The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 1000 Can't do it without him!

Chapter 1000 Can't do it without him!

The programs proceeded one after the other in an orderly manner, and soon it was the turn of the fifth one.

After a soothing prelude, Su Yun took the lead, and the melodious singing immediately resounded throughout the studio.

As a recognized Chinese song queen, Su Yun's voice has always been known for its "transparent" and "empty spirit", so when singing love songs, there will be a particularly beautiful feeling, which makes people longing and yearning.

Even the members of the review team, who have always been known for being harsh and eventful, no longer have a poker face at this moment, and began to recall the taste of love.

Xu Jie stood quietly on the side of the stage, while waiting to play, he also became his wife's most loyal fan.

In his eyes, the wife standing on the stage has light on her body.

He has always felt that his wife is the most beautiful in two places, one is on the bed, and the other is on the stage.

It's just that since the two met, it was the time when the other party was transforming, so the number of times I saw the other party appearing on the stage was very small, even far less than the number of times the other party appeared on the bed.

In his memory, he participated in "Crossover Actor" a few times, and he was a guest performer at a film festival. The most recent one was the China Television Spring Festival Gala last year. Apart from these, he really couldn't think of anything else.

And as the focus of the other party's career gradually shifts from singing to acting, there will definitely be fewer and fewer opportunities to sing on stage in the future, so there will really not be many scenes like today's in the future.

He wanted to hurry up and watch it, and deeply imprint this moment in his mind.

"Teacher Xu!" The backstage director looked at Xu Jie and reminded loudly: "Three, two, one, go up..."

Before the word "field" was spoken, Xu Jie had already stepped onto the stage.

It's not that Xu Jie didn't hear the director's instructions backstage, he just couldn't wait to stand beside his wife, hold his wife's hand, and sing love songs for her to express his love in his heart.

The name of the song is "Love". It was written by the famous lyricist Lin Dong specially for this year's Spring Festival Gala.

With the end of Su Yun's singing, a magnetic male voice sounded in the studio again. Although the singing was not so professional and it didn't sound very skilled, it was extremely penetrating, and this penetrating power It is not reflected in singing skills, but in emotion.

If professional singers are using singing skills to control the song, then Xu Jie is singing this song completely with emotion.

Just like what was written in the song, at this moment he thought of the various scenes of acquaintance with Su Yun, and thought that when he encountered the trough in his life, it was the other party who supported him, encouraged him, and accompanied him through those days, And all of this has already been deeply imprinted on his heart, and he will never forget it.

As for the backup dancers, directors, and review team around the stage, he had already forgotten about it. At this moment, his eyes, mind, and heart were all about his wife.

After Su Yun heard her husband's singing, although there was no change on her face, she felt slightly surprised in her heart, because her husband's performance is much better now than when he was at home. She only practiced for a day, but she didn't know. I thought I practiced for a month.

Could this be the legendary live player?

Born for the big scene?

Listening to her husband's singing, looking at her husband's eyes, gradually, she seemed to have felt the thoughts in his heart
The song itself is used to convey emotion, and she has definitely received this emotion completely.

Two people, holding hands, one hard and the other soft, both hard and soft, not only in harmony, but also in harmony, just looking at it, you can feel the sweetness, even a little... panic!

It was obviously the rehearsal site for the Spring Festival Gala, but now it has turned into a large-scale dog food distribution site.

Gradually, as the studio hall quieted down, Xu Jie and Su Yun's program also came to an end.

Although there was no audience at the scene, there was still applause.

"Clap clap clap!"

It turned out to be several leaders of the review team!
At this moment, they were smiling and applauding, obviously very satisfied with the program that just ended.

This is also the first time they have applauded since the beginning.

"Not bad."

"I think they are better than Zhang Yunge and Jiang Xiaolu in every aspect."

"Yes, this Xu Jie is really versatile."


After hearing the comments from the review team leader, Chen Ya secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

To be honest, when he saw Xu Jie walking on the stage before, he was really worried that the other party would lose the chain. On the one hand, it was because the preparation time for the other party was too short, and on the other hand, it was because the other party was standing for the first time. On this stage, even if it's just a rehearsal, many artists will be nervous, let alone the "layman" of the other party.

