Chapter 990 Big Fudge?
Xu Jie walked out of the bathroom with a look of joy on his brows.

Although he is not interested in money, it does not affect him to make money. The two do not conflict, just like some people don’t like to go to work, but they still go to work in the end, and they will be happy when they are praised by the leader. In fact It's all the same.

In his view, making money is not the purpose, the purpose is to realize some other ideas through the money obtained.

Besides, who would think too much money?

"Student, what are you happy about?"

Suddenly a voice came, pulling Xu Jie back to reality, he looked up, it turned out to be a senior, the other party was standing outside the room specially prepared for him by the director team of the Spring Festival Gala, his face was full of curiosity, probably because he couldn't figure it out Why is a bathroom so happy.

"It's nothing, it's just that I've been holding it in for a long time, and it feels very refreshing to release it suddenly." Xu Jie explained casually after hearing it.

You can't say you're happy because you got the money, can you?
Too vulgar!

He is now a serious literary and artistic worker.


When Xu Jie saw the senior sister's appearance, his heart skipped a beat. As the person in charge of the language program, the other party's expression was obviously not ideal.

When the people in the room heard it, they stood up, and those who took the script took the script, all with serious expressions, as if they were about to go to the battlefield.

At this time, he suddenly remembered what Chen Siyan said in the room before, so he looked at the senior and asked, "Sister, how is your review going? How many times have you passed?"

A sentence from one of the members of the review team directly caused the two cross talk actors standing on the stage to show embarrassing expressions, and even began to sweat on their foreheads.

"The stalk you used, I have heard it in other works a few years ago..."

At this time, Xu Jie turned his attention to the second group of actors, and said with a smile on his face, "Did you hear that just now? Hu Xuan's group passed."

"I don't know!" Chen Siyan said.

Since Mr. Xu thinks their story is good, it will definitely pass the review later. In other words, if none of their sketches can pass the review, then the remaining three sketches will also fail.

After all, when it comes to big and small things, whoever holds back feels uncomfortable, and whoever releases feels comfortable.

This time Xu Jie didn't speak, he kept his eyes on the inspectors in the audience, trying to see something from them.

He can understand the review team's idea of ​​excellence, but killing so many in the first round of review, isn't this a blow to the confidence and enthusiasm of the creators?

"Sister, aren't you directing other language programs? Why are you here when you have time?" Xu Jie walked over and asked.

The pass rate is less than [-]%, and the remaining ones need to be revised?This year's censorship is no longer strict enough to describe it, it is simply abnormal.

Xu Jie wanted to say something, such as to cheer everyone up, but then he thought, the next thing to review is the content of the sketch, not the performance of the actors. In other words, the main target of the review is the creator, Not a performer, so I canceled the idea of ​​cheering everyone up and started to comfort myself in my heart.

The five fingers are not even on one side. In Director Xu's heart, there must be the most satisfactory works.

Of course, there are also some who are waiting to see the crash scene. After all, if a program is confirmed, their chances of appearing in the China TV Spring Festival Gala will be reduced by one point.

Seeing Jiang Yuanyue's gesture, Xu Jie signaled the four actors to come on stage.

"After listening for so long, I still don't know what you want to express in this work, what is the intention of your creation..."

The cross talk works that took so long to create were not only not recognized, but also criticized as useless. While embarrassing, people felt extremely depressed and even began to doubt life.

The four actors happily returned to the backstage. The process was smoother than they imagined, and the result was better than they imagined. Everything exceeded expectations.

The five people in the second group stepped onto the stage with confidence.

"Student!" Jiang Yuanyue suddenly reached out and patted Xu Jie's shoulder, and said seriously: "The next thing is up to you, don't let me down."

In other words, the leader has approved the skit.

The two comedians were judged so badly that they wanted to find a crack in the ground.

"Mr. Xu, did you hear that? It's passed." Hu Xuan said excitedly.


The problem is, he doesn't count.

Everyone has no other ideas, just want to see if the sketch created by Director Xu can pass the review.

However, the reality was that she was severely slapped in the face by the review team, which made her not even want to be the person in charge of this language program, it was too difficult.

