The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 989 The Money Has Arrived

Chapter 989 The Money Has Arrived
Xu Jie entered the room and motioned for Hu Xuan and Chen Siyan behind him to sit casually.

Today is not only a day for program rehearsal, but also a day for actors to meet, and it is also a day for program review, so besides Hu Xuan and Chen Siyan, other sketch actors will also come.

Not long after, there was a knock on the door outside.

When Xu Jie opened the door, he saw his senior and Mrs. Liu Juan, an old artist who had participated in CTS Spring Festival Gala many times, standing outside.

"Ms. Liu, you came early enough, please come in." Xu Jie stepped aside quickly and pointed to the room.

"I heard that you have finished writing the sketch, so I can't wait to come here. Now I am very much looking forward to the role you have arranged for me." Liu Juan said with a kind smile.

"Ms. Liu, let me tell you in advance that you can't dislike the character I wrote for you." Xu Jie said jokingly.

In the sketches he created, there are no perfect characters, and in order to increase the comedy effect, the shortcomings of each character will be magnified, so he can't guarantee that every actor will like the characters he arranges.

"Xiao Xu, you are overthinking. As an actor, you have to learn to create various types of characters, good, bad, noble, and despicable. If you don't act because you don't like it, then wouldn't you be in the film and television drama?" There is no villain?" Liu Juan said after hearing this.

In fact, these are secondary, the key is that she contacted the other party at the beginning, hoping to participate in the sketch created by the other party.

Now that the other party has arranged a role for her, it is for her face, how can she refuse because of the role?Doesn't that become relying on the old and selling the old?
"Mr. Liu is right." Xu Jie handed a printed book to the other party, "Mr. Liu, this is your sketch script, which includes the role you played and the character analysis of the character. I hope it will be helpful to you. Helps."

"Xiao Xu, you are so careful, then I will read it first, and then I will talk to you after reading it." Liu Juan took the notebook and walked towards an empty chair.

Hu Xuan and Chen Siyan stood up early, and greeted Liu Juan respectfully when they saw Liu Juan approaching.

"Hello, Mr. Liu."

"Teacher Liu, sit here."

From their point of view, although Teacher Liu seldom shows up on weekdays, and few works have come out in recent years, as veteran artists, the achievements in art are beyond their reach.

To tell the truth that hurts people, when they became popular all over the country, they were not born yet.

Isn't there such a sentence?Those who go up the mountain should never look down on those who go down the mountain.

Moreover, in the show business circle, there are countless examples of people being blocked because of disrespect to their predecessors, not to mention that this is CTS, it is better to be humble.

line?Second line?

In the eyes of old artists, there is no such thing as first-line or second-line.

Liu Juan looked at the script in the hands of the two young people, and said kindly, "Sit down, you're welcome."

Hu Xuan and Chen Siyan nodded, but they didn't sit down until they saw Liu Juan sitting down.

However, as soon as their buttocks were seated, they heard another knock on the door outside. As Mr. Xu opened the door, the old artist Song Lili came in this time, so the two of them were like springs, Stand up from the chair again.

Next, Hu Xuan and Chen Siyan were exhausted. They kept standing up and sitting down. There were nineteen actors in the four sketches, nine of them were old artists who had participated in the Spring Festival Gala more than ten times. In the end, the two simply did not sit down. Alright, just stand there and read the script.

It's not that they don't want to sit, it's because there are too many celebrities, and as a young actor, it's too rude to sit and talk to old artists, and it seems uneducated.

Of course, they have no dissatisfaction or complaints, because there are several other actors like them, and these are also first-tier and second-tier artists.

In the small room, big names gather and stars shine.

"Clap clap clap!"

Xu Jie saw that everyone was here, so he clapped his hands, and when everyone's eyes shifted from the script to his face, he said: "Teachers, let me take a little time for you, I have a few words to say .”

After everyone heard this, no matter if they were old artists who had participated in the Spring Festival Gala many times or popular first-line artists, they all put down the scripts in their hands and waited quietly for Xu Jie to speak.

Yu Gong, the other party is the director and screenwriter of the sketch. As actors in the sketch, everyone should listen to this person; Yu private, they contacted this person at the beginning, hoping to get a role in the sketch, and now the other party has fulfilled their wish. While everyone is grateful, they should also listen to each other's instructions.

