Chapter 991

"Your work is very good. There are social hotspots and conflicts, and there are tears in your smiles, and you are moved with warmth. It looks very comfortable..."

"Yes, the theme of the work is very good. It has both artistic sense and social significance. In my opinion, this should be the best language work that has appeared so far today..."

Jiang Yuanyue's previous depression was swept away by the super high evaluation of the leader of the review team, and her face was also full of smiles. She was a completely different person from just now.

In her opinion, when the younger brother's work is not on stage, and when the younger brother's work is on stage, there are two completely different worlds.

One is the harsh winter, the other is the warm early spring, the other is hopeless, and the other is hopeful.

Just a moment ago, she thought that her younger brother was a big liar, but now, she felt that her younger brother was a savior who not only saved language programs, but also saved her.

What is cheating?
To cheat is to deceive someone with lies.

Did the junior lie?


So the junior is not a liar, everything is her misunderstanding.


Jiang Yuanyue reached out and patted Xu Jie's shoulder fiercely, and said with a smile: "Okay, junior, I really didn't misread you, I knew that there must be nothing wrong with entrusting you with the Spring Festival Gala sketch."

After Xu Jie heard it, he was as calm as ever. He only passed the trial of two sketches. It is too early to be happy now, and it will not be too late to be happy when all of them pass the trial.

And the actors around who were waiting to see the results of the review all showed expressions of envy and jealousy at this time. Some even began to wonder whether the review team in the audience had changed, or why the comments they gave were so different.

The second group of skit actors returned to the backstage, their expressions were exactly the same as those of the first group, and they were all beaming with excitement. The old artists had been on the stage for a long time, and they were still a little more reserved. Several young actors waved their hands, and they seemed to be dancing here .

"Director Xu, we passed." A second-tier female artist said excitedly.

"I told you just now, how about it, right?" Xu Jie said.

It's still the same lines, the same formula, but the speaking target has changed to a different group of people, but it doesn't affect the effect of this sentence.

"En." The female artist nodded, with a convinced look as if even if Xu Jie said that the earth is square, she would believe it.

"Xiao Xu, you still have to be the one to create the sketch. The Spring Festival Gala sketch is saved." Song Lili gave her a thumbs up while praising her.

She seldom praises others, but what she said just now comes from the heart.

To be honest, in the past few years, due to the lack of good scripts, she even planned to quit the CTS Spring Festival Gala forever and leave the stage.

She is not the only one who has such thoughts, some of her former partners also have such plans, after all, it is better to leave on their own initiative than to be scolded by the audience, at least it is more decent.

Today, Xiao Xu rekindled her hope for the Spring Festival Gala sketch.

If she had such sketchbooks every year in the future, even if she couldn't walk anymore, she would still be willing to sit in a wheelchair.

"Teacher Song, you are flattered. The main reason is that you express well. Besides, I don't have that ability." Xu Jie said modestly.

In front of those young artists, he dared to pretend to be big, but in front of these old artists, he did not dare to be presumptuous.

As the second group of sketch actors left the stage, the third group of sketch actors also came here.

Jiang Yuanyue turned her attention to her juniors. The first group was the lead, and the second group was just in case. She wanted to know what the juniors would say to the third group of actors.

Xu Jie came to the third group of actors, looked at several people and said: "The first group and the second group have passed the trial, and it will be your turn next. You know why I arranged you to be the third group to appear on stage." ?"

Jiang Yuanyue thought to herself: Sure enough, here it comes again.

"I don't know." A first-line actor shook his head.

"Xiao Xu, is it important to be the first to appear on stage?" Liu Ji'an asked suspiciously.

If it is a competition, the order of appearances before and after does have a certain degree of emphasis. Those who appear first are likely to be undervalued, and those who appear last are easy to be compared.

But now everyone is facing program censorship, and what they watch is the content of the program, and they don't have to compete. Isn't it all the same if they appear earlier or later?

What's more, before these groups came to the stage, several language programs had already been censored, and the actual ranking was not the third one.

"Of course there is something special!" Xu Jie said seriously: "I put you in the third place because I think your skit is the most exciting in terms of content and theme, and it can not only catch the excitement brought by the first two groups of programs Pressure can also bring confidence to the fourth group, and it plays an important role in connecting the past and the future in the whole review. Do you know the relay race? The third leg is often the most critical."

Liu Ji'an and others were all stunned when they heard this.

Although I don't understand it very well, I also feel the importance of my group. The most important thing is that Director Xu personally said that the sketches of their group are the most exciting, which makes them more confident. This sentence is enough .

