The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 1006 Behaving Perfectly

The scene of the Spring Festival Gala.

Sitting in the director's group, Chen Ya seemed to be very relaxed, but in fact he was extremely busy.

He has to stare at the performance on the stage, watch the live broadcast on the screen, and pay attention to the real-time live broadcast ratings, for fear of missing something.

That is to say, he has directed many Spring Festival Gala and has rich experience. If it were someone else, two eyes would not be enough.

In fact, it's nothing to be busy, it's just that his neck is a little tired and his eyes are a little sore. The key is that the pressure brought by the ratings puts his whole spirit in a state of high tension.

If the ratings are good, maybe you can relax a bit, but from the beginning to now, there have been four programs, and both the overall ratings and individual ratings are lower than last year's Spring Festival Gala program.

Although he was also the chief director of the Spring Festival Gala last year, the year-on-year decline in ratings made him feel like a thorn in his throat.

You must know that when the director team of the Spring Festival Gala was established this year, he had slapped the leaders of the stage, but the current situation is undoubtedly tantamount to slapping him in the face.

If the situation is still the same for the next show, he will really have no face to continue directing the Spring Festival Gala next year.


Suddenly a voice sounded in the director's group, arousing the curiosity of others.

Chen Ya turned to look at Jiang Yuanyue, only to see that the other party was staring at the screen showing real-time ratings, with doubts and surprises on his face.

"What's wrong?" Chen Ya asked.

"Director Chen, look at the ratings." Jiang Yuanyue pointed to the screen.

Chen Ya looked over suspiciously, but saw nothing other than the ratings curve.

At this moment, the ratings curve changed and jumped up a bit.

Chen Ya was slightly taken aback, and somewhat understood why Xiao Jiang was puzzled.

The ratings curve has risen three times in a row!

Chen Ya couldn't help turning his attention to the scene. At this moment, the fourth program had ended, and the three hosts were pairing couplets to make a transition in the program.

Not right!

What's so cool about the host section?Is it better than the beauties dancing before?

"Next, please enjoy the song "Love", singers: Xu Jie, Su Yun."

As the host announced the name of the fifth program, there was warm applause at the scene!

"Wow hoo hoo!"

As our own people, the audience will give applause before the start of each program. This is not only a kind of etiquette, but also a kind of on-site effect. However, the applause this time is particularly loud.

The ratings curve changed again, and once again jumped up a lot, catching up with the opening show and the third show sung by Traffic Xiaoxianrou.

The prelude sounded, and Su Yun appeared on the stage. The elegant, beautiful and moving figure was officially displayed in front of the audience across the country. At the same time, it once again amazed everyone, so that everyone could not forget to sigh while indulging in the singing: a goddess is a goddess !
After a heavenly sound ended, a man appeared on the stage, it was Xu Jie.

"Wow hoo hoo!"

Warm applause rang out again, and when the camera came to the scene, the faces of the audience were full of surprises and expectations.

I saw Xu Jie came to Su Yun's side with a smile, holding her hand gently, and at this moment Su Yun also looked at Xu Jie, with a little more gentleness on his face, like a happy little woman.

The two just stood on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala and looked at each other affectionately. You have me in your eyes and you in my eyes, as if there is no one else but each other.

It is rare to dare to spread dog food so blatantly on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala, looking at the entire history of the Spring Festival Gala.

And the audience seemed to like watching the scene of throwing dog food very much. This time the ratings curve jumped a lot. If it was just an ordinary high jump before, it has now become a pole vault, even surpassing the third program.

Chen Ya, who was staring at the ratings, not only lit up his eyes, but also showed a smile on his face.

Finally a show that surpasses last year!

Chen Ya never dreamed that the two people who temporarily rescued the scene would become a surprise tonight. This little Xu is indeed a panacea for ratings.

Being able to be behind the scenes and in front of the stage is really both civil and military!

No wonder it is regarded as a treasure by Beijing TV Station, and Huxiang TV Station is openly poaching people. Let me ask you, who wouldn't want to keep such a talent for themselves?
"Xiao Jiang!" Chen Ya suddenly called out.

"Director Chen, what instructions do you have?" Jiang Yuanyue walked to Director Chen's side. She was depressed because of the poor ratings, but her mood improved.

"Tell me, how can we get him into our department?" Chen Ya said while looking at the stage in the distance.

