Feng Shui apprentice ten years debut is the Celestial Master

Chapter 505 A pair of eyes overlooking the world

Chapter 505 A pair of eyes overlooking the world

Inside the mysterious white jade tower.

Fang Ce came again, and he released the strands of souls he collected, which were quickly absorbed by the giant white jade tower, and the stars lit up one by one.

Soon the current layer is lit.

The starlight fell on Fang Ce, and pictures of Feng Shui Bureau of Nineteen Routes flashed in his mind.

Fang Ce's eyes fell on the surrounding walls, waiting for the follow-up truth from the ancient times.

However, after he waited for a long time, nothing changed at all!
"What... what's going on? Is it just gone?"

To Fang Ce's surprise, he waited for a long time, but there was still no change in the star position.

"Is it really gone?"

Fang Ce frowned slightly, and finally had no choice but to go to a higher level.

After coming to the upper floor, he still only got the inheritance of the [-]th Road Fengshui Bureau, and he didn't see the records of those pictures in ancient times.

"It seems that there is really no follow-up record? This is too bad..."

Fang Ce felt a little lost in his heart. After all, his appetite was suspended before, and now he is told that he has no more?It must have been a little confusing.

"Forget it, it's more practical to get the Feng Shui Bureau's inheritance."

Fang Ce comforted himself, but it was not consolation. After all, the improvement of his own strength was indeed more useful to him than the so-called truth.Apart from satisfying his current curiosity, those truths seem to be useless, right?And it's not even true...

Go up layer by layer.

After dozens of floors, the record on the wall reappeared!
"what is this!?"

Fang Ce looked at the portraits around him in shock.

I saw a pair of eyes overlooking the changes in the world in the vast world!

Under those eyes, there are constant disputes among creatures!
"How come there is another record suddenly? And what does this record mean now?"

Fang Ce's face was full of surprise. After looking at it for a long time, he still couldn't see the clue, so he had no choice but to continue going up.

The subsequent records are still the disputes between the creatures of various races in this world. In the void, there is a pair of eyes watching from the beginning to the end, mysterious and chilling.

After climbing dozens of floors, I couldn't continue going up, because there were not enough star positions.

At this time, Fang Ce's [-]th Route Feng Shui Bureau has achieved a small success, and he has mastered the dual power of Qilin, Jinshui and Jinshui!
The changes in the feng shui bureau of the Nineteen Routes are terrifying. It is no longer a simple general trend that can determine the outcome, but requires a combination of two trends!
After leaving the giant white jade tower, come outside.

Fang Ce couldn't help but look up at the void: What exactly are those eyes referring to?Heaven?The giant white jade tower?or something else?
At this moment, he is full of doubts in his heart. Those who can overlook the world are naturally impossible to be ordinary existences. The Dao of Heaven is the supreme existence from the beginning, and it naturally fits this characteristic.After that is the giant white jade pagoda. Since so many ancient histories are recorded, if they are all true, then it is also in line with the characteristics of overlooking the world...

A day passed.

in the forest.

"Uncle Kuiwu, can you teach Rong'er skills now..."

Bai Rong looked at Fang Ce expectantly and eagerly.

"Okay, let me teach you a practice method, the Great Infinite Sword Art."

Fang Ce smiled, and lightly pressed Bairong's forehead with one hand, the vast spiritual energy slowly poured in, and directly rubbed the content of the Great Infinite Sword Art into Bairong's mind.

This great immeasurable sword formula can be modified and perfected by him, and he has a lot of experience. As long as Bai Rong can understand it, he can practice quickly.

After a while, Fang Ce finished teaching the content.

"Great... Infinite Sword Art... Thank you, Uncle Kuiwu..."

Bai Rong stared blankly at Fang Ce.

"Huh? Why, little guy, are you still not satisfied with this cultivation method?"

Fang Ce was puzzled, and he saw the disappointment flashing in Bairong's eyes at a glance.

"No...no...just...I heard that Uncle Kuiwu is an absolute supreme being even more powerful than Master Mi Sheng...so Rong'er wanted...to learn Fengshui from Uncle Kuiwu..."

"Rong'er! Don't talk nonsense! Learn whatever your Uncle Kuiwu taught you!"

Wei Shui hastily opened his mouth and said.

"Sister-in-law, it's okay, it's not a big deal."

Fang Ce waved his hands, then looked at the three daughters of Huofenghuang, and said, "Rong'er, who told you that Uncle is an absolute supreme being even more powerful than Master Mi?"

Huo Fenghuang immediately turned his head away, as if he didn't know, it wasn't her guilty conscience.

Jiang Ling and the Big Cat Empress looked at each other.

"No... Rong'er doesn't remember who said it, but I remember someone mentioned it before..."

"oh, I see……"

Fang Ce rubbed Bairong's little head: "Don't take this kind of words seriously. Who is Mi Shengshi? That is an absolute existence that is well known in the world. No one knows your uncle and my name. How could it be possible? Better than Master Mi?"

