The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 997 The most suitable candidate

Jiang Yuanyue scrutinized her junior while thinking about Director Chen's various requirements for the replacement star couple.

First of all, it must be a model couple in the entertainment circle.

On this point, the junior and Su Yun are very consistent.

As far as she knows, there has never been any news about the relationship between the two of them since they got married, but they often see news of their love when they travel together.

The second is personal image.

The younger brother is an excellent employee in the unit, and a variety show director who is loved by countless audiences outside. He once launched a campaign to help fruit farmers sell fruits. The sound of "Old Xu" is not only kind, but also everyone's personal ability to him a recognition of.

As for Su Yun, let alone, the other party is not only the queen of Chinese songs with countless fans, but even the movies she has starred in in the past few years are also deeply loved by everyone, she is a well-deserved national goddess.

There is also whether there are good works last year, and whether they can bring attention and enthusiasm to the evening parties and programs.

However, in her opinion, this one should be the least controversial, because in the entertainment industry last year, these two people were the most popular, even now, the movie "Stranger Road" with the junior as the screenwriter and Su Yun as the leading role It is also in theaters, with good reputation and box office.

As for the other requirements, they are nothing compared to the previous three.

The three most difficult ones can be satisfied, and the others are honestly not important anymore.

Jiang Yuanyue's eyes were filled with a smile for a moment.

What else are you looking for?

Isn't the most suitable candidate in front of you?

"Student, I heard that my younger brother and sister are back from Hengdian?" Jiang Yuanyue asked with a smile.

"Well, I'm back." Xu Jie nodded, then suddenly realized something, looked at the other party and asked, "Sister, you, why are you asking this? Also, don't look at me like that."

"Student, do you know if my younger siblings are free recently? Especially during the period before the Spring Festival Gala. Speaking of which, I haven't seen her for a long time, and I miss her strangely." Jiang Yuanyue continued, her voice sounding Even a little nasty.

"No time, no time at all. She not only has to participate in commercial activities, but also promotes movies. I haven't seen her for a long time." Xu Jie said quickly.

He could tell what the senior was thinking just by looking at her senior's expression. If he couldn't even guess this, how would he be able to mess around in the workplace in the future?
"Students, time is like water in a sponge. As long as you are willing to squeeze, there will still be time. By the way, my brothers and sisters participated in our CTS Spring Festival Gala last year. It would be a great thing if we can go there for two consecutive years. What do you think?" Jiang Yuanyue asked.

If you don't think about it, the more you think about it, the more you feel that your younger brother and Su Yun are the most suitable candidates. The disadvantages of those celebrity couples that you thought of before are too obvious in front of your younger brother and Su Yun.

If a vote was initiated, she would vote for her junior and Su Yun without hesitation.

"Why, have you been able to summon Shenlong in the Spring Festival Gala for two consecutive years? If you can't summon it, what's so good about it?" Xu Jie asked righteously.

He doesn't know what's good about it, but it will definitely make Su Yun very tired.

In the past year, my wife has been busy, shooting his movie in the first half of the year, Yu Zijian's movie in the second half, and there are variety shows and commercial activities to participate in, so there is no time for rest. Now it is finally the end of the year, It's time to give each other a good rest.

If you participate in the China TV Spring Festival Gala, you have to rehearse and practice, how can you rest?

Perhaps for some artists, the stage of China TV Spring Festival Gala is very important, and they even dream of being on the stage, but for some artists, whether they can make it to the Spring Festival Gala is really not that important.

"Shenlong can't be summoned, but Director Chen can be summoned. Think about it, you have helped Director Chen so much, can Director Chen not remember this kind of favor? Suppose you find Director Chen for something in the future, can Director Chen not?" Do you agree?" Jiang Yuanyue said in a low voice, and then smiled smugly, as if to say: I'm right, right?

Xu Jie thought for a while, but even so, he has known Director Chen for such a long time, and he has never approached Director Chen for business. On the contrary, the other party often seeks him for business.

Jiang Yuanyue saw that the junior didn't speak, so she continued: "Student, you are also a member of the Spring Festival Gala anyway, and you can't go home on New Year's Eve. Why don't you spend New Year's Eve here with your younger siblings like last year? Is it possible that you plan to spend New Year's Eve on New Year's Eve? Leaving siblings alone at home? How bad it is."

After hearing this, Xu Jie looked at the senior sister. The other party had said so much, but this sentence reached his heart.

