The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 1003 The Protagonist at the Celebration Banquet

Chapter 1003 The Protagonist at the Celebration Banquet

After get off work, Xu Jie came home. Su Yun didn't cook tonight because the two of them were going to a celebration banquet, the celebration banquet of the movie "Stranger Road".

January has come to an end, and "Stranger Road" as a movie released on New Year's Day has also been released recently. The final box office of 3.12 million not only broke the box office record of director Xu Shenghua, but also brought some profits to the movie.

As a literary and artistic film with a lot of investment, this is already a very difficult task, so there is a celebration banquet tonight.

"Didn't it say six o'clock? Why haven't you changed your clothes yet?" Xu Jie looked suspiciously at his wife, who was dressed very casually, while moving home New Year's goods.

Jeans and a cashmere sweater, it doesn't look like you're going to a celebration banquet, but rather like you're going out for a casual meal.

Since it's a "banquet", even if you don't wear a formal dress, you have to dress formally, right?

"Director Xu said, it's fine to be casual tonight. It's a celebration banquet, but it's actually a private party. It's not a big one, and the guests are all friends. It can be regarded as a gathering among friends." Su Yun explained .

"Oh!" Xu Jie nodded. On the way back, he thought about changing into a suit before going, but now it seems that he doesn't need it.

In fact, there is also a difference between a celebration banquet and a celebration banquet.

Some celebration banquets are huge, with red carpet walks and reporters invited, just like an awards ceremony, while some celebration banquets just invite the creative staff to have a meal, quietly, like a gathering of friends.

Director Xu Shenghua has always kept a low profile, so he will definitely choose the latter.

"Director Xu must be very happy?" Xu Jie asked.

The film "Strange Road" is of great significance to director Xu Shenghua.

At the beginning, he brought Xu Shenghua to the Forbidden Film Industry, which suddenly increased the investment by 3000 million, and later even added another 2000 million, which allowed Xu Shenghua to shoot whatever he wanted. According to Xu Shenghua's own words, she I've never made such a rich movie in my life.

In the past, due to the limited funds, many imaginary scenes were either unconditional or unsatisfactory, which seriously affected the content of the film, but this time it was different, and it was completely open to spend without worrying about funds, so , this "Stranger Road" should be a work that Director Xu Shenghua is quite satisfied with in all aspects in the true sense.

What's more, the movie "Stranger Road" has made a profit, so director Xu Shenghua doesn't have to worry about the financing of the next movie.

Even before "Stranger Road", most of the films directed by Xu Shenghua lost money, but there will definitely be people who will invest with the idea of ​​taking a gamble.

In other words, isn't investing a gamble?

"Well, although we haven't seen each other for a while, I can tell from the phone that Director Xu is very happy." Su Yun said with a smile.

Director Xu is usually a taciturn and taciturn person, but today's phone call changed her impression of Director Xu greatly.

"It seems that Director Xu is still very concerned about the box office." Xu Jie said.

"Sure, how can there be a director who doesn't care about the box office? No matter what kind of director, they all hope that their works can be recognized, and the more recognition the better." Su Yun said seriously.

If you say you don't care, it's all fake, and you're going to find yourself a step down.

Xu Jie put the last two boxes of New Year's goods into the kitchen, washed his hands and said, "Okay, let's go."

"Hmm." Su Yun put on her coat, and then she took a coat she chose for her husband and stood waiting at the door. Although the styles were different, they were of the same color. This could be considered a couple's outfit.

Xu Jie took off the down jacket on his body, put on the clothes handed over by his wife, and they got into the nanny car parked at the door arm in arm, and headed to the hotel where the celebration banquet was held.

Although the hotel is not far from the community, but because it is the rush hour and the Chinese New Year is approaching, there are a lot of cars and the road is very congested. It took half an hour to arrive at the original ten-minute journey.

Entering the hotel, Xu Jie dragged Su Yun along quickly, and finally entered the private room in time, and finally he was not late.

"Our hero is here!"

I don't know who said it, but the room immediately burst into applause.

"Clap clap clap!"

The people sitting around the round table applauded one after another, whether they knew each other or not, everyone had a happy smile on their faces.

"Sorry everyone, I got off work a little late today and kept everyone waiting." Although Xu Jie knew that he was not late, he still apologized embarrassingly.

At the same time, he quickly scanned around the room, remembering everyone's faces in his mind.

