Chapter 1009

"Old Jiang, is there anything else?" Lu Hong looked at the smirking Jiang Hai, not knowing what the other party was up to.

Isn't it the sponsorship fee for the fourth season of "Crossover Actor"?As for the bear like Le Cheng?The mouth is almost up to the ears, and I haven't seen the other party so happy last year.

How does this look like the boss of a company?Obviously a fool.

"It's gone, it's gone." Jiang Hai shook his head as he said.

Lu Hong no longer paid attention to Jiang Hai, but cast his eyes on Xu Jie who was on the side, and said with a full face of appreciation: "Xiao Xu, the ratings of the Beijing TV Spring Festival Gala have come out, which is much higher than last year, especially for the three times you gave. It’s a skit, and its ratings are at the forefront of all programs, and the response is good.”

"It's good that the audience likes it, but Editor-in-Chief Lu, I want to correct you. Those skits are not produced by me, but by Beijing TV Culture, and have nothing to do with me." Xu Jie said lightly.

For him, the Beijing TV Spring Festival Gala is just a test field for testing the sketches written by members of the creative department.

Since the ratings are good and the response is good, no matter whether it is Director Chen of China TV or the deputy editor-in-chief Lu in front of him, as long as you come to ask him for a sketch, he will be able to take out the works of the members.

In this way, he not only developed the team, but also liberated himself, why not do it?
Lu Hong was slightly taken aback when he heard that, when other people encounter such a thing, they would like to take all the credit for themselves, but this young man is lucky, he just took all the credit for it.

Not fighting, not grabbing, not showing off, this made him appreciate the other party even more, and at the same time, he once again had a crooked mind, how can he poach the other party to Beijing Satellite TV?

"Although these sketches were not written by you, you recommended them to me at the beginning. There is an old saying: Maxima is common but Bole is not. If there is no recommendation from you, how can I see these sketches? "Lu Hong said with a smile.

"Editor Lu, if you say that, the biggest contributor to this matter should be Mr. Jiang. First of all, Mr. Jiang is always the head of our Jingshi Culture. The employees of the company have written such a good work. Mr. Jiang has contributed a lot. Secondly, The reason why I am able to achieve what I have now is all due to Mr. Jiang’s support and promotion, without him, I would still be running news in the life program center.” Xu Jie said.

Lu Hong looked at Xu Jie, then at Jiang Hai, shook his head and sighed: "Old Jiang, I understand why you turned against me as soon as I wanted to dig Xiao Xu, Xiao Xu is too modest, you are You are so blessed." There was envy and jealousy in the words, and even a strong sour smell could be felt.

If others don't understand, doesn't he understand?

As far as the business of Jingshi Culture is concerned, who can do without Xiao Xu?

If there is no Xiao Xu, Lao Jiang will definitely be the same as Yu Kuan before in Jingshi Culture.

"Of course." Jiang Hai said proudly.

In his career, the most correct thing he did was to transfer Xiao Xu from other departments to work under him.

"Editor Lu, from what you said, it seems that Mr. Jiang is blessed, but you are not. Do the math, haven't I also contributed a lot of programs to Beijing Satellite TV?" Xu Jie said.

When Lu Hong heard it, it was really the case.

From "Delicious History" at the beginning, to "In-depth Film and Television Talk" later, to "Crossover Actors" and "Ordinary Courage", as well as the New Year's Gala and Spring Festival Gala sketches, there are indeed many.

Thinking about it this way, it wasn't that Lao Jiang was lucky, but that he was too greedy and always wanted to snatch Xiao Xu from Lao Jiang's hands.

"Haha, you are right, I am also blessed, and we are all blessed." Lu Hong laughed loudly, saying that no matter whether Xiao Xu is in Beijing Satellite TV or Beijing TV Culture, isn't he serving him?
Don't be too greedy!
"Editor-in-Chief Lu, speaking of luck, I heard that Deputy Editor-in-Chief Zhou is going to retire to the second line. Who do you think will be blessed to succeed Deputy Editor-in-Chief Zhou?" Xu Jie asked tentatively.

