The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 995 Passive Chief Director

Chapter 995 Passive Chief Director

Xu Jie came to the backstage to cheer up Gao Changbo and others who were waiting to play. In fact, he was also cheering himself up, because according to the senior sister, a batch of language programs that participated in the censorship just now were killed. He then told him that after the leader of the review team watched the work he participated in the review last time, he had higher requirements for language programs.

When Xu Jie heard this, he wished he could find a hole in the ground. If he was heard by the actors who were killed in those shows, wouldn't he just treat him like sushi dipped in soy sauce?
Soon, the sketch show on the stage ended.

However, the leaders sitting off the stage kept a straight face from beginning to end, as if the actors on stage owed them money.

According to Xu Jie's experience, leading this expression, the chance of passing the review is almost zero.

Sure enough, the leader who was the first to comment opened his mouth and said that this is not good and that is not good. It doesn't feel like he is here to review, but to find fault.

This is not over yet, the leader of the second comment directly criticized the sketch to pieces, not only embarrassing the actors on stage, but even the actors standing in the background felt unprecedented pressure.

Although pressure can also be transformed into motivation, but too much pressure can easily make people collapse.

Especially those young actors who have not participated in the China Television Spring Festival Gala, their minds are messed up, and they are all extremely nervous.

Not long after, the actors on stage returned backstage dejectedly, and finally it was Gao Changbo's turn.

At this time, the chief director Chen Ya suddenly appeared in the audience. The other party whispered a few words to the leaders of the review team, and then sat there, picked up the script, and waited for the next program.

Xu Jie was startled for a moment, then looked at Jiang Yuanyue beside him and asked, "Sister, didn't you say that Director Chen is busy with other things? Why are you here again?"

"Probably finished. He is the chief director, so he can go wherever he wants?" After Jiang Yuanyue explained, she looked at her junior suspiciously and asked, "Why are you nervous?"

"In the script given to the review team, my employee's name is written in the screenwriter column on the cover, and Director Chen knows that Gao Changbo is participating in a sketch created by me. Isn't this exposed in advance?" Xu Jie wrinkled Said with a frown.

In fact, the screenwriter's name was also marked on the cover of the script that senior sister saw at noon, but the other party was too anxious to read the content and didn't pay attention at all. Later, he took the initiative to tell the other party.

Jiang Yuanyue was stunned when he heard this. If he let Director Chen know that the younger brother took the sketch script created by the staff to participate in the review, he wondered if the work on stage would be allowed to pass later.

As Gao Changbo and others appeared on the stage, Chen Ya was completely stunned. He looked at the actors in the stands, and then at the cover of the script in the stands, his face was full of doubts.

what's the situation?
Didn't you say that this skit was created by Xu Jie?Why doesn't it match the screenwriter's name on the cover of the script?

Is the order wrong?
No, the lines are all the same.

And I remember that Gao Changbo's sketch failed in the first review. I heard that Xu Jie personally agreed to the other party, and he will be responsible to the end. That is to say, the sketch Gao Changbo showed today must be Xu Jie's work.

This, this is obviously the wrong product!
Chen Ya watched it patiently for a while. Although it was very interesting, she couldn't bear the curiosity in her heart, and finally got up and left the review team.


Xu Jie couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when he saw Director Chen leaving.

It's fine if you leave, and you won't reveal your secrets when you leave.

"Xiao Jiang, Mr. Xu!"

Suddenly a voice came from behind, and Xu Jie frowned when he heard it. In ancient times, he could distinguish the position by listening to the sound, but now he can distinguish the person by listening to the sound.

He turned around slowly, and saw Director Chen, who had disappeared from the audience, appear backstage.

"Director Chen, you are here. Today's audit situation is still not ideal. Only one has passed before." Jiang Yuanyue said with a wry smile. While feeling depressed in her heart, she also felt deep self-blame. The next three weeks are over, and the official rehearsal will be held in two days, so time is running out.

"I know this. Every year, the skits are decided at the end. Wasn't it the same last year? It's okay, take your time." After comforting him, Chen Ya suddenly pointed to the stage and asked suspiciously: "Gao Changbo Who created the skit that Teacher Gao is performing?"

