The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 999 Various Skill Packages

"Honey, tell the truth, can I sing well?" Xu Jie couldn't help asking Su Yun who was sitting beside him on the way to China TV.

Today is the third rehearsal day for the China TV Spring Festival Gala, and it is also the day when he appeared on this stage for the first time. Although he usually encourages others off the stage, when it is his turn to go on stage, he feels a little nervous .

Of course, the reason for his nervousness is not going to the Spring Festival Gala, nor is it because he is afraid of making mistakes, but because he is worried that his singing will not be good, which will damage his glorious image in the eyes of the public.

After all, before this, he was doing one line, red line, dry line, and fire line. If his golden signboard was smashed because of his bad singing, it would be difficult to make up for it in the future.

You know, this is the China Television Spring Festival Gala, and people all over the country are watching it.

"My husband, you have asked me many times." Su Yun held Xu Jie's hand tightly, and said with a smile, "For a beginner, you sing really well, trust me."

As for how many times she asked, she had already forgotten.

Twenty times?
Or thirty times?
Anyway, during the day when she was teaching the other party, the other party would ask once every time she sang, and even when she was sleeping last night, she vaguely heard the other party asking in a dream: How am I singing...

She didn't understand, how could a person who was so confident at ordinary times not be confident this time?

"Really?" Xu Jie asked.

"En!" Su Yun nodded seriously.

Xu Jie stared at his wife intently. Although the other party was a professional, he was always worried that the other party was trying to comfort him.

Seeing her husband's eyes, Su Yun naturally guessed what the other person was thinking, so she grabbed his hand and said softly: "Husband, don't put too much pressure on yourself, you are not a professional singer, so There is no need to demand yourself on the level of a professional singer, on this point, the audience is still very tolerant, otherwise wouldn’t those actors who sang on stage be called dogs by the audience?”

Xu Jie thought for a while, and what he said seemed to make a little sense.

And he felt that the important thing about this song was not who sang it, nor whether it was sung well, but its theme and meaning.

Love between husband and wife, family harmony, this is what it wants to express.

Otherwise, the senior wouldn't let him put out the fire, and Chen Ya wouldn't even agree to him taking the stage.

Isn't it the loving husband and wife relationship between him and Su Yunen that these two people like?

If you don't care about this, there is no need to let Zhang Yunge and Jiang Xiaolu leave.

The nanny car slowly stopped on the side of the road when it reached Huaxia TV station.

Xu Jie took his wife by the hand and got out of the car, then walked towards the gate of CTS.

After seeing Xu Jie and Su Yun, a group of media reporters standing outside CTV's gate immediately became excited.

They were not surprised that Lao Xu appeared here, after all, today was the third row of the Spring Festival Gala, but Su Yun's appearance made them smell something unusual.

"Sister Yun, are you going to participate in this year's China Television Spring Festival Gala?"

"Mr. Yun, why didn't I see you in the first row and second row?"

"I heard that the programs of Jiang Xiaolu and Zhang Yunge were taken down, is it you who replaced them?"

CTV Spring Festival Gala has already started the third rehearsal, and there are new faces appearing at this moment, which has to be linked with Jiang Xiaolu who had an accident the day before yesterday.

Both Jiang Xiaolu and Zhang Yunge appeared in the first rehearsal and the second rehearsal, but on the day of the second rehearsal, the news of Jiang Xiaolu's derailment dominated the headlines of the major media, and Jiang Xiaolu and Zhang Yunge also left in the middle of the rehearsal China TV, was interpreted by the outside world as the cancellation of the program.

The CTV Spring Festival Gala program has already been released. At this time, if someone leaves, someone will naturally take over.

Facing the questions from the media reporters, Su Yun just smiled gently and said nothing.

She has participated in the Spring Festival Gala, so she naturally understands the rules of the Spring Festival Gala, and her and her husband's show has not yet been approved by the review team, God knows if they will stay.

"You all think too much, she just came to accompany me." Xu Jie said loudly, and then walked quickly into the door, leaving behind the media reporters with puzzled faces.

How old are you, and you still need a wife to accompany you?
Even if it is to show affection, there is no need to show it here on Huaxia TV, right?
Although some people questioned Xu's words, most people still believed in Xu. After all, many celebrities attended the CTV Spring Festival Gala with their managers or assistants by their side. It is not too much for Xu to bring his wife.

Xu Jie brought Su Yun to his exclusive room, where several actors had come, including Hu Xuan and Chen Siyan who had signed contracts with Su Yun's studio.

