After a rigorous review, eight programs finally stood out from the numerous language programs participating in the review and were determined to participate in the Spring Festival Gala of China TV.

But for the actors, this is just the beginning. Next, they will participate in the rehearsal of the Spring Festival Gala to modify and adjust the program. Of course, even if they enter the rehearsal stage, it does not mean that they will definitely be able to appear on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala, because once they are in the rehearsal process If there is any problem in it, it will be adjusted.

Since the language program was the final one among all the programs, within a few days after that, the Spring Festival Gala was ushered in.

The so-called "big rehearsal" is a rehearsal in accordance with the official live broadcast standard process.

Under normal circumstances, before the New Year's Eve Spring Festival Gala meets the national audience, five such rehearsals will be held, once every two days, to ensure nothing goes wrong.

Xu Jie has already experienced the China Television Spring Festival Gala once, so he is more relaxed in all aspects of his mentality. In contrast, Chen Song, who participated in the China Television Spring Festival Gala for the first time, seems more restrained, and he even trembles when he speaks nervously.

"Xiao Chen, take it easy, today is the second row, can you stop being tense and let yourself relax?"

Outside the gate of Huashi Building, Xu Jie deliberately stopped to counsel Chen Song behind him.

He remembered that when he brought Chen Song to Huaxia TV station the day before yesterday, the other party looked like a thief stepping on a spot, and he was careful no matter what he did, for fear that others would feel his presence.

In fact, it is understandable to be nervous for the first time. Many actors will be nervous when they are on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala for the first time, but the other party has already been here once, and they don’t have to show up. As for being so nervous?

Chen Song was shocked, and hurriedly stopped. If he reacted a little slower, he might bump into Mr. Xu.

"Xu, Mr. Xu, what did you say?"

Chen Song didn't hear clearly. To be precise, he didn't pay attention to what Mr. Xu was saying just now.

The corner of Xu Jie's mouth twitched, feeling sorry for what he said just now.

He sighed softly, then stretched out his hands suddenly, patted Chen Song heavily on the shoulder, then stared into the other's eyes and said: "Hey, cheer up, you have participated in many JingTV Spring Festival Gala anyway, can you Can’t straighten your back, don’t act like you haven’t seen the world, okay? I brought you here to let you experience the atmosphere here, so that you can be alone when you come out in the future, not for you to be the air.”

He plans to hand over all the sketches to the employees of the creative department next year, and will no longer participate in the CTV Spring Festival Gala. At that time, Chen Song, who has participated in it once, must set an example for other employees and cannot pull Hip, otherwise Chen Ya and senior sister would definitely not let him go.

"Yes, Mr. Xu, I understand." Chen Song nodded seriously, but there was still a bit of guilt in his eyes.

It's not that he doesn't want to be tough, it's just that the pressure is too great.

Xu Jie was somewhat helpless. When he went to Xiazhou to participate in the CTS New Year's Eve party, the people under his command were very timid. Now that he came to CTS to participate in the Spring Festival gala, he was still so timid.

It seems that in the future, we need to teach these people more knowledge.

"Okay, let's go in." Xu Jie gently pushed Chen Song, and then walked into the door.

Because the rehearsal will be conducted according to the official live broadcast standard, the backstage of the studio hall is not only very crowded and noisy, but everyone seems to be very busy.

Xu Jie took Chen Song to his exclusive room. Although all the actors of the four sketches were crowded in this room, compared with the outside, it was still relatively spacious and comfortable.

"Director Xu, we have rehearsed according to the revised script, can you show us how it works?" After seeing Xu Jie, Liu Juan immediately stepped forward to invite him.

"Don't tell me, our sketch is going to be played in front of you, let Xiao Xu take care of our sketch first." Liu Ji'an stepped forward and grabbed Xu Jie's arm, and immediately started to grab someone.

"No, I was the first one to arrive today. Do you know what is first come first served? Xiao Xu, come to me." Song Lili patted the chair beside her, as if no one would say that it was not easy to use.

However, they are all old artists and have participated in many China Television Spring Festival Gala, who is afraid of whom?

If you don't give me face, why should I give you face?
So several people quickly quarreled.

Gao Changbo stood aside and watched the show. Who told him not to write the sketch written by Director Xu?
Now it seems that this is not a bad thing.

"Okay, okay, stop arguing." Xu Jie said while raising his hand to signal everyone to be quiet.

After everyone heard this, they immediately fell silent, waiting for Director Xu to make a choice. After all, no matter how much they argued or quarreled, they had to listen to Director Xu in the end.

