Feng Shui apprentice ten years debut is the Celestial Master

Chapter 503 Fire Phoenix wants to spend the night with Fang Ce

Chapter 503 Fire Phoenix wants to spend the night with Fang Ce

Two days passed quickly, and Sang Jue hadn't returned yet.

The third day passed, and Sang Jue still did not return.

On the fourth day, Sang Jue still hadn't returned, but Fang Ce had cleaned up all the evil around him!All the exorcists couldn't help but become agitated.

"Brother Bai, has your lord not returned for so long? Has there been any news?"

Fang Ce was puzzled.

"No...Maybe there is something delaying..."

Bai Jin frowned, but there was some bad premonition in his heart.

"Well, then wait a little longer, there is no rush anyway."

Fang Ce nodded.

Another three days passed, and Sang Jue still didn't return, but there was a sad news that Sang Jue was attacked by an evil monster and died! ! !
"How come!? Master Sang Jue!!"

Bai Jin couldn't help but howl!
The members were even more chaotic.

"The lord...something happened..."

Fang Ce and the others were stunned.

"How is this possible, how could something happen to Master Sang Jue..."

"It's all right, how could such a thing happen!"

"Master Sang Jue, how can something happen!"

Everyone mourned and panicked.

"Okay, calm down, anyone who does what we do may die suddenly, we should have been mentally prepared for this, let's all mourn..."

Bai Jin's heavy voice sounded, but he was the first to adapt from the grief. Those who do what they do, every year, their companions sacrifice. The difference is the length of time in the group and the deep relationship. This time is special. my lord...

Everyone has the awareness that they may die in a certain mission, which is why their pay is so high in this line of work, and they are all fighting with their lives.

"Brother Bai, but this time it is Master Sang Jue...and without Master Sang Jue, what should we do? What about the current task?"

One said sadly.

"Master Sang Jue died, so the higher-ups will naturally make arrangements. As for us now, just keep to ourselves and wait for the higher-ups' arrangements. Don't worry about the mission. I have been going back and forth to the Exorcism Hall these days, and I learned that there are people around the Hexian City. Solved, maybe this is a blessing in misfortune..."

"This...well, during this period of time, we all obeyed Brother Bai's arrangement..."

"Well, thank you all for your trust. Now let's deal with our own affairs first, and let's take a break..."


After everyone dispersed.

"Oh, Brother Bai, I never expected such bad news."

Fang Ce sighed lightly.

"Yeah, Brother Kui, what are your plans now?"

"I don't have any plans, just wait for the arrangement. I've been here for so long, it doesn't seem like I've been busy at all."

"Brother, don't think so much."

Bai Jin patted Fang Ce's shoulder lightly, glanced at the three daughters of Huo Fenghuang, and said with relief: "For you, this journey is not a kind of luck. I think even Master Sang Jue said that sacrifice is the most important thing. Sacrifice, we little people are even more uncertain. It is very rare for you to have this kind of heart, so cherish the present."


Fang Shizuo was stunned, it was Bai Jin who was obviously sad and grieved, but he comforted him instead, which really made him a little bit at a loss how to respond.He also understood that what Bai Jin said was what he wanted, which is to let him cherish the people around him, and evacuate when it is time to evacuate, and don't wait until the people around him are farewell, and then regret it...

"Hmph, do you still have time to worry about your husband? Why don't you worry about your own wife and children. Such a weak strength may disappear one day. What are you going to do with your wife and children? Your family can't be counted on." .”

A disdainful snort sounded.

But it was Huo Fenghuang who said with a look of disapproval.

Bai Jin couldn't help but startled.

"Feng'er! Don't talk nonsense! Brother Bai, women and Taoists have shallow knowledge, so don't take offense to them."

Fang Ce quickly said that he was really surprised by what Huo Fenghuang said.And he could hear that although Huo Fenghuang's tone was dissatisfied, there was still a hint of dialogue and a trace of humanity in his words.You must know that in the past, Huo Fenghuang would have disdained to pay attention to the ants in his eyes.

"Oh...it's okay, what Miss Fang said is also reasonable. It's really useless to use up this little ability...Guys, if there's nothing else, I'll go out and do some things first..."

Bai Jin said.

"That's... good."

Fang Ce nodded.


Bai Jin cupped his fists and left.

"Uncle Bai is not angry, is he?"

Jiang Ling said cautiously.

"Cut, what is there to care about the ant's anger."


Jiang Ling is embarrassed, it seems that her strength is not comparable to that of Uncle Bai, if Uncle Bai is an ant, then she...

"My great beauty, don't be as knowledgeable as us small people."

