The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 987 Entrainment of private goods

Xu Jie left the studio and drove to Huaxia TV Station.

Before he got there, he saw the senior standing outside the gate of CTS wrapped in a thick long down jacket from a distance.

Probably because of the cold weather, people stomped in place, looking like a penguin.

Xu Jie drove slowly and stopped in front of the senior, looked at her and joked, "What are you doing, senior? Do you want to tap dance?"

After Jiang Yuanyue heard it, she stopped stomping her feet, rolled her eyes and said, "Did you come here by car or a cart? I've been waiting for you here for more than 20 minutes. Why are you so slow?"

Xu Jie was slightly taken aback.

20 more minutes?
It has only been half an hour since he and Chen Ya ended the call.

Judging from the time, the senior should have come here to wait for him after receiving Chen Ya's instructions.

Oh, what a fool!

"Senior sister, doesn't it take time for the journey from the company to CTS? Do you think I'm the Flash? Besides, you CTS is such a great place. I have to prepare well before coming to you. Get a hairstyle, change clothes, etc.?" Xu Jie said.

"It's not that you are asked to host the party, what hairstyle do you want, that's all right, don't be poor, go in quickly, Director Chen is still waiting for you." Jiang Yuanyue said angrily, and then threw something into the car , and then hurried into the gate.

Xu Jie picked up the things. This is his work card, the work card of the Spring Festival Gala crew. With it, he can enter and exit China TV.

You must know that Huaxia TV Station is not a place where everyone can come in and out casually. Whether it is the boss of a media company or a star artist, without relevant documents, they have to stay outside honestly.

Xu Jie found a place to park the car, and then walked into the CTS building.

The lobby on the first floor is spacious and bright, giving people a transparent feeling as soon as you enter.

Here, you can see a familiar face from time to time, and even wake up some fragments hidden in the depths of your mind, which are the memories of an era.

"Senior sister, I saw a lot of people outside just now, what are they doing?" Xu Jie came to the senior sister and asked, the other party had already taken off the heavy down jacket, and changed from a penguin back to a fashionable and capable workplace female.

"Some are reporters, some are fans. After all, the censorship of the Spring Festival Gala program has begun, and there are inevitably celebrities coming in and out. Those people are here to catch news and take pictures." Jiang Yuanyue explained as he walked.

In fact, it was like this every year around this time, and she was used to it.

Xu Jie followed Jiang Yuanyue to the Spring Festival Gala. The stage has already started to be built and has a rough prototype. The overall look should continue the prosperous style of previous years, so that there will be a festive atmosphere.

"Director Chen, Xu Jie is here."

Jiang Yuanyue found Chen Ya at the bottom of the stage. He was holding a tablet computer in his hand and was talking to several other people. He kept gesticulating on the tablet, looking very busy.

However, after Chen Ya heard Jiang Yuanyue's voice, she immediately stopped what she was doing, especially when she saw Xu Jie, her eyes lit up, and she didn't have such eyes when she saw a female star.

"You guys do what I said just now, and I'll come and check later." Chen Ya told the people around him a few words, then walked up to Xu Jie, and said with a smile on his face: "Mr. When you arrive at the Spring Festival Gala studio, what do you think of this place?" After speaking, he pointed in the direction of the stage.

After Xu Jie heard it, how dare he talk about his ideas?
Last month in Xiazhou, just because he said a few words casually, the other party handed over the stage design of the New Year's Eve party to him. If he said it again today, wouldn't it be because he was looking for work for himself?
learn from mistakes!
Same thing, he won't do it twice.

"Okay!" Xu Jie said while nodding: "As soon as I entered here just now, I felt the atmosphere of the Chinese New Year. It's great."

Jiang Yuanyue at the side gave this junior a direct look. The studio has just been decorated today, and the overall framework has not been completed yet. Can you tell whether the hammer is good or bad?The ability to open your eyes and talk nonsense is really slippery.


Chen Ya looked at the young man with a smile. Although the other party's words were nice, they were not nutritious, and it was not the answer he wanted.

At this time, he saw the tablet computer in the hands of the person in charge of the construction team, immediately reached out and took it back, looked at the other party and said, "Mr. Xu, the layout has just started, and I will show you the overall stage effect after the layout is completed."

