Since entering the twelfth lunar month, time seems to speed up its pace, every day passes very fast, and if you don't pay attention, it will be the day of the Spring Festival Gala review.

Early in the morning, a large number of media and reporters gathered outside the gate of China TV to inquire about the news about the China TV Spring Festival Gala.

You must know that there are only three weeks left before the Spring Festival Gala. According to the preparations for the Spring Festival Gala of CTV in previous years, the program of this year's Spring Festival Gala should be finalized soon.

"Look, it's Shen Ling!"

"Shen Ling, how is the preparation of the work going?"

"Sister Ling, are you planning to bring your own team to the Spring Festival Gala this year, or are you planning to cooperate with other stars?"

After seeing the comedian Shen Ling, the reporters raised questions about the work one after another.

Under normal circumstances, as long as the content of the sketch is not involved, the actors will reveal more or less, so as to bring enough attention to their works.

However, today Shen Ling didn't stop to have a brief chat with everyone like last time, she didn't even stop in her footsteps, she just waved at everyone, and then walked into the gate of CTS with a lot of thoughts.

After all the reporters saw it, they all showed puzzled eyes. Shen Ling has always been very popular, and she is very good at dealing with the media. Every chat can make everyone laugh, but what happened today?It looks very abnormal.

"What's wrong with Shen Ling? I haven't seen any negative news about her."

"I heard that a large number of language programs were forced last time, and Shen Ling didn't pass. I guess it's because of too much psychological pressure."

"I said that when I saw Song Xiaopan before, why did the other party have a straight face? I thought it was because I didn't wake up. It seems that it is also a problem with the work."

"In my opinion, the inspection team is too strict, no matter what happens, the sketches are about to be supervised to death."

"This kind of thing can't be generalized. It depends on the creator. Aren't the sketches written by Lao Xu last year very good? By the way, why didn't I see Lao Xu today?"

"After being reminded by you, it seems that I really didn't see Lao Xu today. I remember seeing him coming last time."


Everyone started talking, until another star appeared, and then changed the subject.

Near noon, when the reporters were discussing what to eat later, a man suddenly appeared in everyone's field of vision.

"It's Old Xu!"

When everyone saw it, they immediately became excited.

Compared with other celebrities, Lao Xu still has quite a lot of topics. In addition to the topic of participating in the CTV Spring Festival Gala, there are also topics with Su Yun, topics of variety shows, topics of movies and TV series, etc. There are too many. Even if it's an exclusive interview, I'm afraid it won't be enough.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Xu."

"Mr. Xu, how many works did you bring this year? Compared with last year, is it more or less?" A female reporter asked.

"Guess, there is no prize for guessing right." Xu Jie said as he walked.

The female reporter was speechless. Has anyone answered the question like this?
"Mr. Xu, why did you come here? Do you have confidence in your work?"

"I definitely have confidence, but it's mainly because I overslept, let alone, I have to go in quickly." Xu Jie pointed to the CTS building, and then hurried in.

In the past few days, after revising the sketch script according to the requirements of the review team, he started to create a new movie script.

Because it is a cooperation with the great director Yu Zijian, and it is also a key project of Jingshi Culture this year, so he himself attaches great importance to it. For example, today, thinking too much about the story, accidentally overthinking it, It wasn't the call from the senior sister. He is probably still in the company right now.

The elevator slowly stopped at the floor where the studio was located. As soon as Xu Jie got out, he saw many celebrities walking towards this side, including actors and singers, some smiling and some frowning.

After these celebrities saw Xu Jie, no matter if they were familiar with him or not, they all took the initiative to say hello.

"Hello, Mr. Xu."

"President Xu, you are here."

Xu Jie smiled and nodded.


Suddenly a shout came, Xu Jie turned his head to look, it was the senior sister, and saw that the other party had a sullen face, and his eyes seemed to want to kill someone.

"Sister, what's the matter? Who messed with you?" Xu Jie walked over and asked curiously.

This is Huaxia TV, the opponent's home field.

Jiang Yuanyue's eyes were cold, and after a while she asked angrily, "Are you here for lunch? See what time it is?"

