Feng Shui apprentice ten years debut is the Celestial Master

Chapter 502 The Unsupportable Family and the Three Troubled Daughters

Chapter 502 The family who can't help and the three daughters who have a lot of shit

"Hey! Fluffy!"

Bai Jin hugged the little boy, with a smile on his face: "I haven't seen you for a year, and I've grown up again! Haha!"

"Jin, I'm finally back. Rong'er misses you all day long. Who are these?"

The beautiful woman looked at Fang Ce and the other three.

"Xiao Shui, these are my friends, Brother Kuiwu, his [-] younger sisters, Miss Kuiji, Miss Kuiling, and his wife, Miss Fangfeng."

Bai Jin introduced, and at the same time said to Fang Ce and the others: "Guys, this is my wife, Wei Shui, and my dog, Bai Rong."

"Kui Wu has seen my sister-in-law."

Fang Ce smiled and saluted.

"you are welcome."

Surprised, Wei Shui quickly responded.

"Hello, big brothers and sisters."

The little guy Bairong said obediently.

"Haha, Xiao Rong'er is also good."

Fang Ce rubbed Bairong's little head.

"Let's go, let's go home first. Xiao Shui, get ready to drink."

Bai said happily.


Wei Shui responded, and together with Bai Jin and Fang Ce went to his home.

Bai Jin's residence here is a relatively ordinary courtyard.

Because the people in the family were still following their own needs, Bai Jin asked Wei Shui to bring Fang Ce and the others to the house to entertain them first, and deal with the problems of the clan first by himself.

"The house is shabby, and my husband seldom brings people back. If there is any lack of hospitality, I hope you will forgive me."

Wei Shui prepared drinks for Fang Ce and the others, and brought some dried fruits.

Bairong sat obediently aside, but his eyes were fixed on the dried fruit.

"Sister-in-law, you are being polite. Us rough people who have been wandering around all the year round, how can we be so particular. It would be nice to have some tea at will."

Fang Ce waved his hand.

Jiang Ling couldn't help but secretly glanced at Fang Ce: "Brother Fang is really good at talking, and he's a rough guy who has been wandering around all the year round..."

"This young man is really polite. Although Wei Shui hasn't seen much in the world, the clothes and demeanor of the few of you are obviously not what a rough person can describe."

Wei Shui smiled sweetly.

"Haha, my sister-in-law is joking, people depend on their clothes and horses depend on their saddles, and you still have to do some work on appearance."

Fang Ce responded with a smile, and then asked again: "Brother Bai, what's the situation in his clan? Why are everyone rushing to wait for his funding?"

Jiang Ling also showed curiosity. She felt that Bai Jin and the tribesmen were too thick-skinned. How could anyone come back without saying anything and ask for benefits first? This is still a tribe...

"Hey, there is nothing you can do about it. The people in the clan all moved here from the backcountry to develop. Everyone has no skills. It is difficult to gain a firm foothold here without relying on your husband."

Wei Shui sighed helplessly.

"oh, I see……"

Fang Ce nodded, and said again: "How long has everyone been here? It seems that it has been a few years?"

"It's been more than ten years."

"Ten years or so... Logically speaking, they should have taken root here, and they have some family business, right?"

"This... there are more or less, but most of them don't have any skills, and they still need my husband's help."

Wei Shui shook his head.

"All right……"

Fang Ce nodded, thinking about it, in the past ten years, not to mention making a name for himself, at least he has basically been able to gain a firm foothold. It's really not good to see a group of vicious dogs rushing to eat Bai Jin like this. should.But it's not easy for him to ask about other people's affairs.

"If Uncle Bai doesn't support everyone someday, wouldn't it be impossible to live? If a large group of people move here, why don't they move?"

Jiang Ling asked straightforwardly.


Fang Ce couldn't help but glance at Jiang Ling.

"Oh... oh... I'm just asking casually! Sister-in-law, don't take it seriously!"

Jiang Ling quickly waved his hands.

"This one……"

Wei Shui sighed softly: "The main reason is that the family's previous living environment was really difficult, and it was difficult to develop. My husband made up his mind to find a way out for the family, and persuaded everyone to come here to develop. But everyone has gotten used to the past. Most of them don't want to leave, and they are also afraid of the unfamiliar environment, worrying that they won't be able to adapt. In order to let everyone come out with peace of mind, my husband promised to bear all the needs of the family. Alas, I am really helpless."

"Ah... like this..."

Jiang Ling couldn't help being a little speechless.

"It seems that the steps are too big, and I can't turn around for a while..."

Fang Ce also sighed lightly.

