I signed in at Mystery Recovery

Chapter 195 Passing by

Chapter 195 A Passing Place (asking for subscription, asking for collection, asking for monthly ticket, asking for recommendation ticket)

The scenery outside the car window is dim, depressing, and dilapidated.

This kind of place is very strange, you can’t find it anywhere in the country, as if it doesn’t belong to this world, but looking at the size of the village, it seems that it used to be relatively prosperous. Although the stone houses are rough, they can It is clear that there are not many.

But in such a place, in such an environment, would there still be people waiting for the bus at the strangely appearing platform?

A word subconsciously appeared in Xu Feng's mind.


The one waiting for the supernatural bus was not a human being, but a specter preparing to get on the bus.

"Is it really so unlucky? Just after the engine was turned off once, a ghost got on the bus, and there was a ghost on the bus who was suspected of attacking even a ghost. In this situation, I'm afraid it will be quite bad. .”

Xu Feng whispered to himself, then turned to Lin Beidao: "Monk, what do you think?"

Lin Bei didn't speak, he didn't know if he didn't want to talk to him or fell asleep.

After the supernatural bus stopped, the doors suddenly opened, not only the upper door at the front, but also the lower door at the back.

Xu Feng's eyes began to patrol, wanting to confirm whether Li Gui got out of the car at this moment.

Because the number of passengers displayed in the carriage at this moment is three.

And that weird and beautiful puppet is walking slowly at this moment, preparing to get into the car.

But there was no movement in the entire carriage.

Obviously, no Li Gui got off the bus at this stop.

"damn it."

After realizing this, Xu Feng's expression changed immediately.

The more ghosts there are on the bus, the more unfavorable it is for the living. Once the bus is fully loaded, there will be unspeakable horrors happening.

So the fewer ghosts in the car, the better for people.

Now if you count the puppet who is about to get on the bus, then there are four, but as long as the bus doesn't stop, as long as the ghosts don't get off, there will be more and more ghosts on the bus sooner or later.

Su Yuan didn't know what other people were thinking. He watched the beautiful doll get into the car, holding an extremely bright and delicate flower in his hand, and chose a seat closer to the car door to sit down.

His intuition told him that it was likely to be a supernatural item, but due to the engine stalling of the bus earlier, he gave up the idea of ​​grabbing more.

It wouldn't be fun if the bus just kicked him off.

God knows what's hidden in this eerie village, so he just signed in front of the puppet.

"System, sign me in!"

[Sign in successfully, get item: Ghost Puppet]


This again?

Su Yuan was a little surprised. He had also signed in a puppet in the mysterious place in the Caesar Hotel, but he never used it.

Or rather, the lack of opportunity to use it.

The ghost puppet is a one-time consumable supernatural item, but it has a special effect. This thing is equivalent to a ghost that can be consumed temporarily. In other words, once it is released, it will shatter after completing the goal.

There is no specific description of the use of the ghost puppet. This thing can be used as a substitute for death, used to resist the attack of ghosts.

You can also directly treat it as a ghost and give it the law of killing.

Or let the puppet directly attack a certain target.

All in all, how to use it depends entirely on the imagination of the holder.

What makes Su Yuan more concerned is whether there is any connection between this thing and the puppet bride who got on the car.

After the doll bride got on the bus, the bus continued to drive on the endless road.

The road is winding, and the distance is dim and oppressive, making it impossible to see clearly.

The place illuminated by the headlights is only an endless barren open space and a strange old forest. There are no modern buildings, and there are no other vehicles or living people passing by.

Only when it arrives at the station, the bus will stop.

The whole process is dull and tedious.

The bus stop seems to be the junction point between reality and the weird place, and the bus is only responsible for connecting these points.

But the platform is not everywhere.

And the distance between the two platforms is far or near.

After about two stops, the doll bride got off the bus, and no new ghosts got on the bus.

Soon the bus started again, and this time it had been driving for at least half an hour before some changes occurred in the surroundings.

Street lamps began to appear on the dark road, and the street lamps stood in rows beside the road to illuminate the surroundings.

As the bus continued to move forward, I unknowingly came to a very ordinary small county town.

This is not a county where normal people live, because it is too quiet.

Su Yuan looked at this weird county town. There were no people on the streets and roads, and it was empty, like a dead city.

However, there are street lights in the small county town, and some shops have lights on the signboards. The streets are clean and tidy, and there are no overgrown weeds. Obviously, they are well maintained.

This is a puzzling thing. If no one lives, this small county cannot be so complete.


The location of the platform appears.

Actually at the intersection of a street.

The intersection is very wide, extending in all directions, connecting the county, and what is incredible is that there is an old copper basin in the middle of the intersection. The copper basin is filled with paper ashes. It seems that someone has been at this intersection before. Burning paper, paying homage to the souls of the dead.

Su Yuan looked at this place thoughtfully.

The bus drove directly into the platform of this strange place, but it didn't intend to stop. The speed of the bus was still uniform, and it passed the platform directly.

Seeing this, Su Yuan couldn't help being slightly taken aback, he thought the bus would stop.

Is it because there are no ghosts in the car?

The speed of the car will not change due to ordinary people's thinking. After leaving the county town, it is still a long and winding silent road, exactly the same as before.

After departing from that weird county just now, the bus has been driving for half an hour. During this half hour, nothing abnormal happened, and everything seemed so peaceful.

"The ghosts are a little less, why don't they come out?"

In this way, time passed bit by bit, without any changes, and the whole process was extremely boring.

About half an hour passed,
In front of the bus, a city suddenly appeared in the distance.

Although I don't know which city it is, it emits bright lights and can be seen from a distance.

Looking through the window, Su Yuan found that this was indeed the light of a city, not some hallucination of a supernatural place. According to the current trajectory of the bus, the bus was going to enter the city.

"Did you drive back to the real world so soon?"

Looking at the city ahead, Su Yuan smacked his lips.

 I'm crying, Buddha hasn't updated for a week...

(End of this chapter)

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