Lu Hong's smile froze, and there was a trace of surprise in his eyes. Although he knew that Lao Jiang was very interested in the position of deputy editor-in-chief, he didn't expect Xiao Xu to ask about it face to face.

In fact, regarding this matter, Lao Jiang also approached him, and hoped to get his help, but the appointment of high-level TV stations such as the deputy editor-in-chief is usually managed by the city, so how could he get in the way? of?In the entire TV station, only the director has the right to speak.

"Xiao Xu, you really gave me a problem." Lu Hong said with a wry smile.

"No, I definitely didn't mean to embarrass you, Editor-in-Chief Lu. I swear, I just think you understand the current situation of Beijing TV, and I want to hear your opinion on this matter." Xu Jie asked for advice with an open-minded expression on his face. look.

Lu Hong picked up the teacup on the table and took a sip. How could he not know what the other party was thinking?
He just wanted to know the chances of Lao Jiang being promoted to deputy editor-in-chief.

Let's talk about it, it will hurt Lao Jiang's self-confidence, don't talk about it, Xiao Xu has already asked, if you don't talk about it, it seems that you don't regard the other party as your own, alas!
Lu Hong sighed secretly, hesitated for a while, and then said: "Although the seat of deputy editor-in-chief Zhou is vacant now, the Spring Festival has just passed, and there are still many more important tasks to be studied in the city. The candidate will be decided soon, so I don't dare to jump to conclusions about who has this blessing, but the people in the city will definitely investigate before making a decision."

Xu Jie looked at Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu in a daze. Is this the end?
Having said so much, it's the same as saying nothing.

Are all leaders like this?

Fortunately, he listened so seriously just now, but he was lonely after listening.

This deputy editor-in-chief Lu clearly regarded him and Boss Jiang as outsiders.

As long as the relationship is good, they will not say such stereotypes.

"Old Lu, are you talking bureaucratically with us? Don't forget, you promised to help me." Jiang Hai said dissatisfied.

"Don't say that, I only promised to mention you a few more words in front of the director, and I didn't say to help you become the deputy editor-in-chief. Besides, how can I have that energy? You think highly of me, don't you?" Lu Hong said.

He is just a deputy editor-in-chief, how can he decide who will replace Zhou as deputy editor-in-chief?

If he had the ability, he would directly appoint Xiao Xu to replace Lao Zhou. In this way, Xiao Xu would not only be able to return to Beijing TV Station, but also cooperate with him unconditionally.

"Actually, I don't need to tell you. You should be very clear in your heart. There are only a few directors of the program center under Deputy Chief Editor Zhou, and the person who will replace Deputy Chief Editor Zhou must be one of these people." Lu Hong added: "Of course, Mr. Jiang, you used to be the director of the cultural program center, and you made a great success in Beijing Television Culture last year, so there is hope."

The last sentence has a greater element of comfort.

As for the one with the greatest hope now, it must be Guo Tian, ​​the director of the Science and Education Program Center. He is not the only one who thinks so, most people in the TV station think so.

As for other people, it is also possible to be upset, but the chance is very small.

Jiang Hai is not stupid, how could he not understand what Lao Lu meant?
He turned his head to look at Xu Jie beside him, as if saying: How about it, I said there is little hope, right?
Of course Xu Jie knows that there is little hope, not to mention that there is only half a month left, even if there is still half a year, Boss Jiang has little hope, but if he does nothing, then it is not that there is little hope, but that there is no hope .

"Editor Lu, can you do me a little favor?" Xu Jie asked, stretching out his hand at the same time, with his thumb and index finger out, and the pads of his fingers were smaller than the gap between his eyes.

"What's the matter? Don't you want me to recommend Lao Jiang to the director in person?" Lu Hong asked.