"Ah? Uncle Kuiwu, don't you know Feng Shui?"

Bairong was stunned.

Fire Phoenix couldn't help curling his lips.

"Oh, it's not that I can't, I will do it a little bit. Since uncle wants to teach Rong'er skills, he must teach it very well. Naturally, the Feng Shui Bureau also needs to teach it."

Fang Ce responded with a smile.

"Teach!? Then why does Uncle Kuiwu only teach the Dawuliang Sword Art to Rong'er now? Could this Dawuliang Sword Art be more powerful than the Feng Shui Bureau?"

Bairong was surprised.

"No, that's something at a different level. The reason why I taught you the Great Infinite Sword Art is because it is the basis of cultivation. The origin of any cultivation lies in oneself. If you can't even cultivate yourself well, you won't be able to go far.

The deduction of the Feng Shui Bureau requires considerable energy, especially at high places, if you do not have enough cultivation base, it will inevitably be difficult, because your body cannot bear it.For example, the Feng Shui Bureau is like a sharp sword, which can cut mountains and rivers in my hands, but what about in Ronger's hands? "

"Oh! Rong'er understands, then Rong'er should first practice the Great Infinite Sword Art!"

Bai Rong's eyes lit up immediately.

"Well, after you have mastered the Wuliang Sword Art, Uncle will slowly teach you Feng Shui."


Time gradually passed.

On the way to Haiyang City, Fang Ce taught Bairong all the way, and cleaned up the evil dye all the way.In addition, several people do not enter the city, so they take a detour, the purpose is naturally not to reveal their whereabouts.

Wei Shui was naturally puzzled by the strange behavior of Fang Ce and the others, but she didn't dare to ask further questions, and just pretended not to know.

After two months of travel, I finally arrived at Haiyang City.

Outside the city at the moment.

"Okay, sister-in-law, Rong'er, let's say goodbye for now."

Fang Ce smiled and clasped his fists.

"Brother Kuiwu?"

Wei Shui's beautiful eyes widened.

"Uncle Kuiwu!? Didn't you say you want to teach Rong'er? Why are you leaving now!?"

Bairong's eyes turned red immediately, as if he was about to cry at any moment.

"Good boy, didn't you say goodbye for now?"

Fang Ce rubbed Bairong's little head.

"Let's leave for now? Uncle Kuiwu has something to leave, and he will come back to see us, right?"

"Yes, that's what it means. Uncle will come to see you from time to time to check on your cultivation. You can't slack off. Also, don't mention anything about me and what happened in Hexian City here. And, especially the few of us. Otherwise, it may lead to catastrophe."

Fang Ce looked at Wei Shui.

"Yeah! We get it! Must be tight-lipped!"

Wei Shui immediately nodded and said, although she didn't know what was going on, it was not easy to know that Fang Ce's origins were very mysterious, and it was obvious that there was some secret behind her husband before they were so powerful.Matters involving this kind of existence naturally cannot afford to affect ordinary people like them!
"Okay! Uncle Kuiwu can't break his promise!"

Bai Rong said seriously.

"Well, of course I won't break my promise."

Fang Ce responded with a smile, and casually pulled out two golden-red oval fruits: "These two fruits, sister-in-law and Ronger, you eat, it will give you a little bit of self-protection power."

Spiritual fruit! ?

Seeing this, Jiang Ling couldn't help but widen her beautiful eyes. This is the spiritual fruit of heaven and earth that can directly increase her cultivation base for a hundred years!But she wasn't entirely sure, after all, Lingyuan fruit was extremely rare, and Brother Fang gave it away like this, it felt like giving ordinary candy, maybe it was just a similar-looking fruit that she didn't know...

Huo Fenghuang and the Big Cat Empress glanced at it, and they naturally recognized the fruit at a glance, but with their identities and strengths, they were not too surprised by it.

"Oh, okay, thank you Brother Kuiwu."

"Thank you Uncle Kuiwu!"

Wei Shui and Bairong each responded, then took the fruit curiously and suspiciously, and each took it.

In an instant, there were huge aura fluctuations on the two of them!

"This is!?"

Wei Shui's beautiful eyes widened, her face full of incredulity, at this moment she only felt that her whole body was full of strength and strength!
"Uncle Kuiwu!? My cultivation level!?"

Bai Rong was even more shocked. In the past two months, he has mastered the Great Infinite Sword Art proficiently, and he has also gained a little bit of cultivation, but it has only been less than a year.And now, he can be sure that his current cultivation has been far over a year!ten years!Even decades!And this is just because of eating a fruit!
Jiang Ling, who was on the side, opened her mouth in shock. She naturally saw that Wei Shui's mother and son had a century-old cultivation base, which was even higher than her!Obviously what Big Brother Fang gave was Lingyuan Fruit!

