The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 998 You Don't Know!

Chapter 998 You Don't Know!

After the rehearsal was over, Xu Jie returned to the company and continued to revise the sketch script.

Every rehearsal on stage and every discussion with actors will bring him new inspiration and new inspiration. Although he is not a perfectionist, he will try his best to do everything well.

In fact, sketch scripts, like movie scripts, need to be tempered and refined. Only after countless times of polishing, the story will be more exciting.

"bell bell"

Not long after Xu Jie sat down, the phone on the desk rang. He looked at the number displayed on it, which was the phone number of Boss Jiang's office, so he pressed the speakerphone while continuing to revise the script.

"Boss, are you looking for me?"

"Xiao Xu, you are at the company, when did you come back?" Jiang Hai's voice sounded from the phone, not only sounding unexpected, but also revealing a bit of surprise.

"It's more than 20 minutes." Xu Jie replied after looking at the time.

"Really? Come to my office, I need to discuss something with you." Jiang Hai said.

"Good boss."

Xu Jie turned off the phone, got up and walked outside.

Boss Jiang's office is not far in the corridor, just a few steps away.


Xu Jie reached out and knocked on the door a few times, and soon, the door opened from the inside.

"Xiao Xu, come in quickly." Jiang Hai enthusiastically pointed into the house.

Xu Jie looked at Boss Jiang suspiciously, what's so happy about it?Is it a middle-aged child?
He walked into the office, only to find that there was a person sitting on the sofa, and it was Lu Honglu, deputy editor-in-chief.

Strange, the other party is not at the TV station in Beijing, what are you doing here?
Could it be that he was plotting against the deputy editor-in-chief?

"Editor Lu, you're here too. Long time no see, you're still so young." Xu Jie said with a smile.

Facing the leader, if you don't know how to flatter, you can praise your youth, and both men and women can benefit from it.

"Haha, is that right? But I always feel that since you left the TV station, I have aged a lot. I wonder if you have any plans to return to the TV station?" Lu Hong asked.

To this day, he still has not given up the idea of ​​poaching the other party back to the TV station.

Looking at Jiang Hai in the past year, he is proud of the spring breeze, high-spirited, and made... a fortune. Who would not envy the entire system?

We must know that Jingshi Culture a year ago was still a hot potato that no one dared to take over.

And it was the young man in front of him who made all of this.

"Old Lu, what do you mean? Could it be that you came here today to poach someone?" Jiang Hai frowned tightly, his face full of dissatisfaction.

You can do anything with him, except to dig Xu Jie.

"Old Jiang, it's a surprise. You and I both work for Jingshi. Whether it's yours or mine, aren't they all from Jingshi?" Lu Hong said with a smile.

"Yes, they are all from Jingshi. If that's the case, don't engage in such small tricks in the future." Jiang Hai gave Lao Lu a white look, then went back to the desk and sat down, and said angrily: "Aren't you looking for something? Xiao Xu? Tell me."

"Old Jiang, how can this matter be my business? It should be our business. Besides, Xiao Xu is here with you now, so it should be up to you to decide." Question pushed back.

Xu Jie looked at the two of them suspiciously, what was the matter, and why did they push back and forth?
But seeing that neither of them wanted to talk about it, it probably wasn't a good thing. If it was a good thing, the two would definitely scramble to tell him, to earn favors or something.

Jiang Hai curled his lips, secretly despised the other party, and then said: "Xiao Xu, it's like this. Editor-in-chief Lu heard that you wrote four sketch scripts for the China TV Spring Festival Gala. He was a little jealous and wanted you to write for Beijing TV. I also wrote a few short scripts for the Spring Festival Gala.”

Lu Hong didn't expect to be betrayed so soon, so after glaring at Lao Jiang, he looked at Xu Jie with a smile on his face and added: "Just write a few, the subject matter is not limited, the content is not limited, in short, there is no any request."

Xu Jie was startled, it turned out to be this matter.

In previous years, the Beijing TV Spring Festival Gala was headed by the person in charge of the satellite TV program center and the art program center as the chief director, and I think it will be the same this year.

"Xiao Xu, I know you have a lot of things to do and you are busy with work, so you write when you have time, and don't if you don't have time. No one forces you, and this is not what I mean." Jiang Hai said clearly.

He didn't want to embarrass Xiao Xu because of himself.

"Old Jiang, how can you say that? Don't forget, you are the chief director of Beijing TV Spring Festival Gala." Lu Hong reminded through gritted teeth.

Isn't the dismantling speed too fast?
Xu Jie looked at Boss Jiang in surprise. How could he be the chief director of Beijing TV Spring Festival Gala?