However, the other party's performance just now, while dispelling his worries, also surprised him, because he never thought that the other party's singing was so good, and Su Yun's performance was also good.

Compared with the previous Zhang Yunge and Jiang Xiaolu, the expressions of this pair in front of them are more natural and more devoted. Most importantly, they can affect the "audience" at the scene. The praise of the review team is the best proof.

He couldn't help but think of what his old classmate Lu Hong said to him: This little Xu is our Beijing TV firefighter!

Now it seems that it is.

He was even a little curious about what else the other party couldn't do.

"I think so too. If the leaders think the effect is good, then this show will be sung by Xu Jie and Su Yun." Chen Ya said to everyone in the review team.

Although Xu Jie and Su Yun were chosen by him, the final decision on the show is uncertain, and it still depends on the review team.


"No comment."

All the members of the review team nodded in agreement.

After Chen Ya saw it, she winked at Jiang Yuanyue who was beside her. Jiang Yuanyue immediately understood, got up and left the auditorium, and walked quickly to the backstage.

Xu Jie took Su Yun's hand back to the backstage, and the waiting performers immediately showed envious eyes, and even bolder expressed their thoughts at the moment.

"Ms. Xu, Mr. Su, you sing really well!"

"So loving, so enviable."

"I also want to have this kind of love, and I am willing to lose ten years of life."


Su Yun gently touched Xu Jie beside her with her arm, and asked her doubts, "Honey, when you sang at home yesterday, did you hide your strength from me? Otherwise, how could you sing so well today? "

"Hey!" Xu Jie smiled, and said proudly: "I don't even look at who I am, your husband, don't you know that if you don't see each other every day, it's like three autumns? I'm not bragging, but with my learning ability, if you If you teach me another month, I can release an album, believe it or not?"

"Believe me, I will believe everything you say." Su Yun smiled softly.

She has seen her husband's achievements after crossing the border, so of course she believes what the other party said. Don't those people who questioned her husband get slapped in the face in the end?


Suddenly a voice came, Xu Jie turned his head to look, it was Senior Sister.

I saw the other party happily walking over, stretched out his hand and slapped him on the shoulder fiercely, but his eyes were quick and his hands were quick, and he dodged his shoulder, but he was not photographed by the other party.

But this didn't affect Jiang Yuanyue's interest, she looked at her and said: "Sure, junior, you sing well, it really impresses me."

"I told you a long time ago." Xu Jie said, his face was even more calm.

"I have good news for you. The show between you and your siblings has been finalized. How are you happy?" Jiang Yuanyue asked with a smile.

"What's there to be happy about? I didn't want to participate, but you forced me to do it." Xu Jie said calmly.


Jiang Yuanyue was choked, and the smile froze on her face.

That being said, can we still be siblings?
"Sister, my show is over, can I leave?" Xu Jie looked at Jiang Yuanyue and asked, since the show has passed, there is no need for him to stay here any longer.

"What, are you in a hurry?" Jiang Yuanyue asked curiously.

Now there is only one week left before the Spring Festival. Is there anything more important than working on the Spring Festival Gala?

"Of course, there are still many tasks in the company waiting for me to go back to deal with." Xu Jie said.

"But you still have three sketches that haven't been performed on stage again. Aren't you going to stay and look for problems? Then after the rehearsal is over, listen to the opinions of the review team and the director team?" Jiang Yuanyue asked.

After each rehearsal, the review team and the director team will make comments and summaries.

You must know that there is another rehearsal, and it is necessary to prepare for recording and backup, that is to say, there is not much time left for the sketch to modify.

If there is a problem with the singing, you can use the spare tape to cover it, but once there is a problem with the sketch, even if there is a spare tape, the audience will easily notice it when the screen changes.

"Senior sister, the scripts of the three skits have been revised many times, and they are now very mature. I really don't think there is any need to change them. How about this? I'll go first today, and you help me organize the review team and director How about recording the group’s opinions on the three sketches and sending them to me later, so I can revise them when I have time?” Xu Jie asked.

Jiang Yuanyue saw that her junior was firm, so she was embarrassed to keep him. After all, the other party was the vice president of the company. If a big deal was delayed, who could afford it?
This year's juniors are not the juniors at this time last year. What they are doing now are big deals worth hundreds of millions!
Let alone her, even if Director Chen came, he still had to think about it.