But after watching it, I couldn't help being surprised, because in addition to the main creator of "Stranger Road", there are also some big directors in the entertainment industry, as well as actor and actress.

Of course, he was surprised because he didn't expect these people to appear here, not because of their identities. It is higher than these figures, kings and queens.

In the entertainment industry, it's not about who is famous and who is awesome!
"It doesn't matter, we just arrived too." The great director Liu Yulin said.

"Mr. Xu came at the right time, very punctual, and not late." Best actor Jiang Chaoyang pointed to his watch and said.

"Mr. Xu, I heard that you are not only directing sketches for China Television's Spring Festival Gala, but also appearing on shows with Su Yun. You are so busy, it's great to be here." Liu Xiangyi, a well-known producer, said.

"Mr. Xu, the people who come here today are all friends, there are no outsiders, so you don't have to be so polite." The great director Yu Zijian said with a smile.

He has been busy with the post-production work of the movie "The Game in the Game" recently. He didn't plan to come, but when he heard that Xu Jie would come, he came immediately.

Xu Shenghua stood up at this time, and when he walked in front of Xu Jie, he held his hand tightly and said excitedly: "Mr. Xu, we haven't seen each other for a long time, today I want to say thank you , Thank you for your support and help to me and to the film."

Xu Jie was slightly taken aback, how could he bear this?Quickly said: "Director Xu, I'm just helping to change the script, it's just a little effort, you don't have to worry about it all the time."

After all, it was already two or three years ago.

"Changing the script is only one aspect. I heard that you asked some bosses of the theater company to schedule the movie "Stranger Road" at a banquet. Because of this, the movie has so many schedules at the beginning of its release. It has increased the popularity of the movie, and also increased the box office of the movie. It can be said that without your help, the movie would not have such a high box office." Xu Shenghua said seriously.

The other people present also nodded after hearing it.

In fact, before the film was released, no one would have thought that "Stranger Road" would have such a high rating. Although Director Xu is famous, who made this a literary film?Domestic theater companies have always been cruel to literary and artistic films, and they are already very popular if they can arrange films. Don't expect high-ranked films.

However, Mr. Xu this time helped "Stranger Road" to improve the film schedule by himself. Although the main purpose was for Su Yun, he was also a contributor to the movie's success. No one can deny this.

It was also because of this that when Mr. Xu and Su Yun came in, someone said that the protagonist was coming. The protagonist was not talking about Su Yun, but Mr. Xu.

Mr. Xu is the protagonist of tonight's celebration banquet.

After all, there are not so many film schedules, and no matter how good-looking a literary film is, it won't hit the box office.

Xu Jie froze for a moment when he heard it, and then remembered that at the celebration banquet of "Lovers in Time and Space", he did ask the bosses of the theater companies present to arrange the film "Stranger Road".

Having said that, Director Xu should really thank him.

However, Director Xu has been engaged in film work for decades and is a well-known film master in China. How can he make the other party thank him?
"Director Xu, I just don't want good movies to be buried. Besides, this is not only your movie, but also my movie. It should be done like that. Don't you also promote the movie everywhere?" Xu Jie said.

"Mr. Xu, I admire your ability to do things but hide your merits and fame." After speaking, Yu Zijian stretched out a thumb, and when he thought of the next movie he would cooperate with the other party, he felt a little excited .

"President Xu, please sit down, Xiaoyun, come and sit down too." Xu Shenghua pointed to the seat next to her, which she specially reserved for Xu Jie and Su Yun.

Xu Jie was not polite either, he took his wife and sat down.

Xu Shenghua picked up the wine glass at this time, looked at the people in the room and said: "Everyone is here, let me say a few words, thank you for taking your time to attend the celebration banquet tonight, the scale is not big, if you have any entertainment Please forgive me for the inadequacies... I will replace wine with tea, and thank you all for coming."

When the people present heard this, they all raised their glasses.

Xu Jie poured a cup of tea for Su Yun, and then poured a cup of tea for himself
Although the others saw it, they didn't say anything. How could they make irresponsible remarks about what Mr. Xu wanted to drink?Secondly, no one in the entertainment industry knows that if you want to drink with Mr. Xu, you have to be prepared to lie down in the hospital. The New Year is coming soon, and no one wants to spend the New Year in the hospital, right?
As for Su Yun, she was Mr. Xu's wife, and no one dared to drink.

