Chapter 1007
The Spring Festival is happy, but the happy time is often short-lived.

While people are still immersed in the atmosphere of the Spring Festival, the long holiday is over and the working day is approaching quietly.

There is no greater pain in life than this.

Not happy enough, it's over.

But then again, if happiness can be obtained easily, then the experience of happiness will become worse and worse, and eventually become unhappiness.

Perhaps because of this, people will cherish the happy time more.

early morning.

Xu Jie came to the company with a blank face. He didn't know what other people were feeling. Anyway, his mood at work was heavier than going to the grave.

Although the seven-day vacation was very fulfilling, it was still too short for him, and it couldn't make up for the time he and Su Yun often lived apart.

If it was normal, he would choose to skip work and not come. Anyway, no one cares about him. However, today is the first day after the Spring Festival holiday. The significance is greater than the content. As a company executive, he must be present.


"Mr. Xu, what's wrong with Mr. Jiang?" After Wang Yunjie came back to her senses, she turned to look at Xu Jie who was opposite. The whole company knew that Mr. Xu was always Mr. Jiang's soldier. .

"Boss..." Xu Jie opened his mouth, not knowing whether to ask, who doesn't have a little privacy?

"It's too late, I have to try, at least it's better than doing nothing." Xu Jie said.

It's ok!
People in their line of work have never been afraid of being busy. The busier they are, the more bonuses they get. What they fear most is not being busy. Not being busy means no bonus. Who would be against money these days?
When Xu Jie came to the office, the first thing he did was to write a work plan. There are too many things to do this year. In addition to the fixed two variety shows, the two scripts selected in the new director support plan will also be released this year. The filming started, as well as the cooperation with the great director Yu Zijian, and some other projects. If you don’t record them one by one, you may miss one during the meeting.

"Boss, wait for me for a while. I'll finish writing the work plan for you. You are the general manager, so you say it's more powerful." Xu Jie continued to write while bowing his head.

"I've kept you waiting for a long time, are you all here?" Jiang Hai walked quickly to his seat and sat down, his eyes quickly swept around the conference room.

"It's settled, deputy editor-in-chief Zhou will directly retreat to the second line, and the city will conduct an inspection immediately, and then decide on a replacement candidate, which will be announced after the first month at the latest," Jiang Hai said.

"It's all here." Xu Jie said.

"Mr. Xu, the chorus you sang with your sister-in-law in the Spring Festival Gala was simply wonderful!"

Under normal circumstances, after talking about Taili's spirit, we should talk about the company's affairs, such as this year's work plan, work goals, work requirements, etc. Xu Jie even took out the work plan he wrote earlier However, at this moment, I heard Boss Jiang directly saying: "That's all for today's meeting, the meeting is adjourned."

This is the first meeting after the Spring Festival, so it's over so soon?Is it too fast?
To put it bluntly, the time everyone sat here waiting for Mr. Jiang was longer than Mr. Jiang's meeting.

He also tried to calm himself down, but it was related to his future, so he couldn't calm down at all.

After an unknown amount of time, there was a knock on the door outside.

"Xiao Xu, what should we do now?" Jiang Hai looked at Xu Jie and asked, anyway, his mind is in a mess now, like a ball of yarn damaged by a cat, completely clueless.

Work is not terrible, what is terrible is working without a goal, which is no different from salted fish.

If there is still half a year left, Boss Jiang will have the opportunity to rely on his performance to win the position of deputy editor-in-chief, but now it is only half a month, and there is too little time left for them. You must know that many things take time Fermentation.


"Oh, it's the work plan for this year. List the projects that have been confirmed, so that everyone will be motivated after they know it." Xu Jie explained.

Jiang Hai didn't say a word of nonsense, and he finished speaking in less than 10 minutes.

"Boss, what do you want from me?" Xu Jie asked.

"Mr. Xu, when will you release an album? Or, you can ask your sister-in-law to release an album quickly, and include your song in the album. I will definitely buy it!"

In addition to several high-level executives of the company, the middle-level managers of various departments also came to the meeting room.

"Yes, employees will work harder only if they see hope." Jiang Hai nodded in praise.

He is not drawing cakes.

After everyone saw it, they couldn't help being a little puzzled. You must know that Mr. Jiang usually laughs and laughs in meetings, and the atmosphere is relatively relaxed. He sometimes jokes with everyone. Why did he suddenly become vigorous and resolute?This is not Mr. Jiang's style. You must know that it was not like this when I saw it in the morning.

Everyone in the room counted as one, and they were all caught off guard, with a confused look on their faces.

The door of the meeting room was pushed open suddenly, and Jiang Hai walked in from the outside.

After hearing this, the employees were not only not depressed, but also very happy.

The pies he drew were false, but what he said was true.

After hearing this, Xu Jie shook his head blankly.

"Otherwise, forget it, maybe this is God's arrangement, and God doesn't want me to go any further." Jiang Hai was a little frustrated.

