Feng Shui apprentice ten years debut is the Celestial Master

Chapter 504 With just one look, they all exploded to death!

Chapter 504 With just one look, they all exploded to death!


Everyone was startled, and they followed the sound, only to see that it was Fang Ce who came step by step with the three daughters of the Fire Phoenix!

"It's them……"

Wei Shui and Bairong were stunned.

"Adults! I know these people! They are Bai Jin's friends! They have been to the clan before! They have a very good relationship! Don't let them go!"

One of Bai Jin's clansmen said, but it was Uncle Lei from before!
"That's right! They are Bai Jin's friends!"

"It's them! I also know that they have slandered adults with Bai Jin before!"

The rest of the tribe seemed to be asking for credit one after another, and they performed their best, showing an ugly appearance.

"Oh? Bai Jin's friend?"

All the dignitaries were surprised, they glanced at each other, and began to size up Fang Ce and the others.The eyes fell on the fire phoenix and the big cat empress, and they couldn't help showing surprise.

At this moment, Fang Ce simply ignored everyone's reactions, and continued to walk towards Wei Shui and Bai Rong step by step.

"Stop! I am Corporal Zhou! The people who came here with me are all famous families in Hexian City! Who are you, please report your name!"

The dignitary closest to Weishui and Bairong shouted coldly.

Fang Ce still ignored him, and he didn't even want to look at the powerful young member Zhou.

Except for Jiang Ling who looked at those dignitaries with a little worry, the Big Cat Empress and Huo Fenghuang didn't even glance at them. They are more arrogant than Fang Ce, how could they take these people seriously? .

"You are looking for death! You guys go up and see if this brat is a donkey or a horse!"

The powerful young man was furious immediately, now that Sang Jue is gone, in this city of Hexian, he doesn't believe that there is anyone who can do nothing to win the powerful class like them!


Several guards responded, and immediately walked towards Fang Ce with a murderous look!

Fang Zhizhi raised his eyes, his eyes fixed.

Before everyone could react.

boom! boom! boom!
Exploding again and again!The howl sounded!

With just one look, several guards and the powerful young man exploded to death!


Everyone present was shocked and gasped!

The faces of Bai Jin and those clansmen were even more pale and horrified!
"What a powerful martial artist! Watch me use Feng Shui to clean you up!"

A middle-aged nobleman shouted in a low voice, using the power of Feng Shui law on his body, directly pulling Fang Ce in!


Fang Ce looked at it, and the cold murderous intent exploded!It's still just a look!
Boom boom boom!
Amidst repeated explosions, the power of the law of Feng Shui was forcibly broken!
"What!? You... ah!!!"

The middle-aged dignitary hadn't even finished speaking, and he exploded to death! ! !
At this moment, everyone was shocked!Everyone's heart is cold!We all know that this is an irreparable and unshakable absolute strength gap for them!

Both Wei Shui and Bai Rong were stunned, looking at Fang Ce stupidly.

Bai Jin and those clansmen were all trembling with fright.

Fang Ce walked towards Wei Shui and Bai Rong step by step. At this time, no one dared to move!
"Sister-in-law, is there anything you miss here?"

Fang Ce knelt down slowly, and then picked up Bai Jin's body.

Wei Shui shook his head blankly.

"Let's go then."

Fang Ce turned and left.

Wei Shui hurriedly led Bairong to follow.

Those dignitaries and clansmen just watched Fang Ce and the others leave without daring to say a word.Until Fang Ce completely disappeared from sight, they all slumped on the ground and gasped for breath.That was the aftereffect of fear that even the soul was almost scared away!

"Then... who the hell is that person!?"

After a dignitary recovered, he glared at Bai Jin's clansmen angrily. This was the most terrifying existence he had encountered in his life. If he didn't figure it out, he would be afraid that it would be difficult to dispel his fear!
The rest of the dignitaries also glared at Bai Jin's clansmen.

"I... we don't know... Those people only came to the clan once with Bai Jin..."

"Yes, yes, adults, we don't know..."

"By the way, what I heard before was in vain. Those people are exorcists who followed Lord Sang Jue to clean up the evil together with him..."

The people of Bai Jin's clan responded tremblingly.

"An exorcist who followed Master Sang Jue to clean up the evil? How is this possible!?"

All the dignitaries were stunned and couldn't believe it. After all, they all knew very well that Fang Ce's strength was no longer what they could have imagined, even Sang Jue was far behind!How could it be possible to follow Sang Jue! ?

Soon after, the river appeared outside the city.

"Sister-in-law, where are you going now?"

Fang Ce asked softly.

