Chapter 993

After Xu Jie got off the car, he rushed into the company at a trot, not wanting to stay outside for a moment longer.

Starting today, the capital city will officially enter the [-]th day, [-] will not be shot, and [-] will walk on the ice, which means that the coldest period of the year is coming.

"Brother-in-law... Mr. Xu!"

As soon as Xu Jie entered the door, he heard someone calling him. Before he could react, he saw that kid Su Lei walking over from the rest area.

I haven't seen him for a long time, but the other party has changed from his previous gaudy dressing style, black Martin boots, black jeans, and a black woolen coat. He looks a little less arrogant and arrogant, and more stable and low-key. It's just that I can't look at the face, and I still feel a little embarrassed when I look at the face.

"Why are you here so early?" Xu Jie looked at the time, it was only 10:[-], [-] minutes before work time.

"Hey, brother-in-law, I miss you, do I want to see you earlier?" Su Lei whispered with a smile, and kept moving forward, trying to get closer and add affection.

For him, his brother-in-law is the backer of his "dream-chasing" acting circle. Whether a director invites him to make a film, whether a magazine invites him to make a film, whether an actor invites him to cooperate, largely depends on his brother-in-law in this circle Anyway, his sister can't count on his influence, so he can only get close to this brother-in-law.

"Get out!" Xu Jie said angrily, raising his leg and kicking at the opponent.

I haven't seen you for a few months, but you actually learned how to tease your brother-in-law?
It’s really been a few days since I’ve been on the house.

"Morning Mr. Xu!"

"Good morning Mr. Xu!"

When the employees at work passed by Xu Jie, they took the initiative to say hello.

Xu Jie smiled and nodded in response. At the same time, he also realized that this is a company, not a place to beat people, and that the other party is now the general manager of the outstanding film and television culture company, the partner of Jingshi Culture, so he rushed towards the elevator. Walking in the direction, he said to his brother-in-law in a low voice, "Come with me!"

Find a place where there are no outsiders to play.

"Good sister, good Mr. Xu." Su Lei followed quickly, some things really shouldn't be said here.

Xu Jie came to the office, and after his brother-in-law came in, he closed the door with his backhand, ready to close the door and beat the dog.

Seeing his brother-in-law's aggressive and murderous look, Su Lei was immediately discouraged. After all, if he was beaten up, he was beaten for nothing, and he didn't dare to extort money, so he hurriedly said, "Brother-in-law, I am here to give you this on behalf of the outstanding film and television culture company." JingTV Culture sent money."

Xu Jie kicked the other party's ass, "Then there's no need to come here so early, the finance side hasn't gone to work yet, so if you sit in the lobby, what will you do if someone recognizes you as my brother-in-law?"

After kicking, he gave the opponent a hard look, not knowing how to be low-key at all.

You can be high-profile when doing things, but you must be low-key when making money, otherwise you will be jealous.

"Brother-in-law, if someone else asks me to come, I will definitely delay until very late, but if you ask me to come, I must come sooner. I would rather wait for you for an hour than let you wait for me for one minute." Su Lei He said solemnly, vowing to let his brother-in-law know his sincerity.

Of course, it was also for my brother-in-law to put his feet away.

To be honest, kicking really hurts.

After Xu Jie heard it, he frowned and looked at the other party. Although there was nothing wrong with what he said, why did he say it out of the other party's mouth so much?

Goosebumps all over my body!
"Okay, don't confess your love to me here, I don't take this kind of thing." Xu Jie looked down at the time on his watch, and there were 2 minutes before going to work, so he decided to chat with the other party for 2 minutes, "Your sister Busy, go back and see your parents when you are free, you know?"

"Brother-in-law, don't worry, every time I come back from the outside, I will go home and live. I am a public figure, and I have completely said goodbye to the past. It took me a lot of trouble to get into what I am now. I don't want to just collapse the house like this." Su Lei said seriously.

Although he is not yet a first-tier or second-tier artist, and his reputation is not very big, he has already been invited to play the second male lead.

Don't look at the number one male, but from the third male to the fourth male, this process is definitely a qualitative leap.

Because it is usually the first male and the first female who play against the male second, which gives him more opportunities to perform.

