The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 1008 Dead horse as a living horse doctor?

Chapter 1008 Dead horse as a living horse doctor?
Seeing Boss Jiang's negative look, Xu Jie became anxious, regardless of whether he has the qualifications to compete, but this opportunity is rare.

There is an old saying that goes well: How many times can life be fought!
How can you just watch the opportunity slip away like this?
It's one thing to fail, it's another to fail.

"Boss, don't be discouraged, the battle hasn't started yet, why did you surrender your guns and surrender? Although the time is short, it's not like we have no chance at all," Xu Jie said.

"Do you really think I still have a chance?" Jiang Hai raised his head with a wry smile on his face. It is estimated that in the whole system, only Xiao Xu in front of him thinks that he has a chance. He just gave it to his wife who works at the radio station. Calling, even his wife thinks there is no chance.

"Yeah!" Xu Jie nodded seriously, "Although it's only half a month, as long as we can do enough things to attract attention, the higher authorities won't be able to ignore you."

"The higher-ups have already begun to examine the candidates. Is there still time for me?" Jiang Hai asked, still lacking in confidence.

"Boss, haven't you signed the premiere rights and network broadcast rights of "Legend of Lan Xi" yet? Now is the best opportunity to show your work achievements and let the director and city leaders know. "Xu Jie said.

With regard to the premiere rights and network broadcasting rights, he originally planned to release one at a time, so that the glorious performance of Beijing TV Culture will appear on the market without interruption, but the plan has not changed quickly. Wen Hua and Boss Jiang entered the vision of the superiors.

"It seems that this is the only way to go." Jiang Hai said after hearing it.

"Boss, you should immediately call Beijing Satellite TV and Huxiang Satellite TV to sign the agreement on purchasing the first broadcast rights of "Legend of Lan Xi", and then call Zhou Haoxiang from Juxiang Media to sign the agreement on the network broadcast rights. I also signed it, and when the time comes to find a few reporters to expose it on the Internet, no matter whether it is the director of the station or the relevant leaders of the city, they will definitely know about it."

"Old Xu, for things like filming, work is suspended without pay, plus the venue fee, these are not a small amount. Although we Jingshi Culture made a little money last year, we can't waste it like this, right? Today's meeting It will be suspended for one day, tomorrow it will be suspended for another day, the film has not been finished yet, and the money has already been spent, can you support us by then?"

As for the cooperation with great director Yu Zijian, there is no script yet, let alone filming.

The New Director Support Program has only finalized the script and has not yet discussed with the young directors who submitted the script. Even if everything goes well, the filming will have to wait until the middle of the year. As for the release, it will have to be next year.

Xu Jie took out his mobile phone and looked at the caller ID. It was Boss Jiang.

On the one hand, he was worried that Xu Jie's progress in writing the script was too slow, and after holding the cooperation ceremony, the speed of the other party would inevitably be accelerated; on the other hand, the cooperation ceremony is a kind of publicity method, which is very common in the circle, so he did not refuse.

So the current situation is that although the company has a lot of business this year, it can't quench its thirst.

"Ring bell bell!"

This is to advance the investment promotion meeting to within the first month, so as to increase the chips for his promotion.

When Lu Hong heard this, it was impossible.

There are a lot of work plans written earlier, but they all take time. For example, the variety show "Crossover Actor" and "Ordinary Courage" will only attract investment in March. By that time, the candidates for the deputy editor-in-chief are already dusted It's settled, no matter how much sponsorship there is, it won't help Boss Jiang.

Even if the script hasn't been completed yet, isn't the cooperation already confirmed?
There is no way to hold a launch ceremony, but can we hold a cooperation ceremony?

Who doesn't eat dumplings all year round?
If there is only this one, some people will think it is a fluke, it is luck, but if there are many, it is a manifestation of strength.

"Old Lu, I need your help with something." Jiang Hai said with a smile.

Is there anything more important than signing the premiere rights of a TV series?
"About the timing of the investment promotion meeting for the two variety shows "Crossover Actor" and "Ordinary Courage"," Xu Jie said.

"I knew you must have something to do, tell me, what's the matter?" Lu Hong sat down on the single sofa beside him, waiting for the other party to speak.

"Stop for one day? Director Lu, a crew of hundreds of people, do you know how much money you will lose if you stop for one day?" Xu Jie said with a wry smile.