Seeing the situation, Xu Jie thought that the old fox obviously didn't want to let him go, so he said before looking at it: "The decoration is so beautiful at the beginning, and it must be even more beautiful after the decoration."

When the other party brought the tablet in front of him and showed the renderings inside, he immediately stretched out his thumb and said in admiration: "It's beautiful, it's even better than I imagined, it's absolutely amazing, Director Chen, are you How did you come up with this plan, teach me quickly, and I can learn from it at the director's party in the future."

His move is called pre-emptive attack. Before the other party asks him, he will ask the other party for advice first.

The corner of Chen Ya's mouth twitched involuntarily. He wanted to say something, but the other party blocked it all.

Well, there is no way to ask the other party to comment.

They have already bowed down, how can they ask the other party to give their opinions?

This young man doesn't talk about Wude.

Xu Jie looked at the corner of Chen Ya's trembling mouth, worried that the other party would continue to ask, so he handed over the notebook in his hand, and changed the subject, "Director Chen, this is a sketch script, you should read it first."

After hearing this, Chen Ya was immediately attracted by the sketch script. Compared with the party arrangement, he was more concerned about how the sketch script was going to be.

"Mr. Xu, sit down. I'll read the script first." Chen Ya pointed to the chair beside him, then took the script, and carefully read it.

Xu Jie was not polite to the other party, and sat down directly. After all, he brought four scripts this time, and it would take a while to read them all.

But when he was sitting down, his eyes were not idle, he kept staring at the expression on Chen Ya's face to judge the other party's approval of the script.

Of course, this is only the first step. Only after passing the level of the chief director can you be eligible to show it to the review team, otherwise you will not even have the chance to rehearse.

Chen Ya's expression was calm at first, but it changed as she looked at it. Sometimes she grinned, sometimes frowned, sometimes nodded, sometimes shook her head, but she just didn't say anything.

Xu Jie could still feel better, but Jiang Yuanyue at the side was very anxious, wishing to grab the script and take a look.

"Student, do you still have the electronic version? Pass it to me." Jiang Yuanyue said in a low voice.

"No." Xu Jie shook his head.

"No? How is it possible?" Jiang Yuanyue frowned, showing disbelief.

"The content of the Spring Festival Gala skit is highly confidential. Can I take it with me casually? What should I do if my phone is lost and exposed by the media? Do I continue to perform it, or should I rewrite it?" Xu Jie asked.

Jiang Yuanyue thought about it, and she was right.

Skits are not like songs.

Nice songs can be listened to repeatedly, and even become more interesting the more you listen.

Isn't there such a sentence?When you first listen to it, you don't know what you want in the song, but after listening to it again, you are already in the song.

However, once the content of the skit is exposed, when the burden appears, the audience will not find it so funny because they know in advance that the laughter will become higher.

What's the point of skits if they don't make you laugh?

Jiang Yuanyue took a deep breath, and it seemed that she could only wait for Director Chen to finish watching her.

The skit script was not long, and Chen Ya finished one quickly.

Jiang Yuanyue's eyes were quick, and she quickly reached out to take it.

In this way, after Chen Ya finished watching one, she took another one. Although it was a beat slower than Director Chen, it was better than sitting still.

Chen Ya's speed was very fast, and he finished reading all of them in half an hour.

"Director Chen, what instructions do you have?" Xu Jie withdrew from Doudizhu and looked at Chen Ya.

Chen Ya thought for a while, as if summarizing the language, and then nodded and said after a while: "Well, the content of the sketch is closely related to the real things, and it is closely related to the lives of the people. You can find conflicts in it, and you can turn these conflicts into laughter. It shows that you not only have keen insight, but also have good logical thinking, very good, as good as last year's skit."

I am used to watching those illogical plots and embarrassing jokes, but now I suddenly encounter natural and humorous ones, and I feel refreshed and refreshed, and I no longer feel sleepy.

"Thank you, Director Chen." Xu Jie said after listening.

He was never worried about Director Chen's level, because he knew what kind of person the other party was. What he worried about was the level of the review team.

"I want to thank you. You solved the most troublesome problem of the Spring Festival Gala for me. To be honest, as long as the sketch is good, I don't have any pressure on the director of the Spring Festival Gala."

While Chen Ya was speaking, she unconsciously straightened her back, with a confident smile on her face.

