The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 1004 Everyone wants to cooperate!

Chapter 1004 Everyone wants to cooperate!

"President Xu, I would like to toast you!" Seeing that Xu Jie and Guo Chuan had finished chatting, Yu Zijian immediately got up and came to the other party's side, finally it was his turn.

"Director Yu, are you...?" Xu Jie looked at Yu Zijian suspiciously. Although the other party was a famous director, there must be a reason for the toast, right?
How can you respect and drink casually?

Isn't that called drinking?
"Mr. Xu, since you helped me revise the script last time, I have always wanted to thank you, but unfortunately I have never found the opportunity. Today I will toast you with Director Xu's wine, thank you for your help. "Yu Zijian said sincerely, and then raised his glass.

Xu Jie was slightly taken aback when he heard it. If it was because of this, the other party should really thank him.

That time, he obviously went to the set to visit his wife, but it turned into a trip to revise the script abruptly. He could only take a rough look at the work of inspecting the filming location. Incredibly.

"Director Yu, you are too polite. I just made a few comments." Xu Jie remained humble, raising his wine glass as he spoke.

"It's your few opinions that make the whole story more reasonable and rigorous. Although there are not many opinions, they are all very important." Yu Zijian said solemnly.

What is the selling point of adventure movies?
Story and Special Effects!
Even the best special effects can be boring if the story is full of holes.

Recently, he has been busy with the post-production work of the movie "The Game in the Game". During the editing process, he re-watched the filmed clips and felt the importance of those opinions even more.

Let's just say, without those comments, the rating would have dropped at least two points.


The cups collided and the two drank in one gulp.

After Yu Zijian finished drinking, a smile appeared on his face. Although the other party's wine glass was filled with tea, it didn't matter, as long as they clinked glasses, everything they drank was wine.

"Mr. Xu, do you still remember our agreement?" Yu Zijian asked.

"Huh? What agreement?" Xu Jie looked puzzled.

"Mr. Xu, you are such a noble person. You forget things. Of course, it is a matter of our cooperation in making a movie. You are in charge of the script, and I am in charge of the director." Yu Zijian reminded.

In fact, this is the real purpose of his coming here today.

When we first made an appointment with the other party, Xu Shenghua's movie hadn't been released yet, and because he was busy with the post-production work of "The Game in the Game", he was never in a hurry, thinking that the other party would definitely come to him after he finished writing the script.

But now, seeing that Xu Shenghua, who has always lost money making movies, actually made money this time, and also achieved a double harvest of word-of-mouth and box office, he became anxious. He wished to sign the filming agreement immediately and see the other party's love as soon as possible. For the movie script, I am afraid that the other party will be busy with other work and forget about the cooperation.

For directors, good actors are very sought-after, but good screenwriters are even more sought-after.

Without a good story to back it up, no matter how famous the lead actor is or how famous the director is, the resulting movie will still be bad!

No director is willing to make a bad movie, especially big directors like him and Xu Shenghua, who will be careful and prepare for a long time every time they shoot a movie, for fear that a bad movie will ruin their reputation for the rest of their lives.

How many great directors have their artistic careers stained by a bad movie?How many great directors have been questioned by fans because of a bad movie?
This is why big directors are becoming more and more cautious.

In the past, there was a work almost every year, but now, there is only one work in two or three years, and four or five years at most.

Now that he has finally met a good screenwriter, can he not be in a hurry?

Once it is snatched away by other directors, what should we do?

"It turned out to be this matter!" Xu Jie said after hearing this, "Don't worry, Director Yu, how could I forget such an important event? Let me tell you the truth, I have already thought about the story, and I have started writing the script." Yes, it’s just because I’m busy with CTV’s Spring Festival Gala recently, so the progress is a little slower, and when the Spring Festival holiday is over, I will definitely go all out and speed up the progress.”

The cooperation with Yu Zijian is one of the key projects of Jingshi Culture this year, how could he forget it?

You know, at the beginning he had worked so hard to catch this big fish, how could he catch it and throw it away?

When Yu Zijian heard this, his anxious mood immediately relaxed, and he said with a smile: "President Xu, I feel relieved when you say that, but don't be too tired, you should rest when it's time to rest."

After hearing the content of the conversation between the two, the people in the private room became interested.

"Mr. Xu, you want to cooperate with Director Yu to make a movie? Forbidden Films is indispensable for this matter. We agreed just now." Guo Chuan said anxiously, afraid of missing this opportunity to make money.