"Teachers, let's stay calm. There are still more than two hours before the rehearsal. There is plenty of time. I think it will be the same as last time. Let's watch the show in the order in which it appeared." Xu Jie said to everyone.

When everyone heard it, since the protagonist had spoken, it was difficult for them to refute, so they could only nod their heads in acceptance.

Xu Jie came to Liu Ji'an's group, saying it was a guide, but in fact, he just watched the performance and gave some advice. As for the others...

He wrote the lines, and he made up the story. You can't deny what you wrote, right?

Then why write such a sketch?
Embarrass yourself?
In his opinion, as long as the actors can remember the lines and remember the positions, these are enough.

Two hours passed quickly, and the second rehearsal for the China TV Spring Festival Gala officially began.

Because it's just a rehearsal, there is no live broadcast, and you can't see the show that is being performed on the stage, so the backstage staff will let the actors gather backstage in advance to ensure the smooth progress of the show.

Liu Ji’an’s group’s sketches were scheduled to appear on the seventh stage, so they waited in the corridor from the beginning of the rehearsal.

As the screenwriter and director of the sketch, Xu Jie is naturally indispensable at this time, and his main job is to observe the performance of the actors on the stage. After the show is over, remind the actors what to pay attention to. After all, performing in private and standing on the stage Acting is two different things.

The shows were going on one after another. Although there were a lot of people, they were still orderly.

After about five or ten minutes, it was finally Liu Ji'an's turn to appear.

However, when the host was speaking off the stage, the backstage suddenly became noisy, and under the stage, a staff member also hurriedly came between the review team and the director team, although he didn't know what he said in a low voice, but Judging from the surprised and angry expressions of the leaders of the review team and the director team, it is definitely not a good thing.

"Director Xu, what's the matter? Did something happen?" Liu Ji'an asked curiously.

The other actors in the same group were also puzzled and nervous, after all, it was their turn to be on stage soon.

"I don't know." Xu Jie shook his head blankly, and then saw a backstage worker of the Spring Festival Gala looking down at his mobile phone, so he shouted at the other party: "Wang Chao, come here."

This person has participated in the work of the New Year's Eve party, so he is quite familiar with him.

After Wang Chao heard it, he raised his head, saw the person calling him clearly, and immediately walked over, "Director Xu, what's the matter?"

"What happened? Why do Director Chen and the others look so ugly?" Xu Jie asked in a low voice.

"Mr. Xu, you still don't know? Something happened to an actor, it just broke out, and it made the headlines." Wang Chao replied.

"Isn't it normal for actors to have accidents? In the entertainment circle, actors have accidents from time to time, so why make a fuss." Xu Jie said naturally after hearing this.

In which year did not enter a few stars?In which year did not block a few artists?

In his opinion, it's not uncommon for the entertainment industry to have troubles, but it's strange for nothing to happen.

"Yes, there are many actors involved in the accident, but this time the actors involved in the accident are different. They...they are the invited actors for this Spring Festival Gala, and they have a show." Wang Chao said angrily.

Now is the critical period of the rehearsal for the Spring Festival Gala. Everyone is working hard for the Spring Festival Gala. As a result, some actors were exposed to negative news, which directly disrupted the arrangement of the director team. As an employee of China TV and the staff of the Spring Festival Gala, can you not be angry?


Xu Jie was a little surprised. No wonder the review team and the director team looked very angry. It turned out that something happened to the actors of the Spring Festival Gala.

The Spring Festival Gala held a big rehearsal, which means that the program has basically been decided. If an actor has an accident at this time, the director team must change the program.

"Who is it?" Xu Jie asked gossip.

"Jiang Xiaolu cheated, there are photos, it's confirmed." Wang Chao said.


Xu Jie was slightly taken aback.

Jiang Xiaolu?
Isn't that an artist from Liu Jinghua's company?

A few days ago, he met the other party backstage, and even sent an invitation to the other party to join in front of Liu Jinghua.

Looking at it now, it was fortunate that the other party did not agree at the time, otherwise both he and Su Yun would be implicated.

At this time Xu Jie thought of Liu Jinghua again. The other party is also here today. I don't know if he has seen the news and how he feels now.

"Ms. Liu, you listen to the staff's instructions. I'm leaving." Xu Jie said to Liu Ji'an and others, and then left in a hurry.

He was going to look for Liu Jinghua, how could his testimony be missing at this moment?
For him, Liu Jinghua's bad luck was the happiest thing for him.

Xu Jie walked back through the crowd. Zhang Yunge and Jiang Xiaolu's program was ranked fifth. It had just ended not long ago, and it was not known whether the incident had been exposed. The two left.