The two already knew that President Xu and Sister Yun would replace Zhang Yunge and Jiang Xiaolu, so they were not surprised, but the others were a little surprised, thinking: Everyone else is bringing assistants, how can Director Xu take care of his wife?
But the surprise was the surprise, I still had to say hello, after all, she was Director Xu's wife.

"Morning, Teacher Su!"

"Sister Yun, you are here!"

"Xiao Xu, Xiao Su, you two stand together, you really look like a man and woman, a natural pair."

"Xiao Su, you have vision and married a good husband."

Su Yun was slightly taken aback when she heard it. She remembered that when the two of them appeared backstage at the Spring Festival Gala last year, these old artists were still praising Xiao Xu for marrying a good wife. It’s only been a year, how could she have married her? What about a good husband?
Although they are all talking about the couple, the difference between the speakers directly reflects who is more important in the hearts of these old artists.

But she was very happy with this change.

That's right, she did marry a good husband, which is the proudest thing in her life.

"Teacher Song, to tell you the truth, I had a hard time chasing him back then." Su Yun said to Song Lili.


Everyone was stunned, with disbelief in their eyes.

I remember that when Su Yun posted the marriage certificate on Weibo, Director Xu was still an ordinary reporter, so many people thought at that time that Director Xu must be chasing Su Yun. I believe that even now, the vast majority of people are still Think so.

"This shows that you have discerning eyes." Song Lili said with a smile.

She was not as surprised as the others.

Given the difference in identities between the two at the time, Su Yun's decision to get married must have been because she saw the other person's superiority, which is the so-called potential stock, so it is really possible that the other party chased after her.


There was a knock on the door.

"I'm coming!" Chen Siyan quickly walked over to open the door.

Although she is a star, who in the room is not a star?

Moreover, Mr. Xu and Sister Yun were both there, so she naturally had to show off.


The door opened, and it was Jiang Yuanyue, the assistant director.

"Director Jiang, please come in." Chen Siyan said.

Jiang Yuanyue walked in with her head poked, her eyes lit up immediately after seeing Xu Jie and Su Yun, and a smile appeared on her face.

"Student, brother and sister, you are here!" Jiang Yuanyue stepped forward and held Su Yun's hand tightly, and said gratefully: "Sister and sister, thank you for coming to the emergency, otherwise we would have been embarrassed."

"Director Jiang, you are too polite. I should thank you. Thank you for thinking of me and giving me another chance to be on the stage of CTS Spring Festival Gala." Su Yun said with a smile.

Jiang Yuanyue also smiled.

She was very comfortable hearing this.

Of course, she also knew that the other party was being polite to her. After all, with the other party's current reputation, she didn't need the blessing of the Spring Festival Gala.

"By the way, junior, how is your program preparation going?" Jiang Yuanyue cast her eyes on the junior at the side. She knew that Su Yun must be fine. At any rate, she is also a Chinese singer, professional, so if there is a problem, It can only appear on the students.

"Isn't it just to sing a song? I'm ready." Xu Jie said with a relaxed expression. Using this bragging and hard-talking method to boost his confidence can also be regarded as a psychological hint.

"Oh? So confident?" Jiang Yuanyue was quite surprised.

You know, this is a task assigned just the day before yesterday, so it's ready so soon?
"Sister, don't you know that a versatile person like me can learn songs faster than ordinary people. If you don't believe me, you can ask my wife." Xu Jie turned his head and pointed to Su Yun who was beside him.

Jiang Yuanyue couldn't help turning her head to look at Su Yun, she really didn't believe that her junior could learn that song so quickly.

Su Yun met Jiang Yuanyue's gaze and nodded firmly.

She taught people and songs, so how could she tear down her husband?Doesn't tearing down her husband's platform mean that she can't teach well?

After Jiang Yuanyue received the answer, she immediately faced her junior and said with a smile, "I believe, can I not believe you? Don't forget, I recommended you back then."

"Director Jiang..." Liu Juan interrupted the three of them at this moment, and asked suspiciously, "What did you say just now? Xiao Xu, Xiao Su, are you going to perform on stage too?"

"Yes, Teacher Liu, the couple will sing a song together." Jiang Yuanyue replied simply.

Except for Hu Xuan and Chen Siyan, everyone else looked surprised.

"Isn't Xiao Xu the screenwriter and director of our sketches? When did he become an actor?" Liu Juan asked in surprise.

