The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 1005 Save the Spring Festival Gala?

Chapter 1005 Save the Spring Festival Gala?

The five rehearsals of the CTS Spring Festival Gala soon came to an end. After everything was ready, the day of the official performance finally ushered in.

On the [-]th day, in order not to get sleepy at night, Xu Jie and Su Yun took a nap at home and didn't go to Huaxia TV until they woke up at two o'clock in the afternoon.

For Xu Jie, if he is only the screenwriter and director of the Spring Festival Gala sketch, he does not need to go to sleep during this afternoon nap. After all, the screenwriter and director will neither appear on stage nor in the camera.

But as an actor who needs to perform on stage, he must recharge his batteries during the day and keep his best form until night.

You must know that today is the first time that he and Su Yun have appeared on the stage of the CTV Spring Festival Gala, which can be seen all over the country. Although the song is recorded, he needs to maintain his personal status.

As for the video backup, usually the backup tape will not be cut into the live broadcast screen unless it is absolutely necessary, because if one is not spotted correctly, it may lead to confusion.

The current audience may not be serious about watching the show, but they are keen-eyed when they make trouble.

Xu Jie and Su Yun left home in a nanny car, probably because they all went home to prepare for the New Year's Eve dinner. There were not many cars on the road, and it didn't take long for them to arrive at Huaxia TV.

Compared with the deserted outside, the Huaxia TV station was extremely lively at this time, especially on the floor where the performance hall was located. Everyone seemed very busy, which also caused the atmosphere to be very tense.

It was not the first time for Xu Jie and Su Yun to participate in the China TV Spring Festival Gala, so they were used to this situation, and they were not disturbed by these people emotionally, and they still maintained a relaxed state.

Isn't it just showing affection?It's not that I haven't shown it before, but this time it was at the CTV Spring Festival Gala.

The director team of the Spring Festival Gala approved his show, so he is not afraid of being envied and hated by others.

Since there is still some time before the start of the Spring Festival Gala, Xu Jie did not rush to put on makeup, but went to the room arranged for him by the director team of the Spring Festival Gala to see how everyone was getting ready.


Xu Jie knocked on the door, then opened it and walked in.

Several actors seemed to be arguing about something, and when they saw him coming, they all looked over.

"Director Xu, you came just in time. Compared with last year's works, are these works of yours this year better or... a little worse?" Pan Fuqiang, a sketch actor, asked.

"Well, do you have any explanation?" Xu Jie asked after hearing it.

"I said it was better than last year, but Kobayashi said it was not as good as last year. We fought for this matter. You are the creator, and your answer is the most standard." Pan Fuqiang said.

Although everyone has been preparing for a month before today, when the Spring Festival Gala officially comes, everyone is still a little nervous. It is this kind of tension that makes everyone unconsciously recall that Mr. Created sketches.

There were three this year, and three last year. Faced with this situation, everyone couldn't help but compare them. The result was a debate. Some felt that this year was better, while others felt that last year's It's great, no one will obey anyone.

Xu Jie looked at the other people in the room, and found that not only Pan Fuqiang and Lin Han, but everyone was looking at him, as if they cared about his answer.

There was a thoughtful look on his face, and then he said seriously: "It's all good!"


Everyone who was waiting for the answer felt cheated. Is there any difference between this answer and no answer?

"Mr. Xu, you didn't answer like that." Pan Fuqiang said with a wry smile, "We all know that your sketches are good, but in your heart, there must be a ranking, right?"

"These sketches are masterpieces created with my heart, and there is no order." Xu Jie said lightly: "It's useless for you to discuss this here. There is no first thing in literature, and no second in martial arts. Radishes and vegetables have their own preferences, and I like them." That’s fine, there’s no need to convince others.”

"Xiao Xu is right, what is the comparison, what is the comparison, as long as the audience likes it." Song Lili said at this time.

She doesn't like to sort her work.

For a person, different age groups have different experiences, and their understanding of things will naturally change, so this kind of comparison is meaningless.

"Stop arguing, while Xiao Xu is still here, hurry up and show everyone the work." Liu Juan said.

Compared with songs, skits are full of uncertainties. Even if the program has been recorded in the fifth rehearsal, everyone still needs to perfect the performance. The simplest example: once someone forgets the words, the plan will be disrupted. Therefore, before going on stage, you must continue to run in.