"Isn't there in the script?" Jiang Yuanyue said, and then looked at his junior with an expression that seemed to say: Aren't you very good at speaking? Let's see how you explain it now.

"I know, but who is this Chen Song? Isn't Mr. Gao acting in Mr. Xu's sketch?" Chen Ya looked at Xu Jie and asked.

"Ah, that's right, Teacher Gao's performance is indeed my work." Xu Jie pretended to be stupid and said in a daze.

The skit has just started, and it is still unknown whether it will pass the review in the end. Now, if you reason with Director Chen, the other party will definitely not listen. What should I do?

"This Chen Song..."


Xu Jie suddenly put his finger to his mouth, and said in a low voice: "Director Chen, Teacher Gao and the others are performing, let's not talk for now, so as not to affect them, I will explain to you later."


Chen Ya looked puzzled. This place is more than ten meters away from the stage, so it shouldn't affect the performance of the actors on stage, right?

Even if it will be heard by the actors on stage, wouldn't you keep your voice down?
Chen Ya turned to look at Jiang Yuanyue at the side, hoping to get the answer from the other party's mouth, but Jiang Yuanyue didn't know how to explain it, because in the current situation, the junior didn't mention it at all during lunch. Although Director Chen is her leader, she still needs help from her junior, so after much deliberation, she can only shake her head and pretend that she doesn't know.

After a few more minutes, the skit on stage finally came to an end.

I saw the leaders of the review team sitting in the audience, nodding their heads and smiling. Although they haven't commented yet, their actions and expressions have already betrayed their true thoughts: satisfied!
"After watching for so long, I finally got a good one, what do you think?" A leader turned to look at the other people beside him.

"That's right!"

"This week was not in vain."

Several others agreed one after another, and at the same time breathed a sigh of relief.

Although they are responsible for reviewing the content, they are actually very anxious about the current situation of the sketch.

If you let it go casually, what should you do if it has a bad influence after it is broadcast?Who will bear this responsibility?But if the censorship is too strict, not only will the sketch fail, but even the Spring Festival Gala will become boring, so the degree of censorship is really too difficult to grasp.

It is also because of this that such a sketch that is not bad in terms of content, theme, scale, etc. suddenly appeared, made them all very happy, and they were only concerned about emotion, and even forgot to comment.

Xu Jie also felt relieved at this time, turned to look at Chen Ya, and asked with a smile: "Director Chen, what did you ask just now?"

Chen Ya also came back to his senses, and after thinking for a while, he said: "Sketch, didn't you say that this sketch is your work? But why is Chen Song written in the screenwriter column of the script? Who is this Chen Song?"

"Director Chen, it's like this. This Chen Song is a very talented screenwriter in our JingTV Cultural Creation Department. He created the sketch you just saw." Xu Jie explained.

The skit passed the review, and now he has no pressure at all.

"What? You mean, you didn't write this sketch?" Chen Ya asked, frowning.

"Yeah." Xu Jie nodded, and continued: "How about it, is my subordinate not very good? To tell you the truth, Director Chen, we still have many screenwriters like this in Beijing Television Culture. If there are not enough sketches for the Spring Festival Gala, I can Go back and ask them to write some more skit scripts, it's guaranteed to be fun."

He wasn't joking, if he could contract all the language programs of CTV's Spring Festival Gala, Beijing TV's Cultural Creation Department would have no choice but to be popular.

Chen Ya was taken aback when he heard this. He didn't expect that people who used to resist creating sketches would suddenly start to take care of them.

To be honest, as the chief director of the Spring Festival Gala, he certainly hopes to have more and better language programs appear on the Spring Festival Gala, but there is an old saying that you can't put all eggs in one basket.

If all the skits for China Television's Spring Festival Gala come from one company, wouldn't all the actors go to this company in the future?

Do this, and others will complain.

Can't let one family dominate!
Besides, with so many screenwriters in Huaxia TV, if they can't even come up with a sketch, wouldn't it be a joke to spread it?
"No, the program is almost enough." Chen Ya replied.

"Really? That's such a pity, but Director Chen, if you are the chief director of the Spring Festival Gala next year, you must come to me if you remember." Xu Jie said seriously.