"I want to... take my husband and Rong'er back to my hometown, Haiyang City, but..."

"With me here, sister-in-law doesn't need to have any worries, she will definitely send you there safely. Now find a place first, and take care of the funeral for Brother Bai."

Fang Ce said.

"Okay! Thanks a lot! I can't thank you enough!"

As Wei Shui said, he knelt down.

"Thank you uncle!"

Bai Rong's small body also knelt down and kowtowed to Fang Ce.

"Don't! Sister-in-law can't force it. Brother Bai takes good care of Xiaosheng on weekdays. This is what Xiaosheng should do!"

Fang Ce said quickly.

Jiang Ling also quickly helped Wei Shui's mother and son up.

"Thank you very much."

Wei Shui couldn't help but burst into tears again, she knew very well that Fang Ce's words were mostly modest and polite.Although she is not a strong person, she still has some knowledge and knows which class her husband's strength probably belongs to.For most people, their husband is already a master, but there are also three, six or nine ranks among masters, and above the masters, there are supreme figures who surpass all living beings!Fang Ce has obviously left the level of a master!
"Oh, let's go."

Fang Ce sighed softly, and walked towards a forest ahead.

Then everyone came to a clearing in the forest.

Fang Ce put down Bai Jin's body, found dry branches and set it on fire.

"Brother Bai, please rest in peace. Sister-in-law and Rong'er, my younger brother will take care of you."

Fang Ce bowed three times.



Wei Shui and Bai Rong cried bitterly.

"Feng'er, take care of them. I'll take care of the mess."

Fang Ce got up and said lightly to Huo Fenghuang.

Fire Phoenix nodded knowingly.

Fang Ce's figure flashed and disappeared immediately.

Immediately, he instantly appeared in the forest behind, behind a figure!
"You still dare to follow me, should I laugh at you for being stupid, or for being ignorant?"

Fang Ce spoke coldly.


The figure was startled suddenly, but before the sound could be heard, Fang Ce covered his mouth and dragged him away!

Come to the distance.

Fang Ce threw the messenger directly on the ground: "Tell me, who ordered you?"

"you you you!"

The messenger was trembling with shock, he had seen Fang Ce kill the enemy at will with just his eyes!The horror of this strength is far beyond his imagination!He was a little panicked at first, wondering if he should continue to investigate Fang Ce, but he didn't seem to find him after thinking about it for so long, so he finally decided to continue to follow and investigate on a fluke.

"My patience is limited, I only count three, one."

Fang Ce said in a low voice, Bai Jin's sudden death made him feel bad, how could he have the patience to linger with this person now?

"Wait! Wait! If the little one speaks out, will your lord spare the little one!?"

The messenger hurriedly asked.

"It depends on the situation, but at least it will give you a good time."



"Okay! I say! I say!"

The messenger gritted his teeth: "King Xia ordered it!"


"This little one doesn't know...the little one just obeys orders, my lord..."


Fang Ce nodded slightly.

"Is that honor...uh!?"

Before the messenger finished speaking, his body froze, and the bloodstains on his neck slowly appeared!Then it's decapitated!

"Since it's King Xia, I'll give you a treat."

Fang Ce turned around indifferently, it was naturally impossible for him to let the messenger report his whereabouts to King Xia.

Go back to the clearing.

The fire was still burning.

Wei Shui's mother and son were still crying bitterly.


Fire Phoenix asked.


Fang Ce nodded.

"What's the matter?"

"King Xia."

"Is it tricky?"

Huo Fenghuang frowned, she already knew that King Xia had an absolute powerhouse who had mastered the feng shui bureau of the [-]th Route by his side.

"A little bit."

Fang Ce responded calmly.

Huo Fenghuang remained silent and didn't ask any more questions.

"Uncle Kuiwu! Can you teach me how to do it!?"

A pleading voice sounded.

Bai Rong suddenly knelt down to Fang Ce.

Wei Shui also looked at Fang Ce.


Fang Ce agreed without thinking, because he knew that Bai Rong wanted revenge.One of the reasons why he didn't kill those people directly before was because of this. Giving this revenge to Bairong himself can be regarded as a direction and motivation for his future growth.Another reason is the internal strife in Great Xia, and he doesn't want to intervene more now.After all, the relationship between him and King Xia is delicate now...

At this time, Bai Rong was stunned when he heard the words, he couldn't react, he didn't expect Fang Ce to agree so simply!In his mind, an existence as unpredictable as Fang Ce shouldn't be able to impart his skills easily.

"Rong'er! Hurry up and thank you, Uncle Kuiwu!!"

