Chapter 1001

As soon as the new year is over, the atmosphere of the Spring Festival becomes more and more intense.

The streets and alleys are decorated with lanterns and festoons, and adults and children buy new year's goods, making final preparations for the upcoming Spring Festival.

Although the Spring Festival has not yet arrived, everyone can't wait to welcome the arrival of the Spring Festival.

For office workers, the company can trap their people, but they cannot trap their hearts. Everyone's thoughts have long been out of work, and they have begun to look forward to a beautiful Spring Festival holiday.

Jingshi Cultural TV Drama Department.

The team members have already returned from Hengdian. Although the filming of "Legend of Lan Xi" has not been finished, the Spring Festival is still to be celebrated.

Compared with the lifelessness and listlessness of previous years, this year everyone looks radiant and energetic, with excitement and happiness beyond words.

Not for anything else, just because this is the most meaningful year they have lived, and they no longer eat, drink and wait to die like before.

Only when a person has a head, will he have motivation, even if it is work, he will also have a sense of happiness.

"Xiaofei, what are your plans for the New Year?" Ten-year-old employee Zhao Peng asked Li Xiaofei, a three-year-old employee.

"I have made an appointment with my friends. I will go skiing in Northeast China in the second day of junior high school." Li Xiaofei replied while using a computer to formulate a travel strategy.

"Oh? Really? Didn't you stay at home in previous years? Why are you going out to play this year? This is not like you." Zhao Peng teased.

"I used to be poor and wanted to go out to play, but my pockets were empty and I couldn't move an inch. I could only stay at home. This year is different. There are a lot of year-end bonuses, and my pockets are bulging. Of course, I have to treat myself well." Li Xiaofei smiled. Said.

"That's right, I also plan to take my parents to the south during the Spring Festival holiday to experience different customs." Hu Jiangxue on the side said.

Liu Shan, who is also a veteran employee of more than ten years, looked at the young colleagues who were discussing travel, and couldn't help feeling: "Xiao Zhao, Xiao Jiang, you met Mr. Xu when you first came to the company. It's a good time to catch up."

Before Mr. Xu came to Beijing Television Culture, although the TV drama department would shoot some TV dramas every year, due to the lack of stars, weak plots and other reasons, the movies were often not sold at the price, and it was already not easy to make money. Not to mention making money.

Therefore, everyone usually does not have much benefit salary, and there is not much year-end bonus at the end of the year. Even the distribution of New Year's goods before the Spring Festival is just a symbolic distribution of two boxes of fruits. If it is not for the help of Beijing TV Station, the company may have closed down long ago. Good luck.

However, since Mr. Xu came to Jingshi Culture, all the departments have been operating, and they are all involved in large projects. All the efforts are worth it.

Shouting loudly is useless.

The thick chicken soup is useless.

Salary, bonuses, benefits, these are the most tangible things, and they are also the things that can make employees feel the most warm.

Everything else is fake.


The door of the office area was suddenly opened, and then everyone saw Zhao Yong running in from the outside, his face was full of joy.

"Xiao Zhao, what's the matter?" Zhao Peng asked suspiciously.

"New Year's goods, Mr. Xu asked me to inform our TV drama department to go to the lobby on the first floor to get the New Year's goods." Zhao Yong said.

"Brother Zhao, what are the New Year's goods this year?" Li Xiaofei asked curiously.

"Could it be two more boxes of fruit?" Hu Jiangxue said.

"Mr. Xu made a move, how could he be so stingy? I won't tell you, I'll go first." Zhao Yong hurried out after speaking.

When everyone heard it, they were right.

They can distrust Mr. Liu who is usually in charge of purchasing, but they have to trust Mr. Xu.

Is Xu always a stingy person?

So, everyone left their desks one by one and rushed out of the office. Although everyone had a share, they all wanted to know what new year's goods they could get this year.


Boxes of various colors have been piled up into a hill.

Some departments have already finished receiving, and now it is the turn of the TV drama department.

In the past, the person who organized the distribution of New Year's goods was Liu Feng, the deputy general manager, but this year it became Xu Jie.

In fact, Xu Jie is too lazy to take care of such trivial matters, but Boss Jiang told him that if the promotion to deputy editor-in-chief is successful, the position of general manager of the company will be vacant. The relationship between employees can also have some mass base when they compete for the position of general manager.

But this time Xu Jie didn’t quite agree with Boss Jiang’s statement. Firstly, it’s because it’s not up to the employees to decide who to be the general manager. Second, it’s possible to win people’s hearts by distributing New Year’s goods.
But considering that Boss Jiang was also thinking about him, he finally took over the job.