You know, the last person who dared to drink Su Yun wine was driven out of the capital by Mr. Xu.

Who doesn't know about Zhou Yuanqing?


"Ding Ding Ding!"

There was endless clinking of glasses, and the scene was harmonious and joyful.

After everyone finished drinking, they put down their wine glasses, some continued to pour wine, and some began to add vegetables.

"Actually, I should be the one who should thank Mr. Xu the most today." Guo Chuan, the general manager of Forbidden Films, looked at Xu Jie at this time and said, "I think back then, if it wasn't for Mr. Xu's connection, I wouldn't have invested in Stranger Way." Thank you Mr. Xu for this movie."

The performance of Forbidden Films last year was not good. Although there were two profitable films, they stumbled in key films, resulting in a decline in overall performance.

Because of this incident, he was called to the office by the director, and he was severely criticized. If the movie "Stranger Road" hadn't done well at the box office, the director might have scolded him even worse.

"Mr. Guo, you are too polite. I am just a middleman." Xu Jie said modestly.

"This shows that you have foresight. Do you know what I regret most now?" Guo Chuan looked at Xu Jie and asked.

"What?" Xu Jie asked cooperatively.

"It's because I didn't invest in your movie "Lovers in Time and Space" at the beginning." Guo Chuan sighed after finishing speaking.

If he had invested at that time, the company's performance last year would not have been so bad.

Whenever he thinks about this incident, he feels very regretful. You must know that the other party took the initiative to find him, hoping that he could invest, which means that he drove away the person who gave the money and turned away the God of Wealth outside.

To say a thousand words and ten thousand is to underestimate the other party at the beginning!
Looking at it now, although the current general manager of Jingshi Culture is Jiang Hai, in terms of importance, the deputy general manager Xu in front of him is more important than Jiang Hai.

Beijing Television Culture can do without Jiang Hai, but it cannot do without Xu Jie.

This is also the reason why he calls the other party Mr. Xu now, instead of calling the other party Xiao Xu like before.

He must pay attention to such a person.

Some losses, eating once is enough.

Xu Jie smiled after hearing Guo Chuan's words. The other party regretted not investing in "Lovers in Time and Space", and he should be glad that the other party did not invest in "Lovers in Time and Space", otherwise how could he have the opportunity to make so much money?

"Mr. Guo, it's okay, we will have plenty of opportunities to cooperate in the future." Xu Jie comforted.

"Mr. Xu, if you have any movie and TV drama projects this year, you must remember to come to me. As long as it is your movie or TV drama, I promise to contribute both money and effort." Guo Chuan said solemnly.

As far as he knew, the premiere rights of JingTV Culture's new drama "Legend of Lanxi" were sold for hundreds of millions, which is another huge revenue.

As a subsidiary of Beijing Radio and Television Station, Forbidden Films, which is mainly engaged in film and television business, did not have such a work. Isn't this a slap in the face?

The meaning of what he just said is very simple.

Let's make money together!

They are all from Beijing Radio and Television Station. Isn't it better to cooperate with your own people than with outsiders?The fat and water don't flow into outsiders' fields.

When Xu Jie saw Guo Chuan's overtures, how could he not know what the other party meant?
People are open-minded when they see money, and go wherever there is profit.

"Thank you, Mr. Guo. With your words, Mr. Guo, I feel relieved. Our cooperation will definitely increase in the future." Xu Jie said with a smile.

Based on the current situation of Beijing Television Culture Film Department and TV Drama Department, it is not enough to shoot film and television dramas alone. Take "Lover in Time and Space" and "Legend of Lanxi" as examples. Although Forbidden Films did not participate in the investment, Forbidden Films Professionals took part in the filming.

For example, Gao Xiaobin, the vice president of Forbidden Films, has been acting as a producer, and the filming, scene recording, drama management, etc. are all from Forbidden Films.

Therefore, the current Beijing TV culture is really inseparable from Forbidden Pictures.

Of course, he has also thought about improving this situation of relying on other companies. For example...he plans to start recruiting talents and recruits after the Spring Festival, expanding the film department and TV drama department, and striving to be able to independently complete large-scale productions and get rid of the pressure on purple. The reliance of Ban Film Industry should not let the company's development be controlled by others, and must firmly grasp the company's core business in its own hands.

His ambition is not just as simple as making good works!
If you want to play, play big!

(End of this chapter)

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