At this time, everyone also realized that now is not the time to argue, so they stopped arguing and devoted themselves to the practice of sketches.

And Xu Jie is also the last time to guide the sketches and actors, because everyone's cooperation will end tonight.

As the sky darkened, the audience began to enter.

This year's Spring Festival Gala auditorium is the same as last year's. Entrepreneurs, sports champions, entertainment stars, and people who have contributed to the country and society sit in the front, while relatives of insiders sit in the back.

At this time, Xu Jie had already put on her makeup, and was waiting for the Spring Festival Gala with Su Yun in the room.

Compared with the row row a few days ago, the biggest difference in the room today is that the TV hanging on the wall is turned on. Not only can you watch the Spring Festival Gala of Huaxia TV, but you can also use the programs on the TV to judge when you should Go backstage and wait.

In fact, not only the resting room for the actors, but even the TVs in the corridors were all replaced with CTV sets for all the waiting actors and staff to watch.

Time seemed to speed up its pace again.

Soon, under the anticipation of many people and the waiting of countless people, the CTS Spring Festival Gala officially began.

The first thing to play is a vivid animation, which includes scenes of people celebrating the New Year happily and the alternation of zodiac signs. When the animation is over, the China Television Spring Festival Gala studio hall finally appears on the screen.

Festive and cheerful music sounded at this time, and countless performers dressed in red-based costumes rushed onto the stage, and the scene was very lively.

At this time, a female celebrity stepped onto the stage and presented a song "Happy and Happy New Year" for everyone.

The female star stopped after singing a few words, and it was the turn of a male star to sing, followed by a woman and a man, and finally the four stood in the middle of the stage and sang loudly.

Xu Jie looked at the pictures on the TV. To be honest, although the opening song and dance was very festive and the momentum was very grand, it felt like this was almost always the case for the first show in these years, which would inevitably give people a kind of aesthetic fatigue.

More importantly, the song writing is relatively "casual", not the kind of song that makes people hum along after listening to it.

Xu Jie remembers that when he was a child, every Spring Festival ended, the streets and alleys were full of songs on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala, which were not only pleasant to listen to, but also very popular.

But now, even if I watch the Spring Festival Gala all night, I can't remember a song when I look back.

With the end of the first show, three men, three women and six hosts appeared on the stage, all of whom were old acquaintances of everyone.

Compared with the Spring Festival Gala that everyone was looking forward to 20 or [-] years ago, today’s Spring Festival Gala is more like a ceremony, a kind of feeling, and even for many people, the Spring Festival Gala has stayed in memory.

Although Xu Jie is also a member of the Spring Festival Gala, he has not seriously watched the CTS Spring Festival Gala for many years.

It's not that he doesn't want to see it, it's really nothing to see.

Especially in the past few years, from the content to the form, it was almost copied and pasted from a mold. If it wasn't for the cooperation with CTV and Chen Ya, he would not have participated in the Spring Festival Gala.

Wouldn't it be nice to go home and stay with mom and dad?

Just when the second program started, there was a knock on the door, and then Jiang Yuanyue was seen walking in from the outside.

"Student, it's your turn to show with your siblings soon, hurry up and wait!" Jiang Yuanyue said anxiously.

"Senior sister, why worry, isn't it our turn to have three more shows?" Xu Jie said lightly.

"The two programs are going to be very fast, so don't dawdle here." Jiang Yuanyue said loudly, if Su Yun wasn't here, she would have grabbed her junior and left by now.

She was puzzled, the juniors are usually very active in the row, but today it's time for the live broadcast, why are you not in a hurry?
"Husband, let's go." Su Yun gently pulled Xu Jie. It is estimated that among the actors in the Spring Festival Gala, only her husband dared to say "no" to the director team of the Spring Festival Gala.

Seeing his wife's face, Xu Jie started to go out. At the same time, he did not forget to look at his senior sister with disdain. After all, she is also the producer of China TV and the assistant director of the Spring Festival Gala. Can't you calm down?

and many more!

Xu Jie suddenly thought of something, looked at Jiang Yuanyue and asked, "Sister, how is the opening rating?"

Although the ratings of China TV Spring Festival Gala have been declining year after year, it has always attracted the attention of the outside world, and China TV will make an announcement every year after the Spring Festival Gala.