"Old Lu, is everyone in your department here?" Xu Jie looked at Lu Zhihong, the person in charge of the TV drama department, and asked.

"Mr. Xu, everything is here." Lu Zhihong replied.

I am not active in receiving New Year's goods, and I have problem thinking.

Xu Jie nodded when he heard it, and then handed a form to the other party, "One box for each, a total of eight items, and those who have received them should sign behind their names, let's start."

After hearing this, everyone couldn't wait to go to the hill of New Year's goods, because they had already seen that this year's New Year's goods were too plentiful when they stood in line.

Compared with the fixed combination of apples and oranges in previous years, this year's fruits are not only replaced with strawberries and cherries, but also high-end seafood such as bamboo shrimp and hairy crabs. The rest, such as olive oil, dried fruit gift boxes, etc., are all added in Together, it will cost thousands of dollars.

In the past, Jingshi Culture's New Year's goods were usually the worst among all Beijing Radio and Television companies, but this year, it is definitely the best.

Zhao Yong was the first to receive the New Year's goods. Since there were too many of them, he couldn't hold them with both hands. Don't forget to thank someone.

"Thank you Mr. Xu!"

Although the new year's goods are issued by the company, the company's money is earned by Mr. Xu.

In other words, without Mr. Xu, there would be no these New Year's goods, so you don't need to thank anyone, but you must thank Mr. Xu.

It was Mr. Xu who led them to live a life of eating and drinking.

"Thank you Mr. Xu!"

"Thank you Mr. Xu!"

After receiving the New Year's goods and signing, the people behind also expressed their thanks to Mr. Xu.

As the old saying goes: Don’t forget the well digger when you drink water.
Only in this way, Mr. Xu will bring them to eat more delicious and drink hotter food in the future.

Just as everyone was collecting the New Year's goods in an orderly manner, someone in the line suddenly asked a question.

"Mr. Xu, are you going to participate in the China Television Spring Festival Gala?"

It's Hu Jiangxue.

She held the phone, her face full of surprise.

"How fresh, who doesn't know that Mr. Xu wrote three sketches for the China TV Spring Festival Gala? Your news is too late, right?" Li Xiaofei said behind him.

Mr. Xu not only wrote the sketch script for the China TV Spring Festival Gala, but also brought the employees of the creative department. This matter has been spread in the company for a long time, and even the cleaning lady knows about it.

"No, I mean...Mr. Xu, you want to sing at the CTS Spring Festival Gala?" Hu Jiangxue asked.


This time, everyone in the hall was stunned.

Singing in the CTV Spring Festival Gala?


Mr. Xu is not a singer, and even an actor can only be regarded as a part-time job. Isn't it crazy that China Television invited him to sing in the Spring Festival Gala?
"How do you know?" Xu Jie looked at the other party and asked.

Although he is not a big star, the program of the Spring Festival Gala has been kept secret. In the entire JingTV culture, only Boss Jiang and Chen Song from the creative department know about it.

Could it be that Chen Song leaked it?

Impossible, how could the other party have the guts?
"News, no no, China Television announced the program list of the Spring Festival Gala on Weibo. When I saw the fifth program, I found that the names of you and sister Yun were written in the column of performers." Hu Jiangxue said truthfully, Then he picked up his phone, and what was displayed on the screen was the program list of the Spring Festival Gala.

Xu Jie was slightly taken aback, then nodded.

It turned out to be the case.

China Television usually announces the program list of the Spring Festival Gala about a week in advance, and counting the days, it seems that it is almost the same.

However, this news was very shocking to other people present.

Everyone took out their mobile phones, didn't get their New Year's goods, and watched the news one after another. After confirming that the news was true, everyone was surprised from ear to ear.

In everyone's perception, Mr. Xu can be an executive, a producer, a director, a screenwriter, or even an actor, except that he has nothing to do with a singer.

Of course, it's not absolutely irrelevant, Mr. Xu married a Chinese singer.

However, this doesn't seem to have anything to do with Mr. Xu appearing on the stage of the China Television Spring Festival Gala to sing.

Is it possible that marrying a wife of some profession can master the skills of this profession?
Never heard of such a thing!

But now, this kind of thing is really happening before their eyes.

What does this mean?
Explain that Mr. Xu... awesome!
"Mr. Xu, I never thought you could sing!"

"Mr. Xu, you are the first person from Beijing TV Culture to appear on the stage of the CTS Spring Festival Gala. You are amazing!"

