Chapter 1002

A crystal trophy hit the ground heavily, and it was directly broken in two. The base flew to the side of the trash can, and the cup body tumbling for a while, finally stopped at Jiang Xiaolu's feet.

Jiang Xiaolu lowered her head tremblingly, sneaking a guilty glance at her manager, Sister Hua, like a child who has made a mistake, not daring to breathe.

Originally, she came to the company today to let the other party find a way to solve the current crisis for her. It would be best to turn the big thing into a small one, so that it would be convenient for her to come back in the future.

However, the program list for the Spring Festival Gala released by China TV made the already angry sister Hua directly furious, and even threw away the most valued trophy.

She didn't understand why Sister Hua was still angry when she saw the program list, since she already knew the programs of CTV's Spring Festival Gala.

Is it an excuse?

Well, it is possible!
"Sister Hua, just help me, I was brought out by you, if you don't help me, I will really be doomed." Jiang Xiaolu said courageously, while putting on a pitiful look, Hope to get the sympathy of Sister Hua.

She is also gone.

The so-called: When the wall falls, everyone pushes it, and when the drum breaks, everyone beats it!

Since her cheating photos spread on the Internet, commercial endorsements, variety shows, TV series filming, and even fan meetings have been canceled, as if she was abandoned by the whole world.

Those directors who wanted to cooperate with her all disappeared, and those celebrity girlfriends who used to play cards with her also disappeared now. Everyone regarded her as a broom star, as if they would be implicated if they met , I really felt what it means to be warm and cold in the world.

And now the only one who has the ability to help her is Sister Hua.

Liu Jinghua stared at Jiang Xiaolu firmly, the ferocity between her brows was undisguised, and she wished she could open the window and push her down.

Of course, if it was just this matter alone, it wouldn't make her so angry, because it has passed for several days, and the popularity has been bought by her. The key is the program list of the Spring Festival Gala released by CTV today. The fact that Xu and Xiaoyun replaced Zhang Yunge and Jiang Xiaolu was like a punch that hit her hard in the chest, making her breathless.

Who can you choose?Why did you choose these two people?Isn't this embarrassing her?
"When you and Zhang Yunge got married, I told you, don't get married, don't get married, but you insist on getting married, okay, you love Zhang Yunge, but stop playing after you get married, what's going on now, I was secretly photographed Right? You deserve it!" Jiang Yuanyue gritted her teeth and said.

If you're not married, it doesn't matter how you play, but what if you get photographed?Who stipulated that female stars cannot fall in love?Who stipulates that female celebrities cannot have sex with their boyfriends?

But as a married person, how can he open a room with other men casually?This is not only a betrayal of marriage, but also an immoral behavior.

If this kind of thing happened to ordinary people, no one would care about it, but the problem is that as a public figure, a celebrity artist, doing this kind of thing is tantamount to destroying one's future.

In the entertainment circle, how many popular stars have become bad artists because of cheating and have been banned?

Not playing enough?
What kind of marriage is not enough to get married?

"Sister Hua, I can't be blamed for this kind of thing. Zhang Yunge is the same, but he was not photographed." Jiang Xiaolu said in a low voice.

In the entertainment industry, it's normal for "couples in the crew" and "the couples to play their own way". Not only does she know many celebrity couples like this, but she also knows that Zhang Yunge has a woman outside, just for the common benefit. In the end, I chose to turn a blind eye and close one eye.

Even now, she feels that she is right, it's just that she was unlucky and was secretly photographed.

"It's a skill to not be photographed, who made you careless?" Liu Jinghua said angrily.

The entertainment industry is like this, as long as you are not caught, you are pure and spotless, and if you are caught, you are an unscrupulous entertainer, and you are unlucky.

Like the situation of Zhang Yunhe and Jiang Xiaolu, as a manager, can she not know?

She was angry with Jiang Xiaolu not because the other party cheated, but because the other party was so careless that someone secretly photographed her.

She originally planned to use the popularity of the TV series to get Zhang Yunge and Jiang Xiaolu to participate in the China TV Spring Festival Gala, and then use the exposure of the China TV Spring Festival Gala to expand their influence, but now...

It's all gone!

"Sister Hua, the matter has already happened, so don't blame me, you should find a solution quickly." Jiang Xiaolu didn't want to continue this topic, after all, the matter has been exposed, and it is useless to say more now.