"Okay, I see, you can go now." Jiang Yuanyue said.

"Senior is just senior, understanding." Xu Jie said with a smile, not forgetting to flatter, and then went to the dressing room to change.

The rehearsal continues.

And Xu Jie and Su Yun had already boarded the nanny car and left Huaxia TV Station.

"Sister Yun, where are we going now? Back to the studio?" Assistant Huang Xiaorong asked back.

Su Yun turned her head to look at her husband beside her, she didn't know why he left CTS in such a hurry.

"Take me to Beijing TV Station first." Xu Jie said.

"Beijing TV Station? What are you going there for?" Su Yun asked in confusion. If you want to go, you should go to Beijing Television Culture. Doesn't it mean that the company has a lot of work to deal with?
"Don't mention it, the Beijing TV Spring Festival Gala temporarily switched to our company's sketch script, but the writers of the script have no experience in directing sketches. I will go over and guide and check it out by the way." Xu Jie explained.

Just yesterday, Lu Hong personally called him and decided to use the sketch script created by Zhang Kai and others.

This is naturally a good thing for Zhang Kai and others. However, Lu Hong also said that as a creator, he must participate in the rehearsal of the sketch. Then it's the director's sketch.

Although there is nothing wrong with these words, but Zhang Kai and others lack the experience of directing sketches, let them write scripts, but let them be directors and direct actors, I really don’t know how to rehearse, so this job falls on on his shoulders.

Who made him talk too much and handed over the sketch script of the creative department to deputy editor-in-chief Lu?

The so-called: a good person will do it to the end, and send the Buddha to the west.

It's all on-site teaching, imparting experience.

After all, those people in the creative department will have to be alone sooner or later.

"JingTV Spring Festival Gala?" Su Yun was startled.

He also has to direct the skits for the China TV Spring Festival Gala, and he also has to direct the sketches for the Beijing TV Spring Festival Gala. There is no second sketch director who is so busy in the whole country.

Ten minutes later, the nanny car slowly stopped outside Beijing TV Station. After kissing his wife goodbye, Xu Jie opened the door and walked down.

The JingTV Spring Festival Gala was held at the Grand Theater of Beijing Television Station.

Unlike China TV's live broadcast of the Spring Festival Gala, most of the local satellite TV's Spring Festival Gala is recorded and broadcast. Although there is no pressure to live broadcast, all programs need to be recorded in advance.

The Beijing TV Spring Festival Gala is broadcast every year on the first night of the new year. In order not to delay the participation of individual actors in the China TV Spring Festival Gala, the program is generally recorded before the [-]th, and the recording time cannot conflict with the time of the China TV Spring Festival Gala rehearsal. The reason why Xu Jie was so anxious.

There was not much time left for him.

When Xu Jie was working at Beijing Television, he often came to the Grand Theater, so he is already familiar with it.

When he came to the studio, he immediately saw Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu and Boss Jiang sitting in the auditorium. They were watching the rehearsal on the stage and whispering to each other, not knowing what they were talking about.

He walked behind Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu and Boss Jiang, and was about to say hello, but he heard "Xiao Xu" appearing in the conversation between the two, so he stood behind and eavesdropped quietly.

"Old Jiang, do you think Xiao Xu will come?" Lu Hong asked.

"Today's CTV Spring Festival Gala is arranged, so I probably won't come." Jiang Hai said after hearing it.

"If you don't come, you can't do it. If he doesn't come, what will happen to the sketch? In a few days, the Beijing TV Spring Festival Gala will be recorded. Now all the singing and dancing programs have been prepared, and the sketch is missing." Lu Hong said anxiously.

"You are greedy. Xiao Xu has already come up with three sketch scripts, and you are planning to let him direct the sketches. It's not like you don't know how busy Xiao Xu is. If it doesn't work, let me direct." Jiang Haibai Same as Lu Hong.

"If he really doesn't come, that's the only way to go." Lu Hong sighed deeply after speaking.

In his opinion, Xiao Xu is the first choice.

"Editor Lu, boss, I'm here!" Xu Jie said suddenly.

CTS Spring Festival Gala couldn’t do without him, and Beijing TV Spring Festival Gala couldn’t do without him.

Being too talented is also a kind of distress!

(End of this chapter)

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