If the acting is done well, the limelight might overwhelm the male lead. You must know that in many film and television dramas, the male lead is more popular than the male lead in the end.

There is a saying in the circle: When an actor becomes popular, it usually starts with being the second male lead.

Therefore, he now pays special attention to his image.

"Collapsed house? Huh, at your level, no one cares even if the house collapsed." Xu Jie sneered twice, and acted in several movies and TV shows. Do you really think of yourself as a popular niche?
"Brother-in-law, look at what you said. I am not the original me now. I not only have a fan group, but also a support club. There are many people. For example, when I returned to the capital last night, fans came to pick me up. A fan gave me a small gift, from a beautiful fan." Su Lei said triumphantly.

Seeing his brother-in-law's smug look, Xu Jie was really worried that he would get carried away and drag Su Yun, who had just stabilized her career, into the water, so she warned with a straight face, "Be careful, don't be like some male entertainers who are so sleepy." Thing, if you let me know, I will definitely not spare you, I can bring you into this circle, and I can get you out of this circle, do you hear me?"

His words are definitely not scary!
If anyone gets in the way of Su Yun, even if it's his own younger brother, he won't let it go.

"Brother-in-law, don't you underestimate me? Am I that kind of person? What's the difference between earning fans' money and sleeping with fans?" Su Lei said righteously, and at the same time showed his concern for this matter. Behavior of disdain.

Xu Jie was slightly taken aback, he didn't expect the other party to have such awareness, which really surprised him.

It seems that he really has to change his views on this brother-in-law, isn't there a saying?Don't treat each other with admiration for three days.

It's time for him to do eye exercises.

Just when the expression on his face eased, he saw the other party continue to say with a wretched face: "What's the point of sleeping powder, if you want to sleep, you are also a sleeping star, not only has a beautiful body and a good figure, but you don't have to worry about being exposed, because She is more worried about being exposed than you are."


Xu Jie didn't say anything, grabbed a book from the table and threw it at the other party viciously.

Just by looking at the other person, he must have slept, otherwise how would he understand the psychology of a female star?

This scumbag!

Dogs can't stop eating shit!

Seeing his brother-in-law's murderous eyes, Su Lei immediately realized that he seemed to have said something he shouldn't have said, so he put away his smile and quickly explained: "Brother-in-law, I'm teasing you, you know me, I'm with you Just kidding, really, I mean, I'm in love with a female star, yes, it's in love..."

"Get out, get out!" Xu Jie pointed out the door.

It was precisely because he knew the other party that he felt that this kid could do what he just said.

In the past, this little brother-in-law was dishonest and often fooled around in bars with a group of cronies. Now he stopped fooling around in bars and went to the entertainment circle instead.

"Brother-in-law, don't be angry, isn't this a normal thing in the entertainment circle? And many times it's actresses who seduce me, no, no, it's them who want to date me on their own initiative, and I'm too embarrassed to refuse, right?" Su Lei walked out while talking, and felt like he would still be beaten if he didn't leave.

Xu Jie made a gesture to stand up and show the other party some color.

He brought the other party into the entertainment industry to find something for the other party to do, to let the other party establish a correct outlook on life and values, not to let the other party fool around.

If the father-in-law and mother-in-law knew about this, wouldn't it be his son-in-law who led their son astray?
When Su Lei saw that his brother-in-law was angry, he immediately ran away, fearing that he would be caught and blown away.

Brother-in-law's fist, he knew very well what it felt like.

Alas, I'm used to showing off in front of my classmates and friends, so I couldn't stop it for a while today.

Xu Jie chased to the door, saw that his brother-in-law had disappeared, and slammed the door shut.

In fact, he is very clear about what my brother-in-law said, and he has a deep understanding.

When he didn't enter this circle, he always thought that all the female stars were very cold, but after entering this circle, he discovered that most of the female stars are actually very enthusiastic.

And for those like my brother-in-law who are so rich and jaded, before they are fully exposed, there must be actresses who show their affection.

But then again, this kind of thing is usually a matter of one willing to fight and one willing to suffer, and one cannot be blamed blindly. Men like beautiful women, so why don't women like handsome guys?

The life of the crew is so boring and monotonous, and there will eventually be some men and women with weak willpower who will have fierce collisions under the influence of hormones.

