The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 988 Poaching in person?

Chapter 988 Poaching in person?

For celebrities, it is definitely a very exciting thing to receive an invitation from CTS Spring Festival Gala.

This not only means being recognized and favored by CTV, but also means that he will perform on the most grand stage in China.

This is an opportunity that countless stars dream of, and not everyone can get it.

So when Hu Xuan and Chen Siyan received the invitation from the director team of China TV Spring Festival Gala, they were so excited that they didn't fall asleep all night.

Although I heard Mr. Xu mentioned it before, but it was just talking, who knows if it is true?

One must know that Liu Jinghua had personally promised many things to them when he was in the prosperous brokerage company, but in the end nothing was fulfilled?

The so-called: no contrast, no gap.

Compared with Liu Jinghua, Mr. Xu is still reliable, and he does what he says.

Just because of this, the two felt that they were following the wrong person.

So on the second day after receiving the invitation, the two went to Huaxia TV Station. Since they got such a precious opportunity, of course they had to make good use of it.

Since both of them came to CTS for the first time, they felt a little nervous. In addition, they were both acting in the same sketch, so they made an appointment to go together.

Two nanny cars parked one after the other on the side of the road not far from CTV. Hu Xuan and Chen Siyan got out of the car and walked towards the gate.

Although it was morning, there were already many reporters and groupies standing on both sides of the gate. The chilly wind couldn't blow away their enthusiasm, and it was like tickling for them.

Although Hu Xuan and Chen Siyan were both wearing masks, they were still recognized by these reporters and groupies. They started to take pictures and videos with their mobile phones when they were far away, and some even took the initiative to say hello.

"Hu Xuan, did you come to China TV to participate in the Spring Festival Gala?"

"Siyan, are you going to sing or play a sketch?"

Hu Xuan didn't dare to say more, because the performance of the Spring Festival Gala has been kept in a state of secrecy, and he and Chen Siyan came today not only to participate in the sketch rehearsal, but also to sign a confidentiality agreement with the director team of the Spring Festival Gala. content, then I can only leave the Spring Festival Gala crew.

But if he didn't say anything, acted as if he was arrogant and self-respecting, and then posted it on the Internet later, wouldn't he be sprayed bloody by the little black powder?

Now there are some self-media, who cares whether it is true or not?Dare to write anything as long as it catches the eye.

So after a lot of careful consideration, Hu Xuan bent down slightly, bowed his head humbly, and walked past those people, and said sweetly: "It's cold outside, everyone, keep warm..."

And Chen Siyan, who was walking behind, followed suit and said with a smile: "Everyone has worked hard."

"Hu Xuan, you announced on Weibo a few days ago that you will sign a contract with Su Yun's studio. What do you think? There are so many entertainment companies, why did you choose Su Yun's studio?" An entertainment reporter suddenly shouted asked.

"Siyan, you and Hu Xuan used to be members of the prosperous brokerage company, and now you join Su Yun's studio together, did you discuss it early?" Another entertainment reporter also asked Chen Siyan a question.

"Hu Xuan, did you have a disagreement with the former brokerage company on the renewal of the contract? Can you tell us?"

"Yes, Hu Xuan, you chose to change the brokerage company at the peak of your career, do you have any inside story?"


A group of reporters asked questions one after another, as if they would not stop until they found something.

After Hu Xuan heard it, sweat broke out on his forehead.

Although these issues have nothing to do with the Spring Festival Gala, the content is too sensitive.

If you tell the truth, it seems that he is slandering the former company, which is a big taboo for artists. If it is not to the point of going to court, the artist and the former company will generally not tear their skins apart.

No matter how unhappy the quarrel is in private, they will declare to the outside world that they have broken up peacefully, wish each other well, and give everyone a face.

Furthermore, if the former club is slandered, what will the current club think?
Turn your face and deny people as soon as you break up?

Isn't this ungrateful?

Who dares to hold it?

"Thank you, thank you for your concern, I hope you can support me and continue to pay attention to my future works, thank you." Hu Xuan said a few polite words, and then walked quickly to the gate of Huaxia TV Station, not daring to come in Stay here for half a minute.

In contrast, Chen Siyan seemed relatively calm. With Hu Xuan attracting firepower, she basically didn't get a few shots. Even if someone asked a question, she would pretend not to hear it. Who made too many people ask Hu Xuan?
The two came to the gate with their assistants, put on their work permits for the Spring Festival Gala, and walked in smoothly.

