, and I will arrange for you later. Don't worry, I will try my best to solve everyone's problems."

Bai Jin said to the clan, and then led Fang Ce and the others into the clan.

"Alright alright."

Those clansmen responded with some reluctance, and then followed closely behind.

Then some thin and broken sounds sounded.

"What kind of friend? I don't care about my own clansmen?"


"Looking at how well-dressed and fair-skinned his friends are, shouldn't they share the benefits?"

"But those girls are so beautiful, my boy has reached the age of marrying a wife..."


These scattered voices kept ringing. Although they were not very loud, Jiang Ling couldn't hear them clearly, but with the cultivation of Fang Ce, Huo Fenghuang, and Big Cat Empress, they could hear them clearly!
Fang Ce couldn't help frowning slightly, Bai Jin and his tribe really couldn't make a good impression on him.

And the fire phoenix beauty on the side has already had veins popping out, almost on the verge of breaking out.

Seeing this, Fang Ce quickly reached out to hold his little hand, signaling him not to mess around.

Huo Fenghuang was stunned for a moment, his pretty face blushed slightly, and he thought to himself: Hmph!For my husband's sake, don't bother with these ants for the time being!

After a while, a beautiful woman and a little boy came in front of them.


The little boy cheered and rushed towards Bai Jin.

(End of this chapter)

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