From behind-the-scenes to the front of the stage, from screenwriter to singer, such changes are not insignificant. It turns out that Director Xu is the real cross-border talent.

"It was decided the day before yesterday. Didn't Jiang Xiaolu and Zhang Yunge have a little situation? So please come to the rescue, and only the two of them can make people forget Jiang Xiaolu and Zhang Yunge." Jiang Yuanyue said.

The crowd nodded.

That's true.

The couple Jiang Xiaolu and Zhang Yunge starred in a very popular TV series last year, which attracted a lot of attention.

Although there are many celebrity couples in the entertainment industry, it is really wrong to find a couple who can surpass these two in terms of popularity in the recent period.

After much deliberation, there is indeed only Xu Jie and Su Yun.

"It's getting late, and today's rehearsal is about to start, juniors, younger brothers and sisters, go get ready too," Jiang Yuanyue said.

As the old saying goes, it is the mule or the horse that comes out for a walk.

She wants to see with her own eyes how the junior is preparing.

Xu Jie handed over the revised crew to the actors, and then emphasized the key point, then left the room and walked to the dressing room.

Because the rehearsal follows the live broadcast process, the actors also wear makeup on stage.

When Xu Jie appeared in the dressing room, the people inside didn't pay much attention, thinking that the other party was looking for an acquaintance, but when these people saw Xu Jie began to sit down and put on makeup, everyone was confused.

The sketch director also needs makeup?

What's happening here?
The director of the sketch is a behind-the-scenes worker. He will neither appear on the stage nor appear in the camera. Why should he wear makeup?
Just when everyone was puzzled, they saw that the other party had changed into a suit, as if they were going to walk on the red carpet.

A male artist from Liangxing Brokerage Company who had participated in the filming of "Delicious History" walked over and asked politely: "Mr. Xu, your outfit is so handsome, are you going to participate in the rehearsal for the Spring Festival Gala? "

"Yeah." Xu Jie nodded, then adjusted his clothes, looked at the other party and asked, "Is it really handsome? I always feel that the clothes don't fit well."

"It's suitable, it's very suitable, I don't know which program you want to participate in?" the male artist asked curiously.

"Sing a song with my wife, it seems to be the fifth program." Xu Jie said.

The male artist was taken aback for a moment, while the people around him were also stunned.

Mr. Xu wants to sing on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala?
This is a bit awesome!

On the stage of the Spring Festival Gala, everyone has seen actors singing, and amateurs singing, but they have never seen film and television bigwigs singing.

He can also direct food shows, variety shows, movies, and movies. By the way, he can also act.

Now that there is another singing, how many skill packs does Mr. Xu have?

If you want to choose the most versatile person in the entire entertainment industry, it must be Mr. Xu.

Soon, the rehearsal begins.

Since Xu Jie's program was ranked fifth, which was relatively high, he came to the corridor to wait for the show early. At this time, he also saw Su Yun who had changed her clothes.

The other party was wearing a red dress, looking elegant and dignified, especially when she smiled, she was a bit gentle, she was worthy of being a national goddess.

"I found that the red one is especially suitable for you." Xu Jie walked over and said.

Not everyone can control red clothes. Some people look tacky on them, while others look graceful on them. Su Yun undoubtedly belongs to the latter.

Speaking of which, he really rarely sees the other party wearing red clothes.

"Really? I will wear it more in the future." Su Yun said beautifully.

The corner of Jiang Yuanyue's mouth twitched, she was caught off guard and took a mouthful of dog food.

"Student, aren't you nervous?" Jiang Yuanyue looked at his junior and asked.

She was a little worried. After all, as far as she knew, this was the first time for the junior to participate in the Spring Festival Gala performance, although it was only for this arrangement.

"Why are you nervous? Anyway, it will be lip-syncing at that time. Also, didn't you say that there is a tuner, even if you go to Mount Everest, you can tune it back? By the way, I still remember that there should be a recording before the live broadcast. If I get too nervous on New Year's Eve and my expression is unnatural, tell Director Chen and put on the spare belt immediately." Xu Jie said seriously.

I saw my wife was so beautiful just now, I forgot to be nervous.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, there is really nothing to be nervous about.

Even if his performance is not good, can Chen Ya still scold him?
He came to rescue the scene, not to rush to seek exposure.

After Jiang Yuanyue finished listening, she was speechless.

It doesn't matter if you're not nervous, you shouldn't be so arrogant, right?As if someone owed him.

Huh, no!

Director Chen really owed the other party a favor.


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