"Director Xu, just put your mind at ease." Liu Ji'an said with a smile, and then led the other actors to the stage. Compared with the guilty appearance of other shows in front of the review team, everyone seemed full of confidence.

They don't believe in themselves, but they believe in Director Xu.

The previous two sketches created by Director Xu have already passed the assessment, and now it is their turn, which Director Xu considers to be the most exciting work, there is no reason why they should not pass.

If you believe in Director Xu, you must pass.

Xu Jie stared at the stage and the audience, clenched his fists nervously.

The nervousness before was only in my heart, but this time, my whole body was nervous.

Why is this so?

The reason is very simple, isn't it because he was very tight when writing the third and fourth sketches, so the writing was rough?

Although in terms of stories, he doesn't think the third and fourth ones are worse than the first two, but no matter how good the story is, it has to be expressed in delicate and ingenious language, right?Otherwise, it will only give people a mediocre feeling.

Jiang Yuanyue also noticed the abnormality of her junior, which also made her, who was just happy not long ago, start to feel uncertain again.

It is no exaggeration to say that the junior's expression is the barometer of her mood.

When the junior is relaxed, she will be happy, and if the junior is nervous, she will also be nervous.

As time passed by every minute and every second, the third set of programs finally came to an end.

The leaders of the review team sitting under the stage all had very relaxed expressions, and some leaders even smiled.

Jiang Yuanyue has been in China TV for so many years, and has learned a lot about the ability to observe words and emotions at work, so after seeing the expressions of the leaders of the review team, he immediately read the results.

There are suggestions, not important.

It doesn't matter if you have opinions.

Passing the trial is the most important thing.

What is the purpose of everyone gathering here today?Isn't it just to participate in the review of the Spring Festival Gala, to see if the program I carefully prepared for the Spring Festival Gala can pass the review, and will it appear on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala?

Otherwise, who would want to be pointed at?Who would want to be talked about?
Soon, several leaders of the review team finished their comments. Although the compliments were not as many as those of the second group, and seven or eight revisions were made, the program was finally passed.

Standing in the background, Xu Jie gave high-fives to the third group of actors. Before he knew it, his palms were already sweating, and now it was finally the last group of sketches.

Jiang Yuanyue had the experience of the previous few times, this time she directly brought the fourth group of actors in front of her juniors, and waited to see the juniors fooling around, no, it was mobilization before the war.

"Finally it's your turn." Xu Jie said with a smile: "To tell you the truth, what I look forward to most is your series of programs, do you know why? Because your skit script is the most exciting, waiting for you to come to the finale... ..."

"Okay, okay, you are the last one today, hurry up and play, come on, I wish you good luck." Jiang Yuanyue interrupted the junior directly.

Listening to it once is still fresh, listening to it twice is tolerable, but listening to it three or four times makes people irritated.

After hearing Director Jiang's words, the fourth group of actors came to the stage under the guidance of the other party and began to perform.

Jiang Yuanyue returned to her junior, seeing that the other party was still clenched fists, staring at the stage, she didn't take it seriously, after all, the other party was like this just now, so while watching the performance on the stage, she spoke in a relaxed tone Asked: "Hey, junior, why did you say that other language programs were not passed, and what is the problem?"

From her point of view, although the cross talk sketches before were not as good as those of her juniors, they would not be eliminated directly and could be salvaged.

If you just give up and prepare a new one, it will not only put a lot of pressure on the creator, but what you write may not necessarily be better than the previous one.

"I don't know." Xu Jie replied.

"Ah? You are an expert in this field, why don't you know? Junior, do you find it troublesome and don't want to help me?" Jiang Yuanyue looked at her junior with a slight frown.

Others write one and one, but the junior writes a few and a few. She believes that this is definitely not a coincidence, and there must be some tricks in it.

"Senior sister, you are a little bit heartbroken for saying this. I don't want to help you? I have written four sketches for you, so it's not considered a help?" dissatisfaction.

When Jiang Yuanyue heard this, she felt a little embarrassed.

There is nothing wrong with what the junior said.

Creating four sketches by one person is unique in the entire history of the Spring Festival Gala. If the two of them hadn't had a good relationship, would the other party have tried their best to help?
Certainly not!

The most is to write a skit script like other creators.

"Student, don't get me wrong, I mean you are so good, you should share your experience with others and teach them how to write." Jiang Yuanyue said patiently, and at the same time changed her face.