Xu Jie scanned everyone's faces, and finally said: "Every teacher has already got the script of the sketch, and you all know the role you will play in the sketch, please don't rush to express your views on the characters and the story. , Our task today is to group words and respond to the review in the afternoon. After the review is over, we will make revisions based on the review team's suggestions and your thoughts. What do you think?"

He knows that everyone will definitely have a lot of ideas after reading his script, but now is not the time to revise the script. Let's make things clear first.

"Yes, deal with the review first!"

"Director Xu, we listen to you."

Everyone responded.

This is a very real problem.

Today is the first review, and it is useless to talk about ideas before the review, because no one knows whether the story told by the sketch can pass the review.

If it can be passed, it will not be too late to modify and improve the plot. Anyway, there is still a month before the Spring Festival Gala, but if the story is directly rejected by the review team, all the previous discussions will be in vain.

So what they have to do now is to be familiar with the plot and cooperate skillfully. They don't need to memorize the lines, they just need to read them well. The first review is mainly about the story of the script, and the performance of the actors will be a later matter.

So under Xu Jie's organization, the four sketches were divided into groups, each occupying a corner of the room for rehearsal, in preparation for the review in the afternoon.

Jiang Yuanyue watched all this with great satisfaction.

With this junior here, she is much better as the person in charge of the Spring Festival Gala language program.

Unlike previous years, she started to lose her hair as soon as she was preparing the sketch script, and she continued to lose her hair until the end of the Spring Festival Gala. It can be said that the schoolboy saved her hair.

Seeing that her junior was instructing the actors, she quietly left the room to see how the other language programs were going.



Time passed quickly, and it was afternoon in a blink of an eye.

After several hours of preparation, everyone was not only able to familiarize themselves with the lines, but also to express the story of the whole sketch clearly.

This is very important.

If the story cannot be expressed clearly, the review team will not be able to understand the story, so how can the sketch pass the review?
"I heard from a staff member of the Spring Festival Gala just now that language programs have started to be censored, and two of them have been killed. It should be our turn soon."

Chen Siyan just went to the bathroom, which she overheard from two staff members.

When the other people in the room heard this, they became tense all of a sudden. Even those old artists who had participated in the Spring Festival Gala many times were no exception, and the atmosphere suddenly dropped to freezing point.

Although everyone does not know how many have passed, but people's thinking is usually habitually thinking of things as bad, so they all start to worry about whether their sketches can pass the review.

If they don't even pass the first review, they can only go back and prepare a new script, but the question is, will Director Xu have time to prepare a new script for them?

From their point of view, even if the two sketches were killed, Director Xu still has two sketches. It is already a pretty good achievement to have two sketches to participate in the Spring Festival Gala. May I ask who else has two works to participate in the Spring Festival Gala?
As a result, everyone couldn't help turning their attention to Director Xu, thinking in their hearts whether the sketch they performed was Director Xu's most proud and satisfying work.

After hearing Chen Siyan's words, Xu Jie also became quiet.

For him, the four sketches were all written by him, and they were created with great care. There is no distinction between good and bad, and he would feel a pity that any sketch was killed.

In fact, what he was worried about was not that the sketch was killed, but what Chen Ya would think once he was killed.

Will the other party think that he just writes a few random stories to deal with people, will he think that there is a problem with his attitude towards the Spring Festival Gala sketches, will he cancel the future cooperation between CTS and Beijing Television Culture...

He has too many things to worry about.

"Ring bell bell!"

Suddenly a burst of music sounded, which was particularly harsh in the silent and depressing room, and everyone was startled.

Xu Jie's heart was also pounding. Seeing everyone staring at him, he realized that it was his cell phone that was ringing.

"Sorry, I'm going out to answer a call." Xu Jie said shyly, and took out his cell phone as he walked out.

I saw two words displayed on the screen: Su Lei.

It's my brother-in-law.

This kid, why did he suddenly think of calling him?
"Hey, what's the matter?" Xu Jie asked after closing the door. He hadn't contacted the other party for a long time, and he didn't know how this little brother-in-law was doing.

In the profession of an actor, there is a background and a background, and ultimately you have to rely on yourself. If you don't work hard, your background will become a black spot instead.

"Brother-in-law, good news, great news, the money has arrived!" Su Lei's excited voice came from the microphone.

"Money? What money?" Xu Jie asked puzzled.