"I just said, it's better to let them go back to live. Father gives them so much every year, and they still have to be blamed..."

Bairong muttered while eating the dried fruit.

"Rong'er! Don't talk nonsense!"

Wei Shui stared with beautiful eyes.

The little white velvet shrank his head, and quickly shut his mouth.

Hearing this, Jiang Ling couldn't help but glance at Fang Ce, as if she wanted to say something.

"Sister-in-law, this wine is not bad."

Fang Ce took the cup and tasted it lightly.He knows that children's thoughts are the most straightforward and sensitive. It is obvious that there must be something wrong with Bai Jin's family now, and if this situation continues, it is basically impossible for this family to develop, even Bai Jin himself will be dragged down...

At this moment, Wei Shui nodded with a smile, she didn't know if Fang Ce really thought the wine was good, and then asked about Bai Jin's stay outside, and how to get acquainted with Fang Ce and the others.

While Fang Ce was responding, he was also listening to Bai Jin's negotiation with his clansmen outside.

"Bai Jin, can you get me a spirit stone? I heard that it is very helpful for cultivation. My child has become a martial arts practitioner now, but it is not a solution without cultivation resources..."

"This... Aunt Jiang, this spirit stone is very valuable... I'm afraid the family's budget is not enough. I'll give you a way to see it next year..."

"Bai Jin, then my family also needs Lingshi."

"Uncle Lei, how could I get so many spirit stones?"

"You have been out and about for so many years, and now you are still a celebrity around that lord. Those who are not as good as you are full of money and shiny. You can still be worse than those people, are you hiding it yourself? Don’t think that Uncle, I don’t know anything.”

"No, Uncle Lei, what you said, those people have other ways, I can't do it."

"Xiao Jin, don't you know how to collect oil and water now? I didn't say you..."

"Okay, okay, Uncle Lei, let's talk about this matter later. Your family needs a hundred taels of silver now, right? Here, take it."

"Oh, you bastard, really..."

"Xiao Jin, Xiao Jin, me! Me!"

"Aunt Gu, you want a hundred taels of silver too, right?"

"Let's not talk about this, I want to ask who are the girls you brought back?"

"Didn't you say so, my friend?"

"My friend, can you be a matchmaker for Pu'er and pull a thread? The one in the red dress, I like it very much!"

"Hush! Aunt Gu, don't talk nonsense! That's brother Kui's wife!"

"Ah! Already married? What about the other two? They can't be wives too, right? The tall one looks pretty good to me..."

"Aunt Gu, don't talk about this. I'm only on good terms with Brother Kui, and I'm not familiar with those girls. I really can't help you with this."

"Then you can ask your Kui brother for me, it seems that you have a very good relationship."

"Okay, okay, let's not talk about this first, take your money..."


These conversations were all overheard by Fang Ce, who had ten thousand years of cultivation.

Both Huo Fenghuang and the big cat empress looked unhappy, but they were quite restrained now and didn't react much.

Fang Ce just sighed lightly.

After a while.

"Brother Kui, I kept you waiting. I should have brought you here later. This is the first time I have brought friends back. I didn't expect to make a joke. I'm really sorry."

Bai Jin came into the house with an apologetic face.

"Ha, let's punish him with two cups."

Fang Ce smiled.

"Hahaha! Good! Punish! You should be punished!"

Bai Jin laughed loudly, picked up the wine glass and drank it, feeling quite grateful in his heart.

After two cups.

Bai Jin sat down and sighed softly: "If you want to cultivate some seedlings and take them out to practice, then the family will be considered stable. It's a pity that your ability is limited and you can't achieve it in a short time."

"Ha, let's take it step by step. From Xiaosheng's point of view, Xiaorong'er has great potential. If we don't give priority to cultivating Xiaorong with large resources, I think after ten or eight years, he will be a father-son soldier, which can relieve a lot of pressure. .And then cultivate new seedlings in the family, so as to develop steadily."

Fang Ce smiled.

Hearing this, Wei Shui couldn't help being taken aback for a moment, looking at Fang Ce with beautiful eyes in surprise, with anticipation and gratitude.

Bai Rong stared at Bai Jin with bright eyes, full of anticipation. What he admired the most since he was a child was his father Bai Jin!I have always longed to be as strong as my father!At that time, he will show the faces of those guys in the clan!He will not accommodate like his father!

"This one……"

But Bai Jin showed embarrassment: "What Brother Kui said is indeed true, but everyone in the clan needs help now. I really can't do this..."