As strong as Fahai, wouldn't he be unable to withstand the green snake?

On the top there are Buddhas and demons lingering in symbiosis, and on the bottom there are men and women who are in perfect harmony.

This kind of thing is not clear.

Just when Xu Jie sat down to revise the script of the Spring Festival Gala sketch, there was a sudden knock on the door of "Dangdangdang".

He thought it was his brother-in-law who came back, so he immediately walked over to open the door and said loudly, "You still dare to come's Xiao Chen, what's the matter?"

The one standing outside the door was not Su Lei, but Chen Song.

Xu Jie really changed his face, from the bitterness of winter to the warm wind of early spring in an instant.

"I, I've changed the script of the skit, and I'd like to ask Mr. Xu to have a look at it." Chen Song stammered, a little frightened.

"What? Changed it? So fast?" Xu Jie was slightly taken aback, looking at the skit script printed out in the other party's hand, it didn't look like he was joking.

If he remembered correctly, the script should have been brought back to the other party for revision yesterday. It has only been one night, and the speed... almost caught up with him.

Compared with recreating a skit script, it must be easier to revise, so he returned to normal after a short surprise.

And the other person's current appearance also tells him that this person is not lazy, tired face, dark eye circles, messy hair, these are the best proofs.

"Didn't sleep last night?" Xu Jie asked after receiving the sketch script.

"En." Chen Song nodded.

Although he was a little tired physically, his spirit was very excited.

In fact, it wasn't that he didn't want to sleep last night. He was so happy that he couldn't sleep. When he thought that his sketch would have a chance to be on the stage of China Television Spring Festival Gala, he wanted to finish his work quickly and hand it over to Mr. Xu earlier.

Xu Jie didn't say anything when he heard it, and turned around and went back to the desk to look.

He has had such an experience, so he can fully understand Chen Song's mood.

When he wrote the sketch script for the China TV Spring Festival Gala last year, he wrote it all night and night. He couldn't sleep at all. I had to get up again and continue to write, and so on and on, the night passed quickly.

Xu Jie looked at it from the beginning, and the few places suggested to be revised yesterday were the objects of his key review. Of course, other places that he had seen before could not be ignored.

China Television’s Spring Festival Gala sketches have always been strictly reviewed, ranging from the whole story to a small link, not even a single sentence is missed, so extra attention must be paid before submitting.

Ten minutes later, Xu Jie finally read the entire script.

"It's better than the previous version, but the revisions I pointed out are not outstanding enough. This is a skit, and you can exaggerate some links. This will not only bring better comedy effects, but also give you a better sense of humor." It can also highlight the character of the characters and make the whole story look fuller, like..."

Xu Jie picked up a pen from the table, and while writing on the paper, he told Chen Song.

In the matter of writing sketches, he thinks he still has a good say. After all, from "Crossover Actor" a few years ago to last year's Spring Festival Gala, he has written a lot, and he is definitely rich in experience.

Of course, if you often walk by the river, you can’t get your shoes wet. There is only General Changsheng in the world. I have never heard of General Quansheng, so it is normal for him to be killed after writing so many.

The skit script was very short, but this time Xu Jie spoke for more than an hour before stopping. Of course, the discussion with Chen Song was also indispensable.

"President Xu, I understand, I'll go back and revise it now." Chen Song picked up the sketch script and said seriously.

I thought: Sure enough, it is right to hand it over to Mr. Xu in advance. You can get Mr. Xu’s personal guidance and have time to revise the script. Otherwise, if you send a defective product to CTS Spring Festival Gala for review, you will definitely be killed. .

Faced with such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, no one wants to be kicked out.

"Well, let's go back, but you'd better take a rest so that you can come up with better ideas when you have more energy. Besides, I don't want to see your script die suddenly on the desk without changing it. Well, you don't have to When you come to the company, you can work at home, sleep when you are sleepy, and write when you wake up, which is convenient." Xu Jie said.

Although the words were harsh, Chen Song also knew that Mr. Xu was doing his best, so he said gratefully, "Thank you Mr. Xu."

Xu Jie nodded, "By the way, don't forget to have dinner together tonight." He reminded.

"Yes, Mr. Xu, then I'll go back first." Chen Song saluted and left the office.


(End of this chapter)

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