Just like brewing soy sauce, if the drying time is not enough, the soy sauce made must not be flavorful enough.

"What?" Xu Jie was startled, looked at Boss Jiang in surprise and asked, "Didn't you say half a year? How did it become half a month? Isn't there too much time difference?"

He was more puzzled than the others, because Boss Jiang had clearly agreed with him earlier that one was responsible for conveying the spirit of the stage, and the other was responsible for announcing the work plan for this year, but why did he suddenly change his mind?
Everyone looked at Mr. Xu's appearance, it didn't look like a fake, so they felt even more strange.

Myocardial infarction just after the tumor was removed, let alone a person in his 50s, even a man in his prime can't handle it!

Xu Jie looked at Boss Jiang's back suspiciously. For some reason, he always felt that the other party seemed to have something to say, but it was definitely not about work.

Jiang Hai opened the door and walked in from the outside, saw Xu Jie writing something, so he asked, "Xiao Xu, what are you busy with?"

At the same time, I sighed in my heart: With Xiao Xu as a subordinate, even the work has become easier, which is great.

"Actually, it's not a big deal. I just want to communicate with you and wait for the content of the meeting. Since you are already writing the work plan, I don't have to work hard to prepare." Jiang Hai said with a smile.

When Xu Jie heard that it was Boss Jiang, he immediately raised his head and stood up, "Boss, Happy Chinese New Year, come and sit down."

"Both of us said the same thing, and I'm going to the TV station for a meeting right away. When I come back, I'll be in charge of conveying the spirit of the station, and you'll be in charge of announcing the work plan for this year. That's it." Jiang Hai stood up after finishing speaking. He got up and walked out of the office with his hands behind his back.

"That's right, when I was shopping, I often heard the song you sang with your sister-in-law!"

"Is it in time?" Jiang Hai asked.

"Come in!" Xu Jie shouted while writing.

What happened to Mr. Jiang?
When Xu Jie returned to his office, he was hesitating whether to ask Boss Jiang, when there was another knock on the door, and then Boss Jiang came in.

"Heart attack?" Xu Jie was speechless.

"Happy New Year, Mr. Xu!"

"Then let's start the meeting. Let me talk about the content of the meeting in Taili just now..." Jiang Hai went straight to the topic.

"Oh, don't mention it. Originally, the deputy editor-in-chief Zhou recovered well after the operation, but then he suffered a heart attack and was rescued with great difficulty. That's why he was in such a hurry." Jiang Hai sighed after finishing speaking. If you are worried about something, otherwise you will not end the meeting hastily.

A new year, a new beginning, it is necessary for him to tell everyone about the work plan for the new year, so that every employee in the company is full of hope for the new year and full of enthusiasm for work.

After Xu Jie heard this, his originally heavy mood suddenly recovered.

Everyone looked at Mr. Jiang's leaving back, and question marks popped up in their minds one after another.


What is it?
The first meeting of Jingshi Culture Communication Company after the Spring Festival was held at ten o'clock in the morning.

Xu Jie now finally knows why Boss Jiang is not in the mood for meetings. If it were him, he would not be in the mood for meetings.

Jiang Hai closed the door, then turned to look at Xu Jie, not only had a serious expression, but also a hint of excitement in his eyes, and his body was trembling slightly.

Not to mention that he is only the deputy general manager, even if he is the general manager, he must be present in this situation.

Compared with the dullness of last year, everyone is very active this year, talking and laughing, and in a very good mood.

"Okay, okay, stop flattering, hurry back to the work station and get ready, keep your heart in your stomach, and you will be busy again from today, if anyone of you loses the chain for me, don't blame me for turning your back on me Recognize him!" Xu Jie pretended to be serious and said.

what's the situation?
Did something important happen on the TV station?
I haven't heard of it!

For them, Mr. Xu is not only their boss, but also the god of wealth of the company. Whether everyone can have a bumper harvest this year like last year depends entirely on Mr. Xu's leadership.

By the way, deputy editor-in-chief Zhou is a pretty good person, but why was he targeted by the disease?

"What should I do..." Xu Jie thought for a while, and then said, "We can only promote what we want."

"Happy New Year." Jiang Hai cheerfully came to the desk and sat down, glanced at the notebook on the desk, and asked, "You were so serious on the first day back, what did you write?"

After seeing Mr. Xu, the employees came forward to pay New Year's greetings one after another, and at the same time they talked about the Spring Festival Gala.

Among the several competitors, his situation is the worst. Even if he has half a year to promote, he may not be able to beat the others.

However, now, half a year has been shortened to half a month. Things like work history and work performance cannot be changed in half a month.

Originally, with Xiao Xu's help, he was going to give it a try. Anyway, this is the only chance to change his bicycle into a motorcycle. But now, he doesn't even have confidence in himself.


(End of this chapter)

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