With the departure of the review team, today's Spring Festival Gala language program review has also come to an end. Next, the director team will give the actors some time. Those who need to be revised should be revised quickly, and those who were killed should be restarted quickly to prepare for the next review. .

For the results of this review, it can be said that some people are happy and some are worried.

Those who are happy are naturally those who passed the review, because half of their feet have already stepped onto the stage of the Spring Festival Gala; but those who are worried are naturally those who have not passed the review, not only because the works they created in the past few days were rejected by the review team. Killed, because they have to re-create new sketches.

But to say that today's biggest winner is definitely Xu Jie.

He passed three sketches by himself, and just listening to it made people feel envious and jealous. You must know that all other language programs were added together, and he only passed two. He surpassed all others by himself.

It is said that there are about eight sketches in the Spring Festival Gala of China TV every year. Now Xu Jie monopolizes three, plus the other two that passed, there are not many opportunities left for everyone.

After Xu Jie left China TV, he didn't immediately go to Su Yun's studio, nor did he go home immediately, but drove to JingTV Culture to talk about the sketch script.

In fact, he has long wanted to bring the sketches written by the staff of the creative department to the China TV Spring Festival Gala, but considering the exchange with Chen Ya, he finally dismissed this idea and wanted to wait for a chance to talk about it later. However, now, the four pieces he created One of the sketches was killed, and it happened that we could use the works of the staff of the creative department to make up the number.

Perhaps, this is God's will.

When Xu Jie returned to the company, he immediately found the "homework" submitted by the staff of the creative department, and then found out the sketch script that he thought was most suitable for the Spring Festival Gala stage.

He has already read all these scripts, and divided the grades according to the wonderfulness of the scripts. The best is the first grade, the second is the second grade, and the last is the third grade. If you can't even enter the third grade, you can only get the Go back and rewrite it, which is somewhat similar to the review of the Spring Festival Gala.

Since it was a long time ago when he read these scripts last time, he had long forgotten the stories inside, so he read it again, and after confirming that it was the type that CTS liked, he immediately called the script author Chen Song , Ask the other party to come to his office immediately.

After a few minutes.


Xu Jie looked up at the open office door, only to see Chen Song standing at the door with a somewhat dazed expression on his face.

"Xiao Chen, come in quickly." Xu Jie waved to Chen Song outside the door.

Chen Song walked into the office in a nervous mood, not knowing why Mr. Xu called him to the office when he was about to get off work.

Could it be that he didn't perform well when he was working in Xiazhou?Or did the leaders of CTV make a small report to Mr. Xu?

Everything he knew made him uneasy.

"President Xu, are you looking for me?" Chen Song asked weakly.

Although I don't know what it is, but as a worker, the first thing I think of when I am called to the office by my superiors must be that I have made a mistake.

"Well, remember it?" Xu Jie handed over the printed script.

Chen Song looked at it after taking it, and said after a moment of stupefaction, "Here, this is the sketch script I wrote."

When Mr. Xu established the creative department, he assigned hard tasks to each member, such as how many movie scripts, how many TV drama scripts, and how many sketch scripts to write each year. Those who did not complete would be punished, and those who did not write well would be punished. will also return rewrites.

Could it be that this script is not qualified?

Chen Song thought to himself.

"It's like this. The director team of China TV Spring Festival Gala asked me to produce four sketches, and I only produced three, and there is still one short, so I am going to choose one from your creative department to participate in the review. The sketch you wrote has a clear intention, lol A little bit is enough, so..."

Before Xu Jie finished speaking, Chen Song was already in a daze.

He never dreamed that the sketch script he created would be given to the China TV Spring Festival Gala.

Although it is only submitted for review and has not yet passed the review, even so, the opportunity is very rare.

"Do you still have the original manuscript?" Xu Jie looked at Chen Song and asked, the other party's face was already flushed, and the excitement was beyond words.

"Yes, yes!" Chen Song nodded repeatedly.

"I took a look just now and wrote you a few suggestions by the way. Take it back and revise it, and then give it to me. The time is naturally the sooner the better, but it can't exceed a week at the latest." Xu Jie said .

Because the next review time for language programs is a week later.

"Yes, I'll take it back and change it now!" Chen Song said excitedly, even if he didn't sleep at night, he still had to change the sketch script.

"Well, let's go back." Xu Jie said with a smile.

