Great Power Reclamation

Chapter 1025 Li Yanan

Chapter 1025 Li Yanan

Li Yanan shook his head: "You are wrong, you took these two lands at the end of [-]. You handed over the work in March [-]. The whole process only took one year and six months. But did you notice that, How much has the base price increased during this time period? And your sales profit has not exceeded the increase in land prices, what are the properties around you doing?"

Ye Yuze gave several people a detailed analysis of the trend of Hong Kong real estate that day. Although everyone listened to it, they didn't have any contact with the operation of his company.And Li Yanan pointed out the mistakes in their business in a burst of blood.

Li Yanan came to the map, pointed to a place and said: "This is a real estate of Sun Hung Kai. It is only 2.5 kilometers away from your real estate. The terrain is not as good as yours. This is the land they won in [-]. It has been seven years now. Isn't it developed yet?"

"But the construction period is so long, workers' wages, bank interest, what is not money? Isn't this a cost?" Tie Tou was naturally unconvinced and continued to argue.

Li Yanan smiled slightly: "When they bought the land, the land price was [-] million yuan, and you took the land for [-] billion yuan, and the area of ​​their land is five times larger than yours. How much do you think their land is worth now?"

Everyone was stunned and didn't dare to count!What the hell, the value has doubled at least ten times in seven years, so what kind of value-added bank interest is it?

Looking at the stunned group of people, Li Yanan smiled slightly: "What's more, this is not a bank loan. They are a listed company with a lot of cash flow in their hands. And in terms of construction, you hire a thousand people to complete the construction in more than a year. How much higher will the cost be if they hire a hundred people to complete the construction in ten years?"

This simple example was quickly absorbed by everyone.After a long silence, Little Apple finally asked, "Then if you are a manager, what should you do?"

Li Ruonan didn't hesitate at all: "Recover the land and go public!"

Several people looked at Ye Yuze excitedly, and Ye Yuze smiled wryly. These guys were all conquered by Li Yanan, and if he had a problem, he would be petty.So he smiled:
"Okay then, you are welcome to join Brother Company. As for salary, what are your requirements?"

Li Yanan thought for a while: "My salary on Wall Street is 30 US dollars a year, and I hope it can't be lower than this amount."

"I can answer this right now. Your annual salary is 30 US dollars. And at the end of the year, you will be rewarded with one percent of the company's profits. Of course, this profit is based on the current company's profit base."

Li Yanan's eyes were shining, and he looked at Ye Yuze with burning eyes: "You mean what you say?"

Ye Yuze nodded. We can write this into the employment contract. If you dare to sign the VAM agreement, I can also promise that after the profit reaches a certain amount, the company will give you [-]% incentive shares.

Li Yanan excitedly reached out his hand and shook Ye Yuze: "Then the deal!"

The next step is to negotiate the conditions and draw up the contract.I don't care about this Ye Yuze, how can there be a chairman who does everything himself?He called Iron Head and Pheasant over and asked them about their land resumption.

The two showed distressed faces. It turned out that the land in the shantytowns was becoming more and more difficult to harvest.Many people are unwilling to sell, and they are more and more aggressive in purchasing, which makes everyone have a mentality that rare goods can be lived in, that is, the less they sell, the more valuable they are.

There are more and more such people, which makes it difficult for them to acquire.Today, it is more than ten times more difficult to acquire a piece of land and demolish it as it was in the past.

Ye Yuze listened to their complaints, but his mind kept spinning. He suddenly thought of those farmlands and vegetable fields on the outskirts of the city. In fact, there are such places in the city, just like the villages in the cities of later generations.Then he asked, "Why didn't anyone buy those vegetable fields and farmland?"

The two were stunned for a moment, and looked at Ye Yuze strangely: "Is that all cultivated land? You are not allowed to use it to build a house."

Ye Yuze knew that the land on Hong Kong Island was privatized.He said without hesitation: "Go and buy it, no matter how much it is. Take everything you can get."

These two guys can't do anything else, but when it comes to buying land, it's really not comparable to ordinary people.After going out for an afternoon, we negotiated dozens of acres and came back, and the ownership can be transferred tomorrow.And because these lands belong to farmland, the price is frighteningly low.

Ye Yuze was very excited, these are all suburbs and villages in the city!Sooner or later, it will become developable land. Before those big companies can react, they must give full play to the advantages of the company and grab most of the land.

With the entry of Li Yanan, everyone doesn't have to worry about the company's specific affairs.This woman really belongs to the kind of natural strong woman, the kind who doesn't want to die when she does her job.

And the middle and lower levels of the brother company are a group with relatively strong execution ability, which is stronger than those recruited to wear a suit and tie.This made Li Yanan feel like a duck to water.

However, there are many conditions required for a company to go public, and it will take a process to complete all the procedures.The land acquisition is also in full swing, and it's time for Ye Yuze to go to the capital.

When the plane landed, Ye Yuze suddenly felt the strangeness of this city.There used to be a grandfather here who made him close and treated him as a family member, but now that person is gone.

Wei Yuxiang and the others also arrived and lived in the Jingcheng Hotel, which was arranged by the organizing committee of the conference.They take care of food and lodging very well.

Wu Tianming also took this opportunity to come to the capital for business, he wanted to take his wife for a stroll.The two of them haven't been out since they got married. Now that they are Chinese daughter-in-laws, they naturally want to appreciate the scenery of this capital city.

In the evening, Wang Honghua came to eat with them.Staring at the face that was once full of youth, Ye Yuze was a little lost in thought.

There are many fine lines in the corners of my sister's eyes. She is getting more and more confused, and her youth has begun to disappear from her face.And she is a person who does not pay attention to maintenance.So despite the good living conditions, time is something that cannot be escaped after all.

Wang Honghua's eyes often lingered on Ye Yuze's face.Her identity had already prevented her from doing impulsive things, but the little man's more and more upright figure and firm eyes made her feel more and more at ease.

Flowers bloom and fall, things change.Many things in life are destined to have no results, but we will still do what should be done.Not for the result, but for not leaving regrets for myself.

Both Yang Geyong and Wei Yuxiang were a little cautious. Although they had seen the world, such a big scene was quite shocking.

In the evening, Ye Yuze went to Erhong's place.This girl is getting more and more beautiful.With a youthful look, no one will know that she is already a mother of a child.

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(End of this chapter)

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