Xu Jie looked down at his watch, and it was already past 11:30, "Sister, if you want to invite me to dinner, I will not refuse. Speaking of which, I have been to CTV so many times, but I have never been to your cafeteria Well, just eat lunch."

Jiang Yuanyue saw that her junior not only didn't feel guilty, but was still poor with her here, she immediately rolled her eyes and said angrily, "Do you think you are awesome after passing the three sketches? I told you You, this is only temporary, before the last rehearsal, all the shows may be taken down!"

"Sister, I know, but didn't you say that the censorship of language programs was carried out this afternoon? Isn't it already afternoon? Besides, I didn't come because I was writing scripts in the company." Xu Jie said Yang raised the file bag in his hand, "Don't you want to invite me to lunch? Just show you the revised sketch script and the newly written sketch script, how about it?"

Jiang Yuanyue's fixed file bag seemed to have some magical power on it, which deeply attracted her attention.

She didn't want to invite the other party to dinner, but since the other party came late because of the script, she couldn't blame the other party anymore, so she grabbed the file bag and said as she walked, "Hurry up, hurry up and meet the actor after dinner." , they have been waiting for you all morning."

"Yes, senpai."

Xu Jie followed her seniors to the cafeteria. The cafeteria of China TV is much larger than that of Beijing TV. Not only is the food very rich, but also the combination of meat and vegetables is very good. There are also some local snacks, which look very appetizing.

Since it was the senior sister's treat, he was not polite to the other party. He ordered six dishes by himself, not caring about other people's eyes at all.

"Can you eat?" Jiang Yuanyue frowned and asked.

She only ordered one dish and took a little fruit, neither the staple food nor meaty ones.

If you want to maintain a good figure, you must strictly control your diet.

Not only today, she has been like this for so many years, and she has already gotten used to it.

"Senior sister, you don't know that mental activity consumes a lot. Now I not only need to replenish the energy lost in the morning, but also store up the energy necessary for the afternoon." Xu Jie said while eating.

"Who said I didn't know? Of course I do!" Jiang Yuanyue gave her junior a white look, as if she hadn't done anything.

But with the script in hand, she was too lazy to talk to the other party, so she opened the file bag and read it.

Due to limited time, she did not read the revised script, but devoted all her attention to the newly created script.

Although she also hopes to see the scene of a hundred schools of thought singing together, there is often a gap between reality and ideals.

In the morning, she took a look at the skit script recreated by other screenwriters, but the result gave her the feeling that it was not as good as the work that was rejected last time.

It’s okay to have a few laughs, everyone is forcibly sensational, it’s embarrassing to watch, but she can’t persuade people to leave, she can only bite the bullet and say it’s okay, and leave the decision to the review team, after all, the review team Love this tone.

Soon, the script is finished.

Jiang Yuanyue's frowning eyebrows relaxed at some point, and she said with satisfaction: "Student, it's not bad to be able to produce such a high-level work in such a short period of time."

Xu Jie raised his head and asked, "Senior sister, you are not complimenting me, are you? Do you really think the new work is good?"

"Of course, besides, do I need to compliment you?" Jiang Yuanyue put the script back into the file bag and ate lunch in peace.

"Senior sister, since you really think so, then I'll tell you the truth." Xu Jie stopped his chopsticks, swallowed the contents of his mouth into his stomach, then leaned forward and whispered: "Actually, you The skit script I saw just now was created by my staff."


Jiang Yuanyue was stunned, and looked straight at her junior, full of surprise.

When Director Chen made an appointment with the other party, he was talking about asking the other party to produce four sketch scripts, but he didn't say that Beijing Television Culture would produce four sketch scripts.

This, isn't this cheating?

No wonder when I watched it just now, I felt that the style of this sketch was very different from the last three sketches. It turned out that it was not created by one person.

"Student, you..." Jiang Yuanyue carefully looked around, then lowered her voice and said, "How could you do this? What if Director Chen finds out?"

"Sister, let me tell you, it's because I didn't treat you as an outsider. Besides, as long as the sketch is good, whoever writes it is not the same? As for Director Chen, does he really want my sketch? No, he wants it. What do you think is a work that can satisfy the review team and make audiences across the country laugh?" Xu Jie asked.