Fang Ce is funny.

"Husband, you..."

Huo Fenghuang's beautiful eyes widened, and she felt her pretty face flushed a little. After all, if Fang Ce's strength is that of a self-proclaimed little person, then what is she?
"Okay, let's go back to the room to practice."

Fang Ce turned and left.

Come to the house.

"Oh, that lord really left too suddenly, without making a sound, and sacrificed like that..."

Jiang Ling couldn't help sighing.

"Yeah, it's quite a delay when it comes all of a sudden."

Fang Ce sighed softly, but at this moment he was thinking of taking advantage of this time to go to the mysterious giant tower, because he had already collected a lot of souls along the way.Even if it is not worth the soul of the dragon, it is not a small sum.

At night, Fang Ce's room.


The fire phoenix came quietly.


Fang strategy doubts.

"Did you notice it?"

"You mean that man?"

"Well, it seems to be eyeing us? I really don't know what to do."

Fire Phoenix sneered.

"Stand still for now."

Fang Ce frowned slightly, the person he mentioned was the messenger who brought the news of Sang Jue's death.After the messenger told everyone the news, he said goodbye and left on the surface, but actually observed the courtyard in the dark, to be precise, he and the three daughters of Huofenghuang!

Originally, he thought it was just a normal surveillance from Dongyi Prefecture, and it should be to monitor everyone in the yard, so he didn't take it seriously.But until now, this person's surveillance eyes have always focused on him and the three daughters of the Fire Phoenix!In this way, it is definitely impossible to say that there is no problem.

"It's up to you, I'll spend the night here tonight."


Three days passed.

Messenger is still watching secretly.And all the members in the courtyard have not recovered from Sang Jue's accidental fall, either sad or worried about the future...

Although Bai Jin was fine on the surface, his words and deeds were still somewhat depressed.And during this period of time, he frequently went out to the yard, wondering if he was dealing with the handover of the Exorcism Hall, or was he busy with something.

It's not easy for Fang Ce to ask too many questions.

Near dusk, inside the house.

"Husband, are you still killing time here? It seems that we are not welcome here anymore?"

The fire phoenix meant something.


Jiang Ling was puzzled, not knowing what Huo Fenghuang meant, they are not welcome here?Could it be that Uncle Bai hasn't talked to them much these days?

The big cat empress was calm, she roughly knew what Huo Fenghuang said, because she had already noticed it, but Fang Ce and Huo Fenghuang didn't express their views, so she naturally didn't have to pay attention to it.

"Well... Maybe it's time to leave..."

Fang Ce nodded, now he suspected that the messenger came from the Great Xia Dynasty and was sent by King Xia!If so, there is really no need for him to stay here for a long time.

"Let's go then."

Huo Fenghuang shrugged, looking relaxed and comfortable, she didn't want to stay here for a long time.

"Huh? Are we leaving?"

Jiang Ling was stunned.

"Well, let's say goodbye to Brother Bai first."

Fang Ce got up and went outside.

The three women followed immediately.

Afterwards, several people searched in the yard for a while, but there was no trace of Bai Jin, apparently they had gone out.I asked some friends again, and learned that Bai Jin hadn't returned all day.

"Huh? Did you go to the Exorcism Palace again?"

Fang Ce was puzzled, so he took the three daughters to the Exorcism Hall.

However, when he came to the Exorcism Hall and asked, he learned that Bai Jin hadn't been to the Exorcism Hall these days.

"It seems that Uncle Bai has returned to the family these days, right? After all, his wife and children are there, and it is rare to come back. Now that he has encountered such a bad thing, he must have gone home to seek comfort."

Jiang Ling looked determined.

"Well, then go to Brother Bai's house."

Fang Ce smiled, and also agreed with Jiang Ling's statement. After all, Bai Jin has nowhere else to go besides his home.

"Hmph, I'm going to that broken family again."

Fire Phoenix pouted.

Fang Ce didn't pay much attention, and went directly with the three girls.

When a few people came to the Baijin family's side, they felt that the atmosphere was quite lively, and when they were still outside the family, there were many people blocking it, and it was noisy.

"Huh? What happened here? Why are there so many people? It seems that many are not from Uncle Bai's clan..."

Jiang Ling was stunned.

I saw many guards in front who seemed to be powerful and influential, besieging here.

"Go, go up and see!"

Fang Ce frowned, he had a bad feeling in his heart, so he walked forward quickly.

The three girls followed quickly.