You must know that Yu Kuan, the former general manager, had never served as the chief director of the Beijing TV Spring Festival Gala when he was in Beijing TV Culture. At most, he was an assistant director in charge of coordination between the two parties.

"Don't look at me." Jiang Hai said to Xu Jie, then pointed to Lu Hong who was beside him, and explained: "It's him, it's because he thinks that the newly appointed director of the art program center, Jiang Ye, has little experience and asked me to take her with her. , so I was forced to be the chief director, but I actually didn't want to be."

"Lao Jiang, how can you say that? This is a task entrusted to you by the organization!" Lu Hong said seriously.

Jiang Hai rolled his eyes directly. That's not what the other party said when they found him for this matter. Why is it still online now?
Xu Jie looked at Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu, and then at Boss Jiang. It is estimated that the two had reached an agreement before he came here, but Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu suddenly poached someone, which directly angered Boss Jiang. The two suddenly "turned their faces".

In fact, regardless of whether he turned his face or not, it didn't have a big impact on him, because he never planned to write a sketch script for the Beijing TV Spring Festival Gala from the beginning to the end.

"Editor Lu, as a staff member of Beijing Radio and Television Station, I really hope to write sketches for our Beijing TV Spring Festival Gala, but now there are only ten days before New Year's Eve, and there is not enough time, so please forgive me, Editor-in-Chief Lu." Xu Jie While speaking, his face was full of regret and apology.

This is the self-cultivation of an actor.

No matter when, where, and what kind of opponent you face, you can enter the play in a second.

"Xiao Xu, I know all these things, that's why I let you do whatever you want. Besides, CTS Spring Festival Gala has entered the rehearsal stage, which means that it will basically have nothing to do with you in the next few days, or you can write one. "Lu Hong said in a discussing tone.

In fact, he also knows that it is really difficult for the other party to write sketches in such a short period of time, but who said that this year's Beijing TV Spring Festival Gala's sketches are not very good?

He also had no choice, that's why he thought of Xiao Xu, otherwise he wouldn't bother him at this time.

"Editor Xu, you don't know that I'm also going to participate in the rehearsal for the CTS Spring Festival Gala," Xu Jie said.

"Ah? No way? Aren't you the screenwriter and director of the sketch? What are you doing in the rehearsal?" Lu Hong asked suspiciously, and even began to wonder if the other party was deliberately making excuses.

"Editor Lu, you don't know. Just now, I have become a performer of CTS Spring Festival Gala, singing on stage with my wife," Xu Jie said.

"What?" Lu Hong was surprised, and even Jiang Hai was also surprised, unable to believe what he heard.


Xu Jie explained in detail what happened at the rehearsal site of the China TV Spring Festival Gala this morning.

Now he not only has to revise the sketch script, but also participates in the Spring Festival Gala rehearsal, and learns to sing in his spare time. How can he have time to write a new sketch script?
Lu Hong was stunned when he heard this, he didn't expect that Xiao Xu would sing on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala, let alone that Jiang Xiao's derailment would affect his plan, what a bad luck.

Xu Jie saw the disappointment on Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu's face, and thought that Boss Jiang was the chief director of Beijing Satellite TV's Spring Festival Gala, so he said, "Editor-in-Chief Lu, thank you for your kindness. Although I don't have time, I can't let you go empty-handed." After all, our company has newly established a creative department, and the sketches they wrote are very good, like this year's China Television Spring Festival Gala, there are also sketches created by them, why don't you ask them to write a few for you to read?"

"What? All the sketches created by the content department are on the CTV Spring Festival Gala? Why don't I know?" Jiang Hai asked with a confused face.

As the general manager of Jingshi Culture, he didn't know, and no one told him.

"How could you have the nerve to report this kind of trivial matter to you?" Xu Jie said after hearing it.


Jiang Hai was speechless.

The works of the company's employees successfully appeared on the stage of the China Television Spring Festival Gala. Can this be called a trivial matter?

But then again, compared to what Xiao Xu did on weekdays, it was really not a big deal.

Lu Hong thought about it for a while, and if he couldn't get Xiao Xu's works, it would be good to get a few of Xiao Xu's works back home. After all, they could all be on the China TV Spring Festival Gala, so it's not too far behind.

"Okay, then it's settled." Lu Hong nodded and said.

At the same time, I thought to myself: Next year, next year, I must rush to make a move before CTV, let Xiao Xu first create a Spring Festival Gala sketch for Beijing TV.

"Editor Lu, I'll make arrangements now." Xu Jie said, then turned and left Boss Jiang's office.