Hu Xuan breathed a sigh of relief at this moment, and finally asked.

"Old Hu, Siyan, here!"

Downstairs in the CTV building, Xu Jie waved at Hu Xuan and Chen Siyan.

How clever he is, he has been standing in the lobby on the first floor waiting, and only comes out when he sees people coming, unlike the naive senior sister who ran outside and stood in such a cold day.

After Hu Xuan and Chen Siyan saw it, they quickened their pace unconsciously, and immediately stopped to say hello after they came to Xu Jie.

"Morning Mr. Xu."

"Mr. Xu, I kept you waiting."

Xu Jie nodded, waved his watch and said, "You guys came early enough."

The appointment was at 09:30, and it was just after nine o'clock. If he hadn't received calls from the two of them, he would still be upstairs adding material to the script right now.

"I was worried about traffic jams on the road, so I came early." Hu Xuan said.

"Mr. Xu, this is my first time at CTS, I would rather wait for others than keep them waiting for a long time." Chen Siyan said with a wry smile.

Where is CTS?
Even an ordinary reporter here is not something she can offend.

"Don't be nervous, this is not a dragon's pond or a tiger's lair." Xu Jie comforted with a smile, then pointed to the door behind him, "Go, go in."

After speaking, he walked in first.

Hu Xuan and Chen Siyan silently followed Mr. Xu, thinking: This is indeed not a dragon's pool and a tiger's den, but it is more dangerous than a dragon's pool and a tiger's den. If you are not careful, your acting career will be affected.

Xu Jie brought people to the backstage of the studio hall. In order to be able to better create and direct good sketches, the director team specially arranged a room for him. Looking at all language programs, only He is treated like this.

Just as Xu Jie was approaching the room, several people suddenly appeared in front of him.

It was Liu Jinghua and her artists.

Hu Xuan and Chen Siyan were slightly taken aback when they saw it, and their steps began to slow down, neither walking nor stopping, with embarrassing expressions on their faces.

Sometimes life is so wonderful, the more you don't want to see someone, the more you can meet someone.

Perhaps because of this, life will be full of drama.

At this moment, Liu Jinghua was happily talking to the artists beside him, but after seeing Xu Jie, his face immediately became ugly, especially when he saw Hu Xuan and Chen Siyan standing behind Xu Jie, his eyes wanted to make people Eat the same, very vicious, and vicious.

"Hey, isn't this Mr. Liu? What a coincidence." Xu Jie greeted him with a smile.

Now that we have met each other, we can't pretend that we don't know each other.

However, his eyes were not on that old woman Liu Jinghua, but on the faces of the three artists behind her.

He actually knew these three.

One is He Jingjing, now the first sister of Fanhua Brokerage Company, an artist whom Liu Jinghua strongly admires, and the other two are star couple Zhang Yunge and Jiang Xiaolu, not only met at the previous annual meeting of Fanhua Brokerage Company, but also filmed "Delicious History" .

When Liu Jinghua saw Xu Jie staring at the artist behind him with ill intentions, he couldn't help but feel a little more ominous, but more of it was anger, because Hu Xuan and Chen Siyan behind the other party just dug them under her hands of.

Because of this matter, she didn't eat well for half a month, and she lost five or six catties.

In order not to keep getting thinner, she resolutely moved a few steps, stood in front of her own artist, and said coldly to the man opposite: "Yes, Mr. Xu, what a coincidence, what are you doing here at Huashi?"

"What can you do at China TV at this time? Of course, it's to participate in the rehearsal of the Spring Festival Gala. Mr. Liu is here for this, right?" Xu Jie asked.

Liu Jinghua already knew that the director team of China TV Spring Festival Gala invited the other party to write a sketch, so she was not surprised by the other party's answer, but the appearance of Hu Xuan and Chen Siyan made her a little puzzled. Could it be that they came to participate in the variety show?

"Hu Xuan, Siyan, what are you doing here?" Liu Jinghua asked, not only with a condescending expression, but also with an arrogant tone.

Hu Xuan was shocked, and he was a little at a loss. Although he had left the prosperous brokerage company, when he faced the gold medal broker in the entertainment industry, he still couldn't help but feel a little guilty, and said in a trembling voice: " Miss Hua, we are here..."

"They are here to participate in the rehearsal of the Spring Festival Gala." Xu Jie took Hu Xuan's words and said.

Liu Jinghua was startled when he heard this.