"Mr. Xu, excuse me, can I ask, is there anything else you don't know?"


In the eyes of everyone, as long as it is related to entertainment, there is no Mr. Xu who can't do it.

If things continue like this, Mr. Xu will have to release an album in a while.

It wasn't just the employees of Jingshi Culture who were surprised. When everyone who saw the program list of the Spring Festival Gala found out that the performers of the fifth program were Xu Jie and Su Yun, they couldn't believe it.

No one will be surprised that any star appears in this program list, except Xu Jie.

In everyone's subconscious mind, Lao Xu is a celebrity, not a star, but a behind-the-scenes worker, not an entertainer. He is the director and screenwriter of the Spring Festival Gala sketch, and should not be a singer who sings on stage.

But after a brief surprise, everyone quickly accepted this reality.

Because Lao Xu once appeared in everyone's field of vision with various identities, and brought too many surprises to everyone, this led to the acceptance of all people who are familiar with Lao Xu. It can be said that it has long been no surprise .

When the surprise is gone, all that's left is support.

"Hold the grass, didn't you say that Lao Xu is going to direct a sketch? How did it become a singing?"

"Which one of you has heard Lao Xu sing? Can you comment on it?"

"Old Xu and Su Yun are singing duets, this show is a must watch!"

"This should be Lao Xu's virgin song, right?"


There are thousands of comments on Weibo, half of which mentioned Xu Jie.

Even Chen Ya, the chief director who saw Weibo, didn't expect that Xu Jie's popularity would be so high, even higher than those serious celebrities.

It didn't take long for the news about "CTS released the program list for the Spring Festival Gala" to be on the top of the list of searches, while the news about "Old Xu and Su Yun singing in the Spring Festival Gala" was the second most searched, followed closely behind.

Chen Ya, who was watching, was happy, but also faintly felt uneasy, thinking: This kid's most popular searches will not exceed the CTV Spring Festival Gala program list, right?
If it exceeds, it will be too embarrassing!
At this time, Xu Jie was not only hot, but also busy.

Before the New Year's goods were distributed, I received a call from my mother.

"Son, I heard that you are going to sing at the Spring Festival Gala? Is it true?" Wang Guizhi didn't believe it at first, thinking that the employees were joking with her, but when he saw the program list of the Spring Festival Gala released by Huaxia TV's official Weibo, This is only nine points of belief, and the remaining one point needs to be said by his son himself.

What if it's the same name?
There are many people with the same name and surname in the entertainment industry.

"Really." Xu Jie said.


"Really true!"

Wang Guizhi finally believed it very much, but she still had something to say.

"If you can sing, you can go up? Don't hold my daughter-in-law back. If you can't, you should come down. It doesn't matter if you sing out of tune, don't abduct Xiaoyun out of tune."

In Wang Guizhi's memory, the last time he heard his son sing was when he was in junior high school. At that time, the district organized a singing competition. The school had a chorus. There were 80 people in total, including his son. I can't remember it later. up.

"Mom, I'm your own son, how can you talk like that?" Xu Jie said depressingly.

"Because you are my son, I am worried about you. I am worried that you will show your eyes on the stage. It is the China Television Spring Festival Gala. I heard that not only the national broadcast will be broadcast live, but also the global broadcast. When the time comes, the whole world will know .” Wang Guizhi said.

The corner of Xu Jie's mouth twitched, and he sighed that his mother's brain circuit was gone.

When other people's parents hear that their child is going to be in the CTS Spring Festival Gala, they will be very excited. When it's his mother's turn to know that her son is going to be in the CTS Spring Festival Gala, the first thing that comes to mind is to show her eyes...

"Mom, are you so unconfident in me? Also, don't you know that there are rehearsals for the Spring Festival Gala? Don't even think about it. If I can't sing well, the review team and director team of the Spring Festival Gala will allow me to sing on stage." Is it?" Xu Jie said with a wry smile.

"Yes, there is a rehearsal, I forgot about it, but you must not be proud, even if you sing well, you can still have Xiaoyun? There are still a few days before the Spring Festival Gala, hurry up and practice more Practice, isn't there such a saying? If you don't sharpen your guns in battle, you'll be fine." Wang Guizhi urged.

"Mom, don't worry, I've been learning from Su Yun, I promise I won't embarrass you, just look at it." Xu Jie thought to himself: Anyway, it's lip-syncing, as long as the expression is in place.

Is singing important in a song program?

Not also!

It's acting!

In terms of acting, he is still good.


(End of this chapter)

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