"Sister-in-law, this is just for you to use as a foundation for self-protection. With your current level, you can't fully display the strength of this cultivation base, and this cultivation base is far from enough, so you must keep a low profile and practice in a down-to-earth manner. In addition, sister-in-law If you want to practice, just let Ronger teach you."

Fang Ce said, although he was able to let Wei Shui's mother and son have close to a thousand years of cultivation, but the two are far from enough in terms of mentality and experience, and they have too high a cultivation level all of a sudden, which is prone to problems.And it will be too eye-catching, and it may not cause any disaster at that time.

"Hmm! Thank you Brother Kuiwu! I am very grateful!"

Wei Shui immediately expressed gratitude. In fact, during this time, she had been quietly listening to Fang Ce teaching Bai Rong from the sidelines. She thought she hadn't been discovered, but now it seems that Fang Ce pretended not to know...

"You're welcome, sister-in-law, you should enter the city as soon as possible."

Fang Ce clenched his fists.

"Uncle Kuiwu, will you really come to find me and mother!?"

Bairong couldn't help but worry about asking again.

"Of course I will. Uncle Kuiwu, I always keep my word."

Fang Ce is funny.

"Hmm! Uncle Kuiwu is the same as his father, he is an upright man. Rong'er believes that Uncle Kuiwu will never break his promise!"

Bai Rong nodded heavily.

It was even more funny when Fang Ce heard that, this kid actually learned how to put on a top hat for him, if he broke his promise, he wouldn't be a man?

"Then we are entering the city, you have to take care."

Wei Shui salutes.

"Sister-in-law take care."

Fang Ce cupped his fists.

Then Wei Shui took Bai Rong's little hand and headed towards Haiyang City.

"Husband, what are we now?"

Fire Phoenix asked.

"Later, dress up in disguise and go to the city to have a look."

Fang Ce looked at Haiyang City calmly. This Haiyang City was adjacent to a remote corner of Daxie Forest. Along the way, he could sense signs of a large number of evil dyes appearing and haunting!

"Huh? Joe into the city?"

Fire Phoenix was taken aback.

"What? Is there a problem?"

Fang Ce was puzzled.

"What's the problem? Husband, you don't really intend to teach that little guy all the time, do you?"

Huo Fenghuang blinked, she thought that Fang Ce was planning to leave with an excuse, but now it seems that it is not?

"Teaching naturally means teaching. After all, this is what I promised. What's wrong?"

"I... Forget it, husband, you have the final say. But why do we have to disguise? It's such a trouble."

In the end, Huo Fenghuang didn't intend to ask Fang Ce about teaching Bairong. After all, she knew that Fang Ce always kept his word, which was one of the reasons why she could rest assured by Fang Ce's side.

"Nothing, just for safety."

"Well, well, let's pretend to enter the city..."

Afterwards, several people changed their costumes and appearances, and headed for Haiyang City.And the names have also been changed. Fang Ce is called Wei Yun, Huo Fenghuang is directly called Huo Huang, the big cat female emperor is called Gui Mao, and Jiang Ling is called Wei Die.

The relationship between the four has also changed.

Jiang Ling is still Fang Ce's younger sister, Huo Fenghuang is still Fang Ce's wife, and the Big Cat Empress is Fang Ce's concubine.

Regarding this, the Big Cat Empress couldn't help feeling shy in her heart. Although she knew that Fang Ce was doing this purely for convenience, from another perspective, her status had been improved again!

"Brother... the fruit you gave Sister Wei and the others just now is... is it... Lingyuan fruit..."

Jiang Ling couldn't help but speak faintly, and there was a bit of resentment on her small face, although she knew very well that even if it was really a spiritual source fruit, it was Brother Fang's own property, and she could handle it as she liked, and she had no right to ask.But the so-called don't suffer from few but suffer from inequality.She has such a good relationship with Big Brother Fang, and they have been together for so long, so why doesn't she have one, while the two latecomers have?This inevitably made her feel a little unbalanced...

"Oh, yes, spiritual source fruit."

Fang Ce responded casually.

"Wow!? Really!? That's an extremely rare heaven and earth spirit thing, brother, you just gave it away like this?"

"Well... The main thing is that I don't need it now. It's useless to keep it. It can also give my sister-in-law and Rong'er a little bit of self-protection."

"Huh? What do you mean it's useless? Just a little bit of self-preservation?"

Jiang Ling's eyes widened even more. Is this what people say?Why do such precious things seem like street stalls in the mouth of Brother Fang?

"Huh? What? Girl, you want it too?"

"Ah... that... that... no... no, I... I just..."

Jiang Ling's pretty face flushed in an instant, it was the embarrassment that the said center thought, and she was not the kind of person who casually asks for favors from others, how could she do such a thing?But she really wants to say yes, really wants to...

"Then, let me give you one."

Fang Ce casually pulled out a spiritual source fruit and handed it to Jiang Ling.


Jiang Ling was taken aback for a moment, unable to recover.

(End of this chapter)

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