Chen Song turned around and was about to go out. After walking a few steps, he suddenly thought of something, and immediately stopped, then turned around and faced Xu Jie who was sitting behind the desk, bowed respectfully, and said Said: "Thank you Mr. Xu."

After speaking, he left.

Xu Jie looked at Chen Song's back and smiled softly.

In fact, he selected sketches from the creative department not only to make Beijing Television Culture famous, but also to motivate the employees of the creative department. He wants to use this form to tell everyone that as long as you are serious and put your heart into it, the creative Works have the opportunity to appear on the highest stage.

He believes that with this start, these employees will work harder in future creations, and the quality of their works will be higher.

At that time, he will no longer have to worry about being a coolie by Chen Yala, and the company's film business and TV drama business will also get little development.

Although traffic is king in today's entertainment industry, he always firmly believes that content is king.

"Xiao Xu!"

Suddenly a voice interrupted Xu Jie's thoughts. When he looked at the door, he saw Boss Jiang and Liu Feng, Vice President Liu appearing outside the door at some point.

"Xiao Xu, so you're here. I thought you wouldn't be back today." Boss Jiang walked in from the outside as he spoke, with a happy smile on his face.

"I just came back from China TV." Xu Jie explained, then looked at Boss Jiang curiously, and asked, "Boss, why are you so happy?"

Could it be that the matter of competing for the deputy editor-in-chief is on the horizon?
However, he hasn't started to campaign for Boss Jiang yet.

And how could such a big matter come to fruition so quickly?
Not to mention a high-level TV station like the deputy editor-in-chief, even a small deputy director, it takes at least ten days and a half months from the announcement to the appointment.

"Haha, of course it's a good thing, and you'll be happy when I tell you." Jiang Hai came to Xu Jie and said excitedly, "I tell you, the box office share of the movie "Lovers in Time and Space" has arrived Well, more than 500 million yuan, and I made 500 million yuan in one fell swoop. If I had known this, even if I had sold the pot and borrowed money from the TV station, I would make up for the remaining gap for you."

What he regrets most now is that he only agreed with Xiao Xu to use the funds from the film department and the TV drama department to make movies, and did not invest the activity funds from the program department, performance department, business department, and all the money on the company's books in that movie. on the movie.

If we had done that in the first place, the company would not have earned 500 million, but nearly 8000 million.

After Xu Jie heard it, he thought to himself: If you vote all in, can I still make money?

"By the way, Xiao Xu, your share of the leading role has also arrived. It's more than 1000 million. You have to treat me." Jiang Hai smiled and patted Xu Jie on the shoulder.

The company's employees received more than 1000 million labor fees. This is the first time that this kind of thing has happened in Jingshi Culture, no, in the entire Beijing Radio and Television Station.

However, who let the other party star in the movie actor?

As a matter of fact, regarding the service fee, the leadership of the TV station never planned to pay it from the beginning to the end, so they came up with the idea of ​​changing the remuneration into a share. To put it bluntly, the leadership did not like this movie at all.

But people are not as good as heaven, the movie sold more than [-] million yuan in the end, and Xiao Xu's share was much higher than the labor fee.

"No problem, inform all the employees of the company that I invite you to the Kazi International Hotel opposite tomorrow night!" Xu Jie said proudly.

I made more than 1000 million yuan at once. Although it is hard money from hard work, it is really unreasonable not to treat guests, because there are too many.

Of course, he is not afraid of being slaughtered. After all, he is the vice president of the company. If anyone dares to take the opportunity to slaughter him, wouldn't that mean destroying his future?

"Big atmosphere!" Jiang Hai turned his head to look at Liu Feng and said, "Old Liu, wait a minute to send an announcement. Mr. Xu will treat guests to dinner tomorrow night, so that everyone can spare time."

"Alright Mr. Jiang!" Liu Feng nodded.

"Also, tell the accountant to transfer the money to Mr. Xu quickly. If Mr. Xu has no money for the checkout tomorrow night, then let the accountant be responsible for the checkout!" Jiang Hai said.


As the leader of the financial department, Liu Feng is now delaying anyone's labor fee, and he does not dare to delay Mr. Xu's labor fee, because the year-end bonus that the company gave employees just now was obtained by Mr. Xu's hard work. If Mr. Xu is delayed labor costs, do you still want this year's year-end bonus?
"Xiao Xu, now that the company has money in its account, it will be even richer in the future. In the future, you can shoot whatever you want, don't worry about the money." Jiang Hai said.