Jiang Yuanyue looked in the direction Director Chen was looking at. Although the other party did not call the name, she still guessed it right away.

It must be the junior!
Because Director Chen had invited the junior before, but was declined by the junior.

"This, it's a bit difficult!" Jiang Yuanyue replied after a moment of hesitation.

Although China Television's influence is unique in China, not to mention a TV station in Beijing, even if all domestic TV stations are combined, it is not as good as China Television. However, the large program center is only a department of China Television, and most of the work It is some behind-the-scenes work, and the business involved is relatively simple.

In contrast, although Jingshi Culture is only a company under Beijing TV Station, it involves a wide range of businesses, such as TV programs, film and television dramas, performances, etc., and it can be compared to a large-scale program center with a rich future. .

In fact, there is the most important point, that is the position.

As the old saying goes: People go to high places, but water flows to low places.

The junior is now the vice president of the company. If he comes to a large program center, he must be higher than his original position.

If it's just the deputy director, the juniors are definitely not rare, but if it's the director... what should Director Chen do?
If you want to poach people, you only rely on two points, high-ranking officials and generous salary.

Director Chen can't give them both, why did the juniors come to them?

Let alone a junior, if it were her, she would not accept it.

"It's because it's difficult, so I asked you for a solution." Chen Ya heard and said.

Doesn't he know it's difficult?

of course I know!

If the matter was not difficult and he could solve it by himself, would he still ask?
"Director Chen, I can't help it!" Jiang Yuanyue shook his head.

Knowing that it is impossible, but still asking her to find a way, isn't this difficult for others?

In the entire large-scale program center, it is estimated that even the position of director cannot make the students tempted.

"Hey!" Chen Ya sighed heavily, "Mr. Xu's stay at Beijing TV is really too inferior. He deserves a bigger stage."

Jiang Yuanyue didn't respond this time, thinking: My junior is now filming variety shows, movies, and TV dramas in Jingshi Culture. There is a big stage for us to play. If you come to our place and hold parties or performances all day long, then That's the real talent.

Although she is a member of a large-scale program center, she really doesn't think there is any benefit for the juniors to come here. Although they are very beautiful outside, the work is actually very boring and the pressure is also very high.

Of course, if you go to the integrated channel, it's another matter.

The program of more than four minutes ended quickly.

As the music ended, Xu Jie and Su Yun stood on the stage and bowed their thanks, while the audience applauded thunderously, and the audience was fascinated and moved by it.

Those who are married recall their love with a happy smile on their faces, while those who are not married long for the love in the song, and their eyes are full of yearning.

A good song always resonates with people.

And a suitable singer can express the artistic conception of the lyrics more vividly.

Xu Jie and Su Yun did not disappoint the audience who were waiting for their appearance!

At this moment, countless people took out their mobile phones, tweeted on Weibo, posted on Moments, a small composition about love perception accompanied by photos of Xu Jie and Su Yun on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala, it is simply Just like the harvester, so when the show ended, Xu Jie and Su Yun also successfully appeared on the trending searches.

Chen Ya stared at the screen, her eyes were even wider than before.

The ratings curve showed that not only did Xu Jie and Su Yun's peak ratings exceed the opening program, but the average ratings also exceeded the first program.

You must know that throughout the entire Spring Festival Gala, the opening song and dance and the finale skit are usually the highest rated. During this period, there are almost no programs that can surpass these two programs, not even those popular little fresh meat.

But tonight, Xu Jie and Su Yun did it.

It's just that before Chen Ya was happy, the ratings curve dropped, like a steep hill, which caught people off guard.

Chen Ya gave a few instructions to the assistant director beside him, then got up and left the director's group.

When he came to the backstage corridor, he immediately saw Xu Jie and Su Yun who were taking photos with young actors. From a distance, they looked like a family of three.

Chen Ya was waiting at the side, but when Xu Jie put down the young actors, another actor came over to ask for a group photo, one after another.

When is this going to happen?
"Mr. Xu!"

Chen Ya shouted on purpose.

When the actors around Xu Jie and Su Yun saw the chief director coming, they left quickly, for fear of being scolded and hurting their performance team.

Soon, there was no one around Xu Jie and Su Yun.

Chen Ya walked over at this time, held Xu Jie's hand tightly, and said with a smile: "Mr. Xu, you and Xiao Su's performance just now was so perfect, I was moved by watching."

