I signed in at Mystery Recovery

Chapter 196 Red Clothes

Chapter 196 Red Clothes (asking for subscription, asking for collection, asking for monthly pass, asking for recommendation ticket)
But soon, he discovered something was wrong.

Su Yuan has been keeping an eye out of the car window.

At this moment, he found that rows of street lights began to appear on the dim road at some point.

The streetlights extended back and forth, illuminating the entire road, and everything around was clearly visible. The dim and ominous atmosphere was gone, and there were even several morning trucks passing by from time to time.

It's just that the font on the truck is not a domestic text.

Instead, it is the font of Kimchi Country.

At this time, Lin Bei, who had been sleeping, suddenly woke up.

"It seems that this bus will stop and open in this city, and I don't know if there are ghosts on the bus who will get off. Xu Feng, have you considered getting off? The longer we stay on this bus, the worse we will be. Can’t do without this bus.”

He turned his head abruptly to look at Xu Feng.

"How about you, don't you think about getting out of the car?"

"If you want to die, don't pull me."

Xu Feng opened his red eyes, with a haggard look on his face. Although he closed his eyes and took a nap along the way, it was impossible to really fall asleep on the supernatural bus. At most, he could only say It's just closing your eyes and resting your mind.

He glanced at Chu Renmei's figure who was still sitting upright, unchanged for several hours, and said in a low voice.

"Based on our current state, even if we get out of the car, we won't be able to last long. Sooner or later, we will die from the resuscitation of the ghost. There is still a chance of survival in the car. If you want to get out of the car, get off by yourself and don't drag me."

Lin Bei smiled when he heard the words. He didn't mean that he really planned to get out of the car, but it was too boring to stay in the car for too long.

And for the time being, there was only Xu Feng, a living person and three unknown ghosts in the car, and there would be no one else without talking to him.

It's impossible to chat with ghosts.

As for whether he will be targeted by Li Gui's killing rules, there is no need to worry.

This bus has a strong suppressive effect on Li Gui, as long as it is in the process of acting, Li Gui will not attack people casually.

Just like Xu Feng, taking his situation as an example, Li Gui has completely affected his body, but he can still retain his consciousness at this moment, which is absolutely impossible to happen outside.

Lin Bei looked at the scenery outside, and through the car window, saw the signs on the street outside, and couldn't help frowning.

"Where is this place? This ghost bus is still going abroad?"

"What's so strange about this? The land of ghosts is not only found in China. The frequency of supernatural incidents abroad is much higher than that in China."

Xu Feng is also the person in charge of the country after all, so he naturally has more sources of information than Lin Bei, who is a student of a Buddhist academy, so he is very calm.

While the two were talking, the bus drove into the city again.

They knew that they were in a foreign country, and they also roughly knew the exact location through the signboards beside the street, but the two of them didn't know which city it was.

After all, every city in Asia is similar.

After the bus entered the city, the two kept quiet, because there would only be two results when parking, either a ghost got off the bus, or a ghost got on the bus.

Soon, the bus stopped at a place similar to a park, and stopped at the location of the platform.

The location of this platform is a bit special, it is next to a park.

The nearby scenery seemed to be okay, there were many elderly people doing morning exercises in the park, it was just dawn at this time, and before he knew it, Su Yuan realized that he had been on the bus for a whole day.

But these are not the point, the important thing is that the car stopped.

Xu Feng and Lin Beiren might think that a ghost is about to get out of the car, but in fact only Su Yuan knows that the ghost displayed in the car is actually referring to him.

I just don't know why, but the display screen thinks I'm a ghost too?
Maybe it's because I also have ghost puzzles on me?
With this in mind, Su Yuan looked towards the platform to look for the ghost.

But this time, he saw nothing, the platform was empty, no one was waiting for the bus to arrive, and there was no one near the platform.


Chu Renmei's ghostly eyes peeped around restlessly, but she still couldn't see the ghost who was about to get into the car.

"Can't you see it? Or is it some kind of special situation? Or is it a very special ghost? A ghost that needs a medium to appear?"

Su Yuan frowned secretly, this situation did not appear in the original plot at this time.

However, the original plot is only described with Yang Jian's vision. There are still many mysteries hidden in this mysterious world. It is normal that some secrets on the bus cannot be explained clearly.

Su Yuan pricked up his ears, trying to hear more secrets about the bus from the two ghost masters on the bus, but obviously, the two of them were also unclear about the current situation, and they were still wondering why there were no ghosts. Get in the car, and get off without ghosts.

No choice but to wait.

The bus stops for 5 minutes each time. Unless it is fully loaded or the engine is turned off, it will start after 5 minutes anyway.

Just as Su Yuan was patiently waiting for the time to pass, a panicked figure suddenly ran from a distance.

It was a young man, unremarkable, wearing the unique school uniform of Kimchi National High School students, running towards this direction in a panic.

The white school uniform that was supposed to be neat and clean looked extremely embarrassed at this time, covered with dirt, red, yellow, and stained, and he himself was also bruised and swollen, as if he had been beaten up, and even the lenses of his glasses were damaged. Missing a piece, the droop on the bridge of the nose looks comical.

Seeing the bus, he ran up in a panic as if he had found a savior.

And behind him, the same young men in school uniforms but with fancy hair dyed in a hurry chased after him, pointing at the young man who got into the car while running. Judging from the angry expressions on the faces of these people, it was obvious that Is burning with anger.

This is... campus bullying?
Seeing this scene, Su Yuan just glanced at it slightly without paying too much attention.

Just at this time, the bus whistled suddenly, as if urging it, and then Su Yuan suddenly noticed that a strange figure suddenly appeared in the toilet not far from the bus.

At some point, a girl in a red dress stood at the door of the toilet.

This girl is about seven or eight years old, with two braids, which looks a little cute at first glance.

But if you look carefully, you can find that the girl's skin is blue all over, not the skin color of a normal person, and there is a strong smell of corpse, like a corpse that has been dead for a long time.

 Is the new mode of League of Legends fun?

  Today is also a day that can't wait for an update! ! !
  Are there any book friends who are kings to teach Buddha how to play games?
  Hit until he is autistic and retreats
(End of this chapter)

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