The money in the account was earned by the other party, so is there any reason not to let the other party spend it?

In fact, money is not a thing to be afraid of spending, but what you are afraid of is that there will be no return after spending it. Like Xiao Xu, who spends a hundred and gets back two hundred, it is like a cornucopia.

"Thank you President Jiang for supporting my work!" Xu Jie said after hearing this.

Jiang Hai laughed a few times, and left the office happily.

He plans to go to the TV station tomorrow to report this matter to the director, which can be regarded as an increase in the competition for the deputy editor-in-chief.

after get off work.

Xu Jie turned off the computer, put on his clothes, and walked out of the office impatiently. This feeling was like when he was in junior high school. After hearing the bell, he immediately ran away from the classroom.

The elevator stopped at each floor, and employees continued to enter the elevator. After seeing Mr. Xu, everyone's eyes lit up.

"Mr. Xu, I heard that you are treating guests to dinner tomorrow night. Is it true?" A female employee asked. The Kazi International Hotel opposite is a five-star hotel. Whether it is service or dishes, it is first-class in the surrounding generation. .

"Yeah." Xu Jie nodded.

"Thank you Mr. Xu."

"Boss Xu, I've let you spend money."

"Thank you Mr. Xu for the treat. In the future, we will work hard and repay Mr. Xu with practical actions."

Everyone said.

This is an opportunity to show loyalty in front of the leader, who wouldn't want to seize it?

Besides, who in the company doesn't know that following Xu will always have wine and meat?And now everyone feels proud and proud of being able to do things for Mr. Xu.

Of course, employees with this kind of thinking are not limited to the content resource department, but also the functional management department headed by Liu Feng, deputy general manager Liu, people from the personnel department, finance department, legal department, and Wang Yunjie, deputy director of Wang Yunjie. The marketing business department in charge, responsible for media planning, responsible for brand promotion...

Everyone wished they could all be transferred to work under Mr. Xu, but they only wished they hadn't joined the right department.

Xu Jie drove home and smelled the aroma of food as soon as he entered the door.

No need to ask, my wife is cooking again.

He took off his shoes, walked quickly to the kitchen, hugged his wife from behind, and kissed her fair face,

"Honey, you've worked hard!"

While speaking, both hands began to be dishonest.

Without waiting for the other party to ask, he used his actions to choose between eating first or taking a bath first.

"Hey, there are still people here!"

Suddenly a voice came from behind, which startled Xu Jie. When he turned around, he found Liu Qing standing outside the kitchen.

"Why are you here? Shouldn't you be filming in Hengdian?" Xu Jie asked in surprise. Although he didn't take his hands away from his wife, he stopped his activities.

According to the shooting plan, the shooting task of "Legend of Lan Xi" in Hengdian will not end until the end of this month.

"There is an official event to attend tomorrow, so I asked the director for leave." Liu Qing explained after hearing it.

"Why don't I know?" Xu Jie asked, frowning.

"Hmph, do you still care about the filming of "Legend of Lan Xi"?" Liu Qing said angrily, and then sat down at the dining table generously.

Xu Jie was taken aback when he heard this, he must have cared, but it was true that he hadn't been to the shooting site of "Legend of Lan Xi" for a long time, and the number of times he asked less and less.

"Why are you still sitting down? Hurry up and go home to prepare for the official event." Xu Jie changed the subject and urged the other party to leave.

"I'm here to look for Sister Yun, it's none of your business, hum!" Liu Qing turned her head and didn't shake her at all.

"Why, you don't take me seriously when you become a heroine? I'm the producer, so you forgot how you begged me in the first place?" Xu Jie said with a sneer.

"I..." Liu Qing blushed, but she refused to leave.

Seeing this situation, Xu Jie chose to ignore the other party directly, hugged his wife and started making out.

Su Yun was very embarrassed because of the presence of outsiders, but she held a shovel in her hand, so she used her arms to block it, while twisting her body to resist.

"Go, don't make trouble!"

However, such a move is undoubtedly adding fuel to the fire for Xu Jie.

Middle school students know that friction starts fire.

Liu Qing pretended not to see it at first, but seeing that man getting more and more excessive, how could she have the nerve to stay any longer?Standing up with a blushing face, he fled away in embarrassment. Before leaving, he did not forget to curse: "Rogue!"

Xu Jie thought to himself: If you go to other people's homes and see their husbands and wives making out, you are a hooligan!


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