But the other party gave all of this to him selflessly and magnanimously. To be honest, he felt really sorry.

"Editor Lu, if you ask me now, I don't know, because many things need to wait until the filming starts, especially in the early stage of shooting. If you can't grasp the direction well, no matter how good the script is, it will turn into a bad movie. You said As a screenwriter and producer, can I not pay attention? Let alone a day, as long as I shoot, I have to watch on the set." Xu Jie said seriously.

Where can I find some more?
Xu Jie was lost in thought.

Although he can decide on this matter, the director has known about the date of the China Merchants Conference a long time ago, and sudden changes will inevitably disrupt the director's plans and arrangements, such as the speech draft. The draft needs to be prepared now.

However, this alone is obviously not enough.

Xu Jie is full of enthusiasm for this matter, even more than doing his own things.

There are also variety shows to attract investment.

"Editor Lu, it's like this." Xu Jie quickly took over the conversation, and said seriously: "The main business direction of our Jingshi Culture this year is film and television dramas. In addition to "Legend of Lan Xi", there are three more movies to be released this year. The filming starts, in order to be able to make a movie that everyone likes, and to supervise the work of the crew, Mr. Jiang and I plan to join the crew in a few days, if the investment promotion meeting is held too late, we may not have time to come back to participate."

When Yu Zijian heard that there was going to be a cooperation ceremony, he agreed without hesitation.

Lu Hong rolled his eyes when he heard this, asking him for support?

Xu Jie is in contact with Yu Zijian.

Since the two were transferred to Jingshi Culture, they seldom came to his office, even less often together, so his intuition also told him that the two of them must have something to do today.

"You really gave me a problem, okay, I'll go to the director to discuss it." Lu Hong said.

Once the director finds out, the promotion to deputy editor-in-chief will be even more hopeless.

Especially Lao Jiang, who had just left the TV station, less than two hours had passed.

Still the same sentence, things are too urgent, and there is too little time for him.

Although the time of the investment promotion meeting was set by the station, as the chief director of the show and the person in charge of the production, shouldn't he listen to his opinion?

"The Merchants Fair is only held for one afternoon, so don't you even have a day?" Lu Hong asked.

As long as the date changes, the chance of success in promotion will definitely increase by [-]%.


Anyway, the date of the China Merchants Association must be changed. If not, he will not participate in the China Merchants Association.

The most important thing is that all the achievements he has now should belong to Xiao Xu.

If Boss Jiang is successfully promoted to deputy editor-in-chief, isn't it logical that the position of general manager is his?
"Okay!" Jiang Hai nodded, turned around and left.

Xu Jie was overjoyed, and turned to look at Boss Jiang beside him, his eyes were also full of joy.

In fact, the other party can completely ignore this matter, but now it is Xiao Xu who is doing his best.

in the hall.

"What's the matter?" Jiang Hai asked curiously.

Originally, he had no hope for this matter, but Xiao Xu's enthusiasm infected him. Since Xiao Xu didn't give up, he shouldn't give up.

Moreover, the other party is now a celebrity and is deeply loved by the audience. He also wants the other party to host this business promotion meeting.

"I want to see if the China Merchants Conference can be held earlier." Xu Jie explained.

If the other party can grow into a teenager, he will definitely fully support the other party to become the deputy editor-in-chief, but it is a pity that the other party is still too young.

And movies.

"Why?" Lu Hong asked curiously.

"Old Lu, there is one more thing about the two popular variety shows." Jiang Hai said with a smile: "Last year "Crossover Actor" belonged to our Beijing TV Culture, and "Ordinary Courage" belonged to your Beijing Satellite TV. How about this year?"

From a small reporter in the TV station to the current deputy general manager of Jingshi Culture, he encountered countless difficulties in the process, but didn't they all get resolved in the end?
Besides, except for the time of the investment promotion meeting, everything else is not difficult for him.

No matter how busy you are, this day is not bad, right?

The Merchants Association is a very important matter for Beijing Satellite TV. The performance of this year depends entirely on the sponsors and advertisers at the Merchants Association. Woolen cloth?

Lao Lu couldn't agree either.

Lao Jiang doesn't have to come back, but Xiao Xu must be present. Who makes him the chief director of two popular variety shows?Many advertisers and sponsors came for Xiao Xu.