Then he seemed to think of something, looked at Xu Jie and asked, "Oh, by the way, when I saw the next two scripts, why did I feel a little different from the first two scripts? It seems, it seems..."

"It's too concise, isn't it?" Xu Jie took the other party's words.

"Yes, yes!" Chen Ya nodded repeatedly.

He felt that it took a long time when he watched the first two sketches, but he felt that the time passed quickly when he watched the last two sketches.

"Director Chen, it's like this. The last two scripts you saw were written after I went to Xiazhou. Because there are many other things to be busy, in order to finish before New Year's Day, I cut corners when writing. But don't worry, before the official rehearsal comes, I will definitely perfect the details." Xu Jie promised earnestly.

There is no need to hide this kind of trivial matter, and there is no shame. Besides, in front of the review team, there is no perfect skit script. Anyway, it has to be changed. Wouldn’t it be better to change it after listening to the review team’s opinions?
Chen Ya nodded understandingly. He already knew from Zhao Hongbo that the other party was invited to be in charge of backstage work, so now he heard what the other party said, and he didn't have any other thoughts.

In fact, compared with the scripts sent by other sketch actors, the other party's script is already very complete. He read a sketch script this morning and finished it in less than 5 minutes.

"Mr. Xu, don't worry. There is still more than a month until the Spring Festival Gala. It would be nice to finish the script before the final review." Chen Ya said with a smile.

He was anxious before because he was worried that the other party would not be able to complete the task of the four sketch scripts, he was also worried about the quality of the four sketch scripts, and he was even more worried that the other party would write four random scripts to deal with him.

But now, the other party has not only completed the four sketch scripts that he promised him at the beginning, but the quality is also very good, so he is not in a hurry.

To put it simply, I didn't have a bottom in my heart at the beginning, but now I have a bottom in my heart.

"By the way, about actors...what do I need to do?" Chen Ya asked.

The other party's work is over, and now it's time for him to serve the other party.

Xu Jie took out a piece of paper from his pocket, and handed it to Chen Ya, "Director Chen, this is the list of actors. I originally wanted you to decide, but some time ago, all these people suddenly contacted me, hoping to cooperate with me. , there are many old artists among them, I am too embarrassed to refuse, so I can only arrange them into the story."

While he was speaking, he kept staring at Chen Ya, because according to the news he got from those sketch actors, it was this old fox who sent those people to come to him.

When Chen Ya heard the last word, the corners of her mouth gradually turned up, but after noticing the gaze of the young man in front of her, she immediately put away her smile.

"Mr. Xu, you should be happy. This shows that everyone not only trusts you, but also recognizes your works. Otherwise, would those old artists give up their original team and come to you?" Chen Ya said, looking down at the paper list.

He was just looking at it casually, but he saw the problem when he looked at it.

There are... a lot of film and television actors.

Of course, it is normal for film and television actors to play sketches. After all, with the decline of sketches, professional sketch actors are very rare.

It's just that there are two names on it that make him feel very familiar, as if he's seen it somewhere recently.

Hu Xuan, Chen Siyan...

Chen Ya thought about it, and suddenly her heart shook, and she finally remembered.

Aren't these two the stars that Su Yun's studio announced the signing today?When he sent WeChat to others just now, WeChat News also pushed this message specifically.

I didn't pay much attention at the time, but now I see the names of these two people, isn't the artist of Su Yun's studio the artist of Mr. Xu?
Chen Ya looked up at Xu Jie, and if he said that the other party had no private goods, he would not believe it even if he was beaten to death. Maybe even the other movie stars here belonged to the other party, or had a close relationship with the other party.

However, where there are people, there are rivers and lakes, and where there are rivers and lakes, there are people with sophistication.

As the chief director of the Spring Festival Gala, since the day the director team was established, people have been greeting him all the time. Some recommended singers, some recommended actors, and some recommended hosts. There are people in every position. He can Reject all?cannot!
So now seeing Xu Jie's list, he finally chose to turn a blind eye. After all, in this list, there are a few sketch actors who he pushed to Xu Jie.

"President Xu, I have accepted the list, and I will contact these actors later." Chen Ya said with a smile.

"Thank you, Director Chen." Xu Jie also smiled.

it is more than words.


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