Coming closer, the scene directly made Fang Ce's pupils shrink!
I saw Bai Jin lying in a pool of blood, covered in blood, between the members of Bai Jin's clan and the foreign dignitaries!His wife, Wei Shui, hugged Bai Jin with tears all over her face!Bai Rong is also holding on to Bai Jin's sleeves tightly!
"My lords, my lords! Man, we have already handed over to the adults! These two are Bai Jin's wife and son! In the past, it was Bai Jin who offended the adults! We have always been dissuaded, But he just didn't listen. Please don't blame us!"

"That's right! That's right! Adults, we often say that adults are the masters, and we low-class people should obey orders, but this evil person refuses to listen! This really deserves it!"

"That's right! That's right! In the past, relying on the backing of someone behind him, this evil person didn't pay attention to the adults, let alone the people of our clan. He really deserves to be hacked to death! No, the retribution has come, and the backer has fallen Yes, it really deserves it, bah!"

I saw Bai Jin's clansmen kneeling flatteringly, flattering the dignitaries in front, and spurning Bai Jin...

"Why! Why are you doing this!? Jin, you are dedicated to the family, and everything is given to you! How can you do this! In the past few years, you have been oppressed, and you have been bullied, which time did you not do it! Even if you don't care about the feelings of the same clan! , and you can’t avenge your kindness! After all, how many people in the clan and outside the clan have helped in your life, what qualifications do you have to slander him like this!”

Wei Shui's face was full of grief and indignation.

"Shut up! You bastard! How dare you speak so fast! If it hadn't been for nothing to drag us here, how could we have suffered so much? He still owes us a lot! Now he has offended the Lord You guys have implicated us, isn't this kind of evil deserving of death!?"

The whole family blushed with anger and scolded angrily.

"Hahahaha! Hahahahaha! Bai Jin, Bai Jin, relying on Sang Jue's support all day long, and those who think they are righteous can't get along with me everywhere. Look now, even the clansmen don't accept your favor, you spring I know, I should rest in peace, hahahahaha!"

A young dignitary raised his head and laughed.

The rest of the dignitaries also looked smug.


Wei Shui's tears flowed unstoppably, both angry and desperate, sad and helpless...

"You bad guys! I hate you to death! I will avenge my father in the future!"

A childish voice of grief and indignation sounded.

I saw Bairong with red eyes, staring at the clansmen and dignitaries, as if he wanted to remember these people one by one!At this moment, in his weak heart, he hated the dignitaries who killed his father, and even more hated the clansmen who betrayed them!
And under the angry gaze of the little boy, these clansmen couldn't help avoiding them in fear!

Those dignitaries frowned slightly.

"My lords! This bitch and the bastard don't want to repent yet! You must not let them go! By the way, this bitch is still quite pretty. If you don't want to sell her to the flower house, you might still be able to see her." Make up for the loss caused by Bai Jin's evil! As for this evil, just kill and chop it up and feed it to the dogs to save it!"

The members of Bai Jin's clan said harshly.

"Good! Good! That's a good proposal!"

The rest of the tribe actually agreed!
"Well! It's really a good suggestion! This guy's little lady Bai Jin really has a special charm. I've been interested in it for a long time, sir. Let's taste it in front of this guy Bai Jin! It's a pity that he can't see it anymore. , otherwise it must be more interesting, hahahaha!"

A powerful young man laughed loudly, looking at Wei Shui unscrupulously.

"It's a pity that the kid was killed. Since he has so much backbone, I'll take him away and raise him as a beast. Let's see what can be trained to become an obedient and loyal dog. Go, bring that kid to me!"

A middle-aged man looked at Bairong with a sneer.

Immediately, several guards strode towards Wei Shui's mother and son!
"Come on, hold that bitch down for me! Don't struggle and hurt me!"

That powerful young man also smirked and led the guards towards Wei Shui, mother and son!

"You... you guys! No... please let Rong'er go! You can tell me to do anything! Rong'er is still young and ignorant! I'll let him kowtow to you, please!"

Wei Shui suddenly panicked and wrapped Bairong tightly, she had already lost her husband, and she couldn't let anything happen to her son!
"Mother! Don't ask them! I will fight with them! I want to stand upright like my father! I can't ask them!"

Bairong struggled in grief and indignation, but was hugged tightly by Wei Shui and couldn't break free.

"No! Rong'er stop talking nonsense! I beg you for my mother!"

Wei Shui begged bitterly, seeing the powerful youths and guards getting closer, she begged again: "Please let me go! I can do whatever you want! Please!"

"Hey, let's wait and see if I am satisfied with the service of my young master in this large audience."

The powerful young man smiled excitedly.

"Who dares to touch sister-in-law and Rong'er."

A cold voice suddenly sounded!
(End of this chapter)

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