But after this incident, neither Zhang Yunge nor Jiang Xiaolu would have the face to stay here any longer.

"Beauty, did you see Zhang Yunge and Jiang Xiaolu?" Xu Jie searched for a while but couldn't find anyone, so he could only ask a staff member in the corridor.

"Not long ago." The staff pointed to the corridor on the right.

"Thank you." Xu Jie turned and walked over.

The staff looked at Director Xu's back, and suddenly realized why the other party asked where Zhang Yunge and Jiang Xiaolu were.

Others eat melons on their mobile phones. Director Xu eats melons and finds me directly, awesome!

Xu Jie walked along the corridor, and soon came across a fork. The CTS building was huge and there were many forks. It was too troublesome to find someone.

At this moment, a familiar figure appeared in the corridor, it was Senior Sister.

Xu Jie's eyes lit up immediately. As the assistant director of the Spring Festival Gala, the other party must know where Zhang Yunge and Jiang Xiaolu are.

"Senior sister, you came just in time. I have something to ask you." Xu Jie hurriedly came to the senior sister and asked, "Where are Zhang Yunge and Jiang Xiaolu?"

Jiang Yuanyue's face sank, and she asked angrily, "What are you looking for?"

"It's nothing, just watch the excitement." Xu Jie said.

Jiang Yuanyue twitched the corner of her mouth, not only did she not feel the sincerity of her junior, but it made her very angry.

Isn't this a typical way to watch the excitement and not think it's a big deal?

"What are you looking at? If there's anything interesting, go back quickly. The rehearsal isn't over yet." Jiang Yuanyue said while reaching out to push her junior.

"Actually, watching the fun is secondary. I'm mainly worried that the couple will fight here. What if they walk out of the CTV building with a bruised nose and a swollen face and are seen by the media and reporters squatting outside?" Xu Jie didn't want to give up.

Even if he couldn't see Zhang Yunge and Jiang Xiaolu, it would be fine if he could see Liu Jinghua.

"Don't worry about it, and Zhang Yunge and Jiang Xiaolu have already left." Jiang Yuanyue gritted her teeth.

"Ah? Gone? So soon?" Xu Jie was a little disappointed.

"Hmph, do you think they still have the nerve to stay here after something like this happened? Not only are they gone, but they won't be used anymore." Jiang Yuanyue said coldly.

This incident not only embarrasses Zhang Yunge, but also embarrasses the director team of CTS Spring Festival Gala.

Before inviting artists, the director team usually conducts a survey on the artists, and only those who meet the requirements in all aspects will send out invitations, such as popularity, word of mouth, artistic virtue and so on.

The result now?
Before the second rehearsal was over, this kind of thing happened. Those who knew it was Jiang Xiaolu's deep concealment, but those who didn't know it thought that their Spring Festival Gala director team had no eyesight and wanted to whitewash the unscrupulous artists.

"What about Liu Jinghua? Has she left too?" Xu Jie asked again.

"Let's go!" Jiang Yuanyue said.


Xu Jie sighed deeply, and missed a good show. This feeling is like seeing money on the road but not picking it up.

Jiang Yuanyue saw the junior's appearance, immediately became angry, frowned and said: "Student, there is something wrong with your thinking, our director team is angry and anxious about this matter, what about you? Still want to watch a good show? You, are you still a member of the Spring Festival Gala?"

Xu Jie thought to himself: I am, but this does not delay me watching the fun.

But after thinking about it, he didn't say it in the end, but comforted the other party.

"Sister, don't be angry. I think this is a good thing. Fortunately, it was exposed during the rehearsal. If it was exposed on the evening of the Spring Festival Gala, wouldn't everyone be more embarrassed? Besides, isn't it just a program? I want to be on the China TV Spring Festival Gala There are so many celebrities, wouldn't it be enough to just find someone to replace them?" Xu Jie said.

After Jiang Yuanyue heard it, her face softened a little, but she still sighed and said, "It would be great if things were as simple as you said. Zhang Yunge and Jiang Xiaolu are not just singing a song, this show is still the same." Part of the theme of the section, which involves the lines of the two hosts in front and behind, cannot be replaced by just finding a celebrity..."

Xu Jie suddenly realized that although it was not to the point where it would affect the whole body, it was also pulling others.

Jiang Yuanyue continued: "Now the entire director team is busy looking for information about celebrity couples. They must be model couples and have a good image and reputation. It is best to have good works appear last year, so that there will be certain Exposure..."

As Jiang Yuanyue was talking, she suddenly stopped, and her eyes fell on the face of the junior in front of her.

Isn't there an existing one?

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