Jiang Yuanyue's complexion changed, and she looked a little ugly. She looked at the people in the corridor, and when she came to a place with few people, she whispered, "It's lower than last year."

"Isn't this normal? How much lower?" Xu Jie asked.

Jiang Yuanyue was worried that people would talk too much, so she didn't answer directly, but just stretched out two fingers.

two dots?
Xu Jie was taken aback.

It stands to reason that regardless of whether the Spring Festival Gala is good or not, the opening ratings are generally very high, but this year's ratings dropped by two points compared to last year, which is a bit too much, right?

No wonder the senior was very serious when she approached him just now, probably because she was hit by the ratings.

The ratings of the Spring Festival Gala have dropped, and the director team of the Spring Festival Gala must bear an inescapable responsibility.

But Xu Jie laughed instead at this time.

It's better to be lower, and the ratings are lower, and he will feel less pressure when he performs on stage.

"Students, brothers and sisters, you must perform well when you are on stage, it will be up to you later." Jiang Yuanyue said seriously.

Although she is the person in charge of language programs, the overall ratings of the Spring Festival Gala are low. As an employee of CTV, she doesn't look good, doesn't she?
"Ah? Sister, what do you mean?" Xu Jie looked at Jiang Yuanyue in confusion. He should behave well, but a man's sixth sense told him that the other party seemed to have something in his words.

"After the release of the program list for the Spring Festival Gala, the two of you have received the most attention. There must be a lot of people waiting to see you, so whether the ratings before the Spring Festival Gala can reach a small climax depends entirely on the performance of the two of you." Jiang Yuan Yue said solemnly.

The reason why China TV released the program list in advance is to know the attention of each program. Fortunately, during the live broadcast on the night of the [-]th, more scenes will be given to artists with high attention, so as to attract more people to watch and increase the ratings of the party .

Among all the programs this year, Xuedi and Su Yun received the most attention, which is comparable to the third and No.16 traffic Xiaoxianrou.

Xiao Xianrou has been supervised by another assistant director, and she is in charge of the younger brother and Su Yun. This is the task assigned to him by Director Chen.

"Senior sister, the high degree of attention does not mean that there are many people who want to see us. Some people are just gossiping. Don't take it seriously. You must not expect me to save the situation." Xu Jie found a way out for himself , You won't be fooled by the other party at all.

What if he promises to be good, but the ratings are not good?
"Student, you have to be confident!" Jiang Yuanyue reached out and patted the junior's chest to cheer him up.

"Sister, if you ask me to direct a variety show, I'm confident that I can do it well, but if you ask me to perform and sing, I really don't have the confidence. I told you a long time ago that I'm not good at singing!" Xu Jie spread his hands said, with a wry smile on his face.

"Student, when is this already, you tell me you're not good at it? Besides, your performance has always been very good in the previous couplet row, as long as you can show the state you had in the row tonight. "Jiang Yuanyue blushed anxiously.

You must know that she was the one who recommended the younger brother and Su Yun back then, and if the younger brother performed poorly, she would definitely be involved, at least she would give her a slap in the face.

"That's not necessarily true. Status is not something that can be guaranteed all the time." Xu Jie said while shaking his head.


Jiang Yuanyue drooped her face, not knowing what to say for a moment.

He was about to go on stage, and he told her that he was not in good shape?
She was about to continue to cheer up the other party, but found that the other party's eyes were full of smiles, and immediately realized that she might be tricked by the other party.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, whether it is her or Director Chen's assignment to the junior, hasn't the other party completed it very well?When did you drop the chain?
Just for this point, even if the other party crosses the boundary, she should trust the other party.

Having said that, at such a moment, the other party still has the mind to joke with her, presumably because he is full of confidence.

"If you can't guarantee it, then you can't guarantee it, as long as you are not afraid of being criticized by the audience." Jiang Yuanyue resorted to aggressive methods, and at the same time she had made up her mind not to continue persuading her.

"Don't be afraid, I have a thick skin!" Xu Jie touched his face with his hand.

Jiang Yuanyue gave the other party a blank look, then turned and left the backstage, walking towards the direction of the director team.

Her junior's program was coming up soon, and she really wanted to know how many ratings the program would have.


(End of this chapter)

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