"I'll have to give it a try, anyway, the agreement will be signed tomorrow, and I'm free today, why not go to the TV station to try my luck, that's it, I'll wait for you in the lobby on the first floor, let's go together." Xu Jay made the decision directly.

Boss Jiang's business is his business.

It is true that he is the person in charge of the satellite TV channel, but the money is not his, can he support it?
"Since it can't be stopped, let's postpone the start-up time." Lu Hong said, he really didn't want to change the date of the Merchants Fair.

Jiang Hai's meal can't be said to increase his bargaining chips for promotion to deputy editor-in-chief, right?
Let the official affairs change the day for his private affairs, and still not be scolded when it spreads?

There is an idiom called: everything is man-made.

"Okay, just tomorrow, but boss, there is one more important thing that needs you to go to Taili in person." Xu Jie didn't know if he would succeed, but he knew that he would regret it if he didn't try.


"Huh? Lao Jiang, Xiao Xu? Why are you here together? Come in quickly." Lu Hong said while standing up, pointing to the direction of the sofa, motioning for the two to sit down.

Jiang Hai was startled for a moment, but soon understood the other party's intentions.

Thinking of this, Xu Jie's originally bad mood suddenly became brighter. He briefly explained to the person who arranged the venue, and then left the meeting room.

"The person in charge of Huxiang Satellite TV will leave for Beijing tomorrow, and Beijing Satellite TV has also agreed to sign the premiere agreement tomorrow. Zhou Haoxiang from Juxiang Media is still on vacation abroad, but he has promised to return immediately, and he can come tomorrow." Jiang Hai contacted just now Situation simply said again.

Because the investment promotion meeting this time is the investment promotion meeting of Beijing Satellite TV, the deputy editor-in-chief Lu, who is also the director of the satellite TV program center, naturally became the person in charge of the investment promotion meeting.

You must know that the director of the station will participate in the annual investment promotion meeting.

Since the other party was so active, he couldn't lag behind, so he got up and left the office, and took the elevator to the first floor.

"Is that all right? The time for the China Merchants Conference has been set years ago." Jiang Hai said.

Jiang Hai sighed in his heart.

"Editor Lu, we have already made an agreement with the filming site. If the start time is delayed, we will have to pay compensation, and the money will be paid out at that time will be more." Xu Jie said.

"Isn't the time for the Merchants Fair scheduled for March [-]th? Is there any problem?" Jiang Hai was puzzled.

"It's about the Beijing Satellite TV Merchants Fair to be held on the [-]th of next month. Can you see if the time of the Merchants Fair can be moved forward, preferably around the [-]th day of the first lunar month. Of course, the sooner the better." Jiang Hai said.

A dead horse is treated as a living horse doctor, what if a miracle happens?
Xu Jie was not idle, and immediately transferred some people from the performance department to decorate the meeting room well, so that he could take pictures when signing the contract.

Beijing TV.

Jiang Hai added oil and vinegar for a while, adding fuel to the fire.

"Boss, what's the matter?" Xu Jie asked as he walked.


Looking at the phone that had been hung up, Jiang Hai couldn't help being moved.

Xu Jie made an appointment with Yu Zijian, and then hung up the phone. At this time, Boss Jiang also came out of the elevator, and the two left the company together.

What a blessing to have such a little brother!

"Then stop for a day and give the crew a vacation." Lu Hong said.

At this time, a burst of music sounded.

Xu Jie and Boss Jiang came to the office of deputy editor-in-chief Lu Hong.

Lu Hong frowned and thought about it for a while. Considering that Xiao Xu would not come, those advertisers and sponsors might not have the motivation to bid.

Lu Hong narrowed his eyes. He naturally hoped that these two programs would be owned by Beijing Satellite TV, but he also knew that the other party would definitely not agree. Referring to last year's naming fee, "Ordinary Courage" is better than "Crossover Actors". Gao, so he said: "It's still the same as last year, how is it?"

"Okay, I'll listen to you!" The smile on Jiang Hai's face became brighter.

His requirements are not high, as long as he can get one of the two, after all, even if one has an income of hundreds of millions, plus the first broadcast rights and network broadcast rights sold by "Legend of Lan Xi", there will be at least sixteen billions of revenue.

As soon as he went to work, he brought [-] billion in revenue to the company even before the first month was out. Who wouldn't be surprised by this?
He himself was shocked!
With these, how could he qualify as a candidate.


(End of this chapter)

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