"Mr. Xu, if you have any financial problems, you can add me." Liu Xiangyi said while handing over her business card.

Director Yu himself is a great director, and with Mr. Xu as the screenwriter, it is difficult for such a strong combination to lose money.

In fact, investing in movies is a high-risk thing. After all, in the movie industry, only [-]% of the movies that make money, and the remaining [-]% of the movies are losing money.

As for the combination of Director Yu and Mr. Xu, the chance of making money is definitely more than [-]%. How could she miss such a great opportunity?

"Mr. Xu, have you decided on an actor yet? What do you think of me? The salary can be discounted in half." The best actor Jiang Chaoyang also actively recommended himself.

Although he has never been short of filmmaking, the combination of a great director and a good screenwriter also makes him very tempted.

So what if he won the actor?
Doesn't the actor want to get a few more actor?
I heard that Liu Jiaman, Hu Jing, Jiang Liwen, and Luo Wanglin have all cooperated with this President Xu, so how could he be missing?

"Old Yu, you are so cunning. You didn't tell me when you cooperated with Mr. Xu!" After the great director Liu Yulin finished speaking to Yu Zijian, he then looked at Xu Jie and asked, "Mr. You have cooperated, to be honest, I also feel itchy, how about we cooperate in the next film?"

"And I!"


There is one person in the private room, and they all hope to cooperate with Xu Jie.

Su Yun on the side looked at all this with a smile. You must know that these people in the room are all big names in the entertainment industry. Usually, they can't invite anyone if they want to invite them, but now they are scrambling to cooperate with her husband. It can be said that my husband is really amazing!

"Everyone be quiet, be quiet, listen to me!"

At this time, Xu Shenghua stood up.

When everyone saw that the host had spoken, they immediately shut their mouths temporarily, not knowing what Director Xu was going to say.

When Xu Shenghua saw that he was quiet, he said: "Today, everyone is sitting together, and we all know each other. If you want to cooperate, you can sit down and talk slowly. Look at how you were just now, is it chaotic? Besides, you With so many mouths talking at the same time, how can Mr. Xu answer?"

Everyone thought of the chaos just now, not to mention how Mr. Xu answered, they probably didn't even hear their words clearly.

And Director Xu's words are indeed reasonable. It's better to sit down and talk slowly later than to talk together here, right?I know, they really want to cooperate, but those who don't know think that everyone is uniting to force Mr. Xu to cooperate.

"Director Xu is right, we were the ones who offended you just now!" Jiang Chaoyang said embarrassingly.

"President Xu, don't mind, we really want to cooperate with you." Liu Xiangyi said.

"Mr. Xu, this is my business card. Let's sit together when we have time."

"this is mine……"

Everyone handed over their business cards.

In their view, Mr. Xu is not only a good screenwriter, but also an investor and producer. As people in the entertainment industry, even if there is no chance of cooperation for the time being, there will definitely be opportunities for cooperation in the future.

Taking a step back, even if they can't cooperate in the movie, with the energy of the other party in the entertainment industry, maybe they will need the other party's help at some point in the future.

Therefore, getting acquainted with such a person is only good for them, and there is no harm!
Seeing everyone's reactions, Xu Shenghua's eyes were filled with smiles.

She knows that Xu Jie has officially entered the film and television industry, so she intends to introduce her old friends to the other party. Among these people are producers, great directors, and good actors. The other party will definitely be useful in the future. This is also a kind of reward Well, for these people, it's a win-win.

"Thank you, thank you for your kindness. I will definitely cooperate with you if I have the opportunity in the future." Xu Jie put away his business card while saying.

As a new company entering the film and television industry, can it get the support of these big names, but is it still worrying about not being able to develop?

He has even seen the company's performance soaring!

Next, everyone chatted while eating. After all, they are all from the entertainment circle, so there are still many topics to talk about.

Some talked about their recent work, some talked about the gossip they heard recently, and no longer focused on Xu Jie alone.

For some things, it is enough to say them out. This is enough, and if you say too much, it will be annoying.

Who wants to listen to the endless nagging of others?

Speaking of which, everyone is a big fan, and they are often praised by others. Who hasn't encountered a scene like just now?Therefore, everyone can fully understand Mr. Xu's mood.

Nothing can be too much, no matter how good the relationship is, you should pay attention to proportion, otherwise it will become too much.

"Su Yun, have you finished filming Director Yu's movie? I don't know what's your plan next? Do you want to rest for a while, or have you already selected the script and are ready to start the next movie?" Guo Chuan asked suddenly.