His intuition told him that what Xiao Xu was going to talk about was definitely related to Lao Jiang.

"No, how could I embarrass you, Editor-in-Chief Lu? I was thinking that Beijing Satellite TV and Huxiang Satellite TV will go to Beijing TV Culture to buy the premiere rights of "Legend of Lanxi" tomorrow? After the agreement is signed, report this matter to the director?"

Xu Jie wanted the station director to know Boss Jiang's achievements as soon as possible. The effect heard from Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu must be much better than what he saw in the news. Then Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu will praise Jiang A few words from the boss, can you not leave a deep impression on the director?

After hearing this, Lu Hong could not help but narrow his eyes. If he took this matter out alone, he might think that the other party just wanted to let the director know the achievements of Jingshi Culture, but combined with the previous topic about the candidate for the deputy editor-in-chief, it is obvious that , the other party wanted the director to notice Lao Jiang, and then pushed Lao Jiang into the candidates for deputy editor-in-chief.

Under normal circumstances, when the superior is discussing candidates for a position, no matter how strong a person's ability is, they will bring in two people to discuss together.

It doesn't matter if you make up the number or set it off, maybe the wind direction will change as you talk.

Although this kind of thing is rare, it is not unheard of.

Therefore, as long as it can enter the candidate, there is some hope.

"Okay, no problem." Lu Hong agreed very happily.

For him, this was not a difficult thing to talk about. On the contrary, he felt that the director would be very happy to hear this matter, and he would be very happy after hearing it.

For the TV series produced by JingTV Culture, Beijing Satellite TV and Huxiang Satellite TV purchased the first broadcast rights together. In fact, Huxiang Satellite TV bought the TV series from Beijing TV Station with money.

You know, Huxiang Satellite TV has always been the strongest opponent of Beijing Satellite TV in terms of ratings. This time, Huxiang Satellite TV can pay them, can the director be unhappy?
Xu Jie's face brightened, and he said, "Thank you, Editor-in-Chief Lu, please tell the director about selling the broadcasting rights of "Legend of Lan Xi" for 6000 million yuan."


Lu Hong was speechless.

How come there is a feeling of pushing an inch?

That is, Xiao Xu, his lucky general, if it were someone else...others probably wouldn't have the guts to ask him to do so many things.

"Yes, yes, but..." Lu Hong stopped here, and at the same time frowned slightly, looking a bit embarrassed.

As for the embarrassment, just don't say.

Xu Jie and Boss Jiang looked at each other. They had been dealing with Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu for so many years, how could they fail to guess what the other was thinking?
I'm busy, so I can't help in vain.

But I am too embarrassed to say this kind of thing directly, so I can only pretend that it is difficult.

In exchange for what?

There is no shortage of opponents.

Even if it is given, the other party dare not accept it.

Editor-in-Chief Lu likes to drink tea.

Yes, just tea!

"Lao Lu, you have a very good tea cake in my office. When you go tomorrow, you can take it home and taste it." Jiang Hai said.

He did have tea in his office, but he didn't have particularly good tea cakes. He bought one outside when he was about to leave. How can anyone not give a gift when they ask someone to do something these days?
It should be.

"This is so bad, and I have a lot of tea cakes here, if you like them, I'll take one back for you to taste." Lu Hong said lightly.

When Jiang Hai heard it, it seemed that tea was not good.

But besides tea, what else does the other party like?


If he really gave a beautiful woman, it is estimated that the other party will not only not be happy, but will scold him severely.

This is not called giving gifts at all, it is called testing cadres.

Or send wine?

Wine seems to be no different from tea.

Jiang Hai was stumped for a moment, he hated guessing the most.

People's hearts are unpredictable, how can he know what the other party is thinking?
Can't read minds.

"Boss..." Xu Jie looked at Boss Jiang at this moment, and said, "Did we say before that we will make a cultural season program?"

"Huh? A cultural season program?"

Jiang Hai looked bewildered.