To be honest, he didn't want to leave his wife alone at home on New Year's Eve. He even thought about it and made two plans.

The first plan is to let his wife go to his hometown with Su's father and Su's mother, and he will drive back after the Spring Festival Gala.

The second plan is to ask his wife to wait for him at the backstage of the China TV Spring Festival Gala, go home together after the Spring Festival Gala, and drive back to his hometown on the first day of the new year.

However, both approaches have flaws.

Like the first set of plans, when he drove back to his hometown, it was probably three or four o'clock in the middle of the night. He felt sorry for asking the whole family to wait for him.

In contrast, the second plan is similar to last year, and it will not affect the rest of parents, but it will be very boring for the wife to be alone in the background.

Jiang Yuanyue saw that the junior was hesitating, so she couldn't help intensifying her persuasion, "Student, in fact, I am also thinking about you, four scripts are written, and one song is also sung, for you, you just need to open your mouth In this way, you can become a pair with your younger siblings, and your parents can see you on TV, and they will look bright when they go out to visit during the Chinese New Year, what do you think?"

Xu Jie nodded involuntarily. What the senior sister said just now definitely hit the mentality of being a parent.

May I ask which parent does not want their children to appear on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala?

At least when he was a child, whether it was his parents or the parents of the neighbors, they all regarded being able to appear on TV as a sign of being promising, let alone the Spring Festival Gala.

The stage of the China Television Spring Festival Gala is not for anyone who wants to be on the stage, only excellent talents can do it.

"Student, do you agree?" Jiang Yuanyue's eyes lit up, and she said happily: "Since you nodded, let's go, I will take you to see Director Chen, I believe he will be very happy."

After speaking, he grabbed his junior by his clothes and walked towards the auditorium.

"Farewell, senior sister, I just agree with you, I didn't agree to participate in the Spring Festival Gala, besides, I can't sing." Xu Jie said while shaking his head.

He just came to eat melons, and he didn't want to eat himself.

"It doesn't matter if you can't sing. We have a tuner. Even if you sing the song on Mount Everest, the tuner can help you get back on track. Otherwise, why do you think the songs recorded by the singer are so good? They are all tuned out. Yes, these days, who will contribute to things that can be solved with technology?" Jiang Yuanyue said.

For her, as long as the juniors can go, any other problems are not a problem, because what the juniors help them solve is the biggest problem.

"I know, then you have to ask me to make a call and ask my wife's opinion, right?" Xu Jie stopped where he was, and let the senior sister pull and pull as much as he wanted, but refused to leave.

When husband and wife get along, respect is the first priority. If there is no respect, conflicts will only increase and the relationship will become weaker and weaker.

Going to the Spring Festival Gala is not a small matter. There are not only the performances on the night of the New Year's Eve, but also the previous rehearsals, so it is very necessary to listen to my wife's opinion.

"Okay, then you can ask, but based on my understanding of my siblings, she will definitely agree." Jiang Yuanyue said confidently.

Xu Jie curled his lips. What the other party said seemed to know Su Yun better than him.

Xu Jie took out his mobile phone and dialed his wife's number. Suddenly, he saw the senior sister eavesdropping on him, so he quickly moved away from her.


The call was connected quickly.

"Honey, are you busy now? There is something I want to ask for your opinion." Xu Jie said.

"What do you need to ask for my opinion? Tell me, I'm not busy." Su Yun said with a smile after hearing this.

"It's like this. There's something wrong with the China TV Spring Festival Gala. Jiang Xiaolu's cheating was exposed, and her and Zhang Yunge's show was temporarily canceled. Now the director team of the Spring Festival Gala urgently needs a couple to put on this show. Senior sister wants me with you..."

When Xu Jie said this, he looked back at the direction of the senior, but found that the other party had come behind him at some point.

And before he finished speaking, the other party grabbed his hand holding the mobile phone and said loudly into the microphone: "Su Yun, I am Jiang Yuanyue. You extend an invitation."

Although this matter has not been reported to Director Chen, she believes that after he finds out, Director Chen will be very happy, and even if he has found a spare tire, he will cancel it.

"Sister, you..."

Xu Jie glared fiercely at the senior, but he didn't expect that the other party would do this. Isn't this putting pressure on Su Yun?

Who would have the guts to refuse the invitation from the director team of China Television Spring Festival Gala?
Xu Jie took the mobile phone and said to Su Yun while staying away from the senior sister: "Honey, don't listen to her. If you want to participate, you can participate. If you don't want to participate, don't participate. No one can order you."