In the past, the resistance was because one person was too tired, and it would delay him going home for the New Year. Now it is different. Facts have proved that other people in the creative department are also qualified for this job. For the sake of the company and the employees, of course he must actively strive for.

"Ah? Oh, I see." Chen Ya nodded.

Wait, no!

Chen Ya looked at Xu Jie and asked: "I asked you to write four short scripts, how do you let your employees write them? Are you lazy? Also, the ones who passed last time are also your employees. Did you write it?"

"No, those three were indeed written by me. Xu Jie doesn't bother to take the fruits of other people's labor. Moreover, Director Chen, when we agreed, only said to write four short scripts, but never said to write four. I have written four sketch scripts for trial, and after three, they are far beyond the average level. In fact, I can ignore this today. I also don’t want to disappoint Teacher Gao, so I just meddle in my own business. .” Xu Jie said eloquently.

Chen Ya was at a loss for words for a while, but the facts were just like what the other party said, when they were invited to create the script for the Spring Festival Gala, they did not say that they had to go through the review.

In fact, he had considered this matter for a long time at the beginning. After all, there were too many uncertainties in the review of the Spring Festival Gala. The key point was that the leaders of the review team were different every year. There was no trace or experience to speak of.

It's just that he didn't expect that the other party would be so fierce and pass the trial so easily. If he had known this, he should have added this clause in the transaction.

Alas, it all depends on the background of the peers, as long as there are a few who can play in the language program, the other party will not be so smooth.

Seeing that Chen Ya didn't speak, Xu Jie continued to sell miserably.

"Director Chen, to tell you the truth, the four sketches are already the limit of my creation. For these four sketches, I don't know how many brain cells have been exhausted and how many hairs have fallen out. If you insist on asking me to write another Come out, then I can only vomit blood and write a blood book. Besides, Chen Song is not an outsider. How about withdrawing the sketch just now?"

Xu Jie not only reasoned with Chen Ya, but also played tricks.

At this moment, Gao Changbo and the others had already returned from the stage to the backstage. When they heard that the sketches that had passed the review were about to be withdrawn, they blushed anxiously and looked straight at Chen Ya.

Although Chen Ya is the chief director of the Spring Festival Gala, Gao Changbo is also an old artist. It's fine if the sketch has not passed the trial. Now that it has passed the trial, how can we let the other party leave?Those who don't know think that the two have some personal grievances.

"President Xu, don't worry, I didn't say no." Chen Ya said quickly.

This is why you can't hand over all the Spring Festival Gala sketches to the other party.

Let the other party be responsible for four, he is so passive, if he gives all of them to the other party, why shouldn't he, the chief director, listen to the other party's command?

In fact, there are good and bad sketches, which is normal.

In a Spring Festival Gala, if there are a few good skits, then it doesn’t matter if there are a few bad skits.

If every program had to be exciting, the chief director would not be able to continue.

The next performance on stage is the revised work.

The power of the review team is that no matter what kind of sketch, no matter how many times it has been revised, they can find the point of revision until the day when the show is officially broadcast.

And Xu Jie still has a very important thing to do, he has to leave China TV, so he handed over the work of recording suggestions to his senior sister.

Before leaving get off work, Xu Jie rushed back to Jingshi Culture.

Instead of going back to the office, he came directly to the creative department to announce an important matter.

"Clap clap clap!"

After Xu Jie entered the work area, he clapped his hands hard several times.

When the employees of the creative department saw that Mr. Xu had arrived, they all stopped their work and looked over excitedly and expectantly.

Because whichever department Mr. Xu appears in, good things will happen in that department.

"I want to tell you a good news. The sketch script created by Chen Song has passed the review of CTS Spring Festival Gala. Let us congratulate Chen Song!" Xu Jie said loudly, and then took the lead in applauding

When everyone heard it, their eyes lit up immediately.

What does the review show?
The explanation will appear on the stage of ChinaTV Spring Festival Gala.

The sketch scripts created by Chen Song are fine, which means that the sketch scripts they created also have the same opportunity.

So this is not only a good thing for Chen Song, but also a good thing for everyone.


There was warm applause in the office area!
I used to think that it was useless for Mr. Xu to ask everyone to write sketch scripts, but now... isn't it useful?

It has to be Mr. Xu!
Lu Ziye!


(End of this chapter)

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