"I haven't thought about the next play yet." Su Yun said truthfully.

Of course, it's not that no one invited her, but it's just that the filming of "The Game in the Game" has just finished, and the New Year is coming soon, so I haven't read the script for the time being, and I want to spend a good New Year with my husband. As for the filming, wait I'll talk about it later.

"Our Forbidden Films will launch a big production in the next year. I will send you the script later. The lead actress is still very good. If you are interested, you can play the lead actress." Guo Chuan said with a smile.

Su Yun was slightly taken aback, and then instantly understood Mr. Guo's meaning.

Although the other party's words were addressed to her, the olive branch was thrown to her husband.

What is this called?
This is called detour, it is a tactic!
Its purpose is to show her husband goodwill and strengthen mutual cooperation.

So what if the other party is the general manager of Forbidden Pictures?Don't you have to bear the pressure of performance?Under such pressure, one must let go of one's posture.

Su Yun thought of what her husband said to Guo Chuan before, and also thought that her husband and the other party were colleagues, so she smiled and said, "Thank you Mr. Guo, I will give you an answer as soon as I read the script."

"Yeah." Guo Chuan nodded.

In fact, the heroine of this movie has already been decided, but if we can maintain a good cooperative relationship with Mr. Xu, the other party can bring him when they make money, let alone one heroine, even if there are ten heroines, He is also willing to hand over.

Film companies not only need to be able to make award-winning movies, but also make money-making movies. No matter how many awards they win, it’s useless if they can’t make money.

After all, Forbidden Pictures is a film company, not a charity!
As long as the wind blows on Su Yun's pillow, do you still worry that Mr. Xu won't take him?

The power of pillow wind cannot be underestimated!
The conversation between Guo Chuan and Su Yun was not loud, but it was still heard by the people around.

Everyone here is a genius, so how could they not understand Guo Chuan's intentions?

I have to say, Mr. Guo's method is really great!
Looking at Mr. Xu's actions these few times, although he helped others, wasn't it all for Su Yun in essence?

Su Yun starred in Director Xu's movie, so Mr. Xu revised the script for Director Xu's movie, and Su Yun starred in Director Yu's movie, so Mr. Xu revised the script for Director Yu's movie. From these signs, Mr. Xu not only cares about Su Yun , and also concerned about Su Yun's works.

In other words, as long as you invite Su Yun, you can get help from Mr. Xu, and it's the kind of help that doesn't care about remuneration.

As a result, everyone had their brains twisted, because if they couldn't cooperate with Mr. Xu, then they could cooperate with Su Yun, and the effect would be the same.

Actress Ye Aijia looked at Su Yun opposite with envy and envy, thinking: It would be great if I could meet such a man who loves and supports me when I was young.

If she could be 30 or [-] years younger, she would definitely try her best to snatch this man over!
After three rounds of wine and five flavors of food, the celebration banquet lasted from six o'clock to nine o'clock.

Hotel entrance.

Xu Shenghua tightly grasped Su Yun's hand. He had seen Su Yun's performance in "New Year's Eve Actor" on TV, so he had the idea of ​​trying to use him. It will be a turning point in her directing career.

"Xiao Su, I don't know when we will meet next time." Xu Shenghua said with emotion.

"I believe it will be soon." Su Yun said with a smile, at least this year there will be many opportunities in major film festivals.

"En." Xu Shenghua turned to look at Xu Jie who was at the side again, and said, "Mr. Xu, although I have already said it, I still want to thank you. I hope we can have opportunities to cooperate in the future."

"Don't worry, Mr. Xu. I believe that day will come soon. At that time, I won't be as simple as revising the script. I will invest in your movie." Xu Jie said seriously.

Beijing Television Culture not only wants to make movies that can make money, but also movies that can win awards. A big director like Xu Shenghua is obviously the best investment object.

"Okay, then let's make a deal!" Xu Shenghua was very happy, and he no longer had to worry about funds.

"A word is settled!"

Just after Xu Jie said goodbye to Director Xu, another person came over.

"Mr. Xu, come and sit with me when you have time. I have good tea!" Guo Chuan said intimately with his arms around Xu Jie's shoulder.

"Okay Mr. Guo, I will have to trouble you in the future, and you can't see me behind closed doors!" Xu Jie said jokingly.

"Haha, I will stand outside the gate to welcome you!" Guo Chuan said with a smile.

He has already regarded the other party as the God of Wealth, so why not go out to greet him?


(End of this chapter)

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