"Xiaosheng also understands Brother Bai's difficulties, but it's not a solution for you to procrastinate like this now. If you change the way, you may be criticized by the people in the clan. But it's just a temporary thing. I believe that the people in the clan will understand your difficulties sooner or later. .”

Fang Ce reassured him that he could see that Bai Jin and his tribe had no self-motivation at all, they were rotten from the root, and it was basically impossible to understand the difficulties.How easy is it to raise such a family?And relying entirely on one person's funding for nothing is not practical at all, let alone, it would even be an act of digging one's own grave!It's better to develop your own family well, it's better than falling together.

It's just that he can't say these words directly, after all, Bai Jin may not be able to accept them.Because Bai Jin is obviously a good old man, he must care about the opinions of the people in the clan, and he can't bear to abandon these clansmen.And he couldn't just completely negate Bai Jin's clansmen. After all, there were no guarantees that there wouldn't be a few seeds waiting to germinate in the rotten roots, so he could only say this mildly, and this was also the safest way of development.

"All, what Brother Kui said is not unreasonable. I stay in the clan all year round, and the progress of the clan is indeed not easy."

Wei Shui could not help but comfort him.

"Yes, I know……"

Bai Jin nodded: "I will think about it carefully, but there is still time and I still have the ability. Take it slowly first, and see if it gets better in a few years."

"All right……"

Wei Shui nodded helplessly.

Bairong was a little disappointed.

Fang Ce also nodded lightly, but he knew in his heart that Bai Jin was just escaping. After a few years, as long as he still had the energy to burn himself, he would still evade...

Forget it, he met by chance, and he did his best.Even though he has a lot of resources to cultivate a family in an instant, he doesn't intend to waste it like this for Bai Jin, after all, the people of Bai Jin's family are just mud that can't be supported...

After chatting for a long time again, outside the yard.

"Xiao Shui, we still have work to do, so we'll go back first."

Bai Jin showed apologetic expression to Wei Shui.

"Well, pay more attention to your body."

Wei Shui lightly taps the gnat's head.

"Rong'er, you have to listen to your mother carefully at home."

Bai Jin looked at Bai Rong who was being held by his wife.

"Okay, Daddy."

Bairong responded very well-behaved.

"Sister-in-law, thank you for your hospitality. I will take my leave now."

Fang Ce clenched his fists and saluted.

"Brother Kui, please be polite. Take care of yourself too, by the way... I hope I can help you more in the future."

Wei Shui pursed her lips and said, she could see that Fang Ce had a good background, although she didn't know how strong she was, but she definitely had a lot more knowledge than her husband Bai Jin, some of Fang Ce's words today really touched her heart.Therefore, she is sure that with the help of Fang Ce, her husband's official career will be much smoother!

Bai Jin couldn't help being a little stunned when he heard the words, and looked at Fang Ce suspiciously.

"No, my sister-in-law was joking. Xiaosheng still needs Brother Bai to take care of him. How can there be any talk of helping him? Of course, if Brother Bai has any troubles, Xiaosheng will try his best to help. I will leave now."

Fang Ce laughed.

"Well, thank you very much."

Wei Shui nodded.

Bai Jin also looked at his wife and shook his head amusedly, then turned and left with Fang Ce and the others.He felt as if he had been underestimated by his wife, but it was normal for his wife to stay at home all year round and have little knowledge...

After a while, several people had already returned to the big yard.

After talking to Fang Ce and others, Bai Jin went to arrange the affairs here.After all, there are dozens of people here who want him to take care of them.

"Oh, it's really not easy for Uncle Bai, with such a family."

Jiang Ling sighed softly, but she admired Bai Jin quite a bit in her heart, after all, she couldn't do this for the family.I remember that after she left Jiangcun, she hardly thought about Jiangcun.And the people in Jiang Village are obviously much more reliable than those in Bai Jin's clan...

"Hmph, what a stupid guy. I can only say that ants are ants. If the deity has such a family, the ashes will be thrown away."

Fire Phoenix said in disdain.

"I agree, waste has no value."

The big cat empress nodded sympathetically.


Jiang Ling couldn't help looking at the two girls in astonishment, why are these two sisters so mighty and domineering?And the deity?

"What are you talking about?"

Fang Ce tapped the three girls on the forehead in a funny way.


Jiang Ling touched his forehead.

Huo Fenghuang pouted slightly, and his eyes were somewhat resentful.

The big cat queen didn't dare to express her opinion.

"Okay, let's all go back to the house and practice hard. Everyone is not very capable, but they have a lot of shit."

Fang Ce turned around and left the house.

"You're the one who has a lot of trouble! It's not because of you!"

Huo Fenghuang's beautiful eyes widened immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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