All the pressure fell on Xu Jie.

"Didn't you say that the first group of sketches is the most satisfying for you?" Jiang Yuanyue couldn't help asking.

Thinking of this, the worries in the hearts of several people immediately decreased a little. After all, even the first group whose story was not as good as theirs had already passed, and their group would definitely be able to pass after a while.

"Just forgive me, I don't dare to say it!" Jiang Yuanyue shook his head again and again.

The four happily left the stage.


Only then did Jiang Yuanyue think about the business, looked at his junior and said, "The review of my language program is about to end, and you should hurry up and get ready, and follow me to the studio to wait for the review."


Really the best?

What does "but" mean?
"But" is good, but there are still a few minor flaws, as long as these few changes are completed, it will be perfect.

When Jiang Yuanyue heard the question, a wry smile appeared on his face, and then he sighed deeply, which sounded very depressed.


Hu Xuan and the others looked at each other, their eyes lit up immediately after they were still a little apprehensive.

Jiang Yuanyue touched the junior next to him with his arm, Xu Jie understood, and immediately took the actors of the first sketch to the backstage to prepare for the review.

He also wanted to pass all four sketches, not only to give an explanation to the old artists who came to him, but also to Chen Ya who traded with him.

Xu Jie looked at the two cross talk actors on the stage. Although they were both very famous cross talk actors with rich stage experience, they still seemed a little nervous in front of the review team at the moment, and looked at the review team from time to time. Guilty feeling.

How do they know?

A smile finally appeared on Jiang Yuanyue's worried face, and she really had to be a junior.

If he speaks well, he will cancel any censorship directly, and don’t limit the number of language programs to about eight. As long as the programs are already prepared, all comers will be accepted, and that’s great!

Xu Jie was startled, yes, review, now is not the time to be happy.

"Yes!" The others echoed.

If the program did not pass, or few passed, it meant that the other party would continue to think of ways for the language program, and anyone would be very depressed.

Xu Jie knocked lightly on the door three times, then pushed the door and walked into the room. The atmosphere in the room was the same as when he just left, still so depressing.


Let's put it this way, the ones who can stand in front of the review team today are all high-quality products that have been screened by her.

"What do you think?" Xu Jie asked back.

Xu Jie, Jiang Yuanyue, Song Lili, Liu Juan... and those actors who were killed in the show.

The content of the skit is estimated to be 4 minutes. Because it only needs simple positioning and reading lines according to the script, it ended in less than 10 minutes.

At the same time, Xu Jie and everyone around him also looked at the review team to understand how this year's review would be.

"Yeah." Xu Jie nodded, but his face was calm, as if he had expected it, "I told you just now that your story is the best. Let's discuss it later. Based on the suggestions of the review team, we can revise the script, and then we can formally rehearse."

"Alright Mr. Xu, we will listen to you." Chen Siyan said happily.

Jiang Yuanyue breathed a sigh of relief before the first review leader's comment.

While envious, the second group of actors also began to worry.

Not only them, at this moment, everyone looked at the review team.

The crowd shook their heads.

Xu Jie frowned.

Although she is the assistant director of the Spring Festival Gala and the person in charge of language programs, it is really not up to her who goes up and who goes down.

The two comedians were finally able to look at everyone in the review team openly, looking cramped like elementary school students who have just finished answering a paper and are waiting for their teacher to grade them.

No matter how worried you are, you still have to go.

After two or three minutes, the performance finally ended.

Those skit actors and cross talk actors who were killed in the show were already preparing to leave, but when they saw Xu Jie, they immediately stopped leaving and returned to the backstage.

Even if you smile or nod your head twice, don't keep your face sullen.

"Do you know why I asked you to be the first to go on stage for review?" Xu Jie asked, looking at the actors in front of him.

Just now it was eight who killed six, now it is nine who killed seven.

You must know that every program that appears here today is the result of the creator's hard work and labor that took a long time to conceive, even if it is given a reprieve.

"Eight were uploaded, and only two were passed, and the two that have been reviewed also need a lot of revision." Jiang Yuanyue said.