Isn't the reason why he worked so hard to climb the ladder in the past few years is to create a good performing environment for Su Yun, without looking at other people's faces, and not being called around by others?

If up to now, Su Yun is unable to make decisions about his own affairs, then wouldn't his previous efforts be in vain?

"Honey, I know, but I want to ask you first, do you want to participate?" Su Yun asked.

"Me? I don't care. If you go, I will go. If you don't, I won't. Anyway, I will stay here on the night of thirty." Xu Jie said, he didn't want to influence the other party's thoughts.

"In that case, I'll go to participate." Su Yun didn't think much, and said her answer directly.


"Hee hee, didn't you just say that? You will stay there on the night of thirty. I am your wife, of course I will be your husband and wife." Su Yun said with a smile.

Xu Jie was slightly taken aback, then smiled wryly.

I don't want to be left or right, I don't want to be left or right, and in the end it still affects the other party's decision.

"Su Yun, on behalf of the director team of China Television Spring Festival Gala, I would like to thank you for your support!"

Suddenly a voice came to Xu Jie's ears, it was the senior sister again, but it doesn't matter what the other party said now, because the wife has already made a decision, and thanks are due.

"It's okay, it's just a matter of raising your hands, when do you need me to go?" Su Yun asked.

"The day after tomorrow, when the time comes, you and your junior will come to the rehearsal. I believe that the appearance of your husband and wife will definitely become the highlight of the New Year's Eve." Jiang Yuanyue said happily.

She was not afraid of flattery, nor was she flattering others on purpose, but a judgment based on the facts, because the junior couple surpassed Zhang Yunge and Jiang Xiaolu in all aspects.

The reason why Zhang Yunge and Jiang Xiaolu were chosen in the first place was largely because of the recommendation of "some people".

"Senior sister, are you a bit careless? I'm calling my wife, what are you doing?" Xu Jie put down his phone and looked at senior with dissatisfaction.

"Student, don't be angry, am I in a hurry? I'm here to apologize to you." Jiang Yuanyue saluted solemnly after finishing speaking.

After Xu Jie saw it, he felt a little embarrassed.

Just when he was about to help his senior sister, the other party grabbed his wrist, pulled him away, and said as he walked, "Su Yun has agreed, come with me to see Director Chen."


The corner of Xu Jie's mouth twitched, and he felt cheated.


Chen Yazheng and other assistant directors are discussing who to replace Zhang Yunge and Jiang Xiaolu.

Several people have listed more than a dozen celebrity couples, and conducted a horizontal comparison to prepare for the final vote.

Just then, a sudden voice interrupted the voting.

"Director Chen, I have found a suitable replacement."

Everyone looked around and saw that it was Jiang Yuanyue, who was pulling another person, who was our old acquaintance, Mr. Xu Jie.

"We have also found a lot of suitable replacement candidates. Let's see if your candidate is in this list." Assistant Director Liu Songwen pointed to a piece of paper on the table.

Jiang Yuanyue walked over, glanced at all the names, and finally shook his head.

"Xiao Jiang, who is your candidate?" Chen Ya asked curiously.

"Director Chen, that person is far away in the sky and right in front of us." Jiang Yuanyue pointed behind her, "It's Xu Jie and his wife Su Yun."


Everyone was shocked when they heard it.

Just now everyone talked about a lot of celebrity couples, but no one mentioned Xu Jie and Su Yun.

The reason for this is mainly because Xu Jie is firstly the vice president of Jingshi Culture in everyone's mind, and secondly the director of variety shows and sketches.

Now with Jiang Yuanyue's reminder, the other party has acted in a movie and is the leading actor, isn't he considered a star?

"That's right, why didn't I think of that." Chen Ya, who was frowning at first, immediately showed a smile on his face.

After researching for a long time, the most suitable person is by my side. Isn't this riding a donkey to find a donkey?

He strode up to the other side, opened his arms for a hug, then patted the other side's back heavily, and said excitedly, "Boss Xu, thank you so much."

"It's nothing. How can I sit idly by when something like this happens? I'm also a member of the Spring Festival Gala." Xu Jie said solemnly.

Jiang Yuanyue rolled her eyes when she heard it.

Now pretending to be so righteous, who just refused in every possible way?

Hmph, I can really act!


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