Could it be possible to turn back time by scolding her a few words?Things will turn around?
It doesn't matter how long you scold her if you can.

Liu Jinghua gave Jiang Xiaolu a gouged look, then walked around the office, thinking about what to do next to make the big and small things go away.

Give up on Jiang Xiaolu?

Nowadays, there are too many people in the entertainment industry, and it is becoming more and more difficult to support an artist, and it is even more difficult to support a star who became popular with a TV series.

What is a star?
To her, a star is a cash cow. Even if there is no money on the tree and the branches are withered, she still has to think about saving it. What if she comes back to life?
Besides, this matter is not only related to Jiang Xiaolu's future, but also Zhang Yunge's future, so she must take care of this matter.

These are two cash cows!
Especially in the context of many artists in the company defecting to other companies, she can't just give up just by saying give up.

Jiang Xiaolu stared at Sister Hua intently, and didn't dare to speak quietly, for fear of disturbing Sister Hua's thinking. As long as Sister Hua is willing to help, she still has a chance to return to the entertainment circle.

By the way, what does a broker do?

Isn't it just to solve various problems and troubles for celebrity artists?
If it can't be solved, what's the use of having a broker?
Liu Jinghua walked back and forth for a few minutes, finally stopped, turned to look at Jiang Xiaolu and said, "You, divorce Zhang Yunge first."

"Ah? Why?" Jiang Xiaolu asked.

Playing and playing, she still has feelings for Zhang Yunge, otherwise she would not choose to marry him.

"Why? Why do you say? What happened to you now, if you don't divorce Zhang Yunge, do you want Zhang Yunge to walk in the entertainment circle with a green hat from now on?" Liu Jinghua asked sharply.

Divorced, Zhang Yunge, as a victim, will definitely be less affected. If he can handle it well, it may even arouse the sympathy of fans.

Jiang Xiaolu bit her lip and thought about it, it seems so.

Knowing each other belongs to knowing each other, but once the matter is really exposed, Zhang Yunge will definitely lose face. How can he be humiliated because the other party is also a star?

"Okay, divorce is divorced, after that?" Jiang Xiaolu asked again.

Sister Hua picked Zhang Yunge out, but what about her?what should she doSister Yun only dealt with the crisis encountered by Zhang Yunge, but not her crisis.

" hide for a while and don't show up on fair occasions. I will investigate this matter and see who is the first to expose your matter. When everyone gradually forgets about this matter, we will continue Waiting for an opportunity to come back." Liu Jinghua continued.

This trick is not her original creation, but borrowed from the handling methods of other cheating stars in the entertainment circle.

Since everyone is doing this, it must have worked well.

Isn't there such a sentence?
Black cat and white cat, the cat that can catch mice is a good cat.

Regardless of whether the method is old-fashioned or old-fashioned, as long as it works, it is a good method.

"Hiding? There's no need, Sister Hua." Jiang Xiaolu said with a bitter face, God knows if Sister Hua will still remember her after she "hides".

If she can't remember, she can only hide it for a lifetime.

"If you don't listen to me, why come to me? If you don't want to hide, that's fine, then leave the entertainment industry forever!" Liu Jinghua said angrily.

Jiang Xiaolu was shocked.

Leaving the showbiz?
how can that be!

She can achieve what she is now, she doesn't know how much hardship she has endured, how tired she has been, how many people she has been with, and how many crimes she has suffered.
Jiang Xiaolu looked up at Liu Jinghua, who had a livid face. After hesitating for a moment, she said obediently, "Sister Hua, don't be angry. I'll listen to you. You can do whatever you say."

For her, Sister Hua is the last straw. If the other party ignores her, she will really leave the entertainment industry.

Alas, no matter what, it's better to be away for a while than to be away forever.


Liu Jinghua snorted coldly, then went back to the desk and sat down. Seeing that Jiang Xiaolu hadn't left yet, she immediately frowned and asked impatiently, "What are you doing there? Why don't you leave? Don't come to me if you have nothing to do in the future." .”

What she hates the most is this kind of entertainer who gets her into trouble, and what she likes most is obedient entertainers like Tang Fei.


Jiang Xiaolu responded, and she also knew that she must be an eyesore in front of Sister Hua, so she walked out with her head down and a lonely expression.