Jiang Yuanyue, who stood aside the whole time, looked at her junior speechlessly. When the first group came on stage, she thought that the most satisfying work the other party said was true, but just now she heard that the junior was facing the second group of actors. After repeating it, I immediately felt that this person was a big liar, a big fraud.

"Everyone, it's our turn, let's go." Xu Jie said.

"Don't, don't look at me. Besides, it's useless to tell me what you said. You should tell the review team." Xu Jie twisted his shoulders, and shook his senior sister's hand politely.

After the performance started, Jiang Yuanyue came to Xu Jie's side and asked in a low voice, "Is this sketch really the most satisfying to you?"

"Well, I heard you."

"Do you know why I asked you if you heard the news that the first group passed?" Xu Jie looked at the five actors in front of him and asked.

The four actors stood in a row on the stage, watching the leaders of the review team sitting in the audience, nervously waiting for the next comment.

Xu Jie saw that the next group of people had come to the backstage led by the senior sister, so he said to Hu Xuan and others; "Go back first, and wait for my news."

Not surprisingly, the cross talk on stage failed the review.

Jiang Yuanyue was taken aback when she heard this, she didn't expect her junior to give such an answer, although it didn't sound like the truth, but there was nothing wrong with it.

"I don't know what will happen to our group."

Jiang Yuanyue was also embarrassed.

"Well, the content of the story is good, the topic is hot and connotative, and the ending is also full of drama. The overall standard is still very high, but there are a few things that need to be..."

If only the leaders of the station were responsible for the review, she might have the courage to try it, but in the review team, besides the leaders of the station, there are leaders from other departments at the higher level. Didn't the leaders in the hospital just let her go?

"That's it?" Jiang Yuan was not sure.

The five of them were all taken aback after hearing this.

As the old saying goes: an ugly daughter-in-law must see her in-laws.

Are you still suitable for talking about cross talk?

Mr. Xu's creative ability is obvious to all.

Cross talk actors are different from sketch actors. The works of sketch actors are generally created by special screenwriters, while most of the works of cross talk actors are created by themselves.

The comments of the remaining review leaders were similar to those of the first one. While fully affirming the story of the sketch, they also put forward some different views, that is, suggestions for revision, and finally announced the approval.

And judging from the expressions of these two cross talk actors, it is obvious that the cross talk performed by the two actors just now was created by themselves.

If the pass rate is high, it means that this year's review is very loose, and if the pass rate is low, it means that this year's review is very strict.

Because she has seen all the works that were reviewed on stage today, and she thinks they are not bad, otherwise she would not let these works participate in the review.

"I won't say anything superfluous, let's play quickly." Xu Jie said.

For this character who created three sketches by himself last year, everyone can say that they have been admired for a long time, so after seeing the real person today, they all want to see if this person will continue the legend of last year.

Others also shook their heads.

Now, Alexander!
"Well, there is nothing new, and there is no creativity..."

This group includes Hu Xuan, Chen Siyan, and comedians Pan Fuqiang and Liu Xiaofeng. The lineup is relatively young. Unlike the other three groups, there are old artists in charge, and there are quite a few of them. If you just look at the actors, this one The group should be the one with the least pass rate.

Maybe it's just to tell them, or maybe it's for... jeez?
"I just want you to know that even if you can pass the first group, you will definitely be able to pass the second group." Xu Jie gradually put away his smile, and said seriously: "Do you know why I asked you to be the second to come on stage for review?" ? It’s because the story you tell in this sketch is the best among the four sketches, if the first sketch doesn’t pass the review, your approval can cheer for the next two sketches.”

He wanted to know what the pass rate was, so he had a bottom line in his heart.

"Because I think the story of your sketch is the best among the four sketches. I need you to take the lead for the other three groups, understand?" Xu Jie said seriously.

The crowd responded.

Everyone came to the studio hall in a mighty manner. The language program that was being reviewed was not over yet, so everyone could only sit down and wait in the auditorium.

Hold on, the big deal is that the New Year's goods will not be sold, and I will write four more.

"That's right, I have four works that I am most satisfied with. Do you have any questions?" Xu Jie asked.


The corner of Jiang Yuanyue's mouth twitched.

How dare she have problems!

(End of this chapter)

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