He is not a rent collector, and he is not a bill collector. How can he have any bills?

"The film split is the movie "Lovers in Time and Space" that you made. After the split, the money has already been transferred to the company's account. The total is more than 700 million!" Su Lei said.

Xu Jie was slightly taken aback, then his pupils began to dilate, and his face was full of excitement.

After the movie is released, the time for splitting accounts is not fixed, but it is usually completed within half a year.

Calculating the time, more than two months have passed, and the money was distributed a year ago. Is this going to be a New Year's gift for everyone?
Now that the money from the secret investment has already arrived in the account, then the money he exchanged for the reward should have also been transferred to the account of Jingshi Culture.

In this way, he should have around 700 million now.

Xu Jie looked at both ends of the corridor and felt that it was not safe to speak here, so he went to the bathroom, and after confirming that there was no one there, he said, "Brother-in-law, prepare yourself, take time to go to Beijing TV Culture these two days, and put all the All the money is transferred to Jingshi Culture.”

Regarding the contract of Outstanding Film and Television Culture Company investing in "Legend of Lan Xi", it had already been finalized long before the filming of the TV series started, but it was just that they hadn't paid for it.

Now that there is money in the account, it is time to take it all out.

The premiere rights and online broadcast rights of "Legend of Lan Xi" have been sold for more than [-] billion. This is a certainty, that is to say, he has now made a solid profit.

Moreover, the distribution of accounts for TV dramas is very different from that of movies. A large part of the box office of movies will be distributed by cinemas, while this problem does not exist for TV dramas.

So based on the investment ratio at the current stage and the cost of the sale, this time, it should be no problem to earn him a small goal.

"Good brother-in-law, I'll go back to the capital tomorrow!" Su Lei said excitedly.

Although the money is not his, but as the general manager of an outstanding film and television culture company, even the passing God of Wealth finds it very enjoyable.

"Well, that's it."

Xu Jie was about to hang up the phone when his brother-in-law's voice suddenly came from the phone.

"Brother-in-law, wait!" Su Lei shouted.

After Xu Jie heard it, he put the phone to his ear again, "What's the matter?"

"Brother-in-law, as the old saying goes, the fat and water don't flow to outsiders. I am your brother-in-law, and my sister is your wife. If there is something good, should you bring me along?" Su Lei didn't say anything, and played the emotional card first. .

"Speak up if you have something to say, and let go if you have something to say!" Xu Jie said angrily.

"Brother-in-law, after these two years of hard work, I now have a little money in my hands. Can you let me also invest some money in the TV series "Legend of Lan Xi" so that I can make a little money?" Su Lei asked.

Xu Jie was slightly taken aback, it turned out to be this matter.

Of course that's great!
When he was filming "Lover in Time and Space", he was not paid that much just because of his dual identities as director and screenwriter. Later, because he played the leading role, the higher-ups agreed to pay him 500 million yuan, and it was not a cash payment. , it must be turned into a box office share, which almost made him play in vain.

Although the filming of "Legend of Lan Xi" sold for a lot of money, the money was all from the company. As the producer, he didn't get much at all. At most, he would get some bonus at the end of the month or at the end of the year. Compared with the [-] billion , It's just a drop in the bucket.

In fact, he really wanted to invest more in the project "Legend of Lan Xi", because the more he invested, the more rewards he would get.

However, the outstanding film and television culture company's share of the movie box office is limited, and the share he obtained from Jingshi culture cannot be transferred to the outstanding film and television culture company's account, so he can only hold the money and sigh.

But Su Lei is different. The other party is the general manager of the outstanding film and television culture company. It is only natural to inject money into the company for investment. No one can find out the fault. Since there is this opportunity, why not make good use of it?

"How much money do you have?" Xu Jie asked.

"Not much, 1000 million!" Su Lei said.

"Okay, but we will split the profit of this investment in [-]/[-], you two, and I eight." Xu Jie said.

"Ah? Brother-in-law, you are too cruel. I'm your brother-in-law. How about [-]-[-]?" Su Lei asked anxiously.

"Twenty-eight, do you vote or not? Forget it." Xu Jie continued to ask.

Su Lei thought to himself, anyway, the profit is twenty-eight, some profit is better than none.

"Okay, two is two, I'm two!"

"Yes, you two!"


(End of this chapter)

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