When was this show mentioned?
Didn't you just end the Spring Festival holiday?
Why doesn't he remember?

Seeing Boss Jiang's expression, Xu Jie became anxious and scratched his head vigorously with his hands.

When Jiang Hai saw it, he finally came to his senses and understood Xiao Xu's intentions, so he immediately cooperated and said, "Well, I said it, what's wrong?"

"I think the capital city is the center of Chinese culture. It would be most appropriate for this program to be broadcast on Beijing Satellite TV. What do you think?" Xu Jie looked serious.

"That's right." Jiang Hai nodded, then turned to look at Lu Hong, "Lao Lu, we were going to present this program to participate in the program fair. If you are interested in this program, I will suffer a bit. How about just breaking a bone and selling it to Beijing Satellite TV?"

Lu Hong suppressed the excitement in his heart, and used tea to cover it up.

For him, no matter how good tea or wine is, good programs are what he needs most.

The program used to participate in the program trade fair is definitely not bad, not to mention that there is Xiao Xu, it may be another blockbuster.

How could he not be excited?

Of course, excitement is excitement, if it is shown, wouldn't all previous efforts be wasted?
As a leader, you must be able to hide your emotions and anger.

"Cultural seasonal programs, Beijing Satellite TV now also has them, but I don't know if your programs are good, if not, I don't want them." Lu Hong played hard to catch.

Seeing Lao Lu taking the bait, Jiang Hai hurriedly said: "Lao Lu, you can rest assured. The achievements of our Jingshi Culture last year are obvious to all. Which one of our works is not a high-quality product? Tell you the truth, we The reason why we want to make cultural programs is that after a series of investigations, we found that every TV station needs such programs, if you don’t want them, you can sell them to others, don’t blame me.”

"Okay, since that's the case, I'll buy your show when the time comes." Lu Hong stopped pretending, and then slipped away from the show after putting on the show.

Jiang Hai was overjoyed, and finally got hold of Lao Lu.

"Lao Lu, since we have nothing else to do, let's go first. I'll see you tomorrow when we sign the contract." Jiang Hai stood up and said.

He was worried that if he sat down again, if Lao Lu asked about the show, he would reveal his secrets.


Lu Hong nodded and did not hold back. Today is the first day after the long Spring Festival holiday, and he still has a lot of work to do.

Xu Jie and Jiang Hai left the office of deputy editor-in-chief Lu, went downstairs and drove away from Beijing TV Station.

"Xiao Xu, it's better for you. You know Lao Lu's weakness, but what if we can't come up with a show?" Jiang Hai asked while driving.

"Boss, since you have agreed to Editor-in-Chief Lu, then you can make a cultural program for him." Xu Jie said.

"Huh? Why did I agree? Didn't you mention it at the time?" Jiang Hai asked.

"I just asked you if this happened to you. You said you did, and you said you did market research. What does it have to do with me?" Xu Jie shrugged, taking himself completely out of the matter.


Jiang Hai looked at Xiao Xu with a look of astonishment, and couldn't believe that these words came from the other party's mouth.

Lao Lu fell for him, and he fell for the opponent.

"Okay Xiao Xu, you actually set me up!" Jiang Hai narrowed his eyes and looked at the other party fiercely.

"Boss, don't worry, listen to my analysis. You have to take over this matter. If you can become the deputy editor-in-chief this time, let the Science and Education Program Center cooperate with JingTV Culture. Director Guo Tianguo has lived so much Award, this kind of thing is not a piece of cake for him? If you have not become the deputy editor-in-chief, when the deputy editor-in-chief Lu asks, you will say that you are in a bad mood, and he will be embarrassed to pursue it if you think about it. Have you dealt with it?" Xu Jie explained.

Jiang Hai blinked, and it sounded very reasonable.

Although it is a bit shameless, as long as it can achieve the goal, it is a good way.

Well, just do it!


(End of this chapter)

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