The door is closed.

At this moment, Jiang Xiaolu's eyes flashed with pride and joy. Sister Hua decided to help her, and today's trip was worthwhile.

She put on sunglasses and a mask to hide her expression, avoiding being seen to report to Miss Hua, then twisted her hips and left the company.

Zhang Xiaoli, the director in charge of artist activities, immediately walked over to knock on the door after seeing Jiang Xiaolu leave the boss's office.


"Come in!"

A serious and cold voice came from the office. It was obvious that the owner of the office was very angry at the moment.

Zhang Xiaoli can fully understand, in fact, she is also very angry, because Jiang Xiaolu's incident has a great impact on her work.

The most serious one is that the relationship between China TV's large-scale program center and the company has deteriorated rapidly, and she was even scolded severely by the deputy director there in private.

As for her, she couldn't do anything except keep apologizing.

Zhang Xiaoli gently pushed open the door, looked at the solemn boss, and walked over cautiously, "Mr. Liu, I just came back from CTS."

"How is it?" Liu Jinghua sat up and looked over expectantly.

"I didn't go in, neither Director Chen nor Deputy Director Zhao saw me." Zhang Xiaoli said truthfully.

Liu Jinghua's face turned cold, and then she sighed deeply. This result was within her expectations, after all, Jiang Xiaolu almost messed up the Spring Festival Gala.

You know, the Spring Festival Gala is the most important program of the year for China Television's large-scale program center.

"Understood." Liu Jinghua leaned back on the chair, looking weak and helpless.

"Mr. Liu, why don't I try to find someone else?" Zhang Xiaoli asked.

Liu Jinghua shook his head lightly. This time, he offended Chen Ya, the director of the large-scale program center, and the leaders of the review team. It was useless to find anyone.

After Zhang Xiaoli saw it, she was very depressed, but more disturbed, and began to worry about the company's prospects.

In Beijing, apart from Beijing TV Station, there is Huaxia TV Station. Mr. Liu has already been banned by Beijing TV Station, and now he has offended Huaxia TV Station. How can he stay in Beijing in the future?
At this time, Zhang Xiaoli suddenly thought of something, but she didn't know whether to say it, she was afraid that she would be scolded by President Liu after she said it.

Liu Jinghua originally wanted Zhang Xiaoli to go out, so she could be quiet for a while, but after seeing the other party's hesitation, she asked suspiciously: "Is there anything else? Or, do you have any other options?"

Zhang Xiaoli gritted her teeth, and finally said: "Mr. Liu, I saw Su Yun at CTV today, why don't you go look for her?"

"Why are you looking for her?" Liu Jinghua frowned again, and at the same time, looked at the screen of the mobile phone on the desk, which displayed the program list of the Spring Festival Gala released by Huaxia TV on the official Weibo.

"Mr. Liu, actually... Actually, I meant to pass a message to Xu Jie through Su Yun. Now in the entire entertainment industry, who doesn't know that Xu Jie can take all Beijing TV and CTV?" Zhang Xiaoli said.

"What? You mean you want me to apologize to that Xu?" Liu Jinghua's eyes widened, and even the crow's feet at the corners of his eyes became particularly obvious.

"No, it's not an apology, it's just to sit down and ease the relationship. The company no longer has the resources of Beijing TV Station. If it no longer has the resources of Huaxia TV Station, the impact on the company and artists will be huge." Zhang Xiaoli hurriedly explained road.

In the past, these were the advantages of the prosperous brokerage company, which is why the company was able to develop and grow, and the reason why so many celebrities and entertainers took the initiative to join them.

But now, the company has lost the resources of these two most influential TV stations in China, and the development of the company and artists will inevitably be affected in the future.

"Isn't that an apology? It's not like you don't know the relationship between me and that Xu. Don't say I don't want to apologize. Even if I apologize, that Xu won't accept it. You might as well go to Chen Ya. "Liu Jinghua snorted after speaking.

Ask her to apologize to that Xu?
None of the doors!
After hearing this, Zhang Xiaoli thought to herself: Aren't you unable to see Director Chen?

Seeing Mr. Liu's stubborn look, she secretly sighed, wondering why Mr. Liu was unwilling to go to Mr. Xu.

Is it because of face?

The company is almost doomed, what's the use of saving face?


(End of this chapter)

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