Leaving aside the fact that the Spring Festival Gala in the next few years will still need the help of juniors, let’s take this year’s Spring Festival Gala as an example. If you turn your face now, wouldn’t it give people a feeling of letting go of the grind and killing the donkey?

It's not kind!

"Senior sister, I think this is not a problem of teaching, but a problem of their individuals. The knowledge of Tsinghua University is all in the books. As a result, some of them can pass the exam and some can't?" Xu Jie said.

It's not that he doesn't teach, but that he really doesn't want to.

Leaving aside that teaching those people would occupy his spare time, but after the teaching is over, those people will definitely ask him to check and give some suggestions when they are writing and after writing.

Give it, and it will be endless in the future; don't give it, and he will appear arrogant.

Even if it is given, if the review passes, the work is not his, and if the review fails, those people will definitely think that he didn't pay attention to teaching.

Therefore, he will not do such things that require effort and are not thankful.

The previous New Year's Eve party is the best example.

He devised the final stage plan after suffering countless brain cells. What was the result?Didn't the CTS employees ignore him?

And now, who would remember that he designed the stage for the New Year's Eve party?
As the old saying goes: Brother, please settle accounts.

Senior sisters and juniors should do the same.

Want to prostitute?
No way!
"Schoolboy, you are a bit of an argument, Tsingtao University is the top university in China, how can anyone be admitted?" Jiang Yuanyue said with a wry smile.

"That's right, Tsinghua University is the top university in China, and CTS Spring Festival Gala is also the top stage in China, and not everyone can be there," Xu Jie said.

"Student, actually..."

Jiang Yuanyue didn't give up and wanted to continue to persuade, but just halfway through speaking, Xu Jie raised his hand, and the expression on his face became quite dignified.

Um?What's wrong?
"This show of yours is too funny and doesn't have much practical significance..."

"The intention is not clear enough, and the thinking is superficial..."

After Jiang Yuanyue heard it, her heart was filled with shock, and she looked at the stage in disbelief, even suspecting that her ears had heard it wrong.

This review sounds pretty bad.

Jiang Yuanyue turned her head and looked at the junior beside her in doubt, wondering in her heart, they were all written by one person, how could there be such a big gap?
"Student, what's going on?" Jiang Yuanyue asked in a low voice.

"You ask me, who should I ask?" Xu Jie rubbed his forehead with his hands, but he didn't hold back in the finale.

The fourth group of actors walked off the stage in frustration, with frustration written all over their faces.

"Director Xu, I'm sorry to disappoint you." Gao Changbo said with a wry smile.

The other actors also lowered their heads, embarrassed to look at Director Xu, and even felt guilty in their hearts.

Director Xu created four sketches, and the first three passed the review, but their sketch failed. In this case, can it be said that it is the fault of Director Xu?
Certainly not possible.

Since it wasn't Director Xu's problem, it could only be their problem.

"Mr. Gao, you don't need to apologize. I wrote the skit, and now it has not passed the review. This is not your problem, but my creator's problem." Xu Jie said.

If the words are forgotten or changed during the official performance, it is the actor's problem, but now it is the audit content, the actor does not need to perform too much, just walk around and read the lines completely, this can be said to be an actor question?cannot!
"Director Xu, it seems that we have no chance to be on the stage of this year's Spring Festival Gala." Gao Changbo sighed deeply after speaking.

If the review failed, Director Xu couldn't be asked to write another one, right?

Sorry to speak!

Besides, Director Xu is so busy, and he has already passed three programs, so there is no need to write another one for them.

"No!" Xu Jie said with a smile after hearing this: "Didn't the review team ask us to prepare it again? Then let's prepare another one and show it to them during the next review."


Everyone raised their heads and looked over in surprise.

Prepare another one?
Do you have time?Do you have energy?
"Director Xu, you don't need to be so troublesome. Really, to be honest, I'm already very happy if you agree to give me a role in the sketch. I'll accept your favor no matter whether I pass or not." Gao Changbo He put his arm around Xu Jie's shoulder and said.

To censor this kind of thing is completely resigned to fate.

It's life if others pass him or not.

"Mr. Gao, don't bother. Since I promised you at the beginning, I must be responsible to the end. You can go back and wait for my news." Xu Jie said.

If four of them failed the review, he definitely didn't have time to write four more, but now only one failed, so there was absolutely enough time.

Besides, he didn't plan to do it himself this time, but planned to use the sketch script written by the company's employees.

If it can be passed, then Jingshi Cultural Creation Department will also use this to expand its reputation.


(End of this chapter)

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