"Thank you, Director Chen, for your compliment. It's actually a normal performance." Xu Jie said after hearing this.

On the stage just now, he kept it closed and did not give full play to it. After all, the daily life between him and Su Yun was much sweeter than when he was on the stage just now.

But looking at Director Chen's happy look, the ratings of his and Su Yun's programs should not be bad, otherwise how could the other party have the time to come to express condolences in person?

"Director Chen, you are busy, so I won't bother you. I want to say Happy Chinese New Year to you in advance." Xu Jie said.

"Director Chen, happy Chinese New Year." Su Yun followed immediately, and the husband and wife followed suit.

"Happy New Year, Happy New Year!" Chen Ya said again and again, but after she finished speaking, she suddenly felt something was wrong, looked at Xu Jie suspiciously and asked, "Are you guys leaving?"

"Yes!" Xu Jie nodded.

He calculated the time, and it was just [-]:[-]. If he drove home, he would be able to eat dumplings in the middle of the night and celebrate the New Year with his parents and mother-in-law.

"Ah?" Chen Ya was stunned, and asked in surprise: "Leaving so soon? Isn't there still three sketches?"

"Director Chen, I'm not the lead actor of those three sketches." Xu Jie said with a smile.

"But you are the screenwriter and director of those three sketches!" Chen Ya said seriously.

"That's right, I wrote and wrote, revised and directed, and the task has been completed. Now I'm just watching the performance of those actors. It has nothing to do with me. Why am I staying here if I don't leave? At this time, we have to change the lines and the plot? Wouldn’t that add to their confusion?” Xu Jie said.

Last year, I stayed until the end of the three sketch performances, because it was the first time I wrote a sketch for the China Television Spring Festival Gala, and I didn't know what to do, so I stayed to see how the sketches responded.

This year, with the experience of last year, my heart's tolerance has also increased, so I feel that there is no need to stay here.

Besides, what can he do here?
The effect is good, and others praise him.

The effect is not good, others comfort him.

However, whether it is praise or comfort, he doesn't need it all.

Now, he just wants to take his wife back to his hometown to celebrate the new year with his parents!
Chen Ya was stunned and didn't know what to say. She could only feel that the other party was big-hearted and didn't even care about her own works.

If everyone thinks like the other party, he doesn't have to stay here anymore!
never mind!

Do whatever you want.

"Mr. Xu, since you are eager to go home, then I won't keep you. Let's meet again some other day." Chen Ya squeezed out a smile.

"Good Director Chen!"

Xu Jie was also polite, and took Su Yun to the dressing room.

Removing makeup is too much trouble, a waste of time, no need, but the clothes must be changed, after all, they are provided by CTS, you can't wear the clothes provided by others, right?

The two quickly changed into their own clothes, and left China TV without saying hello to the others.

Xu Jie drove the car all the way north.

Although the heart is like an arrow, I have been paying attention to the speed of the car. No matter how urgent it is, safety is always the first priority.

He is no longer alone, and his wife is still sitting beside him.

Fortunately, during this time period, there were basically no cars on the road, and the road was very smooth. I returned to my hometown in less than two hours.

My brother-in-law Su Lei was on the phone in the courtyard, when he saw a car suddenly appearing outside, he immediately shouted excitedly into the room.

"Dad, Mom, my sister and my brother-in-law are back!"

When the four old people heard this, they immediately got up and walked out, without even having time to put on their clothes.

"Dad, Mom, happy Chinese New Year, we are back!" Xu Jie pulled Su Yun, looked at the parents who went out to greet them, and bowed deeply.

Wang Guizhi and Zhang Simin couldn't believe their eyes. After confirming that it was true, their eyes turned red.

"Didn't you say you'll be back tomorrow?"

"Don't tell me in advance when you come back!"

Wang Guizhi stepped forward and slapped his son's arm, but his face was full of excitement.

"It's good to be back, it's good to be back!" Su Changzhi looked at his daughter and son-in-law, and nodded happily.

"Stop standing outside, let's go inside quickly, and we'll talk if we have anything to say." Xu Baozhong said.

"Yes, enter the house!"

Wang Guizhi took his son and daughter-in-law, Zhang Simin held his daughter's hand, everyone entered the house, and the family enjoyed themselves happily, on this New Year's Eve...


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