Participate in the Spring Festival Gala rehearsal?

Are these two people going to participate in this year's CTV Spring Festival Gala?

It's nothing for an artist to participate in the Spring Festival Gala. The protagonists of the Spring Festival Gala are a group of artists, but the problem is that the two people in front of her just switched from her management company to another company and immediately entered the list of Spring Festival Gala artists. This, isn't this a slap in the face of her?
The three artists standing behind Liu Jinghua were also surprised.

Although Prosperity Brokerage Company has artists to participate in the CTV Spring Festival Gala every year, those who can be invited are generally the most popular in the company in the past year, and there are also activities of Sister Hua, such as Hu Xuan and Chen Siyan, although they are also First-tier and second-tier artists, but they can't be ranked in the company at all.

But now, these two have just transferred to Sister Yun's studio, and were immediately arranged to participate in the CTV Spring Festival Gala. Isn't this resource too greedy?

Before everyone knew that Hu Xuan and Chen Siyan had left the company, they all agreed that they would regret it. After all, Sister Hua was only blocked by the Beijing TV station and not by other TV stations. But now it seems that it is hard to say whether they will regret it At least this time, the opportunity to appear on the China TV Spring Festival Gala was something that the two of them could not get if they stayed in the prosperous brokerage company.

"What program are they on?" Liu Jinghua asked immediately after recovering.

There are many kinds of Spring Festival Gala programs, so the length of time the actors appear on the stage will also vary.

For example, some programs are solo singing, and some programs are joint singing. A solo singer will occupy a few minutes and show his face for a long time, while if it is a joint singing, the appearance will only be 30 seconds.

For example, He Jingjing behind her was in charge of singing solo, while Zhang Yunge and Jiang Xiaolu's couple also sang a song together and would show their faces for a few minutes.

"Didn't I write a few sketches? It happened that there were two actors missing, so I asked them to act." Xu Jie said lightly.

However, Liu Jinghua's complexion became ugly at this moment.

A sketch?

That is more than ten minutes of appearance time, which is far longer than that of solo singing.

This is so annoying!

Liu Jinghua gritted her teeth tightly, her face was flushed as if she had just been slapped.

At this time, Xu Jie looked at the three artists behind Liu Jinghua, and asked with a smile: "I wonder if the three are interested in acting in the sketch? If you have an idea, I can consider it."

When Liu Jinghua heard this, smoke rose from his orifices and he became furious.

Too embarrassing!

Isn't this poaching people in front of her?

"I have no idea, there is nothing to do in the skits. The current skits are not funny at all, and the actors are all acting embarrassingly on stage, and the audience is smirking off the stage. They are simply deceiving themselves." He Jingjing said with a sneer, and then said He leaned against Liu Jinghua to show his position.

Zhang Yunge and Jiang Xiaolu also reacted at this moment, and expressed their opinions in front of Sister Hua.

"Sister Jing is right, the current sketches are simply unreadable."

"It's better to sing, our song will definitely become this year's popular song."

When Liu Jinghua heard the answers from the artists under her command, she couldn't help but feel less angry, and it was not in vain for her to push these three people on the stage of the China TV Spring Festival Gala through her relationship.

"President Xu, did you hear that? My people don't care about your sketches." Liu Jinghua said triumphantly.

For her, there is nothing happier than seeing the man in front of her deflated.

"Really? That's such a pity. I still haven't chosen a few leading roles. Since you are not interested, I will let someone else play the role." Xu Jie sighed deeply, then looked at He Jingjing, Zhang Yunge and Jiang Xiaolu said: "If you change your mind in the future, remember to come to me. My mobile number is..."

"Xu Jie, you...!" Liu Jinghua widened his eyes and interrupted the other party loudly.

"Mr. Liu, don't be angry. Anger can easily make people age. Look at you, those with deep wrinkles are starting to fade. It's better to be broad-minded. That's fine, let's stop chatting. We still have to rehearse the show. Let's meet again, Mr. Liu, goodbye." Xu Jie waved at Liu Jinghua, and then walked to the front room.

Liu Jinghua stood on the spot, trembling uncontrollably, just like the tremor before a volcano erupts.

She hates people saying she is old the most!

She was so broad-minded, so she blocked Su Yun alone, but the other party blocked an artist from her company.

Liu Jinghua turned around and looked at the man's back with hatred.

'Talk to me about being broad-minded, and you deserve it too? '

(End of this chapter)

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