I signed in at Mystery Recovery

Chapter 197 Ghost Head

Chapter 197 Ghost Head (ask for subscription, please collect, ask for monthly pass, ask for recommendation ticket)
This weird girl in red has no eyes on her face, only two dark eye sockets, which are still oozing blood, and besides those two black eye sockets, there is no nose and mouth on her face.

Because of the lack of two sense organs, the eye sockets are particularly large, giving people a particularly weird feeling.

It's meaningless, it's a ghost~~
It seemed to have been in the toilet until it was urged by the bus whistle, and then came out.

This is a shy ghost with special hobbies, maybe it likes the smell of the toilet...

Staring at the red dress, Su Yuan was thoughtful.

From the sound of the whistle to the appearance of the girl in red, the whole speed was very fast. It was attracted by the sound of the bus whistle, looked at the bus, then stepped forward, and suddenly appeared on the bus boarding the next moment place.

And at this time.Those unscrupulous students also flocked in and were in the process of getting on the bus.

"Ouch, don't squeeze me!"

"Shen Xiujun, let me see where you can go! I'm going to beat you to death today!"

"Which bastard dares to push me! I'll kill you!"

A group of people crowded onto the bus in a panic, and likewise, the red-clothed ghost also got on the bus.

Then the door was closed, and with a slight shaking, the bus started to drive slowly.

Su Yuan didn't pay attention to other people, the girl in red who got on the bus immediately sat in the position closest to the door after getting on the bus, and those unscrupulous students were attracted by the first target to get on the bus, all of them were furious Walking towards that person's position, he didn't pay attention to discover the abnormality in the car.

Even if there is, it is only a glance.

But there were few people in the car, two of them were sleeping, and a woman had disheveled hair and couldn't see her face clearly in blue clothes, so you can ignore it.

You can see the situation in the whole car at a glance, and that nasty good-for-nothing is standing near the place where you get off the car, neither running nor afraid, just smiling proudly at people like yourself.

"Shen Xiujun, you bastard, you dare to put shit in bread, I'm going to tear your mouth apart today, and then I'll make you go to the toilet to eat your fill!"

One of them was a tall, burly, pimple-faced bastard who roared, rushed over and punched him violently. Seeing this, the others quickly followed the leader, as if this guy was the one among them. boss.

And the bullied person didn't fight back, but curled up on the ground with his head in his arms, being beaten silently.

Su Yuan was indifferent to everything that happened around him, silently staring at the little girl in red, and muttered in his heart.

"System, sign me in!"

[Sign in successfully, get: ghost head]

He even got a supernatural puzzle!
Inexplicably, Su Yuan, who was hiding in Chu Renmei's body, suddenly felt that something was growing out of him, as if something had grown out of his chest.

He looked down and saw a woman's head suddenly appearing on his chest. The head didn't grow out, but it was like a tattoo, fused with the skin vividly.

At this moment, Su Yuan was a little surprised and felt a little weird!

Mom!I have a human head growing on my chest!

Although it looks like a tattoo, Su Yuan can feel that it can be stretched out.

This is the head of a ghost!

It's a pity that the face is blurred, and it can only be discerned carefully that this is also a woman.

As for the ability of the ghost head, it is very special, because its ability is used to speak, and this is a talking ghost head.

Of course, being able to speak does not mean that it has wisdom, but that what the person who controls the ghost head says through the ghost's head will become a curse.

Similarly, the ghost head's killing pattern is also a curse!
If someone utters curse words with resentment and is heard by the ghost head, then the ghost head will kill the person who cursed, and fulfill the person's wish, killing the target that the person cursed.

This is a two-way curse, hurting others and hurting oneself, with a feeling of dying together.

Looking at the ghostly head tattoo growing on his chest, even though his face was blurred, it still gave Su Yuan a certain familiar feeling.

Is it... Kayako's head?

"Boss, you can't fight anymore, if you continue to fight, this guy will die!"

At this time, the sound from the outside sounded, drawing Su Yuan's attention back again.

I saw that the student who was bullied was beaten so badly that his nose and face were swollen, his hair was messy, his eyes were swollen and purple, and he could barely open a gap, and his mouth was still vomiting blood.

Now these young people don't know the severity when they get angry. After the anger subsides, they seem to be a little scared when they see this situation, and they are afraid that someone will die.

The strange thing is that with such an injury, a normal person should have been unable to move on the ground long ago, at most he could only groan twice, but this young man was still laughing crazily even though he was vomiting blood profusely from the beating , laughing maniacally in an indistinct voice.

"Hey hey...hey...die...let's die together...hahaha...let's die together..."

These words sound a bit intriguing, and the villains can't hear them, but Su Yuan can understand the meaning.

This guy knows about the bus anomalies?
How did he know?
Just when Su Yuan was thinking deeply, the bad student who was the leader saw the madness of the object they had been bullying all this time, for some reason, he felt an inexplicable feeling of fear in his heart.

After reacting, there was another burst of anger.

This guy... is as disgusting as a fly in the toilet. He is usually submissive and never dares to resist people like himself. Today, he seems to be a different person. The poop was hidden in the bento, which made me accidentally touch it.

When he remembered that he accidentally ate Xiang, he was so disgusted that he wanted to vomit out the last night's meal!
At this moment, the bad boss saw Shen Xiujun's miserable and arrogant appearance. Although he looked like beating that guy again, he was afraid of really killing him. After all, he seemed to be dying now, so he could only let him out. A few harsh words.

"Shen Xiujun, remember it for me! Today's business is not over, you'd better drop me out of school, or I will beat you every time I see you in the future! Let's go!"

However, the student named Shin Soo-joon showed no fear on his face. He vomited blood and laughed wildly, as if flashing back: "It's late, it's all too late, hahaha... let's die together... this car is full of ghosts ...Hehehe...I've had enough of my life, and I was diagnosed with cancer in the past few days...Hahaha...It's not a loss at all to be able to hold you back."

 change first

(End of this chapter)

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