Great Power Reclamation

Chapter 1024 A woman who doesn't look like a woman

Chapter 1024 A woman who doesn't look like a woman

"Also, do you know why companies in Hong Kong like to go public?"

Seeing Li Zeyu's thoughtful eyes, Ye Yuze nodded: "Is it for making money?"

"Now that you understand, why don't you do it? Now you also have several real estate projects in your hands, and those real estate projects are located in downtown areas in prosperous areas. If such a location is placed in our company, it is destined to be ten or twenty years later. for sale."

"But you are crazy about buying, building, and selling quickly. Although the capital returns quickly, isn't it still cash when you get it back? Whichever is better to have cash in your hand or hoarding land, you can buy it yourself."

Ye Yuze couldn't help but secretly sighed, the young masters from these big families have really extraordinary vision and insight.

It seems that Brother Company will have to follow certain rules in the future.Because this rule has been proved by countless people.As for how to go, that is your own means.But the same goal by different routes, the ultimate goal to be achieved must be the same.

After dinner, Ye Yuze called Little Apple again and told her that he had arrived in Hong Kong.He hung up the phone with an exclamation, and after half an hour, Little Apple and several company executives rushed over.

Ye Yuze told everyone what Li Zeyu said today plus his own understanding.A group of people kept nodding their heads as they listened.

Which of these people has done business?Natural insight and vision are incomparable with those of the other big families.

Ye Yuze thought for a while and suggested, "Why don't we hire a professional manager? Let him take full charge of the company's operations. Apart from our right to supervise, we don't want to interfere with his company's operations."

Little Apple kept nodding her head. To be honest, she is currently the general manager of the company, but many times she is already unable to do what she wants.After that, it was financing and going public again, she was really powerless.

Now that everyone agreed, they advertised in the newspaper, hiring professional managers at high prices.Of course, Little Apple also went to a headhunting company and asked them to help poach people.

After the newspaper was sent out, there were very few applicants, and most people were still self-aware.Although the brother company is not a listed company.But it still has a certain reputation in Hong Kong Island.

Their popularity is that the houses are built relatively quickly, with good quality, and the reputation accumulated by the common people through word of mouth.In fact, this kind of reputation is much better than sometimes publicity.

Ye Yuze participated in the interviews every time, just sitting next to Little Apple as a foil, but several of them had higher education than anyone else, sitting there spitting, as if the brother company would definitely become the number one in the world in his hands Same.

Not to mention Ye Yuze, Little Apple rolled her eyes impatiently.Tietou had a straight temper, and said directly: "Why don't you go to heaven if you lose your mother?" and drove them out.

At this time, Ye Yuze also understood that this is Hong Kong, and there will be no good positions for truly capable people. These high-end talents can only be found instead of recruited.

As for the grassroots counterattack and soaring to the sky, it's okay to listen to it as a novel.Without rich experience and experience, it is impossible to stay in this position.

At this time, Li Zeyu called and said that one of his classmates had just returned from abroad and had nothing to do, so he could have an interview.He used to work on Wall Street in the United States, but had to come back because of family reasons.

Ye Yuze believed in Li Zeyu very much, so he quickly told him to come over quickly.I am in the company right now.

Half an hour later, the front desk of the company ushered in a handsome man in a suit.Little Apple's eyes lit up, this guy is so handsome.

The visitor scanned the room with his eyes, then handed his resume to Ye Yuze, and introduced himself, "My name is Li Yanan, and I was introduced by Li Zeyu."

Ye Yuze took the information and asked Li Yanan to sit down, then he was stunned.The first line of the information says, Li Yanan, female, 33 years old.

But since entering the room, why doesn't her behavior and voice sound like a woman's?
Seeing Ye Yuze in a daze, Little Apple also moved her head to watch, then covered her mouth and almost screamed.This is too unscientific, right?
Ye Yuze calmed down and asked, "Are you a woman?"

Li Yanan glanced at him differently: "Do you still need to distinguish gender when recruiting a manager?"

Ye Yuze shook his head: "Of course the manager won't ask for gender, but as the chairman, I naturally have to find out the gender of the general manager. Excuse me, why do you dress so neutrally?"

Li Yanan glanced at him in surprise, and then said in a low voice, "I just don't think women are worse than men."

Ye Yuze shook his head: "Actually, you already feel that women are inferior to men when you dress up like this. Otherwise, why does a pretty little girl have to dress up like a man?"

Li Yanan said unconvinced: "I have always been like this when I was looking for a job in the United States. When they saw that I was a woman, they would look at me with discrimination and make things difficult. Even if I made achievements, I was promoted and raised slower than men. I dress like this to let They ignore my gender."

Little Apple sat there with an excited expression on his face, as if he had found a treasure.If Ye Yuze wasn't here, he would definitely drag Li Yanan to take up the post directly.

Ye Yuze briefly looked through Li Yanan's resume, and found that he was a regional manager in a well-known Wall Street investment company.

"Don't you have work experience in other companies?" Ye Yuze asked curiously.

Li Yanan shook his head: "When I applied for the job, I went to several companies, but I was rejected because of my gender. I have been working in this company until now."

Ye Yuze nodded, knowing that this woman should be quite capable.Otherwise, the work experience will not be so simple.

"Do you understand the situation of our company? How do you think we should develop now?" Ye Yuze felt that he was no longer verbose, and directly threw out the subject.

Li Yanan shook his head, expressing that he didn't know anything.

Ye Yuze asked Little Apple to briefly introduce the company's situation to her.Then watch how she responds?
Li Yanan was very calm. When Little Apple introduced her, she had already taken out her pen and kept recording something. After Little Apple finished speaking, she tapped her pen on the notebook for a while before she raised her head and said very directly:
"You're going in the wrong direction."

Several people looked at her in astonishment, wondering why this guy's first sentence was so shocking.

"Your first real estate began to deviate. But that is understandable, because the amount of funds was not sufficient at that time. But why did these two sell so quickly?"

Ye Yuze looked at her with great interest and said nothing, and then the iron head said in a husky voice: "Isn't that for the quick return of funds? Money can only be profitable if it is fast forwarded and fast collected."

 The monthly ticket activity has already started. Reply to the post of the operation officer and vote for the monthly ticket website to give subsidies. Each monthly ticket starts at 200 coins. Remember, reply first and then vote

(End of this chapter)

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