Jiang Yuanyue nodded after listening.

Although she is not Director Chen, as the person in charge of the language program of the Spring Festival Gala, what the junior said just now is indeed true.

Does it matter who creates the show?
The review team looks at the content, and the audience looks at the content and actors. Who cares who the screenwriter and director of the show are?
As long as the skit is approved by the review team and the audience in front of the TV, that is enough.

"Sister, I did this for the sake of the Spring Festival Gala. Since there are excellent works, why don't you use them? Others don't understand me, don't you understand me?" After Xu Jie finished speaking, he put the food on the plate Put the yogurt on the senior sister's dinner plate.

The reason why he told his senior sister about this was not because of the good relationship between the two of them. Those words were pure nonsense. He just hoped that when Director Chen found out in the future, the senior sister would stand up and say a few words for him. When people sing together and cooperate with each other, won't Director Chen be taken down?
In the matter of the Spring Festival Gala program, the process is not important, the result is the most important.

"What if your work fails the review in the afternoon?" Jiang Yuanyue asked worriedly after thinking about it.

She thinks it's good, it's useless, the review team thinks it's good.

"Failed? Then write another one!" Xu Jie said.

His computer has stored a lot of sketch scripts created by many employees, not to mention writing one more, even ten more will be fine.

Anyway, he decided to use the works of the creative department.

Jiang Yuanyue looked at her junior helplessly, write another one?There are still three weeks before the Spring Festival Gala, how can there be extra time to write to the other party?

However, until now, there is no other way but to let the other party take this work to try.

"Okay, but before passing the review, it's better not to let Director Chen know." Jiang Yuanyue said.

She was worried that after Director Chen found out, he would directly take down this work and not even give him a chance to participate in the review. At that time, the pressure would be transferred to her, the person in charge of the language program.

"Good senior, I'll listen to you." Xu Jie said with a smile.

In fact, he never planned to tell Chen Ya before the Spring Festival Gala.

Of course, I must say it, but I will say it after the Spring Festival Gala. When the other party sees the effect of the skit, will there be any objections?
In this way, next year's CTV Spring Festival Gala's language programs will definitely have a place in the Beijing TV Cultural Creation Department.

After eating, Xu Jie took the file bag to the room prepared for him by the director's team. As soon as he entered the door, he saw the actors in Gao Changbo's group in a daze.

It was probably the relationship that failed the first review. Several people looked very anxious, but after seeing Xu Jie, they immediately regained their energy.

"Director Xu, you're finally here." Gao Changbo said excitedly, even with a trembling voice.

"Director Xu, I thought you weren't coming." Another actress said with a wry smile.

The feeling of waiting is not good, especially this morning, not seeing Director Xu, every minute is suffering.

Perhaps for those old artists, it is not that important whether they can't make it to the Spring Festival Gala, but for young actors like them, this stage is too much needed to express themselves.

"Sorry to keep you waiting for so long." Xu Jie said while taking out the sketch script from the file bag.

"Don't be in a hurry, slow work and careful work." Gao Changbo said so, but he was the first to receive the script, and he didn't even sit down, standing where he was and couldn't wait to read it.

Not long after, the actors of the other three sketches also came, and Xu Jie distributed the revised scripts to everyone to prepare for the upcoming second review.

In fact, among all the programs of the Spring Festival Gala, the censorship of language programs is the strictest and the most.

Singing, as long as it is not unpleasant.

Dancing, as long as you don't forget the movements.

There are only language programs, and both the lines and the content have to be reviewed. There is no theme, and no meaning.

It's not that no one can write good sketches, it's because the sketches for CTV's Spring Festival Gala are too difficult to write.


After an unknown amount of time, there was a knock on the door outside.

Xu Jie opened the door, it was Senior Sister.

Jiang Yuanyue looked at his junior with a tangled look, finally sighed secretly, and said: "The review has begun, let's start with the ones that didn't pass last time."

"Thank you, senpai."

Xu Jie turned his head to look at Gao Changbo and the others. Whether JingTV Culture's creative department can become famous depends on this time!


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