Wei Shui couldn't help but speak excitedly, not to mention that Bai Rong wanted to learn from Fang Ce, she hoped that Bai Rong could learn from Fang Ce!
"Thank you, Uncle Kuiwu! Thank you, Uncle Kuiwu!"

Bai Rong hurriedly kowtowed.

"Now deal with your father's funeral first."



After burning for a long time, the flames gradually extinguished, leaving ashes in vain.

Fang Ce took out a golden jar, collected all the ashes, and handed them over to Wei Shui.

"Thank you Engong!"


"My sister-in-law is out, just call me Kui Wu."

Fang policy responded.

"Okay, Brother Kuiwu..."

"I'll send you to Haiyang City now."


"Uncle Kuiwu... When did you start teaching Rong'er skills?"

"Start teaching along the way."

Fang Ce rubbed the little white velvet head.

"Mmmm! Thank you Uncle Kuiwu!"

Bai Rong immediately said gratefully.

Afterwards, several people started to head towards Haiyang City.This Haiyang City is located in Tushan Prefecture, and after Hexian City passes, it is Tushan Prefecture.

Fang Ce learned from Wei Shui that Bai Jin traveled all over the country in the early years, passing through Haiyang City, met Wei Shui who was attacked by a hostile family, and rescued him out of righteousness.Because Wei Shui was grateful and attracted by Bai Jin's heroism, he married from a long distance away.

At night, by a bonfire in the forest.

"Uncle Bai is such a good person, how could his people be like this..."

Jiang Ling said with a look of displeasure.

"Those clansmen who are not Daddy!"

Bairong said bitterly.


Wei Shui hugged Bai Rong in his arms, with a very complicated expression on her face. She naturally knew that Bai Jin's people had many bad things, they were ignorant, selfish, selfish and greedy, but she also knew that Bai Jin attached great importance to his people. Until now, she didn't know How to face it.If Bai Jin was still alive, how would he feel...

"It can only be said that that guy is an outlier among the people in the clan."

Fire Phoenix said softly.

"Brother Bai's clansmen may not all be like that. Perhaps the environment has been formed at the beginning. Everyone is in this atmosphere and is naturally affected. If you want to change all this, you can only slowly rebuild it in the new generation. New vibe."

Fang Ce sighed softly, he knew that it is impossible for all members of a family to be cowards, but after the general environment is formed, there are too few people in it who can not be infected.So this is also one of the reasons why he didn't directly touch the Baijin people.He knew that Bai Jin probably didn't want him to do this...

"Well, maybe this is the reason. Husband said that he was adopted by an expert since he was a child, wandered outside, and after he grew up, he developed a skill, and only returned to his hometown..."

Wei Shui should respond lightly.

"No matter what, I must avenge this revenge! Father has paid so much, but we...but..."

Bai Rong's eyes were red, and he couldn't help sobbing as he spoke.

Wei Shui felt sour in his heart, so he could only hug Bai Rong tightly.

"Okay! If you have ambition, you will take revenge on a true gentleman."

Fire Phoenix nodded in satisfaction.

Fang Ce looked at Huo Fenghuang in astonishment, when did this little girl learn such a mess?He remembered these big monsters, but he didn't have these literary things.

"What are you looking at? Is there a problem with this?"

Fire Phoenix was puzzled.

"I don't know if there is a problem, but I suggest Feng'er that you should talk less."

"Husband, you!?"

Huo Fenghuang's beautiful eyes widened immediately.

"I'll leave first to deal with some things. It may take a long time. You don't have to worry."

Fang Ce got up suddenly and left.

"This guy?"

Huo Fenghuang was stunned again.

"Brother, where are you going?"

Jiang Ling couldn't help asking.

But Fang Ce has disappeared.

"Hmph, I've been mysterious all day long."

Fire Phoenix let out a soft sound.

"Girls, please forgive me for asking, who is Brother Kuiwu..."

Wei Shui couldn't help asking.

Hearing this, the girls were all silent.

Jiang Ling didn't dare to say and didn't know.

The big cat queen dare not say anything, usually nothing happens, she always insists on the principle that silence is golden.

"Who is my husband? It's a bit complicated to say, and you may not understand it. But in a simple and general way, it is the number one and only supreme in the world. Can you understand this?"

Fire Phoenix said.

"The number one and only Supreme in the world!? This..."

Wei Shui's eyes widened in disbelief.

"Could it be that Uncle Kuiwu is more powerful than Master Mi!?"

Bai Rong's eyes lit up, and his face was full of excitement.

(End of this chapter)

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