He worried that if he stayed any longer, he would be assigned to do other work.


The door is closed.

Lu Hong withdrew his gaze, and his face became a little more depressed. In the end, he could only vent his anger on Jiang Hai, "Lao Jiang, what did you mean just now? We agreed to talk together, why did you betray?"

"Who told you to dig Xiao Xu? You were the one who stabbed me first." Jiang Hai was right, anyway, whoever touches Xiao Xu will make things difficult for him.

After hearing this, Lu Hong felt a little embarrassed, and knew that he was wrong, so he forcibly explained: "I just said that casually, why do you take it seriously? You don't even think about it, if I really want to dig, I will do it in front of you." Is your face digging? Wouldn’t it be good to ask Xiao Xu out after work?”

"That's not okay." Jiang Hai said firmly after hearing this: "You also know the current situation of Jingshi Culture. If you leave Xiao Xu, will you still let me improve?"

"Okay, okay, this year will be like this, next year, next year you must persuade Xiao Xu to write a few sketches for Beijing TV Spring Festival Gala." Lu Hong said.

The matter has come to this point, let's turn this page quickly, otherwise there will be no end.

"Okay." Jiang Hai said.

But I was thinking in my heart: next year?Then it depends on whether I can become the deputy editor-in-chief.

If the other party can help him in this matter and say something nice for him, next year's sketch will definitely be fine, but if the other party helps others, then don't blame him for turning his face and denying others.

old friend?
Old friends are useless!

Xu Jie returned to the office, found the "homework" that the staff of the creative department usually handed in from the computer, and picked a few from the first and second class.

He didn't take out all the skit scripts in the first class, but kept a few as back-ups in case of emergencies.

As for which one to use for the Beijing TV Spring Festival Gala, that is the matter of Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu, and has nothing to do with him.

Xu Jie first simply read a few sketch scripts, and then put forward some suggestions for revision, then printed out the scripts, took them to the creative department, and directly called the roll in the office area after entering the door.

"Zhang Kai, Zhu Lifei, Jiang Wenbin... This is your script, take it back and revise it, and give it to me tomorrow morning." Xu Jie said.

When a few people heard this, they suddenly regained their spirits.

A few days ago, Mr. Xu announced that Chen Song's sketch script had passed the review of China TV Spring Festival Gala, and today he asked them to revise the sketch script. Does this mean that they will take their sketch script to participate in the Spring Festival Gala review again?
and many more!

Not right!

Haven't the language programs for the CTV Spring Festival Gala been finalized?Moreover, the official rehearsal has already been conducted twice, is it too late to send it for review now?

"Mr. Xu, let me say something more. You asked us to modify the script to...?" Zhu Lifei didn't finish her sentence, but the meaning was already expressed very clearly.

"Send it to Beijing TV Spring Festival Gala." Xu Jie said truthfully, his voice was a little louder than usual.

There is nothing to hide about this matter. Not only is there no need to hide it, but it has to be done with great fanfare. He wants to tell everyone that there is more than one opportunity, and there are many more, as long as you are serious and work hard.

This can also be regarded as an incentive for the staff of the creative department.

Everyone's eyes lit up immediately when they heard this. Zhang Kai and the others were very happy. Even if they couldn't make it to the CTV Spring Festival Gala, it would be nice to be able to go to the Beijing TV Spring Festival Gala. But the others cast envious glances and secretly made up their minds that this year's " Last night" must be completed properly.


Xu Jie returned home.

I came back a little later than usual today due to a revision of the script.

Su Yun has already prepared dinner, and is sitting at the dining table at the moment, holding a sheet music in her hand, humming softly.

This song score is exactly the song the two of them will sing on the Spring Festival Gala.

During the day, after Xu Jie got it from Chen Ya, he immediately sent it to Su Yun to let the other party get acquainted with it first, and then teach him how to sing after he gets home.

After all, in singing, the other party is professional.

"Honey, how are you looking?" Xu Jie came to Su Yun's side, kissed her on the face, and then looked at the song score in her hand.

Although he seldom sang, he knew the score, and the title of Suona Little Prince was not just for nothing, but he also won an award, but he didn't know if the pronunciation was accurate.

"It's very simple, nothing difficult, let's eat first, and I'll teach you after eating." Su Yun said after hearing it.

When Xu Jie heard it was simple, the pressure was much less.

He was afraid that the difficulty would be too high, if he could not sing well, it would affect his wife. After all, it was a couple singing duet. If one party could not sing well, it would easily interfere with the other party. He didn't want to drag his wife down.

And now, I can finally breathe a sigh of relief.


(End of this chapter)

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